
# Load default settings for CHNOSZ

info <- "Expected errors are produced for inconsistent arguments"
expect_error(diagram(list()), "'eout' is not the output from", info = info)
species(c("glycine", "alanine"))
a <- affinity()
expect_message(diagram(a, = FALSE), "balance: on moles of CO2 in formation reactions", info = info)
e <- equilibrate(a)
expect_error(diagram(e, "Z"), "Z is not a valid diagram type", info = info)

info <- "Expected messages, errors and results arise using output from affinity()"
# Fugacity of O2 is buffered here
basis("O2", "CO2-AC")
species(c("formic acid", "formate", "acetic acid", "acetate"))
# 0-D
a <- affinity()
# Equilibrium activities are not possible here
expect_error(diagram(a, "loga.equil"), "'eout' is not the output from equil\\(\\)", info = info)
# We can't calculate the equilibrium activity of a basis species if it's externally buffered
expect_error(diagram(a, "O2"), "is not numeric - was a buffer selected\\?", info = info)
# This one works - a barplot of A/2.303RT
expect_message(diagram(a, = FALSE), "balance: on moles of CO2 in formation reactions", info = info)
# If we're plotting A/2.303RT the values can be divided by balancing coefficient or not
d.1 <- diagram(a, balance = 1, = FALSE)
d.CO2 <- diagram(a, = FALSE)
expect_equal(as.numeric(d.CO2$plotvals), as.numeric(d.1$plotvals)/c(1, 1, 2, 2), info = info)
# Now run the calculation over a range of O2 
basis("O2", -90)
# 1-D
a <- affinity(O2 = c(-80, -70))
# Ask for the equilibrium activity of CO2
expect_error(diagram(a, "CO2", groups = list(1:2, 3:4)), "can't plot equilibrium activities of basis species for grouped species", info = info)
expect_error(diagram(a, "CO2", alpha = TRUE), "equilibrium activities of basis species not available with alpha = TRUE", info = info)
d <- diagram(a, "CO2", = FALSE)
# Test that the result does in fact correspond to zero affinity of formation, how about for acetate?
a <- affinity(O2 = d$vals[[1]], CO2 = d$plotvals[[4]])
expect_equal(a$values[[4]], array(numeric(256)), info = info)

info <- "'groups' and 'alpha' work as expected"
species(c("formic acid", "formate", "acetic acid", "acetate"))
# 1-D
a <- affinity(O2 = c(-80, -60))
e <- equilibrate(a)
# Group the species together
d <- diagram(e, groups = list(1:2, 3:4), = FALSE)
# We should find that their activities have been multiplied by the balance coefficients and summed
n.balance <- CHNOSZ:::balance(a)$n.balance
expect_equal(d$plotvals[[1]], log10(n.balance[1]*10^e$loga.equil[[1]] + n.balance[2]*10^e$loga.equil[[2]]), info = info)
expect_equal(d$plotvals[[2]], log10(n.balance[3]*10^e$loga.equil[[3]] + n.balance[4]*10^e$loga.equil[[4]]), info = info)
# Ask for degrees of formation instead of logarithms of activities
d <- diagram(e, alpha = TRUE, = FALSE)
# We should find that the sum of alphas is one
expect_equal(Reduce("+", d$plotvals), array(rep(1, 256)), check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)

info <- "'normalize' and 'as.residue' work as expected"
# 1-D
a <- affinity(O2 = c(-80, -70))
expect_error(diagram(a, normalize = TRUE), "can be TRUE only for a 2-D \\(predominance\\) diagram", info = info)
# 2-D
a <- affinity(H2O = c(-10, 0), O2 = c(-80, -70))
d1 <- diagram(a, normalize = TRUE, = FALSE)
e <- equilibrate(a, normalize = TRUE)
d2 <- diagram(e, = FALSE)
expect_equal(d1$predominant, d2$predominant, info = info)
expect_error(diagram(e, normalize = TRUE), "can be TRUE only if 'eout' is the output from affinity\\(\\)", info = info)
d3 <- diagram(a, as.residue = TRUE, = FALSE)
e <- equilibrate(a, as.residue = TRUE)
d4 <- diagram(e, = FALSE)
expect_equal(d3$predominant, d4$predominant, info = info)

info <- "NaN values from equilibrate() are preserved (as NA in predominance calculation)"
# Example provided by Grayson Boyer 20170411
basis(c("H2", "O2", "CO2"), c(-7.19, -60, -2.65))
species(c("n-hexadecanol", "n-hexadecanoic acid", "n-octadecanol", "n-octadecanoic acid"), c("liq", "liq", "liq", "liq"))
a <- affinity("H2" = c(-12, 0), "O2" = c(-90, -50), T = 30)
e <- equilibrate(a, balance = 1)
d <- diagram(e, = FALSE)
# equilibrate() here with default "boltzmann" method produces
# NaN at very high O2 + low H2 or very low O2 + high H2 
expect_equal(d$predominant[1, 256], as.numeric(NA), info = info)
expect_equal(d$predominant[256, 1], as.numeric(NA), info = info)

## TODO: Exclude this test for now because = FALSE doesn't produce values for namesx 20190223
#info <- "labels are dropped outside of xlim and ylim ranges"
#basis(c("Fe", "O2", "S2"))
#species(c("iron", "ferrous-oxide", "magnetite",
#  "hematite", "pyrite", "pyrrhotite"))
#a <- affinity(S2 = c(-50, 0), O2 = c(-90, -10), T = 200)
## total range: all species are present
#d <- diagram(a, fill = "heat", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, = FALSE)
#expect_equal(sum($namesx)), 0, info = info)
## reduce y-range to exclude hematite
#d <- diagram(a, fill = "heat", xlim = NULL, ylim = c(-90, -50), = FALSE)
#expect_equal(sum($namesx)), 1, info = info)
## reduce x-range to exclude pyrite
#d <- diagram(a, fill = "heat", xlim = c(-50, -20), ylim = c(-90, -50), = FALSE)
#expect_equal(sum($namesx)), 2, info = info)

info <- "P-T diagram has expected geometry"
# Modified from kayanite-sillimanite-andalusite example in ?diagram 20200811
basis(c("corundum", "quartz", "oxygen"))
species(c("kyanite", "sillimanite", "andalusite"))
a <- affinity(T = c(200, 900, 50), P = c(0, 9000, 51), exceed.Ttr = TRUE)
d <- diagram(a, = FALSE)
expect_equal(species()$name[d$predominant[1, 1]], "andalusite", info = info)
expect_equal(species()$name[d$predominant[1, 51]], "kyanite", info = info)
expect_equal(species()$name[d$predominant[50, 51]], "sillimanite", info = info)

info <- "diagram(type = .) and affinity(return.buffer = TRUE) give the same results"
# Extracted from ?buffer 20200811
O2 <- c(-85, -70, 4)
T <- c(25, 100, 4)
basis("CO2", 999)
species("acetic acid", -3)
species(1, -10)
a <- affinity(O2 = O2, T = T)
d <- diagram(a, type = "CO2", = FALSE)
and <- as.numeric(d$plotvals[[1]])
# Now do the calculation with affinity(return.buffer = TRUE)
basis("CO2", "AC")
mod.buffer("AC", logact = -10)
a.buffer <- affinity(O2 = O2, T = T, return.buffer = TRUE)
ana <- as.numeric(unlist(a.buffer[[1]]))
expect_equal(ana, and, info = info)

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CHNOSZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.