
Defines functions cv.BTLLasso

Documented in cv.BTLLasso

#' Cross-validation function for BTLLasso
#' Performs cross-validation of BTLLasso, including the BTLLasso algorithm for
#' the whole data set.
#' Cross-validation can be performed parallel, default is 10-fold 
#' cross-validation on 10 cores. Output is a cv.BTLLasso object which can then be
#' used for bootstrap intervalls using \code{\link{boot.BTLLasso}}.
#' @param Y A \code{response.BTLLasso} object created by
#' \code{\link{response.BTLLasso}}.
#' @param X Matrix containing all \bold{subject-specific covariates} that are
#' to be included with \bold{object-specific effects}. One row represents one
#' subject, one column represents one covariate. X has to be standardized.
#' @param Z1 Matrix containing all \bold{object-subject-specific covariates}
#' that are to be included with \bold{object-specific effects}. One row
#' represents one subject, one column represents one combination between
#' covariate and object. Column names have to follow the scheme
#' 'firstvar.object1',...,'firstvar.objectm',...,'lastvar.objectm'. The object
#' names 'object1',...,'objectm' have to be identical to the object names used
#' in the \code{response.BTLLasso} object \code{Y}. The variable names and the
#' object names have to be separated by '.'.  The rownames of the matrix',
#' Z.name, 'have to be equal to the subjects specified in the response object.
#' Z1 has to be standardized.
#' @param Z2 Matrix containing all \bold{object-subject-specific covariates or
#' object-specific covariates} that are to be included with \bold{global
#' effects}. One row represents one subject, one column represents one
#' combination between covariate and object. Column names have to follow the
#' scheme 'firstvar.object1',...,'firstvar.objectm',...,'lastvar.objectm'. The
#' object names 'object1',...,'objectm' have to be identical to the object
#' names used in the \code{response.BTLLasso} object \code{Y}. The variable
#' names and the object names have to be separated by '.'.  The rownames of the
#' matrix', Z.name, 'have to be equal to the subjects specified in the response
#' object. Z2 has to be standardized.
#' @param folds Number of folds for the crossvalidation. Default is 10.
#' @param lambda Vector of tuning parameters. If \code{NULL}, automatically a grid
#' of tuning parameters is created. 
#' @param control Function for control arguments, mostly for internal use. See
#' also \code{\link{ctrl.BTLLasso}}.
#' @param cores Number of cores used for (parallelized) cross-validation. By
#' default, equal to the number of folds.
#' @param trace Should the trace of the BTLLasso algorithm be printed?
#' @param trace.cv Should the trace fo the cross-validation be printed? If
#' parallelized, the trace is not working on Windows machines.
#' @param cv.crit Which criterion should be used to evaluate cross-validation. Choice is 
#' between Ranked probability score and deviance. Only \code{RPS} considers the ordinal
#' structure of the response.
#' @return 
#' \item{coefs}{Matrix containing all (original) coefficients, one row
#' per tuning parameter, one column per coefficient.} 
#' \item{coefs.repar}{Matrix
#' containing all reparameterized (for symmetric side constraint) coefficients,
#' one row per tuning parameter, one column per coefficient.}
#' \item{logLik}{Vector of log-likelihoods, one value per tuning parameter.}
#' \item{design}{List containing design matrix and several additional information like, 
#' e.g., number and names of covariates.} 
#' \item{Y}{Response object.} 
#' \item{penalty}{List containing all penalty matrices and some further information on penalties} 
#' \item{response}{Vector containing 0-1 coded
#' response.} 
#' \item{X}{X matrix containing subject-specific covariates.} 
#' \item{Z1}{Z1 matrix containing subject-object-specific covariates.} 
#' \item{Z2}{Z2 matrix containing (subject)-object-specific covariates.} 
#' \item{lambda}{Vector of tuning parameters.} 
#' \item{control}{Control argument, specified by \code{\link{ctrl.BTLLasso}}.}
#' \item{criterion}{Vector containing values of the chosen cross-validation criterion, 
#' one value per tuning parameter.}
#' \item{folds}{Number of folds in cross validation.} 
#' \item{cv.crit}{Cross-validation criterion, either \code{RPS} or \code{Deviance}.}
#' \item{df}{Vector containing degrees of freedom for all models along the grid 
#' of tuning parameters.}
#' @author Gunther Schauberger\cr \email{gunther.schauberger@@tum.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{BTLLasso}}, \code{\link{boot.BTLLasso}}, \code{\link{ctrl.BTLLasso}},
#' \code{\link{plot.BTLLasso}}, \code{\link{paths}}, \code{\link{print.cv.BTLLasso}}, 
#' \code{\link{predict.BTLLasso}}, \code{\link{coef}}
#' @references Schauberger, Gunther and Tutz, Gerhard (2019): BTLLasso - A Common Framework and Software 
#' Package for the Inclusion  and Selection of Covariates in Bradley-Terry Models, \emph{Journal of 
#' Statistical Software}, 88(9), 1-29, \doi{10.18637/jss.v088.i09}
#' Schauberger, Gunther and Tutz, Gerhard (2017): Subject-specific modelling 
#' of paired comparison data: A lasso-type penalty approach, \emph{Statistical Modelling},
#' 17(3), 223 - 243
#' Schauberger, Gunther, Groll Andreas and Tutz, Gerhard (2018): 
#' Analysis of the importance of on-field covariates in the German Bundesliga, 
#' \emph{Journal of Applied Statistics}, 45(9), 1561 - 1578
#' @keywords BTLLasso cross validation
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with simulated data set containing X, Z1 and Z2
#' ##############################
#' data(SimData)
#' ## Specify control argument
#' ## -> allow for object-specific order effects and penalize intercepts
#' ctrl <- ctrl.BTLLasso(penalize.intercepts = TRUE, object.order.effect = TRUE,
#'                       penalize.order.effect.diffs = TRUE)
#' ## Simple BTLLasso model for tuning parameters lambda
#' m.sim <- BTLLasso(Y = SimData$Y, X = SimData$X, Z1 = SimData$Z1,
#'                   Z2 = SimData$Z2, control = ctrl)
#' m.sim
#' par(xpd = TRUE)
#' plot(m.sim)
#' ## Cross-validate BTLLasso model for tuning parameters lambda
#' set.seed(1860)
#' m.sim.cv <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = SimData$Y, X = SimData$X, Z1 = SimData$Z1,
#'                         Z2 = SimData$Z2, control = ctrl)
#' m.sim.cv
#' coef(m.sim.cv)
#' logLik(m.sim.cv)
#' head(predict(m.sim.cv, type="response"))
#' head(predict(m.sim.cv, type="trait"))
#' plot(m.sim.cv, plots_per_page = 4)
#' ## Example for bootstrap intervals for illustration only
#' ## Don't calculate bootstrap intervals with B = 20!!!!
#' set.seed(1860)
#' m.sim.boot <- boot.BTLLasso(m.sim.cv, B = 20, cores = 20)
#' m.sim.boot
#' plot(m.sim.boot, plots_per_page = 4)
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with small version from GLES data set
#' ##############################
#' data(GLESsmall)
#' ## extract data and center covariates for better interpretability
#' Y <- GLESsmall$Y
#' X <- scale(GLESsmall$X, scale = FALSE)
#' Z1 <- scale(GLESsmall$Z1, scale = FALSE)
#' ## vector of subtitles, containing the coding of the X covariates
#' subs.X <- c('', 'female (1); male (0)')
#' ## Cross-validate BTLLasso model
#' m.gles.cv <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = Y, X = X, Z1 = Z1)
#' m.gles.cv
#' coef(m.gles.cv)
#' logLik(m.gles.cv)
#' head(predict(m.gles.cv, type="response"))
#' head(predict(m.gles.cv, type="trait"))
#' par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(5,4,4,6))
#' plot(m.gles.cv, subs.X = subs.X, plots_per_page = 4, which = 2:5)
#' paths(m.gles.cv, y.axis = 'L2')
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with Bundesliga data set
#' ##############################
#' data(Buli1516)
#' Y <- Buli1516$Y5
#' Z1 <- scale(Buli1516$Z1, scale = FALSE)
#' ctrl.buli <- ctrl.BTLLasso(object.order.effect = TRUE, 
#'                            name.order = "Home", 
#'                            penalize.order.effect.diffs = TRUE, 
#'                            penalize.order.effect.absolute = FALSE,
#'                            order.center = TRUE, lambda2 = 1e-2)
#' set.seed(1860)
#' m.buli <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = Y, Z1 = Z1, control = ctrl.buli)
#' m.buli
#' par(xpd = TRUE, mar = c(5,4,4,6))
#' plot(m.buli)
#' ##############################
#' ##### Example with Topmodel data set
#' ##############################
#' data("Topmodel2007", package = "psychotree")
#' Y.models <- response.BTLLasso(Topmodel2007$preference)
#' X.models <- scale(model.matrix(preference~., data = Topmodel2007)[,-1])
#' rownames(X.models) <- paste0("Subject",1:nrow(X.models))
#' colnames(X.models) <- c("Gender","Age","KnowShow","WatchShow","WatchFinal")
#' set.seed(5)
#' m.models <- cv.BTLLasso(Y = Y.models, X = X.models)
#' plot(m.models, plots_per_page = 6)
#' par(op)
#' }
cv.BTLLasso <- function(Y, X = NULL, Z1 = NULL, Z2 = NULL, folds = 10, 
  lambda = NULL, control = ctrl.BTLLasso(), cores = folds, trace = TRUE, 
  trace.cv = TRUE, cv.crit = c("RPS", "Deviance")) {
  cv.crit <- match.arg(cv.crit)
  get.design <- design.BTLLasso(Y = Y, X = X, Z1 = Z1, Z2 = Z2, 
    control = control)
  ## exclude missing values
  na.response <- is.na(Y$response)
  na.design <- colSums(matrix(is.na(rowSums(get.design$design)), 
    nrow = Y$q)) != 0
  na.total <- na.response | na.design
  Y$response <- Y$response[!na.total]
  Y$first.object <- Y$first.object[!na.total]
  Y$second.object <- Y$second.object[!na.total]
  Y$subject <- Y$subject[!na.total]
  Y$subject.names <- levels(as.factor(Y$subject))
  Y$n <- length(Y$subject.names)
  get.design$design <- get.design$design[!rep(na.total, each = Y$q),]
  get.design$design.repar <- get.design$design.repar[!rep(na.total, each = Y$q),]
  ## create response vector
    response <- as.numeric(Y$response) -1
  } else {
    response <- cumul.response(Y)

  get.penalties <- penalties.BTLLasso(Y = Y, X = X, Z1 = Z1, 
    Z2 = Z2, control = control, get.design = get.design)
  ## create sequence of tuning parameters if not pre-specified
    lambda <- find.lambda(response = response, 
                          design = get.design$design, penalties = get.penalties, 
                          k = Y$k, m = Y$m, control = control, trace = trace)
  fit <- fit.cv.BTLLasso(response = response, design = get.design$design, 
    penalty = get.penalties, q = Y$q, m = Y$m, folds = folds, 
    lambda = lambda, control = control, cores = cores, trace = trace, 
    trace.cv = trace.cv, cv.crit = cv.crit)
  coefs <- fit$coefs
  ## reparameterize coefficients, from reference object to
  ## symmetric side constraint
  coefs.repar <- round(expand.coefs(coefs, get.design, Y, name.order = control$name.order), 
  ## calculate log likelihood
  logLik <- c()
  for (j in 1:nrow(coefs)) {
    logLik[j] <- loglik(coefs[j, ], Y$response, get.design$design, 
  coefs <- round(coefs, control$precision)
  df <- df.BTLLasso(coefs.repar, get.design, Y$m)
  ret.list <- list(coefs = coefs, coefs.repar = coefs.repar, 
    logLik = logLik, design = get.design, Y = Y, penalty = get.penalties, 
    response = response, X = X, Z1 = Z1, Z2 = Z2, lambda = lambda, 
    control = control, criterion = fit$criterion, folds = folds, 
    cv.crit = cv.crit, df = df)
  class(ret.list) <- c("cv.BTLLasso", "BTLLasso")

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BTLLasso documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:57 a.m.