
Defines functions image.bas

Documented in image.bas

#' Images of models used in Bayesian model averaging
#' Creates an image of the models selected using \code{\link{bas}}.
#' Creates an image of the model space sampled using \code{\link{bas}}.  If a
#' subset of the top models are plotted, then probabilities are renormalized
#' over the subset.
#' @aliases image.bas image
#' @param x A BMA object of type 'bas' created by BAS
#' @param top.models Number of the top ranked models to plot
#' @param intensity Logical variable, when TRUE image intensity is proportional
#' to the probability or log(probability) of the model, when FALSE, intensity
#' is binary indicating just presence (light) or absence (dark) of a variable.
#' @param prob Logical variable for whether the area in the image for each
#' model should be proportional to the posterior probability (or log
#' probability) of the model (TRUE) or with equal area (FALSE).
#' @param log Logical variable indicating whether the intensities should be
#' based on log posterior odds (TRUE) or posterior probabilities (FALSE).  The
#' log of the posterior odds is for comparing the each model to the worst model
#' in the top.models.
#' @param rotate Should the image of models be rotated so that models are on
#' the y-axis and variables are on the x-axis (TRUE)
#' @param color The color scheme for image intensities. The value "rainbow"
#' uses the rainbow palette. The value "blackandwhite" produces a black and
#' white image (greyscale image)
#' @param subset indices of variables to include/exclude in plot
#' @param drop.always.included logical variable to drop variables that are
#' always forced into the model.  FALSE by default.
#' @param offset numeric value to add to intensity
#' @param digits number of digits in posterior probabilities to keep
#' @param vlas las parameter for placing variable names; see par
#' @param plas las parameter for posterior probability axis
#' @param rlas las parameter for model ranks
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed to the \code{image} and \code{axis}
#' functions.
#' @note Suggestion to allow area of models be proportional to posterior
#' probability due to Thomas Lumley
#' @author Merlise Clyde \email{clyde@@stat.duke.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{bas}}
#' @references Clyde, M. (1999) Bayesian Model Averaging and Model Search
#' Strategies (with discussion). In Bayesian Statistics 6. J.M. Bernardo, A.P.
#' Dawid, J.O. Berger, and A.F.M. Smith eds. Oxford University Press, pages
#' 157-185.
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' require(graphics)
#' data("Hald")
#' hald.ZSprior <- bas.lm(Y ~ ., data = Hald, prior = "ZS-null")
#' image(hald.ZSprior, drop.always.included = TRUE) # drop the intercept
#' @rdname image.bas
#' @family bas methods
#' @family bas plots
#' @method image bas
#' @export
image.bas <- function(x, top.models = 20, intensity = TRUE, prob = TRUE, log = TRUE, rotate = TRUE, color = "rainbow", subset = NULL, drop.always.included = FALSE,
                      offset = .75, digits = 3, vlas = 2, plas = 0, rlas = 0, ...) {
  postprob <- x$postprobs
  top.models <- min(top.models, x$n.models)
  best <- order(-x$postprobs)[1:top.models]
  postprob <- postprob[best] / sum(postprob[best])
  which.mat <- list2matrix.which(x, best)
  nvar <- ncol(which.mat)

  if (is.null(subset)) subset <- 1:nvar
  if (drop.always.included) {
    keep <- x$include.always
    if (is.null(keep)) keep <- 1
    subset <- subset[!subset %in% keep]
    if (length(subset) == 0) stop("no models in subset to show; modify subset or drop.always.included")

  which.mat <- which.mat[, subset, drop = FALSE]
  nvar <- ncol(which.mat)
  namesx <- x$namesx[subset]

  scale <- postprob
  prob.lab <- "Posterior Probability"

  if (log) {
    scale <- log(postprob) - min(log(postprob))
    prob.lab <- "Log Posterior Odds"
    # fix problem when scale has duplicate zeros
    zeros <- which(scale == 0.0)
    nzeros <- length(zeros)

    if (nzeros > 1) {
      scale[zeros] <- seq(scale[zeros[1] - 1], 0.0, length = nzeros) / 1000

  if (intensity) which.mat <- sweep(which.mat, 1, scale + offset, "*")

  if (rotate) scale <- rev(scale)

  if (prob) {
    m.scale <- cumsum(c(0, scale))
  } else {
    m.scale <- seq(0, top.models)

  mat <- (m.scale[-1] + m.scale[-(top.models + 1)]) / 2

  colors <- switch(color,
    "rainbow" = c("black", rainbow(top.models + 1, start = .75, end = .05)),
    "blackandwhite" = gray(seq(0, 1, length = top.models))

  par.old <- par()$mar

  if (rotate) {
    par(mar = c(6, 6, 3, 5) + .1)
    image(0:nvar, mat, t(which.mat[top.models:1, , drop = FALSE]),
      xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
      ylab = "",
      xlab = "",
      zlim = c(0, max(which.mat)),
      col = colors, ...

    axis(2, at = mat, labels = round(scale, digits = digits), las = plas, ...)
    axis(4, at = mat, labels = top.models:1, las = rlas, ...)
    mtext("Model Rank", side = 4, line = 3, las = 0)
    mtext(prob.lab, side = 2, line = 4, las = 0)
    axis(1, at = (1:nvar - .5), labels = namesx, las = vlas, ...)
  else {
    par(mar = c(6, 8, 6, 2) + .1)
    image(mat, 0:nvar, which.mat[, nvar:1, drop = FALSE],
      xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
      xlab = "",
      ylab = "",
      zlim = c(0, max(which.mat)),
      col = colors, ...

    axis(1, at = mat, labels = round(scale, digits = digits), las = plas, ...)
    axis(3, at = mat, labels = 1:top.models, las = rlas, ...)
    mtext("Model Rank", side = 3, line = 3)
    mtext(prob.lab, side = 1, line = 4)
    axis(2, at = (1:nvar - .5), labels = rev(namesx), las = vlas, ...)


  par(mar = par.old)

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BAS documentation built on Nov. 2, 2022, 5:09 p.m.