directAntivirals_ALL: Full data with combination experiments of direct-acting...

directAntivirals_ALLR Documentation

Full data with combination experiments of direct-acting antivirals


A dataset containing 11 combination experiments of direct-acting antivirals. This dataset is larger than directAntivirals dataset as it includes concentrations at levels of 1e6 which can render plots visually unappealing.


A data frame with 4224 rows and 6 variables:

  • experiment: ID of experiment (1-11)

  • cpd1: name of the first compound (4 different compounds)

  • cpd2: name of the second compound (11 different compounds)

  • effect: observed effect (cell count)

  • d1: dose of the first compound

  • d2: dose of the second compound

BIGL documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:09 p.m.