string2mat: Deriving interactions matrix

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string2matR Documentation

Deriving interactions matrix


This transforms a list of possible interactions between proteins downloaded from STRING database into a matrix which can be used for blacklisting/penalization in BiDAG.


string2mat(curnames, int, mapping = NULL, type = c("int"), pf = 2)



character vector with gene names which will be used in BiDAG learning function


data frame, representing a interactions between genes/proteins downloaded from STRING (; two columns are necessary 'node1' and 'node2'


(optional) data frame, representing a mapping between 'curnames' (gene names, usually the column names of 'data') and gene names used in interactions downloaded from STRING (; two columns are necessary 'queryItem' and 'preferredName'


character, defines how interactions will be reflected in the output matrix; int will result in a matrix whose entries equal 1 if interaction is present in the list of interactions int and 0 otherwise; blacklist results in a matrix whose entries equal 0 when interaction is present in the list of interactions and 1 otherwise; pf results in a matrix results in a matrix whose entries equal 1 is interaction is present in the list of interactions int and pf otherwise$ "int" by default


penalization factor for interactions, needed if type=pf


square matrix whose entries correspond to the list of interactions and parameter type


intmat<-string2mat(curnames, mapping, interactions, type="pf")

BiDAG documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:46 p.m.

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