
Defines functions marginalShiftProbsTree

Documented in marginalShiftProbsTree

#	marginalShiftProbsTree(....)
#	Args: ephy	=	object of class 'bammdata'
#	Returns:		a phylogenetic tree, but where each 
#	             	branch length (edge length) is equal to the
#					marginal probability of shift occuring 
#					on that particular branch. 

##' @title Branch-specific rate shift probabilities
##' @description \code{marginalShiftProbsTree} computes a version of a
##'     phylogenetic tree where each branch length is equal to the marginal
##'     probability that a shift occurred on a particular branch. The
##'     \code{cumulativeShiftProbsTree} includes the cumulative probability
##'     that a shift occurred on a given branch. See details.
##' @param ephy An object of class \code{bammdata}.
##' @details The \emph{marginal shift probability tree} is a copy of the
##'     target phylogeny, but where each branch length is equal to the
##'     branch-specific marginal probability that a rate-shift occurred on the
##'     focal branch. For example, a branch length of 0.333 implies that 1/3
##'     of all samples from the posterior had a rate shift on the focal branch. 
##'     \bold{Note:} It is highly inaccurate to use marginal shift
##'     probabilities as a measure of whether diversification rate
##'     heterogeneity occurs within a given dataset. Consider the following
##'     example. Suppose you have a tree with topology (A, (B, C)). You find a
##'     marginal shift probability of 0.5 on the branch leading to clade C,
##'     and also a marginal shift probability of 0.5 on the branch leading to
##'     clade BC. Even though the marginal shift probabilities appear low, it
##'     may be the case that the joint probability of a shift occurring on
##'     \emph{either} the branch leading to C or BC is 1.0. Hence, you could
##'     be extremely confident (posterior probabilities approaching 1.0) in
##'     rate heterogeneity, yet find that no single branch has a particularly
##'     high marginal shift probability. In fact, this is exactly what we
##'     expect in most real datasets, because there is rarely enough signal to
##'     strongly support the occurrence of a shift on any particular branch.
##'     The \emph{cumulative shift probability tree} is a copy of the target
##'     phylogeny but where branch lengths are equal to the cumulative
##'     probability that a rate shift occurred somewhere on the path between
##'     the root and the focal branch. A branch length equal to 0.0 implies
##'     that the branch in question has evolutionary rate dynamics that are
##'     shared with the evolutionary process starting at the root of the tree.
##'     A branch length of 1.0 implies that, with posterior probability 1.0,
##'     the rate dynamics on a branch are decoupled from the "root process".
##' @return An object of class \code{phylo}, but with branch lengths equal to
##'     the marginal or cumulative shift probabilities.
##' @author Dan Rabosky
##' @seealso \code{\link{maximumShiftCredibility}}
##' @references \url{http://bamm-project.org/}
##' @examples
##' data(whales)
##' data(events.whales)
##' ed <- getEventData(whales, events.whales, nsamples = 500)
##' # computing the marginal shift probs tree:
##' mst <- marginalShiftProbsTree(ed)
##' # The cumulative shift probs tree:
##' cst <- cumulativeShiftProbsTree(ed)
##' #compare the two types of shift trees side-by-side:
##' plot.new()
##' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
##' plot.phylo(mst, no.margin=TRUE, show.tip.label=FALSE)
##' plot.phylo(cst, no.margin=TRUE, show.tip.label=FALSE)
##' @rdname ShiftProbsTree
##' @keywords graphics
##' @export
marginalShiftProbsTree <- function(ephy) {
	if (!inherits(ephy, 'bammdata')) {
		stop("Object ephy must be of class bammdata\n");
	shiftvec <- numeric(length(ephy$edge.length));
 	rootnode <- length(ephy$tip.label) + 1;
	for (i in 1:length(ephy$eventData)) {
		hasShift <- ephy$edge[,2] %in% ephy$eventData[[i]]$node;
		shiftvec[hasShift] <- shiftvec[hasShift] + rep(1, sum(hasShift));
	shiftvec <- shiftvec / length(ephy$eventData);	
	newphy <- as.phylo.bammdata(ephy);
	newphy$edge.length <- shiftvec;

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BAMMtools documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:10 a.m.