
#' @title  Create a chart with BETS aesthetics
#' @description  Create a professional looking chart, using a pre-defined BETS series or a custom series.
#' @param ts A \code{character} or a \code{ts} object. A custom time series or the name of a pre-defined series. A complete list of names is under the 'Details' section.
#' @param style A \code{character}. Should the chart be made with Plotly (style = "plotly") or with R standard library (style = "normal")?
#' @param lang A \code{character}. The language. For now, only 'en' (english) is available.
#' @param file A \code{character}. The whole path, including a custom name, for the output (an image file). The default value is NULL. If left to NULL, the chart will be rendered in the standard R plotting area.
#' @param open  A \code{boolean}. Whether to open the file containing the chart.
#' @param params A \code{list}. Parameters for drawing custom charts. See the 'details' section. 
#' @details 
#' \bold{Names of pre-defined charts:}
#' \bold{1. Business Cycle Dashboard ('plotly' style)}
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'  \emph{VALUE} \tab \emph{DESCRIPTION} \tab \emph{CODE} \cr
#'  \tab \tab \cr
#'  \emph{'iie_br'} \tab Uncertainty Index \tab ST_100.0 \cr
#'  \emph{'sent_ind'} \tab Economic Sentiment Index (average between several confidence indexes) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'gdp_mon'} \tab GDP Monthly and Interanual Variation (last values) - GDP Monitor (FGV/IBRE) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'ei_vars'} \tab Economic Indicators (Leading and Coincident) monthly variation \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'ei_comps'} \tab Economic Indicators (Leading and Coincident) components variation  \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'lei'} \tab Leading Economic Indicator (LEI - FGV/IBRE with The Conference Board) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'cei'} \tab Coincident Economic Indicator (CEI - FGV/IBRE with the Conference Board)  \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'gdp_vars'} \tab GDP components variation (whole series) - GDP Monitor (FGV/IBRE) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'misery_index} \tab Misery Index \tab 13522 plus 24369 \cr
#'  \emph{'gdp_comps'} \tab GDP components variation (last values) - GDP Monitor (FGV/IBRE) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'gdp_unemp'} \tab GDP monthly levels versus Unemployement Rate \tab 22109 and 24369 \cr
#'  \emph{'conf_lvl'} \tab Enterprises Confidence Index versus Consumers Confidence Index \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'inst_cap'} \tab Installed Capacity Index \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'lab_lead'} \tab Labor Leading Indicator \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'lab_coin'} \tab Labor Coincident Indicator \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'transf_ind'} \tab Transformation Industry Confidence Index (Expectations versus Present Situation) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'servc'} \tab Services Confidence Index (Expectations versus Present Situation) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'constr'} \tab Construction Confidence Index (Expectations versus Present Situation) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'retail'} \tab Retail Sellers Confidence Index (Expectations versus Present Situation) \tab (*) \cr
#'  \emph{'consm'} \tab Consumer Confidence Index (Expectations versus Present Situation) \tab (*) 
#' \bold{2. Macro Situation Dashboard ('normal' style)}
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'  \emph{VALUE} \tab \emph{DESCRIPTION} \tab \emph{CODE} \cr
#'  \tab \tab \cr
#'  \emph{'ipca_with_core'} \tab National consumer price index (IPCA) - in 12 months and  Broad national consumer price index - Core IPCA trimmed means smoothed \tab 13522 and 4466 \cr
#'  \emph{'ulc'} \tab Unit labor cost - ULC-US$ - June/1994=100 \tab 11777 \cr
#'  \emph{'eap'} \tab Economically active population \tab 10810 \cr
#'  \emph{'cdb'} \tab Time deposits (CDB/RDB-preset) - Daily return (percentage) \tab 14 \cr
#'  \emph{'indprod'} \tab Prodcution Indicators (2012=100) - General	\tab 21859 \cr
#'  \emph{'selic'} \tab Interest rate - Selic accumulated in the month in annual terms (basis 252) \tab 4189 \cr
#'  \emph{'unemp'} \tab Unemployment rate - by metropolitan region (PNAD-C) \tab 10777\cr
#'  \emph{'vargdp'} \tab GDP - real percentage change in the year \tab 7326 
#' (*) Not available on BETS databases yet. But you can find it in .csv files saved under your BETS installation directory.
#' \bold{3. Custom Charts}
#' None of these parameters is required. Please note that some parameters only work for a certain type of chart.
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \emph{PARAMETER} \tab \emph{DESCRIPTION} \tab \emph{WORKS FOR} \cr
#' \tab \tab \cr
#' \code{type} \tab A \code{character}. Either 'bar' or 'lines'. Whether to plot bars or lines. Works for main series, only. \tab Both\cr
#' \code{trend}\tab A \code{boolean}. Default is \code{FALSE}. Set it to \code{TRUE} if the trend of the main series (parameter \code{ts}) is to be drawn. \tab Both \cr
#' \code{title}\tab A \code{character}. Plot's title. \tab Both \cr
#' \code{subtitle}\tab A \code{character}. Plot's subtitle. \tab Both \cr
#' \code{xlim}\tab A \code{numeric} vector. X axis limits \tab Both \cr
#' \code{ylim}\tab A \code{numeric} vector. Y axis limits \tab Both \cr
#' \code{arr.ort}\tab A \code{character}. Orientation of the arrow pointing to the last value of the main series. Valid values are 'h' (horizontal) and 'v' (vertical). \tab \emph{'normal'} \cr
#' \code{arr.len}\tab A \code{numeric} value. Length of the arrow pointing to the last value of the main series. \tab \emph{'normal'} \cr
#' \code{extra}\tab A \code{ts} object. A second series to be plotted. \tab Both \cr 
#' \code{extra.y2}\tab A \code{boolean}. Default is \code{FALSE}. Does the extra series require a second y axis? \tab \emph{'plotly'} \cr
#' \code{extra.arr.ort}\tab A \code{character}. Orientation of the arrow pointing to the last value of the extra series. Valid values are 'h' (horizontal) and 'v' (vertical). \tab \emph{'normal'} \cr
#' \code{extra.arr.len}\tab A \code{numeric} value. Length of the arrow pointing to the last value of the extra series. \tab \emph{'normal'} \cr
#' \code{colors}\tab A \code{character} or \code{integer} vector. A vector of colors, one for each series. Trends will always be drawn in gray, its color can't be set. \tab Both \cr
#' \code{legend}\tab A \code{character} vector. Names of the series. Default is \code{NULL} (no legends). \tab Both \cr
#' \code{legend.pos}\tab A \code{character}. Legend position. If \code{type} is set to \emph{'normal'}, possibile values are 'top' and 'bottom'; if \code{type} is set to \emph{'plotly'}, either 'h' (horizontal) and 'v' (vertical). \tab Both \cr
#' \code{codace}\tab A \code{boolean}. Default is \code{FALSE}. Include shaded areas for recessions, as dated by CODACE(**)? \tab \emph{'plotly'} \cr
#' (**) Business Cycle Dating Committee (FGV/IBRE)
#' @return If parameter \code{file} is not set by the user, the chart will be shown at the standard R ploting area. Otherwise, it is going to be saved on your computer.
#' @examples 
#' # chart(ts = "sent_ind", file = "animal_spirits", open = T)
#' # chart(ts = "gdp_mon", file = "gdp_mon.png", open = F)
#' # chart(ts = "misery_index")
#' # chart(ts = "transf_ind", file = "transf_ind.png", open = F)
#' @author Talitha Speranza \email{talitha.speranza@fgv.br}
#' @importFrom plotly export 
#' @import webshot 
#' @export

chart = function(ts, style = "normal", file = NULL, open = TRUE, lang = "en", params = NULL){
  if(lang == "en"){
    Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "English_United States.1252")
  else if(lang == "pt"){
    Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "Portuguese_Brazil.1252")
  else {
  not.set <- F
    dir.create("graphs", showWarnings = F)
    file = paste0("graphs","\\",file)
    if(!grepl("\\.png$", file) && !grepl("\\.pdf$",file)) {
      not.set <- T
      file <- paste(file,".png",sep="")
  if(class(ts) == "character"){
    if(ts == "iie_br"){
      p = draw.iie_br()
    } else if(ts == "sent_ind"){
      p = draw.sent_ind()
    } else if(ts == "gdp_mon"){
      p = draw.gdp_mon()
    } else if(ts == "lab_lead"){
      p = draw.lab_lead()
    } else if(ts == "lab_coin"){
      p = draw.lab_coin()
    } else if(ts == "gdp_vars"){
      p = draw.gdp_vars()
    } else if(ts == "lei"){
      p = draw.lei()
    } else if(ts == "cei"){
      p = draw.cei()
    } else if(ts == "gdp_comps"){
      p = draw.gdp_comps()
    } else if(ts == "misery_index"){
      p = draw.misery_index()
    } else if(ts == "gdp_unemp"){
      p = draw.gdp_unemp()
    } else if(ts == "ei_vars"){
      p = draw.ei_vars()
    } else if(ts == "ei_comps"){
      p = draw.ei_comps()
    } else if(ts == "conf_lvl"){
      p = draw.conf_lvl()
    } else if(ts == "cap_utl"){
      p = draw.cap_utl()
    } else if(ts %in% c("transf_ind","servc","retail","constr","consm")){
      p = draw.survey(ts)
    } else {
            file <- sub("\\.png","\\.pdf",file)
        if(grepl("\\.png", file)){
          png(file,width=728,height=478, pointsize = 15) 
        else {
          pdf(file, width = 7, height = 4.5)
      if(ts == "ipca_with_core"){
      } else if(ts == "ulc"){
      } else if(ts == "eap"){
      } else if(ts == "cdb"){
      } else if(ts == "indprod"){
      } else if(ts == "selic"){
      } else if(ts == "unemp"){
      } else if(ts == "vargdp"){
      } else {
        msg(paste("Plot was not created.",.MSG_PARAMETER_NOT_VALID))
  } else {
    if(style == "normal" && !is.null(file)){
            file <- sub("\\.png","\\.pdf",file)
        if(grepl("\\.png", file)){
            png(file,width=728,height=478, pointsize = 15) 
        else {
            pdf(file, width = 7, height = 4.5)
    p = suppressWarnings(draw.generic(ts, style, params))
    if(style == "normal" && !is.null(file)){
      export(p, file = file, zoom = 4, cliprect = c(20,20,740,500))},
      message = function(e){
        export(p, file = file, zoom = 4, cliprect = c(20,20,740,500))
      error = function(e){
        # do nothing
  else {

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BETS documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:48 p.m.