
test_that("Full function test", {

  #load test data
  data(AgeS,envir = environment())

  ##force function stop
               regexp =  "Wrong input, only objects of type 'mcmc.list' or single 'data.frame' are allowed. Please check the manual!")
  expect_error(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling, variables = c("A", "B")),
               regexp = "You can only select one variable at the time!")
  expect_error(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling, variables = c("B")),
               regexp = " Invalid 'variables', they did not match your dataset. Variable names of your dataset: A, D, sD.")

  ##run function usual cases
  expect_silent(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling))
  expect_silent(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling, plot_type = "smoothScatter"))
  expect_warning(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling, sample_names = "1"),
                 regexp = "length of 'sample_names' shorter than the number of samples; default values used!")
  expect_warning(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling, sample_selection = 1:100),
                 regexp = "You have only 2 samples. 'sample_selection' wrong, reset to default!")

  expect_warning(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling, n.chains = 10),
                 regexp = "'n.chains' setting wrong. You have 3 chains, reset to default")

  ##run single mode
  expect_silent(plot_Scatterplots(object = AgeS$Sampling, plot_mode = "single", plot_type = "smoothScatter"))

  ##provide data.frame as input
  expect_silent(plot_Scatterplots(object = as.data.frame(AgeS$Sampling[[1]])))

  expect_error(plot_Scatterplots(object = as.data.frame(AgeS$Sampling[[1]][1])))
  df <- as.data.frame(AgeS$Sampling[[1]])
  df[[2]] <- as.character(df[[2]])
  expect_error(plot_Scatterplots(object =df), regexp = "Only numeric values are allowed!")


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BayLum documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:18 a.m.