
Defines functions is_json_content normalize_cognitive_type get_api_path cognitive_error_message process_cognitive_response add_cognitive_auth call_cognitive_endpoint.cognitive_endpoint call_cognitive_endpoint print.cognitive_endpoint cognitive_endpoint

Documented in call_cognitive_endpoint call_cognitive_endpoint.cognitive_endpoint cognitive_endpoint

#' Object representing an Azure Cognitive Service endpoint
#' @param url The URL of the endpoint.
#' @param service_type What type (or kind) of service the endpoint provides. See below for the services that AzureCognitive currently recognises.
#' @param key The subscription key (single- or multi-service) to use to authenticate with the endpoint.
#' @param aad_token An Azure Active Directory (AAD) OAuth token, as an alternative to a key for the services that allow AAD authentication.
#' @param cognitive_token A Cognitive Service token, as another alternative to a key for the services that accept it.
#' @param auth_header The name of the HTTP request header for authentication. Only used if a subscription key is supplied.
#' @details
#' Currently, `cognitive_endpoint` recognises the following service types:
#' - `CognitiveServices`: multiple service types
#' - `ComputerVision`: generic computer vision service
#' - `Face`: face recognition
#' - `LUIS`: language understanding
#' - `CustomVision.Training`: Training endpoint for a custom vision service
#' - `CustomVision.Prediction`: Prediction endpoint for a custom vision service
#' - `ContentModerator`: Content moderation (text and images)
#' - `Text`: text analytics
#' - `TextTranslate`: text translation
#' @return
#' An object inheriting from class `cognitive_endpoint`, that can be used to communicate with the REST endpoint. The subclass of the object indicates the type of service provided.
#' @seealso
#' [call_cognitive_endpoint], [create_cognitive_service], [get_cognitive_service]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cognitive_endpoint("https://myvisionservice.api.cognitive.azure.com",
#'     service_type="Computervision", key="key")
#' cognitive_endpoint("https://mylangservice.api.cognitive.azure.com",
#'     service_type="LUIS", key="key")
#' # authenticating with AAD
#' token <- AzureAuth::get_azure_token("https://cognitiveservices.azure.com",
#'     tenant="mytenant", app="app_id", password="password")
#' cognitive_endpoint("https://myvisionservice.api.cognitive.azure.com",
#'     service_type="Computervision", aad_token=token)
#' }
#' @export
cognitive_endpoint <- function(url, service_type, key=NULL, aad_token=NULL, cognitive_token=NULL,
    service_type <- normalize_cognitive_type(service_type)
    url <- httr::parse_url(url)
    url$path <- get_api_path(service_type)

    object <- list(
    class(object) <- c(paste0(service_type, "_endpoint"), "cognitive_endpoint")


#' @export
print.cognitive_endpoint <- function(x, ...)
    cat("Azure Cognitive Service endpoint\n")
    cat("Service type:", class(x)[1], "\n")
    cat("Endpoint URL:", httr::build_url(x$url), "\n")

#' Call a Cognitive Service REST endpoint
#' @param endpoint An object of class `cognitive_endpoint`.
#' @param operation The operation to perform.
#' @param options Any query parameters that the operation takes.
#' @param headers Any optional HTTP headers to include in the REST call. Note that `call_cognitive_endpoint` will handle authentication details automatically, so don't include them here.
#' @param body The body of the HTTP request for the REST call.
#' @param encode The encoding (really content-type) for the body. See the `encode` argument for [`httr::POST`]. The default value of NULL will use `raw` encoding if the body is a raw vector, and `json` encoding for anything else.
#' @param http_verb The HTTP verb for the REST call.
#' @param http_status_handler How to handle a failed REST call. `stop`, `warn` and `message` will call the corresponding `*_for_status` handler in the httr package; `pass` will return the raw response object unchanged. The last one is mostly intended for debugging purposes.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to lower-level functions. For the default method, these are passed to [`httr::content`]; in particular, you can convert a structured JSON response into a data frame by specifying `simplifyDataFrame=TRUE`.
#' @details
#' This function does the low-level work of constructing a HTTP request and then calling the REST endpoint. It is meant to be used by other packages that provide higher-level views of the service functionality.
#' @return
#' For a successful REST call, the contents of the response. This will usually be a list, obtained by translating the raw JSON body into R. If the call returns a non-success HTTP status code, based on the `http_status_handler` argument.
#' @seealso
#' [cognitive_endpoint], [create_cognitive_service], [get_cognitive_service]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' endp <- cognitive_endpoint("https://myvisionservice.api.cognitive.azure.com",
#'     service_type="Computervision", key="key")
#' # analyze an online image
#' img_link <- "https://news.microsoft.com/uploads/2014/09/billg1_print.jpg"
#' call_cognitive_endpoint(endp,
#'     operation="analyze",
#'     body=list(url=img_link),
#'     options=list(details="celebrities"),
#'     http_verb="POST")
#' # analyze an image on the local machine
#' img_raw <- readBin("image.jpg", "raw", file.info("image.jpg")$size)
#' call_cognitive_endpoint(endp,
#'     operation="analyze",
#'     body=img_raw,
#'     encode="raw",
#'     http_verb="POST")
#' }
#' @export
call_cognitive_endpoint <- function(endpoint, ...)

#' @rdname call_cognitive_endpoint
#' @export
call_cognitive_endpoint.cognitive_endpoint <- function(endpoint, operation,
    options=list(), headers=list(), body=NULL, encode=NULL, ...,
    http_verb=c("GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "HEAD"),
    http_status_handler=c("stop", "warn", "message", "pass"))
    url <- endpoint$url
    url$path <- file.path(url$path, operation)
    url$query <- options

    if(is.null(encode)) # auto-detect from body
            encode <- "raw"
            headers$`content-type` <- "application/octet-stream"
        else if(!is.null(body))
            body <- jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox=TRUE, digits=22, null="null")
            encode <- "raw"
            headers$`content-type` <- "application/json"
    else if(encode == "json")
        # manually convert to json to avoid issues with nulls
        body <- jsonlite::toJSON(body, auto_unbox=TRUE, digits=22, null="null")
        encode <- "raw"
        headers$`content-type` <- "application/json"
    else if(encode == "raw" && is.null(headers$`content-type`))
        headers$`content-type` <- "application/octet-stream"

    headers <- add_cognitive_auth(endpoint, headers)
    verb <- match.arg(http_verb)
    res <- httr::VERB(verb, url, headers, body=body, encode=encode)

    process_cognitive_response(res, match.arg(http_status_handler), ...)

add_cognitive_auth <- function(endpoint, headers, auth_header)
        headers[[endpoint$auth_header]] <- unname(endpoint$key)
    else if(!is.null(endpoint$aad_token))
        token <- endpoint$aad_token
        if(inherits(token, c("AzureToken", "Token")) && !token$validate())
        headers[["Authorization"]] <- paste("Bearer", AzureAuth::extract_jwt(token))
    else if(!is_empty(endpoint$cognitive_token))
        headers[["Authorization"]] <- paste("Bearer", endpoint$cognitive_token)
    else stop("No supported authentication method found", call.=FALSE)

    do.call(httr::add_headers, headers)

process_cognitive_response <- function(response, handler, ...)
    if(handler != "pass")
        handler <- get(paste0(handler, "_for_status"), getNamespace("httr"))
        handler(response, paste0("complete Cognitive Services operation. Message:\n",
                                 sub("\\.$", "", cognitive_error_message(httr::content(response)))))

        # only return parsed content if json
            httr::content(response, ...)
        else response$content
    else response

cognitive_error_message <- function(cont)
        cont <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(cont))
    else if(is.character(cont))
        cont <- jsonlite::fromJSON(cont)

    msg <- if(is.list(cont))
        else if(is.list(cont$error) && is.character(cont$error$message))
        else ""
    else ""

    paste0(strwrap(msg), collapse="\n")

get_api_path <- function(type)
        customvision=, customvision_training=, customvision_prediction="customvision/v3.0",
        cognitiveservices=, texttranslation="",
        stop("Unknown cognitive service", call.=FALSE)

normalize_cognitive_type <- function(type)
    tolower(gsub("[. ]", "_", type))

is_json_content <- function(headers)
    cont_type <- which(tolower(names(headers)) == "content-type")
    !is_empty(cont_type) && grepl("json", tolower(headers[[cont_type]]))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AzureCognitive documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 6:43 p.m.