
Defines functions qnormweibull pnormweibull qnormexp pnormexp

### normexp.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: maj  6 2020 (14:06) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jun 28 2023 (14:14) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 75
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * exponential distribution
## cumulative distribution fuction for Z = X + \rho Y
## where X follows a standard normal distribution
##   and Y an exponential distribution with rate parameter \lambda
## denoting \Phi the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution:
## F_Z(z) = \Prob[X + \rho Y < z]
##        = \int f(x,y) \Ind[x + \rho y < z] dx dy
########################### rho>0
##        = \int_{x \in [-\inf;z]}  f(x) \int_{y \in [0;(z-x)/\rho] f(y) dx dy
##        = \int_{x \in [-\inf;z]}  f(x) (1-\exp(-(z-x)*\lambda/\rho)) dx
##        = \Phi(z) - \exp(-z\lambda/rho)/\sqrt{2\pi} \int_{x \in [-\inf;z]} \exp(-x^2/2)\exp(x*\lambda/\rho) dx
##        = \Phi(z) - \exp(-z\lambda/rho+\lambda^2/(2\rho^2))/\sqrt{2\pi} \int_{x \in [-\inf;z]} \exp(-(x-\lambda/rho)^2/2) dx
##        = \Phi(z) - \exp(-z\lambda/rho+\lambda^2/(2\rho^2)) \Phi(z-\lambda/\rho)

##' @title Cumulative Distribution Function of a Gaussian Variable Plus an Exponential Variable
##' @noRd
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' n <- 1e6
##' ## rho > 0
##' mean(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 2) <= 0.1)
##' pnormexp(0.1, rate = 2, rho = 1.5)
##' mean(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 2) <= 0.9)
##' pnormexp(0.9, rate = 2, rho = 1.5)
##' ## rho < 0
##' mean(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 2) <= 0.1)
##' pnormexp(0.1, rate = 2, rho = -1.5)
##' mean(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 2) <= 0.9)
##' pnormexp(0.9, rate = 2, rho = -1.5)
##' }
pnormexp <- function(q, rate, rho){
        out <- stats::pnorm(q)
    }else if(rho>0){
        out <- stats::pnorm(q) - exp(-(rate/rho)*q+(rate/rho)^2/2)*stats::pnorm(q, mean = rate/rho)
        ## mean(rnorm(1e5) + rho * rexp(1e5, rate = 2) <= q) ## MONTE CARLO
        ## cubature::adaptIntegrate(f = function(x){dnorm(x[1])*dexp(x[2], rate = rate)*(x[1]+rho*x[2]<q)}, lowerLimit = c(-10,-10), upperLimit = c(10,10)) ## NUMERIC INTEGRATION
        ## integrate(f = function(x){ dnorm(x) * sapply(x, function(iX){integrate(f = function(y){dexp(y, rate = rate)}, lower = (q-iX)/rho, upper = 10)$value})}, lower = -10, upper = 10)
        ## integrate(f = function(x){ dnorm(x) * (1-pexp(q = (q-x)/rho, rate = rate))}, lower = -10, upper = 10)
        ## 1 - integrate(f = function(x){ dnorm(x) * pexp(q = (q-x)/rho, rate = rate)}, lower = -10, upper = 10)$value
        ## 1 - integrate(f = function(x){ dnorm(x) * pexp(q = (q-x)/rho, rate = rate)}, lower = q, upper = 10)$value
        ## 1 - integrate(f = function(x){ dnorm(x) * (1 - exp(-(q-x)*rate/rho))}, lower = q, upper = 10)$value
        ## pnorm(q) + integrate(f = function(x){ dnorm(x) * exp(-(q-x)*rate/rho)}, lower = q, upper = 10)$value
        out <- stats::pnorm(q) + exp(-(rate/rho)*q+(rate/rho)^2/2)*(1-stats::pnorm(q, mean = rate/rho))
##' @title Density of a Gaussian Variable Plus an Exponential Variable
##' @noRd
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' n <- 1e6
##' c(qnormexp(0.5, rate = 2, rho = 1.5), quantile(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 2), 0.5))
##' c(qnormexp(0.95, rate = 1/10, rho = 1.5), quantile(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 1/10), 0.95))
##' c(qnormexp(0.5, rate = 2, rho = -1.5), quantile(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 2), 0.5))
##' c(qnormexp(0.95, rate = 1/10, rho = -1.5), quantile(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rexp(n, rate = 1/10), 0.95))
##' }
qnormexp <- function(p, rate, rho){
        out <- stats::qnorm(p)
    }else if(rho>0){
        out <- sapply(p, function(iP){
            stats::uniroot(function(x){pnormexp(x, rate = rate, rho = rho) - iP},
                           lower = stats::qnorm(iP),
                           upper = (stats::qnorm(iP)+3) + (stats::qexp(iP, rate = rate) + 5/rate))$root
        ## iP <- tail(p,1)
        ## pnormexp(stats::qnorm(iP), rate = rate, rho = rho) - iP
        ## pnormexp((stats::qnorm(iP)+3) + (stats::qexp(iP, rate = rate) + 5/rate), rate = rate, rho = rho) - iP
        ## hist(rnorm(1e4) + rho * rexp(1e4, rate = rate))

    }else if(rho<0){        
        out <- sapply(p, function(iP){
            stats::uniroot(function(x){pnormexp(x, rate = rate, rho = rho) - iP},
                           lower = (stats::qnorm(iP)-3) - (stats::qexp(iP, rate = rate) + 5/rate),
                           upper = stats::qnorm(iP))$root

## * Weibull distribution
## cumulative distribution fuction for Z = X + \rho Y
## where X follows a standard normal distribution
##   and Y a weibull distribution with scale parameter \lambda and shape parameter k
## denoting \Phi the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution:
## F_Z(z) = \Prob[X + \rho Y < z]
##        = \int f(x,y) \Ind[x + \rho y < z] dx dy
##        = \int_{x \in [-\inf;z]}  f(x) \int_{y \in [0;(z-x)/\rho] f(y) dx dy
##        = \int_{x \in [-\inf;z]}  f(x) (1-\exp(-(z-x)^k/(\lambda\rho)^k)) dx
##        = \Phi(z) - \int_{x \in [-\inf;z]} \exp(-x^2/2-(z-x)^k/(\lambda\rho)^k)\sqrt{2\pi} dx

##' @title Cumulative Distribution Function of a Gaussian Variable Plus an Weibull Variable
##' @noRd
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' n <- 1e6
##' pnormweibull(0.1, scale = 1/2, shape = 1, rho = 1.5)
##' pnormweibull(0.8, scale = 1/2, shape = 1, rho = 1.5)
##' mean(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 1) <= 0.1)
##' mean(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 1) <= 0.8)
##' pnormweibull(0.1, scale = 1/2, shape = 1, rho = -1.5)
##' pnormweibull(0.8, scale = 1/2, shape = 1, rho = -1.5)
##' mean(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 1) <= 0.1)
##' mean(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 1) <= 0.8)
##' pnormweibull(0.1, scale = 1/2, shape = 2, rho = -1.5)
##' pnormweibull(0.8, scale = 1/2, shape = 2, rho = -1.5)
##' mean(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 2) <= 0.1)
##' mean(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 2) <= 0.8)
##' }

pnormweibull <- function(q, scale, shape, rho){
        out <- stats::pnorm(q)
                out <- stats::pnorm(q) - exp(-(1/(scale*rho))*q+(1/(scale*rho))^2/2)*stats::pnorm(q, mean = 1/(scale*rho))
                I <- stats::integrate(f = function(x){exp(-x^2/2)/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-((q-x)/(rho*scale))^shape)}, lower = min(-4,q - 7^(1/shape)*rho*scale), upper = q)
                out <- stats::pnorm(q) - I$value
        }else if(rho<0){
                out <- stats::pnorm(q) + exp(-(1/(scale*rho))*q+(1/(scale*rho))^2/2)*(1-stats::pnorm(q, mean = 1/(scale*rho)))
                I <- stats::integrate(f = function(x){exp(-x^2/2)/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-((q-x)/(rho*scale))^shape)}, lower = q, upper = max(4,q - 7^(1/shape)*rho*scale))
                out <- stats::pnorm(q) + I$value
##' @title Density of a Gaussian Variable Plus an Weibull Variable
##' @noRd
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' n <- 5e6
##' c(qnormweibull(0.5, scale = 1/2, shape = 1, rho = 1.5),
##'  quantile(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 1), 0.5))
##' c(qnormweibull(0.95, scale = 10, shape = 1, rho = 1.5),
##' quantile(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 10, shape = 1), 0.95))
##' c(qnormweibull(0.5, scale = 1/2, shape = 2, rho = 1.5),
##' quantile(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 2), 0.5))
##' c(qnormweibull(0.95, scale = 10, shape = 2, rho = 1.5),
##' quantile(rnorm(n) + 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 10, shape = 2), 0.95))
##' c(qnormweibull(0.5, scale = 1/2, shape = 1, rho = -1.5),
##' quantile(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 1), 0.5))
##' c(qnormweibull(0.95, scale = 10, shape = 1, rho = -1.5),
##' quantile(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 10, shape = 1), 0.95))
##' c(qnormweibull(0.5, scale = 1/2, shape = 2, rho = -1.5),
##' quantile(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 1/2, shape = 2), 0.5))
##' c(qnormweibull(0.95, scale = 10, shape = 2, rho = -1.5),
##' quantile(rnorm(n) - 1.5 * rweibull(n, scale = 10, shape = 2), 0.95))
##' }
qnormweibull <- function(p, scale, shape, rho){
        out <- stats::qnorm(p)
    }else if(rho>0){
        out <- sapply(p, function(iP){
            stats::uniroot(function(x){pnormweibull(x, scale = scale, shape = shape, rho = rho) - iP},
                           lower = stats::qnorm(iP),
                           upper = (stats::qnorm(iP)+3) + (stats::qweibull(iP, scale = scale, shape = shape) + 5*scale))$root
    }else if(rho<0){
        out <- sapply(p, function(iP){
            stats::uniroot(function(x){pnormweibull(x, scale = scale, shape = shape, rho = rho) - iP},
                           lower = (stats::qnorm(iP)-3) - (stats::qweibull(iP, scale = scale, shape = shape) + 5*scale),
                           upper = stats::qnorm(iP))$root

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