Defines functions EDA

Documented in EDA

#' Exploratory Data Anaalysis
#' Function that produces a histogram, density plot, boxplot, and Q-Q plot.
#' Will not return command window information on data sets containing more than
#' 5000 observations.  It will however still produce graphical output for data
#' sets containing more than 5000 observations.
#' @param x numeric vector. \code{NA}s and \code{Inf}s are allowed but will be
#' removed.
#' @param trim fraction (between 0 and 0.5, inclusive) of values to be trimmed
#' from each end of the ordered data.  If \code{trim = 0.5}, the result is the
#' median.
#' @return Function returns various measures of center and location. The values
#' returned for the Quartiles are based on the definitions provided in
#' \cite{BSDA}. The boxplot is based on the Quartiles returned in the commands
#' window.
#' @note Requires package \pkg{e1071}.
#' @author Alan T. Arnholt
#' @keywords univar
#' @examples
#' EDA(rnorm(100))
#'     # Produces four graphs for the 100 randomly
#'     # generated standard normal variates.
#' @export EDA
EDA <-
function(x, trim = 0.05)
    # require(e1071)
    #rgb(0, 128/255, 1, names="Adkblue") #Alan's dark blue
    #rgb(169/255, 226/255, 1, names="Altblue") #Alan's light blue
    Altblue <- "#A9E2FF"
    Adkblue <- "#0080FF"
    Ared <- "#C51111"
    varname <- deparse(substitute(x))
    N <- length(x)
    UM <- sum(is.na(x))
    n <- N - UM
    x <- x[!(is.na(x) > 0)]
    LQ1 <- (n + 1)/4
    LQ3 <- (3 * (n + 1))/4
    Sort <- sort(x)
    V1 <- floor(LQ1)
    V2 <- floor(LQ3)
    V3 <- V1 + 1
    V4 <- V2 + 1
    Q1 <- round(Sort[V1] + (LQ1 - V1) * (Sort[V3] - Sort[V1]), 3)
    Q3 <- round(Sort[V2] + (LQ3 - V2) * (Sort[V4] - Sort[V2]), 3)
    IQR <- round(Q3 - Q1, 3)
    Min <- round(min(x), 3)
    Max <- round(max(x), 3)
    Stdev <- round(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    Mean <- round(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    Median <- round(median(x, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    TrMean <- round(mean(x, trim = trim), 3)
    Var <- round(var(x, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
    SE <- round(Stdev/sqrt(n), 3)
    Range <- round(Max - Min, 3)
    par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
    par(mar = c(1, 0, 2, 0))
    par(pty = "s")
    hist(x, probability = TRUE, col=Adkblue, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE,
        main = paste("Histogram of", varname) )
    iqd <- summary(x)[5] - summary(x)[2]
    plot(density(x, width = 2 * iqd, na.rm = TRUE), xlab = "",
        ylab = "", axes = FALSE, type = "n", main = paste("Density of",
    lines(density(x, width = 2 * iqd, na.rm = TRUE), col=Ared)
    l.out <- x[x < (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR)]
    r.out <- x[x > (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR)]
    outliers <- c(l.out, r.out)
    rest <- x[x > (Q1 - 1.5 * IQR) & x < (Q3 + 1.5 * IQR)]
    Minrest <- min(rest)
    Maxrest <- max(rest)
    plot(x, x, main = paste("Boxplot of", varname), xlab = 
        "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, type = "n", xlim = c(min(x), max(
        x)), ylim = c(0, 1))
    polygon(c(Q1, Q1, Q3, Q3), c(0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.3), density = -1, col=Altblue)
    points(outliers, c(rep(0.5, length(outliers))), col = Ared)
    lines(c(min(rest), Q1), c(0.5, 0.5), lty = 1)
    lines(c(Q3, max(rest)), c(0.5, 0.5), lty = 1)
    lines(c(min(rest), min(rest)), c(0.4, 0.6))
    lines(c(max(rest), max(rest)), c(0.4, 0.6))
    lines(c(Q1, Q1), c(0.3, 0.7))
    lines(c(Q3, Q3), c(0.3, 0.7))
    lines(c(Median, Median), c(0.3, 0.7))
    lines(c(Q1, Q3), c(0.3, 0.3))
    lines(c(Q1, Q3), c(0.7, 0.7))
    points(Mean, 0.5, pch = 16, col = "black")
    qqnorm(x, col = "black", main = paste("Q-Q Plot of", varname), xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
    qqline(x, col = Ared)
    mtext("EXPLORATORY  DATA  ANALYSIS", side = 3, outer = TRUE, cex = 1.5,
        col = Adkblue, line = 1)
    par(oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    par(pty = "m")
    SW <- shapiro.test(x)
    K <- round(kurtosis(x), 3)
    S <- round(skewness(x), 3)
    SWpval <- round(SW$p.value, 3)
    TOT <- c(n, UM, Min, Q1, Mean, Median, TrMean, Q3, Max, Stdev, Var,
        SE, IQR, Range, K, S, SWpval)
    names(TOT) <- c("Size (n)", "Missing", "Minimum", " 1st Qu", "   Mean",
        " Median", "TrMean", " 3rd Qu", "   Max.", " Stdev.", 
        "   Var.", "SE Mean", " I.Q.R.", "  Range", "Kurtosis", 
        "Skewness", "SW p-val")

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BSDA documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 1:08 a.m.