
Defines functions removeIndex listIndices createIndex

Documented in createIndex listIndices removeIndex

# Copyright 2024 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of Andromeda
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Create an index on one or more columns in an Andromeda table
#' @param tbl             An [`Andromeda`] table (or any other 'DBI' table).
#' @param columnNames     A vector of column names (character) on which the index is to be created.
#' @param unique          Should values in the column(s) be enforced to be unique?
#' @param indexName       The name of the index. If not provided, a random name will be generated.
#' @details
#' Indices can speed up subsequent queries that use the indexed columns, but can take time to create, 
#' and will take additional space on the drive. 
#' @seealso [listIndices()], [removeIndex()]
#' @return 
#' Invisibly returns the input table.
#' @examples
#' andr <- andromeda(cars = cars)
#' createIndex(andr$cars, "speed")
#' # Will be faster now that speed is indexed:
#' andr$cars %>%
#'   filter(speed == 10) %>%
#'   collect()
#' close(andr)
#' @export
createIndex <- function(tbl, columnNames, unique = FALSE, indexName = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(tbl, "tbl_dbi"))
    abort("First argument must be an Andromeda (or DBI) table")
  if (!all(columnNames %in% colnames(tbl)))
    abort(sprintf("Column(s) %s not found in the table", paste(columnNames[!columnNames %in% names(tbl)], collapse = ", ")))
  if (is.null(indexName)) {
    indexName <- paste(c("idx_", sample(c(letters, 0:9), 20)), collapse = "")
  statement <- sprintf("CREATE %s INDEX %s ON %s(%s);", 
                       if (unique) "UNIQUE" else "", 
                       paste(columnNames, collapse = ", "))
  RSQLite::dbExecute(conn = dbplyr::remote_con(tbl), statement = statement)

#' List all indices on an Andromeda table
#' @param tbl             An [`Andromeda`] table (or any other 'DBI' table).
#' @details
#' Lists any indices that may have been created using the  [createIndex()] function. 
#' @seealso [createIndex()], [removeIndex()]
#' @return 
#' Returns a tibble listing the indices, indexed columns, and whether the index is unique.
#' @examples
#' andr <- andromeda(cars = cars)
#' createIndex(andr$cars, "speed")
#' listIndices(andr$cars)
#' # # A tibble: 1 x 5
#' # indexSequenceId indexName                unique columnSequenceId columnName
#' #           <int> <chr>                    <lgl>             <int> <chr>     
#' #1              0 idx_ocy8we9j2i7ld0rshgb4 FALSE                 0 speed           
#' close(andr)
#' @export
listIndices <- function(tbl) {
  if (!inherits(tbl, "tbl_dbi"))
    abort("Argument must be an Andromeda (or DBI) table")
  tableName <- as.character(dbplyr::remote_name(tbl))
  connection <- dbplyr::remote_con(tbl)
  indices <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(conn = connection, 
                                 statement = sprintf("PRAGMA index_list('%s');", tableName)) %>%
  if (nrow(indices) == 0) {
  getIndexInfo <- function(indexName) {
    indexInfo <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(conn = connection, 
                                     statement = sprintf("PRAGMA index_info('%s');", indexName)) %>%
    indexInfo$indexName <- indexName
  indexInfo <- lapply(indices$name, getIndexInfo)
  indexInfo <- bind_rows(indexInfo) %>% 
    select(indexName = "indexName",
           columnSequenceId = "seqno",
           columnName = "name") 
  result <- indices %>%
      mutate(unique = case_when(.data$unique == 1 ~ TRUE, TRUE ~ FALSE)) %>%
      select(indexSequenceId = "seq",       
             indexName = "name",
             unique = "unique") %>%
    inner_join(indexInfo, by = "indexName")

#' Removes an index from an Andromeda table
#' @param tbl             An [`Andromeda`] table (or any other 'DBI' table).
#' @param columnNames     A vector of column names (character) on which the index was created. If not
#'                        provided, then the `indexName` argument must be provided.
#' @param indexName       The name of the index. If not provided, the `columnNames` argument must be 
#'                        provided.
#' @details
#' Remove an index created using the [createIndex()] function. Either the index name or the column 
#' names on which the index was created must be provided. 
#' @seealso [createIndex()], [listIndices()]
#' @return 
#' Invisibly returns the input table.
#' @examples
#' andr <- andromeda(cars = cars)
#' createIndex(andr$cars, "speed")
#' # Will be faster now that speed is indexed:
#' andr$cars %>%
#'   filter(speed == 10) %>%
#'   collect()
#' removeIndex(andr$cars, "speed")
#' close(andr)
#' @export
removeIndex <- function(tbl, columnNames = NULL, indexName = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(tbl, "tbl_dbi"))
    abort("First argument must be an Andromeda (or DBI) table")
  tableName <- as.character(dbplyr::remote_name(tbl))
  connection <- dbplyr::remote_con(tbl)
  indices <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(conn = connection, 
                                 statement = sprintf("PRAGMA index_list('%s');", tableName))
  if (is.null(indexName)) {
    for (indexName in indices$name) {
      indexInfo <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(conn = connection, 
                                     statement = sprintf("PRAGMA index_info('%s');", indexName))
      if (all(columnNames %in% indexInfo$name)) {
        indexName <- indexName
    if (is.null(indexName)) {
      abort(sprintf("Could not find an index on column(s) %s", paste(columnNames, collapse = ", ")))
  } else {
    if (!indexName %in% indices$name) {
      abort(sprintf("Index with name '%s' not found", indexName))
  statement <- sprintf("DROP INDEX %s;", indexName)
  RSQLite::dbExecute(conn = dbplyr::remote_con(tbl), statement = statement)

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Andromeda documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:34 a.m.