#' @name conversion
#' @title Converting between formats
#' @aliases toWide toLong toCompiled toRaw toTabular
#' @md
#' @description The functions `toWide()`, `toLong()`, `toCompiled()`
#' `toRaw()` and `toTabular()`
#' converts the data into various formats.
#' @usage toWide(w)
#' @usage toLong(w)
#' @usage toCompiled(w)
#' @usage toRaw(w)
#' @usage toTabular(w)
#' @param w An instance of an ANOFA object.
#' @return a data frame in the requested format.
#' @details The classification of a set of $n$ participants can be
#' given using many formats. One basic format (called `wide` herein)
#' has $n$ lines, one per participants, and category names assigned
#' to each.
#' Another format (called `compiled` herein) is to have a list of all
#' the categories and the number of participants falling in each
#' cells. This last format is typically much more compact (if there
#' are 6 categories, the data are all contained in six lines).
#' However, we fail to see each individual contributing to the counts.
#' See the vignette DataFormatsForFrequencies for more.
#' A third possible format (called `raw` herein) put one column per
#' category and 1 is the observation matches this category, 0 otherwise.
#' This format results in $n$ lines, one participants, and as many
#' columns are there are categories.
#' Lastly, a fourth format (called `long` herein) as, on a line, the
#' factor name and the category assigned in that factor. If there are
#' $f$ factors and $n$ participants, the data are in $f*n$ lines.
#' @details See the vignette DataFormatsForFrequencies for more.
#' @examples
#' # The minimalExample contains $n$ of 20 participants categorized according
#' # to two factors $f = 2$, namely `Intensity` (three levels)
#' # and Pitch (two levels) for 6 possible cells.
#' minimalExample
#' # Lets incorporate the data in an anofa data structure
#' w <- anofa( Frequency ~ Intensity * Pitch, minimalExample )
#' # The data presented using various formats looks like
#' toWide(w)
#' # ... has 20 lines ($n$) and 2 columns ($f$)
#' toLong(w)
#' # ... has 40 lines ($n \times f$) and 3 columns (participant's `Id`, `Factor` name and `Level`)
#' toRaw(w)
#' # ... has 20 lines ($n$) and 5 columns ($2+3$)
#' toCompiled(w)
#' # ... has 6 lines ($2 \times 3$) and 3 columns ($f$ + 1)
#' toTabular(w)
#' # ... has one table with $2 \times 3$ cells. If there had been
#' # more than two factors, the additional factor(s) would be on distinct layers.
#' @export toWide
#' @export toLong
#' @export toRaw
#' @export toCompiled
#' @export toTabular
#' @importFrom utils tail
toWide <- function( w = NULL ) {
# is w of class ANOFA.object?
if (!("ANOFAobject" %in% class(w) ))
stop("ANOFA::error(101): argument is not an ANOFA generated object. Exiting...")
return( ctow(w$compiledData, w$freqColumn) )
toLong <- function( w = NULL ) {
# is w of class ANOFA.object?
if (!("ANOFAobject" %in% class(w) ))
stop("ANOFA::error(102): argument is not an ANOFA generated object. Exiting...")
return( ctol(w$compiledData, w$freqColumn) )
toRaw <- function( w = NULL ) {
# is w of class ANOFA.object?
if (!("ANOFAobject" %in% class(w) ))
stop("ANOFA::error(103): argument is not an ANOFA generated object. Exiting...")
return( ctor(w$compiledData, w$freqColumn) )
toCompiled <- function( w = NULL ) {
# is w of class ANOFA.object?
if (!("ANOFAobject" %in% class(w) ))
stop("ANOFA::error(104): argument is not an ANOFA generated object. Exiting...")
return( w$compiledData ) # nothing to do, the data are internally stored in compiled form
toTabular <- function( w = NULL ) {
# is w of class ANOFA.object?
if (!("ANOFAobject" %in% class(w) ))
stop("ANOFA::error(105): argument is not an ANOFA generated object. Exiting...")
return( ctot(w$compiledData, w$freqColumn) )
### CONVERSIONS from compiled to ...
# compiled => wide DONE
ctow <- function(x, f) {
y <- x[,names(x)!=f, drop=FALSE], rep, x[[f]]))
# compiled => raw DONE
ctor <- function(x, f) {
dummy.coding <- function(x){
1 * sapply(unique(x), USE.NAMES = TRUE, FUN = function(v) {x == v})
res <-"cbind", apply(ctow(x,f), 2, dummy.coding, simplify=FALSE))
# compiled => long DONE
ctol <- function(x, f) {
#ANOFA.Id <<- 0 ## global variable
assign('ANOFA.Id', 0, ANOFA.env) ## global variable
line.coding <-function(ln) {
assign('ANOFA.Id', ANOFA.env$ANOFA.Id + 1, ANOFA.env)
Id = rep(ANOFA.env$ANOFA.Id, length(ln)),
Factor = names(ln),
Level = as.character(unlist(ln))
}"rbind", apply(ctow(x, f), 1, line.coding ) )
# compiled => tabular DONE
ctot <- function(x, f) {
table(ctow(x, f))
### CONVERSIONS from ... to compiled
# These functions are hidden, but used in importing the data into anofa()
# tabular => compiled DONE
ttoc <- function(x, f) {
res <- expand.grid(dimnames(x))
res[[f]] <- c(x)
# wide => compiled DONE
wtoc <- function(x, f) {
res <- aggregate(f ~ ., transform(x, f = 1), FUN = sum)
colnames(res)[which(names(res) == "f")] <- f
# long => wide DONE
ltow <- function(x, frm){
if (!has.nested.terms(frm))
stop("ANOFA:error: equation is not given with a nested term |. Exiting...")
nestingvar <- sub.formulas(frm, "|")[[1]][[3]]
nestedvar <- sub.formulas(frm,"|")[[1]][[2]]
if (length(all.vars(nestingvar))!=1)
stop("ANOFA::error(105): the nesting term is composed of more than one variable. Exiting...")
if (length(all.vars(nestedvar))!=1)
stop("ANOFA::error(106): the nested factor is composed of more than one variable. Exiting...")
ids <- unique(x[[nestingvar]])
# for each participant
res = data.frame()
for (i in ids) {
temp <- x[x[[nestingvar]] == i,]
rownames(temp) <- temp[[nestedvar]]
temp <- tail(t(temp),-2)
rownames(temp) <- NULL
res = rbind(res, data.frame(temp))
# long => compiled DONE
ltoc <- function(x, f, frm) {
wtoc(ltow(x, frm), f)
# raw => wide DONE
rtow <- function(x, frm, fact = NULL) {
if (!has.cbind.terms(frm))
stop("ANOFA:error(107): equation is not given with cbind. Exiting...")
# extract sub.formulas for all terms
res <- sub.formulas( frm, "cbind" )
if (!(is.null(fact))) {
if (length(fact)!= length(res))
stop("ANOFA::error(108): The number of factors given does not correspond to the number of cbind in the formula. Exiting...")
} else {
fact <- LETTERS[1:length(res)]
# get all.vars(%) for each
cols <- lapply(res, function(x) all.vars(x))
# set factor names if none provided
# répéter pour tous avec le nom?
df <- data.frame( Id = 1:dim(x)[1] )
for (i in 1:length(fact)) {
onesetofcols <- x[,cols[[i]]]
df[[fact[i]]] <- apply(onesetofcols, 1,
function(x) colnames(onesetofcols)[x==1])
df$Id = NULL
# raw => compiled DONE
rtoc <- function(x, f, frm, fact = NULL ) {
wtoc(rtow(x, frm, fact), f)
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