
#' Predict Method for Bradley-Terry Models
#' Obtain predictions and optionally standard errors of those predictions from
#' a fitted Bradley-Terry model.
#' If `newdata` is omitted the predictions are based on the data used for
#' the fit.  In that case how cases with missing values in the original fit are
#' treated is determined by the `na.action` argument of that fit.  If
#' `na.action = na.omit` omitted cases will not appear in the residuals,
#' whereas if `na.action = na.exclude` they will appear (in predictions
#' and standard errors), with residual value `NA`.  See also
#' `napredict`.
#' @param object a fitted object of class `"BTm"`
#' @param newdata (optional) a data frame in which to look for variables with
#' which to predict.  If omitted, the fitted linear predictors are used.
#' @param level for models with random effects: an integer vector giving the
#' level(s) at which predictions are required. Level zero corresponds to
#' population-level predictions (fixed effects only), whilst level one
#' corresponds to the player-level predictions (full model) which are NA for
#' contests involving players not in the original data. By default, `level = 0`
#' for a fixed effects model, `1` otherwise.
#' @param type the type of prediction required.  The default is on the scale of
#' the linear predictors; the alternative `"response"` is on the scale of
#' the response variable. Thus for a default Bradley-Terry model the default
#' predictions are of log-odds (probabilities on logit scale) and 
#' `type = "response"` gives the predicted probabilities. The `"terms"` option
#' returns a matrix giving the fitted values of each term in the model formula
#' on the linear predictor scale (fixed effects only).
#' @param se.fit logical switch indicating if standard errors are required.
#' @param dispersion a value for the dispersion, not used for models with
#' random effects. If omitted, that returned by `summary` applied to the
#' object is used, where applicable.
#' @param terms with `type ="terms"` by default all terms are returned.  A
#' character vector specifies which terms are to be returned.
#' @param na.action function determining what should be done with missing
#' values in `newdata`.  The default is to predict `NA`.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return If `se.fit = FALSE`, a vector or matrix of predictions.  If
#' `se = TRUE`, a list with components \item{fit }{Predictions}
#' \item{se.fit }{Estimated standard errors}
#' @author Heather Turner
#' @seealso [predict.glm()], [predict.glmmPQL()]
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' ## The final model in example(flatlizards)
#' result <- rep(1, nrow(flatlizards$contests))
#' Whiting.model3 <- BTm(1, winner, loser, ~ throat.PC1[..] + throat.PC3[..] +
#'                       head.length[..] + SVL[..] + (1|..),
#'                       family = binomial(link = "probit"),
#'                       data = flatlizards, trace = TRUE)
#' ## `new' data for contests between four of the original lizards
#' ## factor levels must correspond to original levels, but unused levels
#' ## can be dropped - levels must match rows of predictors
#' newdata  <- list(contests = data.frame(
#'                  winner = factor(c("lizard048", "lizard060"),
#'                  levels = c("lizard006", "lizard011", 
#'                             "lizard048", "lizard060")),
#'                  loser = factor(c("lizard006", "lizard011"),
#'                  levels = c("lizard006", "lizard011", 
#'                             "lizard048", "lizard060"))
#'                  ),
#'                  predictors = flatlizards$predictors[c(3, 6, 27, 33), ])
#' predict(Whiting.model3, level = 1, newdata = newdata)
#' ## same as
#' predict(Whiting.model3, level = 1)[1:2]
#' ## introducing a new lizard
#' newpred <- rbind(flatlizards$predictors[c(3, 6, 27),
#'                      c("throat.PC1","throat.PC3", "SVL", "head.length")],
#'                  c(-5, 1.5, 1, 0.1))
#' rownames(newpred)[4] <- "lizard059"
#' newdata  <- list(contests = data.frame(
#'                  winner = factor(c("lizard048", "lizard059"),
#'                  levels = c("lizard006", "lizard011", 
#'                             "lizard048", "lizard059")),
#'                  loser = factor(c("lizard006", "lizard011"),
#'                  levels = c("lizard006", "lizard011", 
#'                             "lizard048", "lizard059"))
#'                  ),
#'                  predictors = newpred)
#' ## can only predict at population level for contest with new lizard
#' predict(Whiting.model3, level = 0:1, se.fit = TRUE, newdata = newdata)
#' ## predicting at specific levels of covariates
#' ## consider a model from example(CEMS)
#' table6.model <-  BTm(outcome = cbind(win1.adj, win2.adj),
#'                      player1 = school1, player2 = school2,
#'                      formula = ~ .. +
#'                          WOR[student] * Paris[..] +
#'                          WOR[student] * Milano[..] +
#'                          WOR[student] * Barcelona[..] +
#'                          DEG[student] * St.Gallen[..] +
#'                          STUD[student] * Paris[..] +
#'                          STUD[student] * St.Gallen[..] +
#'                          ENG[student] * St.Gallen[..] +
#'                          FRA[student] * London[..] +
#'                          FRA[student] * Paris[..] +
#'                          SPA[student] * Barcelona[..] +
#'                          ITA[student] * London[..] +
#'                          ITA[student] * Milano[..] +
#'                          SEX[student] * Milano[..],
#'                      refcat = "Stockholm",
#'                      data = CEMS)
#' ## estimate abilities for a combination not seen in the original data
#' ## same schools
#' schools <- levels(CEMS$preferences$school1)
#' ## new student data
#' students <- data.frame(STUD = "other", ENG = "good", FRA = "good", 
#'                        SPA = "good", ITA = "good", WOR = "yes", DEG = "no",
#'                        SEX = "female", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' ## set levels to be the same as original data    
#' for (i in seq_len(ncol(students))){
#'     students[,i] <- factor(students[,i], levels(CEMS$students[,i]))
#' }
#' newdata <- list(preferences = 
#'     data.frame(student = factor(500), # new id matching with `students[1,]`
#'                school1 = factor("London", levels = schools),
#'                school2 = factor("Paris", levels = schools)),
#'     students = students,
#'     schools = CEMS$schools)
#' ## warning can be ignored as model specification was over-parameterized
#' predict(table6.model, newdata = newdata)
#' ## if treatment contrasts are use (i.e. one player is set as the reference
#' ## category), then predicting the outcome of contests against the reference
#' ## is equivalent to estimating abilities with specific covariate values
#' ## add student with all values at reference levels 
#' students <- rbind(students,
#'     data.frame(STUD = "other", ENG = "good", FRA = "good", 
#'                SPA = "good", ITA = "good", WOR = "no", DEG = "no",
#'                SEX = "female", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#' ## set levels to be the same as original data    
#' for (i in seq_len(ncol(students))){
#'     students[,i] <- factor(students[,i], levels(CEMS$students[,i]))
#' }
#' newdata <- list(preferences = 
#'     data.frame(student = factor(rep(c(500, 502), each = 6)), 
#'                school1 = factor(schools, levels = schools),
#'                school2 = factor("Stockholm", levels = schools)),
#'     students = students,
#'     schools = CEMS$schools)
#' predict(table6.model, newdata = newdata, se.fit = TRUE)
#' ## the second set of predictions (elements 7-12) are equivalent to the output 
#' ## of BTabilities; the first set are adjust for `WOR` being equal to "yes"
#' BTabilities(table6.model)
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix na.pass reformulate
#' @export
predict.BTm <- function (object, newdata = NULL, 
                         level = ifelse(is.null(object$random), 0, 1),
                         type = c("link", "response", "terms"), se.fit = FALSE,
                         dispersion = NULL, terms = NULL,
                         na.action = na.pass, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (!is.null(newdata)) {
        ## need to define X so will work with model terms
        setup <- match(c("player1", "player2", "formula", "id",
                        "separate.ability", "refcat", "weights",
                        "subset", "offset", "contrasts"), names(object$call),
        setup <- do.call(BTm.setup,
                         c(as.list(object$call)[setup], list(data = newdata)),
                         envir = environment(object$formula))
        nfix <- length(object$coefficients)
        newdata <- data.frame(matrix(, nrow(setup$X), 0))
        keep <- as.logical(match(colnames(setup$X), names(object$coefficients),
                                 nomatch = 0))
        if (any(!keep)){
            ## new players with missing data - set to NA
            missing <- rowSums(setup$X[,!keep, drop = FALSE]) != 0
            setup$X <- setup$X[, keep, drop = FALSE]
            setup$X[missing,] <- NA
        if (ncol(setup$X) != nfix) {
            ## newdata does not include original players with missing data
            X <- matrix(0, nrow(setup$X), nfix,
                        dimnames = list(rownames(setup$X),
            X[, colnames(setup$X)] <- setup$X
            newdata$X <- X
        else newdata$X <- setup$X
        nran <- length(attr(object$coefficients, "random"))
        if (1 %in% level && !is.null(object$random) && type != "terms"){
            if (ncol(setup$random) != nran) {
                ## expand to give col for every random effect
                Z <- matrix(0, nrow(setup$random), nran,
                            dimnames = list(rownames(setup$random),
                            colnames(object$random))) #ranef need names!!
                ## set to NA for contests with new players 
                ## (with predictors present)
                miss <- !colnames(setup$random) %in% colnames(Z)
                Z[, colnames(setup$random)[!miss]] <- setup$random[,!miss]
                if (any(miss)) {
                    miss <- rowSums(setup$random[, miss, drop = FALSE] != 0) > 0
                    Z[miss,] <- NA
                newrandom <- Z
            else newrandom <- setup$random
            return(NextMethod(newrandom = newrandom))
    if (type == "terms") {
        object$x <- model.matrix(object)
        attr(object$x, "assign") <- object$assign
        id <- unique(object$assign)
        terms <- paste("X", id, sep = "")
        object$terms <- terms(reformulate(c(0, terms)))
        splitX <- function(X) {
            newdata <- data.frame(matrix(, nrow(X), 0))
            for (i in seq(id))
                newdata[terms[i]] <- X[,object$assign == id[i]]
        if (is.null(newdata)) newdata <- splitX(object$x)
        else newdata <- splitX(newdata$X)
        tmp <- NextMethod(newdata = newdata)
        #tmp$fit[tmp$se.fit == 0] <- NA
        tmp$se.fit[tmp$se.fit == 0] <- NA
        colnames(tmp$fit) <- colnames(tmp$se.fit) <-
            c("(separate)"[0 %in% id], object$term.labels)
    else NextMethod()

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BradleyTerry2 documentation built on Feb. 3, 2020, 5:08 p.m.