
Defines functions caller.name state.args TP.args

# CHNOSZ/util.args.R
# Functions to create argument lists and get name of calling function

### Unexported functions ###

# Force T and P to equal length
# Also looks for the keyword Psat in the value of P and substitutes calculated values of the saturation vapor pressure
TP.args <- function(T = NULL, P = NULL) {
  # Keep the [1] here because some functions (e.g. subcrt) will repeat "Psat"
  if(identical(P[1], "Psat")) {
    P <- water("Psat", T, P = "Psat")[, 1]
    # water.SUPCRT92 issues its own warnings about 
    # exceeding Psat's temperature limit
    if(get("thermo", CHNOSZ)$opt$water == "IAPWS95")
        warning('TP.args: NAs in Psat (likely T > Tc where Tc = 647.096 K)', call. = FALSE)
  if(length(P) < length(T) & !is.null(P)) P <- rep(P, length.out = length(T))
  else if(length(T) < length(P) & !is.null(T)) T <- rep(T, length.out = length(P))
  # Something we do here so the SUPCRT water calculations work
  T[T == 273.15] <- 273.16
  return(list(T = T, P = P))

# Make the argument lowercase, then transform a, c, g, and l to aq, gas, cr, and liq
state.args <- function(state = NULL) {
  if(is.null(state) | is.numeric(state[1])) return(state)
  # Normalize state arguments
  for(i in 1:length(state)) {
    if(tolower(state[i]) == 'a') state[i] <- 'aq'
    if(tolower(state[i]) == 'c') state[i] <- 'cr'
    if(tolower(state[i]) == 'g') state[i] <- 'gas'
    if(tolower(state[i]) == 'l') state[i] <- 'liq'

caller.name <- function(n = 2) {
  # Returns the name of the calling function n frames up
  # (n=2: the caller of the function that calls this one)
  # or character() if called interactively
  if(sys.nframe() < n) name <- character()
  else {
    sc <- sys.call(-n)[[1]]
    name <- tryCatch(as.character(sc), error = function(e) character())
    # Also return character() if the value from sys.call is
    # the function itself (why does this sometimes happen,
    # e.g. when called from affinity()?)

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CHNOSZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.