
Defines functions ComputeKLDs

Documented in ComputeKLDs

#' Compute signed and symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence
#' Compute signed and symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence of variables over a spectrum of evidence
#' @details Compute signed and symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence of variables over a spectrum of evidence.
#' The signed and symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence is also known as Jeffery's signed information (JSI) for
#' continuous variables.
#' @param tree a \code{\linkS4class{ClusterTree}} object
#' @param var0 the variable to have evidence absrobed
#' @param vars the variables to have divergence computed
#' @param seq a \code{vector} of numeric values as the evidences
#' @param pbar \code{logical(1)} whether to show progress bar
#' @param method method for divergence computation:
#' \code{gaussian} for Gaussian approximation, \code{} for Monte Carlo integration
#' @param epsilon \code{numeric(1)} the KL divergence is undefined if certain states of a discrete variable 
#' have probabilities of 0. In this case, a small positive number epsilon is assigned as their probabilities for
#' calculating the divergence. The probabilities of other states are shrunked proportionally to ensure they sum up to 1.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} of the divergence
#' @author Han Yu
#' @references Cowell, R. G. (2005). Local propagation in conditional Gaussian Bayesian networks.
#' Journal of Machine Learning Research, 6(Sep), 1517-1550. \cr
#' \cr
#' Yu H, Moharil J, Blair RH (2020). BayesNetBP: An R Package for Probabilistic Reasoning in Bayesian
#' Networks. Journal of Statistical Software, 94(3), 1-31. <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i03>.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(liver)
#' tree.init.p <- Initializer(dag=liver$dag, data=liver$data,
#'                            node.class=liver$node.class,
#'                            propagate = TRUE)
#' klds <- ComputeKLDs(tree=tree.init.p, var0="Nr1i3",
#'                     vars=setdiff(tree.init.p@node, "Nr1i3"),
#'                     seq=seq(-3,3,0.5))
#' head(klds)
#' }
#' @export

ComputeKLDs <- function(tree, var0, vars, seq, pbar=TRUE, method = "gaussian", epsilon = 10^-6) {

  # cat(method, "\n")

  node.class <- tree@node.class
  tree.graph <- tree@graph$tree

  x.seq <- seq
  posteriors.1 <- Marginals(tree, vars)
  n.v <- length(vars)
  klds <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(x.seq), ncol=n.v)
  sys <- Sys.info()[1]

    if(sys=="Windows") {
      pb <- winProgressBar(title = "Computing divergence", min = 0,
                           max = length(x.seq), width = 300)
    } else {
      pb <- txtProgressBar(title = "Computing divergence",
                           min = 0, max = length(x.seq), style = 3)

  for (i in 1:length(x.seq)) {
    object.2 <- AbsorbEvidence(tree, var0, list(x.seq[i]))
    posteriors.2 <- Marginals(object.2, vars)
    for(j in 1:n.v){
      klds[i,j] <- SymmetricKLD(posteriors.1$marginals[[j]],
                                discrete = node.class[vars[j]],
                                method = method, epsilon = epsilon) ######

      if(sys=="Windows") {
        setWinProgressBar(pb, i, title=paste("Computing divergence:", round(i/length(x.seq)*100, 0), "% complete"))
      } else {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i, title=paste("Computing divergence:", round(i/length(x.seq)*100, 0), "% complete"))


  df <- data.frame(x.seq, klds)
  colnames(df) <- c("x", vars)

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BayesNetBP documentation built on May 9, 2022, 1:05 a.m.