DOC <-
function (ts, n = 7, w = 7, D1 = 0, D2 = 0, error = 1e-06, k = 500, 
    r = 13, CEF = "MSE", type = "Abbasov-Mamedova", show.complete = TRUE, 
    is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - 
        round(x)) < tol
    n.calculate <- function(k, error) {
        n.pt <- 0
        Min <- 0
        Max <- 1
        Step <- (Max - Min)/k
        while (1) {
            Cs = seq(Min, Max, Step)
            n.pt <- n.pt + length(Cs)
            C.min <- min(Cs)
            C.max <- max(Cs)
            C.error <- C.max - C.min
            if (C.error <= error) 
            Min <- Cs[1]
            Max <- Cs[3]
            Step <- (Max - Min)/k
    find.text <- function(ch, str) {
        n <- nchar(str)
        text <- "t"
        for (i in 1:n) {
            text <- c(text, substring(str, i, i))
        vt <- c(0:n) * (text == ch)
        vt <- vt[vt != 0]
    if (!is.numeric(ts)) 
        stop("Error in 'ts'!")
    if (sum(is.na(ts) * 1) > 1) 
        stop("Time series contain 'NA value'!")
    if (length(n) > 1 | is.na(n) | !is.numeric(n) | n < 1 | !is.wholenumber(n)) 
        stop("Error in 'n'!")
    if (length(w) > 1 | is.null(w) | is.na(w) | !is.numeric(w) | 
        w < 2 | !is.wholenumber(w) | w > length(ts)) 
        stop("Error in 'w'!")
    if (length(D1) > 1 | is.na(D1) | !is.numeric(D1)) 
        stop("Error in 'D1'!")
    if (length(D2) > 1 | is.na(D2) | !is.numeric(D2)) 
        stop("Error in 'D2'!")
    if (length(k) > 1 | k < 500 | is.na(k) | !is.numeric(k) | 
        stop("Error in 'k'!")
    if (type != "Abbasov-Mamedova" & type != "NFTS") 
        stop("Error in 'type'!")
    if (show.complete != 1 & show.complete != 0) 
        stop("Error in 'show.complete'!")
    if (CEF != "ME" & CEF != "MAE" & CEF != "MPE" & CEF != "MAPE" & 
        CEF != "MSE" & CEF != "RMSE") 
        stop("Error in 'CEF'!")
    lienket <- 0
    if (!missing(keyword)) {
        if (substr(keyword, 1, 9) != "Adidaphat") 
            stop("User are not allowed to use parameter 'keyword'!")
        if (substr(keyword, 1, 9) == "Adidaphat") {
            str1 <- substr(keyword, 10, nchar(keyword))
            so.mohinh <- as.numeric(substr(str1, 1, c(find.text("A", 
                str1)[1] - 1)))
            id.mohinh <- as.numeric(substr(str1, c(find.text("t", 
                str1)[1] + 1), c(find.text("A", str1)[2] - 1)))
            lienket <- 1
    if (!missing(keyword)) {
        n.ccl <- so.mohinh * n.calculate(k, error)
        n.complete <- c(id.mohinh - 1) * n.calculate(k, error)
    if (missing(keyword)) {
        n.ccl <- n.calculate(k, error)
        n.complete <- 0
    Min <- 0
    Max <- 1
    Step <- (Max - Min)/k
    while (1) {
        if (show.complete == 1) {
            C.table <- Compare.Cs(ts, n = n, w = w, D1 = D1, 
                D2 = D2, Cs = seq(Min, Max, Step), type = type, 
                complete = c(n.complete, n.ccl))
        if (show.complete == 0) {
            C.table <- Compare.Cs(ts, n = n, w = w, D1 = D1, 
                D2 = D2, Cs = seq(Min, Max, Step), type = type)
        C.value <- data.frame(C.table[, c("C values", CEF, paste(CEF, 
            "xl", sep = ""))])
        if (Min == 0 & Max == 1) 
            C.value <- C.value[-c(1, k + 1), ]
        if (Min == 0 & Max != 1) 
            C.value <- C.value[-c(1), ]
        if (Min != 0 & Max == 1) 
            C.value <- C.value[-c(k + 1), ]
        if (Min != 0 & Max != 1) 
            C.value <- C.value
        C.value <- data.frame(id = c(1:dim(C.value)[1]), C.value)
        locate <- C.value[C.value[, 3] == min(C.value[, 3]), 
        KQ0 <- c(C.value[locate[1], 2], C.value[locate[1], 3])
        C.min <- min(C.value[, 2])
        C.max <- max(C.value[, 2])
        C.error <- C.max - C.min
        if (C.error <= error) 
        C.center <- KQ0[1]
        Min <- C.center - Step
        Max <- C.center + Step
        Step <- (Max - Min)/k
        n.complete <- n.complete + k
    KQ0 <- round2str(KQ0, r)
    names(KQ0) <- c("C value", paste(CEF, "value"))
    KQ <- KQ0

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AnalyzeTS documentation built on Dec. 9, 2019, 1:07 a.m.