
Defines functions binomial.glmMCMC

binomial.glmMCMC <- function(Y, failures, trials, offset, X.standardised, K, p, which.miss, n.miss, burnin, n.sample, thin, MALA, n.beta.block, list.block, prior.mean.beta, prior.var.beta, verbose, chain)
#### Generate the initial parameter values
dat <- cbind(Y, failures)
mod.glm <- glm(dat~X.standardised-1, offset=offset, family="quasibinomial")
beta.mean <- mod.glm$coefficients
beta.sd <- sqrt(diag(summary(mod.glm)$cov.scaled))
beta <- rnorm(n=length(beta.mean), mean=beta.mean, sd=beta.sd)

#### Compute the fitted values based on the current parameter values
lp <- as.numeric(X.standardised %*% beta) + offset
prob <- exp(lp)  / (1 + exp(lp))
Y.DA <- Y
failures.DA <- trials - Y.DA

#### Set up the MCMC quantities    
#### Matrices to store samples   
n.keep <- floor((n.sample - burnin)/thin)
samples.beta <- array(NA, c(n.keep, p))
samples.loglike <- array(NA, c(n.keep, K))
samples.fitted <- array(NA, c(n.keep, K))
    if(n.miss>0) samples.Y <- array(NA, c(n.keep, n.miss))
#### Metropolis quantities
accept <- rep(0,2)
proposal.sd.beta <- 0.01

#### Start timer
    cat("\nMarkov chain", chain,  "- generating", n.keep, "post burnin and thinned samples.\n", sep = " ")
    progressBar <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)

#### Run an MCMC chain
    for(j in 1:n.sample)
    ## Sample from Y - data augmentation
        Y.DA[which.miss==0] <- rbinom(n=n.miss, size=trials[which.miss==0], prob=prob[which.miss==0])
        failures.DA <- trials - Y.DA
    ## Sample from beta
    offset.temp <- offset
        temp <- binomialbetaupdateMALA(X.standardised, K, p, beta, offset.temp, Y.DA, failures.DA, trials, prior.mean.beta, prior.var.beta, n.beta.block, proposal.sd.beta, list.block)
        temp <- binomialbetaupdateRW(X.standardised, K, p, beta, offset.temp, Y.DA, failures.DA, prior.mean.beta, prior.var.beta, n.beta.block, proposal.sd.beta, list.block)
    beta <- temp[[1]]
    accept[1] <- accept[1] + temp[[2]]
    accept[2] <- accept[2] + n.beta.block  

    ## Calculate the deviance
    lp <- as.numeric(X.standardised %*% beta) + offset
    prob <- exp(lp)  / (1 + exp(lp))
    fitted <- trials * prob
    loglike <- dbinom(x=Y, size=trials, prob=prob, log=TRUE)
    ## Save the results
        if(j > burnin & (j-burnin)%%thin==0)
        ele <- (j - burnin) / thin
        samples.beta[ele, ] <- beta
        samples.loglike[ele, ] <- loglike
        samples.fitted[ele, ] <- fitted
            if(n.miss>0) samples.Y[ele, ] <- Y.DA[which.miss==0]
    ## Self tune the acceptance probabilties
        if(ceiling(j/100)==floor(j/100) & j < burnin)
        #### Update the proposal sds
            proposal.sd.beta <- common.accceptrates1(accept[1:2], proposal.sd.beta, 40, 50)
            proposal.sd.beta <- common.accceptrates1(accept[1:2], proposal.sd.beta, 30, 40)    
            accept <- rep(0,2)
    ## print progress to the console
        if(j %in% percentage.points & verbose)
        setTxtProgressBar(progressBar, j/n.sample)
#### Close the progress bar if used

#### Return the results to the main function
#### Compile the results
    if(n.miss==0) samples.Y = NA
chain.results <- list(samples.beta=samples.beta, samples.loglike=samples.loglike, samples.fitted=samples.fitted,
                    samples.Y=samples.Y, accept=accept)

#### Return the results

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CARBayes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:44 a.m.