
Defines functions read_gt3x

Documented in read_gt3x

#' Read data from a gt3x file
#' @param file character. Path to the file
#' @param tz character. The timezone to use
#' @param verbose logical. Print updates to console?
#' @param include character. The PACKET types to parse
#' @param flag_idle_sleep should recorded idle sleep times be tagged?
#' @param parser the parsing scheme to use, either \code{legacy}, \code{dev}, or
#'   \code{external}. The legacy parser runs slowly but includes more extensive
#'   checks to ensure alignment with \code{RAW.csv} and \code{IMU.csv} files.
#'   The development parser runs faster and has also been checked for alignment
#'   with \code{RAW.csv} and \code{IMU.csv} files, but not as strictly. For
#'   example, rounding is not performed by \code{parser="dev"}. The external
#'   parser is a wrapper for \code{read.gt3x::read.gt3x}, and specific arguments
#'   can be passed in via \code{...}
#' @param cleanup logical. Delete unzipped files?
#' @param data_checks logical. Run extra checks on the data (e.g. for large
#'   values and duplicated timestamps)?  Set to \code{FALSE} to speed up
#'   reading.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{read.gt3x::read.gt3x} when
#'   \code{parser == "external"}
#' @return A list of processed data, with one element for each of the relevant
#'   packet types.
#' @details
#' The default value for \code{include} gives all possible packet types, of
#' which there are 18. Processing time can be reduced by passing a subset of the
#' 18 possibilities. Exclusion is not recommended for the PARAMETERS and
#' SENSOR_SCHEMA packets, which also do not take long to process.
#' @references
#' \url{https://github.com/actigraph/GT3X-File-Format}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' file_3x <- system.file(
#'   "extdata", "example.gt3x", package = "AGread"
#' )
#' AG_3x <- read_gt3x(file_3x)
#' head(lapply(AG_3x, head))
#' }
read_gt3x <- function(
  file, tz = "UTC", verbose = FALSE,
                "LUX", "CAPSENSE", "EPOCH", "EPOCH2", "EPOCH3", "EPOCH4", "ACTIVITY2",
  flag_idle_sleep = FALSE, parser = c("legacy", "dev", "external"), cleanup = FALSE,
  data_checks = TRUE, ...
) {

  ## Setup

    timer <- PAutilities::manage_procedure(
      "Start", "\nProcessing", basename(file), "\n",
      verbose = verbose

    parser <- match.arg(parser)

    file %<>% read_gt3x_setup(verbose, cleanup)

    info <- read_gt3x_info(file, tz, verbose)

  ## Read the bin file

    if (verbose) cat("\n  Reading log.bin")

      log  <-
        file$path %>%
        utils::unzip("log.bin", exdir = tempdir()) %>%
          "raw", file$result["log.bin", "Length"]

    if (verbose) cat("  ............. COMPLETE")

  ## Parse the log file

    if (parser == "external") {

      log %<>% external_parser(info, file, tz, verbose, ...)

    } else {

      log %<>% parse_log_bin(info, tz, verbose, include, parser, file)


  ## Flag idle sleep if requested

    if (flag_idle_sleep) {

      if (!all(
        "RAW" %in% names(log),
        "EVENT" %in% names(log)
      )) {

          "Cannot flag idle sleep unless both `RAW` and `EVENT` are elements",
          " of the output.\n  Make sure `include` contains \"ACTIVITY\",",
          "\"ACTIVITY2\", and \"EVENT\".", call. = FALSE

      } else {

        log$RAW %<>% flag_idle(log$EVENT, verbose)



  ## Run extra checks if requested and applicable

    if (!is.null(log$RAW$Timestamp) & data_checks) {

      if (verbose) cat("\n  Running some extra data checks")

      if (anyDuplicated(log$RAW$Timestamp)) warning(
        "Duplicated timestamps in the data. This usually indicates an error",
        call. = FALSE

      if (any(.accel_names %in% names(log$RAW))) {

        intersect(.accel_names, names(log$RAW)) %>%
        log$RAW[ ,.] %>%
        abs(.) %>%
        {. > .odd_value_threshold} %>%
        any(.) %>%
        {if (.) warning(
          "Data values outside of ", .odd_value_threshold,
          " threshold, this usually indicates an error",
          call. = FALSE


      if (verbose) cat("Checking............. COMPLETE")


  ## Run cleanup procedures if requested

    if (cleanup) {

      if (verbose) cat("\n\n  Cleaning up")

      remove_file <- attr(file$path, "remove")

      if (remove_file) {

      tempdir() %>%
        file.path("log.bin") %>%

      if (verbose) cat("  ............. COMPLETE")


  ## Return

      "End", "\n\nProcessing complete. Elapsed time",
      "minutes.\n", verbose = verbose



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AGread documentation built on Sept. 13, 2022, 5:06 p.m.