genParam | R Documentation |
Calculates genetic and genic additive and dominance variances
for an object of Pop-class
genParam(pop, simParam = NULL)
pop |
an object of |
simParam |
an object of |
an nTrait by nTrait matrix of additive genetic variances
an nTrait by nTrait matrix of dominance genetic variances
an nTrait by nTrait matrix of additive-by-additive genetic variances
an nTrait by nTrait matrix of total genetic variances
an nTrait vector of additive genic variances
an nTrait vector of dominance genic variances
an nTrait vector of additive-by-additive genic variances
an nTrait vector of total genic variances
an nTrait vector of additive covariances due to non-random mating
an nTrait vector of dominance covariances due to non-random mating
an nTrait vector of additive-by-additive covariances due to non-random mating
an nTrait vector of total genic covariances due to non-random mating
an nTrait vector of additive covariances due to linkage disequilibrium
an nTrait vector of dominance covariances due to linkage disequilibrium
an nTrait vector of additive-by-additive covariances due to linkage disequilibrium
an nTrait vector of additive by dominance covariances due to linkage disequilibrium
an nTrait vector of additive by additive-by-additive covariances due to linkage disequilibrium
an nTrait vector of dominance by additive-by-additive covariances due to linkage disequilibrium
an nTrait vector of total genic covariances due to linkage disequilibrium
an nTrait vector of trait means
an nTrait vector of expected trait means under random mating
a matrix of genetic values with dimensions nInd by nTraits
a matrix of breeding values with dimensions nInd by nTraits
a matrix of dominance deviations with dimensions nInd by nTraits
a matrix of additive-by-additive epistatic deviations with dimensions nInd by nTraits
an nTrait vector of intercepts with dimensions nInd by nTraits
a matrix of additive genetic values with dimensions nInd by nTraits
a matrix of dominance genetic values with dimensions nInd by nTraits
a matrix of additive-by-additive genetic values with dimensions nInd by nTraits
a list of average allele subsitution effects with length nTraits
a list of average allele subsitution effects at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with length nTraits
#Create founder haplotypes
founderPop = quickHaplo(nInd=10, nChr=1, segSites=10)
#Set simulation parameters
SP = SimParam$new(founderPop)
SP$addTraitAD(10, meanDD=0.5)
#Create population
pop = newPop(founderPop, simParam=SP)
ans = genParam(pop, simParam=SP)
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