plot.ResponseSurface: Method for plotting response surface objects

View source: R/ResponseSurface-methods.R

plot.ResponseSurfaceR Documentation

Method for plotting response surface objects


Method for plotting response surface objects


## S3 method for class 'ResponseSurface'
  color = c("z-score", "maxR", "occupancy", "effect-size"),
  greyScale = FALSE,



Output of fitSurface


Character indicating on what values surface coloring will be based.

If color = "z-score", surface coloring will be based on median of standardized off-axis Z-scores. Median function can be replaced by other function using an optional colorfun argument which will be passed to plotResponseSurface. Color breaks are determined here by standard deviation of off-axis Z-scores. For color = "maxR", coloring will be based on values of maxR statistic and the quantile of its distribution (bootstrapped or not). If color = "occupancy", coloring will be based on calculated occupancy rate for the respective dose combination. If color = "effect-size", coloring will be based on effect size for the respective dose combination.


If greyScale = TRUE, then plot is in grey scale, otherwise in colour.


Further parameters passed to plotResponseSurface. colorBy argument in this method is computed automatically and thus cannot be passed to plotResponseSurface.

BIGL documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:09 p.m.