
Defines functions bgof

Documented in bgof

#' Bayesian goodness-of-fit diagnostics for ERGMs
#' Function to calculate summaries for degree, 
#' minimum geodesic distances, 
#' and edge-wise shared partner distributions 
#' to diagnose the Bayesian goodness-of-fit of 
#' exponential random graph models.
#' @param x an \code{R} object of class \code{bergm}.
#' @param sample.size count; number of networks 
#' to be simulated and compared to the observed network.
#' @param aux.iters count; number of iterations used for network simulation.
#' @param n.deg count; used to plot only the first 
#' \code{n.deg}-1 degree distributions. 
#' By default no restrictions on the number of degree 
#' distributions is applied.
#' @param n.dist count; used to plot only the first 
#' \code{n.dist}-1 geodesic distances distributions. 
#' By default no restrictions on the number of geodesic 
#' distances distributions is applied.
#' @param n.esp count; used to plot only the first 
#' \code{n.esp}-1 edge-wise shared partner distributions. 
#' By default no restrictions on the number of 
#' edge-wise shared partner distributions is applied.
#' @param n.ideg count; used to plot only the first 
#' \code{n.ideg}-1 in-degree distributions. 
#' By default no restrictions on the number of 
#' in-degree distributions is applied.
#' @param n.odeg count; used to plot only the first 
#' \code{n.odeg}-1 out-degree distributions. 
#' By default no restrictions on the number of 
#' out-degree distributions is applied.
#' @param ... additional arguments, 
#' to be passed to lower-level functions.
#' @references
#' Caimo, A. and Friel, N. (2011), "Bayesian Inference for Exponential Random Graph Models," 
#' Social Networks, 33(1), 41-55. \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1007.5192}
#' Caimo, A. and Friel, N. (2014), "Bergm: Bayesian Exponential Random Graphs in R," 
#' Journal of Statistical Software, 61(2), 1-25. \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v61/i02}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load the florentine marriage network
#' data(florentine)
#' # Posterior parameter estimation:
#' p.flo <- bergm(flomarriage ~ edges + kstar(2),
#'                burn.in    = 50,
#'                aux.iters  = 500,
#'                main.iters = 1000,
#'                gamma      = 1.2)
#' # Bayesian goodness-of-fit test:
#' bgof(p.flo,
#'      aux.iters   = 500,
#'      sample.size = 30,
#'      n.deg       = 10,
#'      n.dist      = 9,
#'      n.esp       = 6)
#' @export

bgof <- function(x,
                 sample.size = 100,
                 aux.iters   = 10000,
                 n.deg       = NULL,
                 n.dist      = NULL,
                 n.esp       = NULL,
                 n.ideg      = NULL,
                 n.odeg      = NULL,

  FF <- as.matrix(x$Theta[sample(dim(x$Theta)[1], sample.size), ])
  DN <- is.directed(ergm.getnetwork(x$formula))

  if (DN == FALSE) { # undirected
  	for (i in 1:sample.size) {
	  	a <- gof(x$formula,
	  	         coef = FF[i, ],
	  	         verbose = FALSE,
	  	         control = control.gof.formula(nsim = 2, 
	  	                                       MCMC.burnin = aux.iters,
	  	                                       MCMC.interval = 1))
	  	if (i == 1) A <- as.vector(a$pobs.deg)
   		A <- cbind(A, as.vector(a$psim.deg[2, ]))
  		if (i == 1) B <- as.vector(a$pobs.dist) 
  		B <- cbind(B,as.vector(a$psim.dist[2, ]))
  		if (i == 1) C <- as.vector(a$pobs.espart)
  		C  <- cbind(C,as.vector(a$psim.espart[2, ]))
  	if (is.null(n.deg)) n.deg <- dim(A)[1]
  	if (is.null(n.dist)) n.dist <- dim(B)[1] - 1
  	if (is.null(n.esp)) n.esp <- dim(C)[1]
  	a5 <- apply(A[1:n.deg, -1],
  	            1, quantile, probs = 0.05)
  	b5 <- apply(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), -1],
  	            1, quantile, probs = 0.05)
  	c5 <- apply(C[1:n.esp, -1],
  	            1, quantile, probs = 0.05)
  	a95 <- apply(A[1:n.deg, -1],
  	            1, quantile, probs = 0.95)
  	b95 <- apply(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), -1],
  	            1, quantile, probs = 0.95)
  	c95 <- apply(C[1:n.esp, -1],
  	            1, quantile, probs = 0.95)	
  	par(mfrow = c(1, 3), oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0), mar = c(4, 3, 1.5, 1))
  	boxplot(as.data.frame(t(A[1:n.deg, -1])),
  	        xaxt = "n",
  	        xlab = "degree",
  	        ylab = "proportion of nodes")
  	axis(1, seq(1, n.deg), seq(0, n.deg - 1))
  	lines(A[1:n.deg, 1], lwd = 2, col = 2)
  	lines(a5, col = "darkgray")
  	lines(a95, col = "darkgray")
  	title("Bayesian goodness-of-fit diagnostics", outer = TRUE)
  	boxplot(as.data.frame(t(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), -1])),
  	        xaxt = "n", 
  	        xlab = "minimum geodesic distance",
  	        ylab = "proportion of dyads")
  	axis(1, seq(1, n.dist), labels = c(seq(1, (n.dist - 1)), "NR"))
  	lines(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), 1],lwd = 2, col = 2)
  	lines(b5, col = "darkgray")
  	lines(b95, col = "darkgray")
  	        xaxt = "n",
  	        xlab = "edge-wise shared partners",
  	        ylab = "proportion of edges")
  	axis(1,seq(1, n.esp),seq(0, n.esp - 1))
  	lines(C[1:n.esp, 1],lwd = 2,col = 2)
  	lines(c5,col = "darkgray")
  	lines(c95,col = "darkgray")
  	out = list(sim.degree = A[,-1],
  	           sim.dist = B[,-1],
  	           sim.esp = C[,-1],
  	           obs.degree = A[,1],
  	           obs.dist = B[,1],
  	           obs.esp = C[,1])
  } else {# directed
  	for (i in 1:sample.size) {
  		a <- gof(x$formula,
  		         coef = FF[i,],
  		         verbose = FALSE,
  		         GOF = ~ idegree + odegree + espartners + distance,
  		         control = control.gof.formula(nsim = 2, 
  		                                       MCMC.burnin = aux.iters,
  		                                       MCMC.interval = 1))
  		if (i == 1) A <- as.vector(a$pobs.ideg)
  		A <- cbind(A, as.vector(a$psim.ideg[2, ]))
  		if (i == 1) AA <- as.vector(a$pobs.odeg)
  		AA <- cbind(AA, as.vector(a$psim.odeg[2, ]))
  		if (i == 1) B <- as.vector(a$pobs.dist) 
  		B <- cbind(B, as.vector(a$psim.dist[2, ]))
  		if (i == 1) C <- as.vector(a$pobs.espart)
  		C <- cbind(C, as.vector(a$psim.espart[2, ]))
  	if (is.null(n.ideg)) n.ideg <- dim(A)[1]
  	if (is.null(n.odeg)) n.odeg <- dim(AA)[1]
  	if (is.null(n.dist)) n.dist <- dim(B)[1] - 1
  	if (is.null(n.esp)) n.esp <- dim(C)[1]
  	a5 <- apply(A[1:n.ideg, -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.05)
  	aa5 <- apply(AA[1:n.odeg, -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.05)
  	b5 <- apply(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.05)
  	c5 <- apply(C[1:n.esp, -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.05)
  	a95 <- apply(A[1:n.ideg, -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.95)
  	aa95 <- apply(AA[1:n.odeg, -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.95)
  	b95 <- apply(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.95)
  	c95 <- apply(C[1:n.esp, -1], 1, quantile, probs = 0.95)	
  	par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0), mar = c(4, 3, 1.5, 1))
  	        xaxt = "n",
  	        xlab = "in degree",
  	        ylab = "proportion of nodes")
  	axis(1, seq(1, n.ideg), seq(0, n.ideg - 1))
  	lines(A[1:n.ideg, 1], lwd = 2, col = 2)
  	lines(a5, col = "darkgray")
  	lines(a95, col = "darkgray")
  	title("Bayesian goodness-of-fit diagnostics", outer = TRUE)
  	boxplot(as.data.frame(t(AA[1:n.odeg, -1])),
  	        xaxt = "n",
  	        xlab = "out degree",
  	        ylab = "proportion of nodes")
  	axis(1,seq(1, n.odeg),seq(0, n.odeg - 1))
  	lines(AA[1:n.odeg, 1],lwd = 2,col = 2)
  	lines(aa5, col = "darkgray")
  	lines(aa95, col = "darkgray")
  	boxplot(as.data.frame(t(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), -1])),
  	        xaxt = "n",
  	        xlab = "minimum geodesic distance",
  	        ylab = "proportion of dyads")
  	axis(1, seq(1, n.dist), labels = c(seq(1, (n.dist - 1)), "NR"))
  	lines(B[-(n.dist:(dim(B)[1] - 1)), 1], lwd = 2 , col = 2)
  	lines(b5,col = "darkgray")
   	lines(b95,col = "darkgray")
  	boxplot(as.data.frame(t(C[1:n.esp, -1])),
  	        xaxt = "n",
  	        xlab = "edge-wise shared partners",
  	        ylab = "proportion of edges")
  	axis(1, seq(1, n.esp), seq(0, n.esp - 1))
  	lines(C[1:n.esp, 1],lwd = 2, col = 2)
  	lines(c5, col = "darkgray")
  	lines(c95, col = "darkgray")
  	out = list(sim.idegree = A[,-1],
  	           sim.odegree = AA[,-1],
  	           sim.dist = B[,-1],
  	           sim.esp = C[,-1],
  	           obs.degree = A[,1],
  	           obs.dist = B[,1],
  	           obs.esp = C[,1])

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Bergm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:30 a.m.