
Defines functions caPlot

Documented in caPlot

#' Intepretation-oriented Correspondence Analysis scatterplots, with informative
#' and flexible (non-overlapping) labels.
#' This function allows to plot different types of CA scatterplots, adding
#' information that are relevant to the CA interpretation. Thanks to the
#' 'ggrepel' package, the labels tends to not overlap so producing a nicely
#' readable chart.
#' caPlot() provides the facility to produce: \cr (1) a 'regular' (symmetric)
#' scatterplot, in which points' labels only report the categories' names.
#' (2) a scatterplot with advanced labels. If the user's interest lies (for
#' instance) in interpreting the rows in the space defined by the column
#' categories, by setting the parameter 'cntr' to "columns" the columns' labels
#' will be coupled with two asterisks within round brackets; each asterisk (if
#' present) will indicate if the category is a major contributor to the
#' definition of the first selected dimension (if the first asterisk to the left
#' is present) and/or if the same category is also a major contributor to the
#' definition of the second selected dimension (if the asterisk to the right is
#' present). The rows' labels will report the correlation (i.e., sqrt(COS2))
#' with the selected dimensions; the correlation values are reported between
#' square brackets; the left-hand side value refers to the correlation with the
#' first selected dimensions, while the right-hand side value refers to the
#' correlation with the second selected dimension. If the parameter 'cntr' is
#' set to "rows", the row categories' labels will indicate the contribution, and
#' the column categories' labels will report the correlation values.
#' (3) a perceptual map, in which axes' poles are given names according to the
#' categories (either rows or columns, as specified by the user) having a major
#' contribution to the definition of the selected dimensions; rows' (or
#' columns') labels will report the correlation with the selected dimensions.
#' The function returns a dataframe containing data about row and column points:
#' \cr (a) coordinates on the first selected dimension \cr (b) coordinates on
#' the second selected dimension \cr (c) contribution to the first selected
#' dimension \cr (d) contribution to the second selected dimension \cr (e)
#' quality on the first selected dimension \cr (f) quality on the second
#' selected dimension \cr (g) correlation with the first selected dimension \cr
#' (h) correlation with the second selected dimension \cr (j) (k) asterisks
#' indicating whether the corresponding category is a major contribution to the
#' first and/or second selected dimension.
#' @param data Contingency table, in dataframe format.
#' @param x First of the two desired dimensions to be plotted. 1 is the default.
#' @param y Second of the two desired dimensions to be plotted. 2 is the
#'   default.
#' @param adv.labls Logical value, which takes TRUE (default) or FALSE if the
#'   user wants or does not want advanced labels to be displayed.
#' @param cntr If adv.labls is TRUE, the 'cntr' parameter takes "rows" or
#'   "columns" if the user wants the rows' or columns' contribution to the
#'   selected dimensions to be shown in the scatterplot.
#' @param percept Takes TRUE or FALSE (default) if the user does or doesn't want
#'   the scatterplot to be turned into a perceptual map.
#' @param qlt.thres Sets the quality of the display's threshold under which
#'   points will not be given labels. NULL is the default.
#' @param dot.size Sets the size of the scatterplot's dots. 2.5 is the default.
#' @param cex.labls Sets the size of the scatterplot dots' labels. 3 is the
#'   default.
#' @param cex.percept Sets the size of the characters displayed in the axes'
#'   labels featuring the perceptual map. 3 is the default.
#' @keywords caPlot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(brand_coffee)
#' #displays a 'regular' (symmetric) CA scatterplot, with row and column categories displayed in the 
#' #same space, and with points' labels just reporting the categories' names. 
#' #Relevant information (see description above) are stored in the variable 'res'.
#' res <- caPlot(brand_coffee,1,2,adv.labls=FALSE)
#' #displays the CA scatterplot, with the columns' labels indicating which category 
#' # has a major contribution to the definition of the selected dimensions. 
#' # Rows' labels report the correlation (i.e., sqrt(COS2)) with the selected dimensions.
#' res <- caPlot(brand_coffee,1,2,cntr="columns")
#' #displays the CA scatterplot, with the rows' labels indicating 
#' #which category has a major contribution to the definition of the selected dimensions. 
#' #Columns' labels report the correlation (i.e., sqrt(COS2)) with the selected dimensions.
#' res <- caPlot(brand_coffee,1,2,cntr="rows")
#' #displays the CA scatterplot as a perceptual map; 
#' #the poles of the selected dimensions will be given names according 
#' #to the column categories that have a major contribution to the definition 
#' #of the selected dimensions. Rows' labels report the correlation (i.e., sqrt(COS2)) 
#' #with the selected dimensions.
#' res <- caPlot(brand_coffee,1,2,cntr="columns", percept=TRUE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{caPercept}} , \code{\link{caPlus}}
caPlot <- function(data, x=1, y=2, adv.labls=TRUE, cntr="columns", percept=FALSE, qlt.thres=NULL, dot.size=2.5, cex.labls=3, cex.percept=3) {
  dimensionality <- min(ncol(data), nrow(data))-1 
  ca.res <- CA(data, ncp=dimensionality, graph=FALSE)
  dtf.rows <- data.frame(Categories="rows", labls=row.names(ca.res$row$coord), coord.x=ca.res$row$coord[,x], coord.y=ca.res$row$coord[,y], cntr.x=ca.res$row$contrib[,x], cntr.y=ca.res$row$contrib[,y], qlt.x= ca.res$row$cos2[,x], qlt.y=ca.res$row$cos2[,y], corr.x=sqrt(ca.res$row$cos2[,x]), corr.y=sqrt(ca.res$row$cos2[,y]))
  dtf.cols <- data.frame(Categories="columns", labls=row.names(ca.res$col$coord), coord.x=ca.res$col$coord[,x], coord.y=ca.res$col$coord[,y], cntr.x=ca.res$col$contrib[,x], cntr.y=ca.res$col$contrib[,y], qlt.x= ca.res$col$cos2[,x], qlt.y=ca.res$col$cos2[,y], corr.x=sqrt(ca.res$col$cos2[,x]), corr.y=sqrt(ca.res$col$cos2[,y]))
    dtf.cols$majorcntr.x <- ifelse(dtf.cols$cntr.x>100/ncol(data), "*","") 
    dtf.cols$majorcntr.y <- ifelse(dtf.cols$cntr.y>100/ncol(data), "*","")
    dtf.cols$labls.final <- ifelse(dtf.cols$majorcntr.x == "" & dtf.cols$majorcntr.y == "", rownames(dtf.cols), paste0(dtf.cols$labls, " (", dtf.cols$majorcntr.x, ",",dtf.cols$majorcntr.y, ")"))
    dtf.rows$majorcntr.x <- ""
    dtf.rows$majorcntr.y <- ""
    dtf.rows$labls.final <- paste0(dtf.rows$labls, "\n[", round(dtf.rows$corr.x, 2), ", ", round(dtf.rows$corr.y, 2), "]")
  } else {
    dtf.rows$majorcntr.x <- ifelse(dtf.rows$cntr.x>100/nrow(data), "*","") 
    dtf.rows$majorcntr.y <- ifelse(dtf.rows$cntr.y>100/nrow(data), "*","")
    dtf.rows$labls.final <- ifelse(dtf.rows$majorcntr.x == "" & dtf.rows$majorcntr.y == "", rownames(dtf.rows), paste0(dtf.rows$labls, " (", dtf.rows$majorcntr.x, ",",dtf.rows$majorcntr.y, ")"))
    dtf.cols$majorcntr.x <- ""
    dtf.cols$majorcntr.y <- ""
    dtf.cols$labls.final <- paste0(dtf.cols$labls, "\n[", round(dtf.cols$corr.x, 2), ", ", round(dtf.cols$corr.y, 2), "]")
  binded.dtf <- rbind(dtf.rows, dtf.cols)
  binded.dtf$qlt.sum <- binded.dtf$qlt.x + binded.dtf$qlt.y
    cntr.thresh <- ifelse(cntr == "columns", 100 / ncol(data), 100 / nrow(data))
      binded.dtf$labls.final[(nrow(data)+1):nrow(binded.dtf)] <- colnames(data)
    } else {
      binded.dtf$labls.final[1:nrow(data)]  <- rownames(data)
    bindeddtf.subs <- binded.dtf[which(binded.dtf$Categories == cntr),]
    sub1 <- paste(subset(bindeddtf.subs, coord.x < 0 & cntr.x > cntr.thresh)[,2], collapse = "\n")
    sub2 <- paste(subset(bindeddtf.subs, coord.x > 0 & cntr.x > cntr.thresh)[,2], collapse = "\n")
    sub3 <- paste(subset(bindeddtf.subs, coord.y < 0 & cntr.y > cntr.thresh)[,2], collapse = "\n")
    sub4 <- paste(subset(bindeddtf.subs, coord.y > 0 & cntr.y > cntr.thresh)[,2], collapse = "\n")
    x.neg.lim <- min(subset(binded.dtf, Categories!=cntr)$coord.x) # get the min and max coordinates of the space in which one has to represent the categories opposite than the one selected under 'cntr'
    x.pos.lim <- max(subset(binded.dtf, Categories!=cntr)$coord.x)
    y.neg.lim <- min(subset(binded.dtf, Categories!=cntr)$coord.y)
    y.pos.lim <- max(subset(binded.dtf, Categories!=cntr)$coord.y)
    p <- ggplot(subset(binded.dtf, Categories!=cntr), aes(x=coord.x, y=coord.y)) + 
      geom_point(aes(colour=Categories, shape=Categories), size=dot.size) + 
      geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype=2, color="gray") + 
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype=2, color="gray") + 
      geom_text_repel(data=subset(binded.dtf, Categories!=cntr), aes(colour=Categories, label = labls.final), size = cex.labls) +
      labs(x=paste0("Dim. ", x, " (", round(ca.res$eig[x,1],3), "; ", round(ca.res$eig[x,2],2), "%)"), y=paste0("Dim. ", y, " (", round(ca.res$eig[y,1],3), "; ", round(ca.res$eig[y,2],2), "%)"))  +  
      theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="white", colour="black")) + scale_color_manual(values=c("black", "red")) + 
      geom_label(x = x.neg.lim + 0.01, y = 0.005, label = sub1, colour = "red", size = cex.percept) +
      geom_label(x = x.pos.lim - 0.01, y = 0.005, label = sub2,colour = "red", size = cex.percept) +
      geom_label(x = 0.005, y = y.neg.lim, label = sub3, colour = "red", size = cex.percept) +
      geom_label(x = 0.005, y = y.pos.lim, label = sub4, colour = "red", size = cex.percept) + 
      coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE)
    colnames(binded.dtf) <- sub("x", paste0(as.character(x),"Dim"), colnames(binded.dtf))
    colnames(binded.dtf) <- sub("y", paste0(as.character(y),"Dim"), colnames(binded.dtf))
    return(subset(binded.dtf, , -c(labls, labls.final, qlt.sum)))
  } else {
      p <- ggplot(binded.dtf, aes(x=coord.x, y=coord.y)) + 
        geom_point(aes(colour=Categories, shape=Categories), size=dot.size) + 
        geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype=2, color="gray") + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype=2, color="gray") + 
        labs(x=paste0("Dim. ", x, " (", round(ca.res$eig[x,1],3), "; ", round(ca.res$eig[x,2],2), "%)"), y=paste0("Dim. ", y, " (", round(ca.res$eig[y,1],3), "; ", round(ca.res$eig[y,2],2), "%)"))  +  
        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="white", colour="black")) + scale_color_manual(values=c("black", "red")) + 
        coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE)
        p1 <- p + geom_text_repel(data=binded.dtf, aes(colour=Categories, label = labls.final), size = cex.labls) 
      } else {
        p1 <- p + geom_text_repel(data=binded.dtf[which(binded.dtf$qlt.sum > qlt.thres),], aes(colour=Categories, label = labls.final), size = cex.labls)
      colnames(binded.dtf) <- sub("x", paste0(as.character(x),"Dim"), colnames(binded.dtf))
      colnames(binded.dtf) <- sub("y", paste0(as.character(y),"Dim"), colnames(binded.dtf))
      return(subset(binded.dtf, , -c(labls, labls.final, qlt.sum)))
    } else {
      p <- ggplot(binded.dtf, aes(x=coord.x, y=coord.y)) + 
        geom_point(aes(colour=Categories, shape=Categories), size=dot.size) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype=2, color="gray") + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype=2, color="gray") + 
        labs(x=paste0("Dim. ", x, " (", round(ca.res$eig[x,1],3), "; ", round(ca.res$eig[x,2],2), "%)"), y=paste0("Dim. ", y, " (", round(ca.res$eig[y,1],3), "; ", round(ca.res$eig[y,2],2), "%)"))  +  
        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="white", colour="black")) + 
        scale_color_manual(values=c("black", "red")) + 
        coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, expand = TRUE)
        p1 <- p + geom_text_repel(data=binded.dtf, aes(colour=Categories, label = labls), size = cex.labls)
      } else {
        p1 <- p + geom_text_repel(data=binded.dtf[which(binded.dtf$qlt.sum > qlt.thres),], aes(colour=Categories, label = labls), size = cex.labls)
      colnames(binded.dtf) <- sub("x", paste0(as.character(x),"Dim"), colnames(binded.dtf))
      colnames(binded.dtf) <- sub("y", paste0(as.character(y),"Dim"), colnames(binded.dtf))
      return(subset(binded.dtf, , -c(labls, labls.final, qlt.sum)))

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CAinterprTools documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:15 p.m.