
Defines functions predict.boss coef.boss boss

Documented in boss coef.boss predict.boss

#' Best Orthogonalized Subset Selection (BOSS).
#'  \item Compute the solution path of BOSS and forward stepwise selection (FS).
#'  \item Compute various information criteria based on a heuristic degrees of freedom (hdf)
#'   that can serve as the selection rule to choose the subset given by BOSS.
#' @param x A matrix of predictors, with \code{nrow(x)=length(y)=n} observations and
#'   \code{ncol(x)=p} predictors. Intercept shall NOT be included.
#' @param y A vector of response variable, with \code{length(y)=n}.
#' @param maxstep Maximum number of steps performed. Default is \code{min(n-1,p)} if \code{intercept=FALSE},
#'   and it is \code{min(n-2, p)} otherwise.
#' @param intercept Logical, whether to include an intercept term. Default is TRUE.
#' @param hdf.ic.boss Logical, whether to calculate the heuristic degrees of freedom (hdf)
#'   and information criteria (IC) for BOSS. IC includes AIC, BIC, AICc, BICc, GCV,
#'   Cp. Default is TRUE.
#' @param mu True mean vector, used in the calculation of hdf. Default is NULL, and is estimated via
#'   least-squares (LS) regression of y upon x for n>p, and 10-fold CV cross-validated lasso estimate for n<=p.
#' @param sigma True standard deviation of the error, used in the calculation of hdf. Default is NULL,
#'   and is estimated via least-squares (LS) regression of y upon x for n>p, and 10-fold cross-validated lasso
#'   for n<=p.
#' @param ... Extra parameters to allow flexibility. Currently none allows or requires, just for
#'   the convinience of call from other parent functions like cv.boss.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item beta_fs: A matrix of regression coefficients for all the subsets given by FS,
#'   from a null model until stop, with \code{nrow=p} and \code{ncol=min(n,p)+1}, where \code{min(n,p)} is
#'   the maximum number of steps performed.
#'   \item beta_boss: A matrix of regression coefficients for all the subsets given by
#'   BOSS, with \code{nrow=p} and \code{ncol=min(n,p)+1}. Note that unlike beta_fs and due to the nature of BOSS,
#'   the number of non-zero components in columns of beta_boss may not be unique, i.e.
#'   there maybe multiple columns corresponding to the same size of subset.
#'   \item steps_x: A vector of numbers representing which predictor joins at each step,
#'   with \code{length(steps)=min(n,p)}. The ordering is determined by the partial correlation between a predictor \eqn{x_j}
#'   and the response \code{y}.
#'   \item steps_q: A vector of numbers representing which predictor joins at each step in the orthogonal basis,
#'   with \code{length(steps)=min(n,p)}. BOSS takes the ordered predictors (ordering given in \code{steps_x}) and performs best
#'   subset regression upon their orthogonal basis, which is essentially ordering the orthogonalized predictors by their
#'   marginal correlations with the response \code{y}. For example, \code{steps_q=c(2,1)} indicates that the orthogonal basis of
#'   \code{x_2} joins first.
#'   \item hdf_boss: A vector of heuristic degrees of freedom (hdf) for BOSS, with
#'   \code{length(hdf_boss)=p+1}. Note that \code{hdf_boss=NULL} if n<=p or \code{hdf.ic.boss=FALSE}.
#'   \item IC_boss: A list of information criteria (IC) for BOSS, where each element
#'   in the list is a vector representing values of a given IC for each candidate subset
#'   of BOSS (or each column in beta_boss). The output IC includes AIC, BIC, AICc, BICc,
#'   GCV and Mallows' Cp. Note that each IC is calculated by plugging in hdf_boss.
#'   \item sigma: estimated error standard deviation. It is only returned when hdf is calculated, i.e. \code{hdf.ic.boss=TRUE}.
#' }
#' @details This function computes the full solution path given by BOSS and FS on a given
#'   dataset (x,y) with n observations and p predictors. It also calculates
#'   the heuristic degrees of freedom for BOSS, and various information criteria, which can further
#'   be used to select the subset from the candidates. Please refer to the Vignette
#'   for implementation details and Tian et al. (2021) for methodology details (links are given below).
#' @author Sen Tian
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Tian, S., Hurvich, C. and Simonoff, J. (2021), On the Use of Information Criteria
#'   for Subset Selection in Least Squares Regression. https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.10191
#'   \item Reid, S., Tibshirani, R. and Friedman, J. (2016), A Study of Error Variance Estimation in Lasso Regression. Statistica Sinica,
#'   P35-67, JSTOR.
#'   \item BOSSreg Vignette https://github.com/sentian/BOSSreg/blob/master/r-package/vignettes/BOSSreg.pdf
#' }
#' @seealso \code{predict} and  \code{coef} methods for "boss" object, and the \code{cv.boss} function
#' @example R/example/eg.boss.R
#' @useDynLib BOSSreg
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @export
boss <- function(x, y, maxstep=min(nrow(x)-intercept-1, ncol(x)), intercept=TRUE, hdf.ic.boss=TRUE, mu=NULL, sigma=NULL, ...){
  n = dim(x)[1]
  p = dim(x)[2]

  if(maxstep > min(nrow(x)-intercept-1, ncol(x))){
    warning('Specified maximum number of steps is larger than expected.')
    maxstep = min(nrow(x)-intercept-1, ncol(x))

    if(dim(y)[2] == 1){
      y = as.numeric(y)
      stop('Multiple dependent variables are not supported.')
  # standardize x (mean 0 and norm 1) and y (mean 0)
  std_result = std(x, y, intercept)
  x = std_result$x_std
  y = std_result$y_std
  mean_x = std_result$mean_x
  mean_y = std_result$mean_y
  sd_demanedx = std_result$sd_demeanedx

  # if stops early, still calculate the full QR decomposition (for steps>maxstep, just use predictors in their physical orders)
  # for the calculation of hdf
  if(hdf.ic.boss & maxstep < p){
    guideQR_result = guideQR(x, y, maxstep, TRUE)
    Q = guideQR_result$Q[, 1:maxstep]
    R = guideQR_result$R[1:maxstep, 1:maxstep]
    guideQR_result = guideQR(x, y, maxstep, FALSE)
    Q = guideQR_result$Q
    R = guideQR_result$R
  steps_x = as.numeric(guideQR_result$steps)

  # coefficients
  z = t(Q) %*% y

  # transform coefficients in Q space back to X space, and re-order them
  trans.q.to.x <- function(beta.q){
    beta.x = Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=maxstep, sparse = TRUE)
    beta.x[steps_x, ] = diag(1/sd_demanedx[steps_x]) %*% backsolve(R, beta.q)
    beta.x = cbind(0, beta.x)
      beta.x = rbind(Matrix::Matrix(mean_y - mean_x %*% beta.x, sparse=TRUE), beta.x)

  # fs
  beta_q = matrix(rep(z, maxstep), nrow=maxstep, byrow=FALSE)
  beta_q = beta_q * upper.tri(beta_q, diag=TRUE)
  beta_fs = trans.q.to.x(beta_q)

  # boss
  order_q = order(-z^2)
  steps_q = steps_x[order_q]
  row_i = rep(order_q, times=seq(maxstep,1))
  col_j = unlist(lapply(1:maxstep, function(xx){seq(xx,maxstep)}))
  beta_q = Matrix::sparseMatrix(row_i, col_j, x=z[row_i], dims=c(maxstep, maxstep))
  beta_boss = trans.q.to.x(beta_q)

  # hdf and IC
    hdf = IC_result = NULL
    if(n > p){
      hdf_result = calc.hdf(guideQR_result$Q, y, sigma, mu, x=NULL)
      hdf_result = calc.hdf(guideQR_result$Q, y, sigma, mu, x)
    hdf = hdf_result$hdf[1:(maxstep+1)]
    sigma = hdf_result$sigma
      hdf = hdf + 1
    IC_result = calc.ic.all(cbind(0,beta_q), Q, y, hdf, sigma)

  # take care the variable names
  varnames = colnames(x)
    varnames = paste0('X', seq(1,p))
    rownames(beta_fs) = rownames(beta_boss) = c('intercept', varnames)
    rownames(beta_fs) = rownames(beta_boss) = varnames
  names(steps_x) = varnames[steps_x]
  names(steps_q) = varnames[steps_q]

  # output
  out = list(beta_fs=beta_fs,
  class(out) = 'boss'

#' Select coefficient vector(s) for BOSS.
#' This function returns the optimal coefficient vector of BOSS selected by AICc
#' (by default) or other types of information criterion.
#' @param object The boss object, returned from calling the \code{boss} function.
#' @param ic Which information criterion is used to select the optimal coefficient vector for BOSS.
#' The default is AICc-hdf.
#' @param select.boss The index (or indicies) of columns in the coefficient matrix for which
#' one wants to select. By default (NULL) it's selected by the information criterion specified in
#' 'ic'.
#' @param ... Extra arguments (unused for now)
#' @return The chosen coefficient vector(s) for BOSS.
#' @details If \code{select.boss} is specified, the function returns
#' corresponding column(s) in the coefficient matrix.
#' If \code{select.boss} is unspecified, the function returns the optimal coefficient
#' vector selected by AICc-hdf (other choice of IC can be specified in the argument \code{ic}).
#' @example R/example/eg.boss.R
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export
coef.boss <- function(object, ic=c('aicc','bicc','aic','bic','gcv','cp'), select.boss=NULL, ...){
  # for boss, the default is to return coef selected by AICc
      # this is where hdf.ic.boss is flagged FALSE
      warning("boss was called with argument 'hdf.ic.boss=FALSE', the full coef matrix is returned here")
      select.boss = 1:ncol(object$beta_boss)
      ic = match.arg(ic)
      select.boss = which.min(object$IC_boss[[ic]])
  }else if(select.boss == 0){
    select.boss = 1:ncol(object$select.boss)
  select.boss[select.boss > ncol(object$beta_boss)] = ncol(object$beta_boss)
  beta_boss_opt = object$beta_boss[, select.boss, drop=FALSE]


#' Prediction given new data entries.
#' This function returns the prediction(s) given new observation(s), for BOSS,
#' where the optimal coefficient vector is chosen via certain selection rule.
#' @param object The boss object, returned from calling 'boss' function.
#' @param newx A new data entry or several entries. It can be a vector, or a matrix with
#' \code{nrow(newx)} being the number of new entries and \code{ncol(newx)=p} being the
#' number of predictors. The function takes care of the intercept, NO need to add \code{1}
#' to \code{newx}.
#' @param ... Extra arguments to be plugged into \code{coef}, such as \code{select.boss},
#' see the description of \code{coef.boss} for more details.
#' @return The prediction(s) for BOSS.
#' @details The function basically calculates \eqn{x * coef}, where \code{coef}
#' is a coefficient vector chosen by a selection rule. See more details about the default
#' and available choices of the selection rule in the description of \code{coef.boss}.
#' @example R/example/eg.boss.R
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @export
predict.boss <- function(object, newx, ...){
  # coefficients
  # coef_result = coef(object, ...)
  # beta_fs_opt = coef_result$fs
  # beta_boss_opt = coef_result$boss
  beta_boss_opt = coef(object, ...)

  # make newx a matrix
  # if newx is an array or a column vector, make it a row vector
    newx = matrix(newx, nrow=1)
  }else if(dim(newx)[2] == 1){
    newx = t(newx)
  # if intercept, add 1 to newx
    newx = cbind(rep(1,nrow(newx)), newx)

  # check the dimension
  # if(ncol(newx) != nrow(beta_fs_opt)){
  #   stop('Mismatch dimension of newx and coef for FS. Note do NOT add 1 to newx when intercept=TRUE')
  # }else{
  #   mu_fs_opt = newx %*% beta_fs_opt
  # }
    mu_boss_opt = NULL
    if(ncol(newx) != nrow(beta_boss_opt)){
      stop('Mismatch dimension of newx and coef for BOSS. Note do NOT add 1 to newx when intercept=TRUE')
      mu_boss_opt = newx %*% beta_boss_opt
  # return(list(fs=mu_fs_opt, boss=mu_boss_opt))

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BOSSreg documentation built on March 7, 2021, 1:06 a.m.