
Defines functions normalizing.constant calc_a0_func calc_marg_l

Documented in normalizing.constant

# Some of the following comments appeared in the source code for 
# Wang YB, Chen MH, Kuo L, Lewis PO (2018). “A New Monte Carlo Method for Estimating Marginal Likelihoods.” Bayesian Analysis, 13(2), 311–333.

calc_marg_l <- function(a0, mcmc, historical, data.type, data.link,init_var){

  sds <- apply(mcmc, 2, stats::sd)
  means <- apply(mcmc, 2, mean)

  # Standardize MCMC samples
  mcmc_scaled <- scale(mcmc, center=TRUE, scale = TRUE)

  # Determine r ("rcover") and K ("ncutslice") for PWK
  rcover <- sqrt(qchisq(0.95,df=ncol(mcmc)))
  ncutslice <- 100

  c_est_pp <- 0

  #Forming the partition subsets for the PWK estimation of c_0
  rings_pp <- LOR_partition_pp(r=rcover, nslice=ncutslice, mcmc=mcmc, a0=a0, historical, data.type, data.link,init_var)
  #Estimate c_0
  t1 <- dim(mcmc_scaled)[1]
  val <- rep(NA, t1)
  r_ <- sqrt(apply(mcmc_scaled^2, 1, sum )) # norm of mcmc samples
  kreprp <- rep(NA, t1)
  for (j in 1:t1 ){
    ring_position  <- which(r_[j]>=rings_pp[,1] & r_[j]<rings_pp[,2])
    if (sum(ring_position)>0){ # phi_t is in A_k

      partjo1 <- log(prod(sds))# log of jacobian

      kreprp[j] <- 0
      kreprp[j] <- kreprp[j] + logpowerprior(mcmc[j,], a0, historical, data.type, data.link,init_var) + partjo1
      val[j] <- rings_pp[ring_position, 3] - kreprp[j]

  lcons <- max(rings_pp[, 4])
  tcubevol <- log(sum(exp(rings_pp[,4] - lcons) ) ) + lcons 

  den <- denominator_control(val)
  c_est_pp <- NA
  c_est_pp <- tcubevol - den
  return(c_est_pp) # log(c0)


# This function computes the normalizing constant for a given a_0 value. 
calc_a0_func <- function(a0, historical, data.type, data.link,
  dCurrent <- FALSE
  historical2 <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(historical)){
    l <- historical[[i]]
    l[["a0"]] = a0[i]
    historical2[[i]] = l
  y <- rep(0,1)
  x <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=1)
  n <- rep(0, 1)
  samples <- glm_fixed_a0(data.type,data.link,y,n,x,FALSE,historical2,init_var,lower_limits,upper_limits,slice_widths,nMC,nBI,dCurrent)

  marg_l <- calc_marg_l(a0, samples, historical, data.type, data.link,init_var)


#' Function for approximating the normalizing constant for generalized linear models with random a0
#' @description This function returns a vector of coefficients that defines a function \eqn{f(a_0)} that approximates the normalizing constant for generalized linear models with random \eqn{a_0}.
#' The user should input the values returned to \code{\link{glm.random.a0}} or \code{\link{power.glm.random.a0}}.
#' @param grid Matrix of potential values for \eqn{a_0}, where the number of columns should equal the number of historial datasets. Note that the algorithm may fail if some grid values are close to zero. See \emph{Details} below.
#' @param historical List of historical dataset(s). East historical dataset is stored in a list which constains two \emph{named} elements: \code{y0} and \code{x0}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{y0} is a vector of responses.
#' \item \code{x0} is a matrix of covariates.
#' }
#' For binomial data, an additional element \code{n0} is required. 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{n0} is vector of integers specifying the number of subjects who have a particular value of the covariate vector.
#' }
#' @param data.type Character string specifying the type of response. The options are "Bernoulli", "Binomial", "Poisson" and "Exponential".
#' @inheritParams power.glm.fixed.a0
#' @inheritParams glm.random.a0
#' @details
#' This function performs the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item	Suppose there are K historical datasets. The user inputs a grid of M rows and K columns of potential values for \eqn{a_0}. For example, one can choose the vector \code{v = c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)}
#' and use \code{expand.grid(a0_1=v, a0_2=v, a0_3=v)} when \eqn{K=3} to get a grid with \eqn{M=5^3=125} rows and 3 columns. If there are more than three historical datasets, the dimension of \code{v} can be reduced
#' to limit the size of the grid. A large grid will increase runtime.
#' \item	For each row of \eqn{a_0} values in the grid, obtain \eqn{M} samples for \eqn{\beta} from the power prior associated with the current values of \eqn{a_0} using the slice sampler.
#' \item	For each of the M sets of posterior samples, execute the PWK algorithm (Wang et al., 2018) to estimate the log of normalizing constant \eqn{d_1,...,d_M} for the normalized power prior.
#' \item	At this point, one has a dataset with outcomes \eqn{d_1,...,d_M} and predictors corresponding to the rows of the \eqn{a_0} grid matrix. A polynomial regression is applied to estimate a function \eqn{d=f(a0)}.
#' The degree of the polynomial regression is determined by the algorithm to ensure \eqn{R^2 > 0.99}.
#' \item	The vector of coefficients from the polynomial regression model is returned by the function, which the user must input into \code{\link{glm.random.a0}} or \code{\link{power.glm.random.a0}}.
#' }
#' When a row of the \code{grid} contains elements that are close to zero, the resulting power prior will be flat and estimates of normalizing constants may be inaccurate.
#' Therefore, it is recommended that \code{grid} values should be at least 0.05.
#' If one encounters the error message "some coefficients are not defined because of singularities",
#' it could be due to the following factors: number of \code{grid} rows too large or too small, insufficient sample size of the historical data, insufficient number of iterations for the slice sampler,
#' or near-zero \code{grid} values.
#' Note that due to computational intensity, the \code{normalizing.constant} function has not been evaluated for accuracy for high dimensional \eqn{\beta} (e.g., dimension > 10) or high dimensional \eqn{a_0} (e.g., dimension > 5). 
#' @return Vector of coefficients for \eqn{a_0} that defines a function \eqn{f(a_0)} that approximates the normalizing constant, necessary for functions \code{\link{glm.random.a0}} and \code{\link{power.glm.random.a0}}.
#' The length of the vector is equal to 1+K*L where K is the number of historical datasets and L is the degree of the polynomial regression determined by the algorithm. 
#' @references Wang, Yu-Bo; Chen, Ming-Hui; Kuo, Lynn; Lewis, Paul O. A New Monte Carlo Method for Estimating Marginal Likelihoods. Bayesian Anal. 13 (2018), no. 2, 311--333.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glm.random.a0}} and \code{\link{power.glm.random.a0}}
#' @examples
#' data.type <- "Bernoulli"
#' data.link <- "Logistic"
#' data.size <- 50
#' # Simulate two historical datasets
#' p <- 1
#' set.seed(111)
#' x1 <- matrix(rnorm(p*data.size),ncol=p,nrow=data.size)
#' set.seed(222)
#' x2 <- matrix(rnorm(p*data.size),ncol=p,nrow=data.size)
#' beta <- c(1,2)
#' mean1 <- exp(x1*beta)/(1+exp(x1*beta))
#' mean2 <- exp(x2*beta)/(1+exp(x2*beta))
#' historical <- list(list(y0=rbinom(data.size,size=1,prob=mean1),x0=x1),
#'                    list(y0=rbinom(data.size, size=1, prob=mean2),x0=x2))
#' # Create grid of possible values of a0 with two columns corresponding to a0_1 and a0_2
#' g <- c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
#' grid <- expand.grid(a0_1=g, a0_2=g)
#' nMC <- 100 # nMC should be larger in practice
#' nBI <- 50
#' result <- normalizing.constant(grid=grid, historical=historical,
#'                                data.type=data.type, data.link=data.link,
#'                                nMC=nMC, nBI=nBI)
#' @importFrom stats sd qchisq pnorm dnorm lm
#' @export
normalizing.constant <- function(grid, historical, data.type, data.link,
                                 prior.beta.var=rep(10,50), lower.limits=rep(-100, 50), upper.limits=rep(100, 50), slice.widths=rep(1, 50),
                                 nMC=10000, nBI=250){

  d <- apply(grid, 1, calc_a0_func, historical, data.type, data.link,
             prior.beta.var,lower.limits,upper.limits,slice.widths,nMC,nBI) # not a number when a0 too low

  m <- as.matrix(grid)
  r2 <- 0
  degree <- 0
  while(r2 < 0.99){
    degree = degree + 1
    mat <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(m), ncol=ncol(m)*degree)

    # create m degree polynomials
    for(i in 1:degree){
      mat[,((i-1)*ncol(m)+1):(ncol(m)*i)] <- m^i
    fit <- lm(d ~ mat)
    r2 <- summary(fit)$r.squared

    if(NA %in% fit$coefficients){
      stop("Some coefficients are not defined because of singularities. Potential causes include number of grid rows too large or too small, insufficient sample size of the historical data, insufficient number of iterations for the slice sampler, or near-zero grid values.")
  result <- fit$coefficients

  #return(list("coef"=result, "logc"=d))

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