
Defines functions makeProgressBar

Documented in makeProgressBar

#' @title Create a progress bar with estimated time.
#' @description
#' Create a progress bar function that displays the estimated time till
#' completion and optional messages. Call the returned functions \code{set} or
#' \code{inc} during a loop to change the display.
#' Note that you are not allowed to decrease the value of the bar.
#' If you call these function without setting any of the arguments
#' the bar is simply redrawn with the current value.
#' For errorhandling use \code{error} and have a look at the example below.
#' You can globally change the behavior of all bars by setting the option
#' \code{options(BBmisc.ProgressBar.style)} either to \dQuote{text} (the default)
#' or \dQuote{off}, which display no bars at all.
#' You can globally change the width of all bars by setting the option
#' \code{options(BBmisc.ProgressBar.width)}. By default this is \code{getOption("width")}.
#' You can globally set the stream where the output of the bar is directed by setting the option
#' \code{options(BBmisc.ProgressBar.stream)} either to \dQuote{stderr} (the default)
#' or \dQuote{stdout}. Note that using the latter will result in the bar being shown in
#' reports generated by Sweave or knitr, what you probably do not want.
#' @param min [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#'   Minimum value, default is 0.
#' @param max [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#'   Maximum value, default is 100.
#' @param label [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#'   Label shown in front of the progress bar.
#'   Note that if you later set \code{msg} in the progress bar function,
#'   the message will be left-padded to the length of this label, therefore
#'   it should be at least as long as the longest message you want to display.
#'   Default is \dQuote{}.
#' @param char [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#'   A single character used to display progress in the bar.
#'   Default is \sQuote{+}.
#' @param style [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#'   Style of the progress bar. Default is set via options (see details).
#' @param width [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#'   Width of the progress bar. Default is set via options (see details).
#' @param stream [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#'   Stream to use. Default is set via options (see details).
#' @return [\code{\link{ProgressBar}}]. A list with following functions:
#'   \item{set [function(value, msg = label)]}{Set the bar to a value and possibly display a message instead of the label.}
#'   \item{inc [function(value, msg = label)]}{Increase the bar and possibly display a message instead of the label.}
#'   \item{kill [function(clear = FALSE)]}{Kill the bar so it cannot be used anymore. Cursor is moved to new line. You can also erase its display.}
#'   \item{error [function(e)]}{Useful in \code{tryCatch} to properly display error messages below the bar. See the example.}
#' @export
#' @aliases ProgressBar
#' @examples
#' bar = makeProgressBar(max = 5, label = "test-bar")
#' for (i in 0:5) {
#'   bar$set(i)
#'   Sys.sleep(0.2)
#' }
#' bar = makeProgressBar(max = 5, label = "test-bar")
#' for (i in 1:5) {
#'   bar$inc(1)
#'   Sys.sleep(0.2)
#' }
#' # display errors properly (in next line)
#' \dontrun{
#' f = function(i) if (i>2) stop("foo")
#' bar = makeProgressBar(max = 5, label = "test-bar")
#' for (i in 1:5) {
#'   tryCatch ({
#'     f(i)
#'     bar$set(i)
#'   }, error = bar$error)
#' }
#' }
makeProgressBar = function(min = 0, max = 100, label = "", char = "+",
  style = getOption("BBmisc.ProgressBar.style", "text"),
  width = getOption("BBmisc.ProgressBar.width", getOption("width")),
  stream = getOption("BBmisc.ProgressBar.stream", "stderr")) {
  assertChoice(style, c("text", "off"))
  assertInt(width, lower = 30L)
  assertChoice(stream, c("stderr", "stdout"))

  if (style == "off")
      set = function(value, msg = label) invisible(NULL),
      inc = function(inc, msg = label) invisible(NULL),
      kill =  function(clear = FALSE) invisible(NULL),
      error = function(e) stop(e)
    ), class = "ProgressBar"))

  mycat = if (stream == "stdout")
    function(...) cat(...)
    function(...) cat(..., file = stderr())

  ## label |................................| xxx% (hh:mm:ss)
  label.width = nchar(label)
  bar.width = width - label.width - 21L
  bar = rep(" ", bar.width)

  start.time = as.integer(Sys.time())
  delta = max - min
  kill.line = "\r"
  killed = FALSE
  cur.value = min
  draw = function(value, inc, msg) {
    if (!missing(value) && !missing(inc))
      stop("You must not set value and inc!")
    else if (!missing(value))
      assertNumber(value, lower = max(min, cur.value), upper = max)
    else if (!missing(inc)) {
      assertNumber(inc, lower = 0, upper = max - cur.value)
      value = cur.value + inc
    } else {
      value = cur.value
    if (!killed)  {
      # special case for min == max, weird "empty" bar, but might happen...
      if (value == max)
        rate = 1
        rate = (value - min) / delta
      bin = round(rate * bar.width)
      bar[seq(bin)] <<- char
      delta.time = as.integer(Sys.time()) - start.time
      if (value == min)
        rest.time = 0
        rest.time = (max - value) * (delta.time / (value - min))
      rest.time = splitTime(rest.time, "hours")
      # as a precaution, so we can _always_ print in the progress bar cat
      if (rest.time["hours"] > 99)
        rest.time[] = 99
      msg = sprintf(sprintf("%%%is", label.width), msg)
      mycat(sprintf("%s |%s| %3i%% (%02i:%02i:%02i)", msg, collapse(bar, sep = ""), round(rate*100),
           rest.time["hours"], rest.time["minutes"], rest.time["seconds"]))
      if (value == max)
    cur.value <<- value
  clear = function(newline = TRUE) {
    mycat(rep(" ", width))
    if (newline)
  kill = function(clear = FALSE) {
    if (clear)
      clear(newline = TRUE)
    killed <<- TRUE
    set = function(value, msg = label) draw(value = value, msg = msg),
    inc = function(inc, msg = label) draw(inc = inc, msg = msg),
    kill = kill,
    error = function(e) {
      kill(clear = FALSE)

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BBmisc documentation built on Sept. 29, 2022, 5:12 p.m.