
# Load default settings for CHNOSZ

info <- "Handling of repeated T, P, pH values is correct"
expect_message(expect_error(ionize.aa(T = c(25, 25, 100, 100, 100), P = c(100, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000))),
                            "18 species at 3 values of T \\(\u00BAC\\) and P \\(bar\\) \\(wet\\)", info = info)
expect_message(ia.25x10 <- ionize.aa(T = rep(25,10), ret.val = "pK"), "18 species at 25 \u00BAC and 1 bar \\(wet\\)", info = info)
# We have ten rows of the same values
expect_identical(ia.25x10[1, ], apply(ia.25x10, 2, unique), info = info)
# also ten rows of the same values for same pH
ia.7x10 <- ionize.aa(pH = rep(7, 10), ret.val = "pK")
expect_identical(ia.7x10[1, ], apply(ia.7x10, 2, unique), info = info)
# Same behaviour with alpha and aavals
ia.7x10 <- ionize.aa(pH = rep(7, 10), ret.val = "alpha")
expect_identical(ia.7x10[1, ], apply(ia.7x10, 2, unique), info = info)
ia.7x10 <- ionize.aa(pH = rep(7, 10), ret.val = "aavals")
expect_identical(ia.7x10[1, ], apply(ia.7x10, 2, unique), info = info)

info <- "Charge summations for aa compositions are internally consistent"
# One pH value should give the same results as two of the same value
expect_equal(ionize.aa(thermo()$protein[1:10,], pH = 7), 
  ionize.aa(thermo()$protein[1:10,], pH = c(7,7))[1, , drop = FALSE], check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
# At pH extremes we should be fully ionized
iplus <- match(c("His", "Lys", "Arg", "chains"), colnames(thermo()$protein))
iminus <- match(c("Cys", "Asp", "Glu", "Tyr", "chains"), colnames(thermo()$protein))
ia520 <- ionize.aa(thermo()$protein[1:10,], pH = c(-5, 20))
expect_equal(ia520[1, ], rowSums(thermo()$protein[1:10, iplus]), info = info)
expect_equal(ia520[2, ], -rowSums(thermo()$protein[1:10, iminus]), info = info)

info <- "Charge summations for aa compositions are consistent with literature"
# Comparison with values for LYSC_CHICK digitized from Fig. 10 of Dick et al., 2006
# charge at 25, 100, 150 degrees and at 25 degrees with cysteine suppressed (oxidized)
# at pH 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Z.LYSC_CHICK.25 <- c(13.3, 8.5, 5.1, -6.2, -14, -20.6)
Z.LYSC_CHICK.100 <- c(13.3, 7.8, -3.4, -15.2, -20.9, -20.9)
Z.LYSC_CHICK.150 <- c(13.3, 7.1, -8.0, -20.0, -20.9, -20.9)
Z.LYSC_CHICK.25_oxid <- c(13.5, 8.7, 7.6, 1.6, -6.2, -12.9)
aa <- pinfo(pinfo("LYSC_CHICK"))
pH <- c(4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
# The literature values are significantly different at this tolerance (the following is not TRUE)
# expect_equal(Z.LYSC_CHICK.25, Z.LYSC_CHICK.100, 1e-1, info = info)
expect_equal(ionize.aa(aa, pH = pH, T = 25)[, 1], Z.LYSC_CHICK.25, tolerance = 1e-1, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
expect_equal(ionize.aa(aa, pH = pH, T = 100)[, 1], Z.LYSC_CHICK.100, tolerance = 1e-1, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
expect_equal(ionize.aa(aa, pH = pH, T = 150)[, 1], Z.LYSC_CHICK.150, tolerance = 1e-1, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
expect_equal(ionize.aa(aa, pH = pH, T = 25, suppress.Cys = TRUE)[, 1], Z.LYSC_CHICK.25_oxid, tolerance = 1e-2, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)

info <- "Heat capacity of ionization is consistent with literature"
# Heat capacity (kcal mol-1 K-1) of AMYA_PYRFU at 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 degrees
# for nonionzed protein and ionized protein at pH 6 and 12
# digitized from Fig. 11 of Dick et al., 2006
Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.nonion <- convert(c(41.26, 42.22, 42.85, 43.33, 43.74), "J")
Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.pH6 <- convert(c(37.44, 37.81, 37.78, 37.41, 36.70), "J")
Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.pH12 <- convert(c(36.19, 36.59, 36.52, 36.11, 35.30), "J")
aa <- pinfo(pinfo("AMYA_PYRFU"))
Cp.ionization.pH6 <- ionize.aa(aa, "Cp", T = c(60, 80, 100, 120, 140), pH = 6)
Cp.ionization.pH12 <- ionize.aa(aa, "Cp", T = c(60, 80, 100, 120, 140), pH = 12)
# The literature values are significantly different at this tolerance (the following is not TRUE)
# expect_equal(Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.pH6 - Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.nonion, Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.pH12 - Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.nonion, 1e-2, info = info)
expect_equal(Cp.ionization.pH6[,1], (Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.pH6 - Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.nonion)*1000, tolerance = 1e-2, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
expect_equal(Cp.ionization.pH12[,1], (Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.pH12 - Cp.AMYA_PYRFU.nonion)*1000, tolerance = 1e-2, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)

info <- "Gibbs energy of ionization is consistent with literature"
# Gibbs energy (Mcal mol-1) of AMY_BACSU at pH 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 at 25 and 100 degrees
# digitized from Fig. 12 of Dick et al., 2006
G.AMY_BACSU.25 <- convert(c(-24.9, -24.9, -24.7, -24.5, -24.4, -23.9, -23.5, -23.2), "J")
G.AMY_BACSU.100 <- convert(c(-26.7, -26.7, -26.4, -26.1, -25.7, -25.1, -24.9, -24.9), "J")
# To reproduce the calculations in the paper, use superseded properties of [Met], [Gly], and [UPBB]
mod.OBIGT("[Met]", G = -35245, H = -59310, S = 40.38, E_units = "cal")
mod.OBIGT("[Gly]", G = -6075, H = -5570, S = 17.31, E_units = "cal")
mod.OBIGT("[UPBB]", G = -21436, H = -45220, S = 1.62, E_units = "cal")
G.nonionized <- subcrt("AMY_BACSU", T = c(25, 100))$out[[1]]$G
aa <- pinfo(pinfo("AMY_BACSU"))
G.ionization.25 <- ionize.aa(aa, "G", T = 25, pH = seq(0, 14, 2))[,1]
G.ionization.100 <- ionize.aa(aa, "G", T = 100, pH = seq(0, 14, 2))[,1]
expect_equal(G.nonionized[1] + G.ionization.25, G.AMY_BACSU.25 * 1e6, tolerance = 1e-3, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
expect_equal(G.nonionized[2] + G.ionization.100, G.AMY_BACSU.100 * 1e6, tolerance = 1e-3, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)

info <- "Affinity of ionization is consistent with manual calculations"
# Equilibrium constant of ionization of [Cys] at 25 and 100 degres C
logK.Cys <- subcrt(c("[Cys]", "[Cys-]", "H+"), c(-1, 1, 1), T = c(25, 100))$out$logK
# Affinity (A/2.303RT) of ionization of [Cys] at pH 7
A.2303RT.Cys.pH7 <- logK.Cys + 7
# Equilibrium constant of ionization of [His] at 25 degrees C
logK.His <- subcrt(c("[His]", "H+", "[His+]"), c(-1, -1, 1), T = 25)$out$logK
# Affinity (A/2.303RT) of ionization of [His] at pH 7 and 14
A.2303RT.His.pH7_14 <- logK.His - c(7, 14)
# Calculate the affinities at pH 7 at 25 and 100 degrees C using ionize()
A.ionization.pH7 <- ionize.aa(property = "A", T = c(25, 100), ret.val = "aavals")
iCys <- match("[Cys-]", colnames(A.ionization.pH7))
expect_equal(A.2303RT.Cys.pH7, A.ionization.pH7[, iCys], check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
# Calculate the affinities at pH 7 and 14 at 25 degrees C using ionize()
A.ionization.pH7_14 <- ionize.aa(property = "A", pH = c(7, 14), ret.val = "aavals")
iHis <- match("[His+]", colnames(A.ionization.pH7_14))
expect_equal(A.2303RT.His.pH7_14, A.ionization.pH7_14[, iHis], check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)
# Test whether the additive value for a protein is internally consistent
alpha <- ionize.aa(ret.val = "alpha")
affinity <- ionize.aa(property = "A", ret.val = "aavals")
aa <- pinfo(pinfo("LYSC_CHICK"))
iionize <- match(c("Cys", "Asp", "Glu", "His", "Lys", "Arg", "Tyr", "chains", "chains"), colnames(aa))
# Sum of the affinities of ionization of each ionizable group mutiplied by 
# their degree of formation and by their frequency in the protein
A.protein <- sum(alpha * affinity * aa[, iionize])
expect_equal(ionize.aa(aa, property = "A")[1, ], A.protein, check.attributes = FALSE, info = info)

# Test added 20210407
info <- "Protein ionization calculations are not affected by E.units()"
basis(c("CO2", "H2", "NH4+", "H2O", "H2S", "H+"))
a1 <- affinity(iprotein = 1)
a2 <- affinity(iprotein = 1)
expect_equal(a1$values, a2$values, info = info)

# Test added 20220621
info <- "Messages indicate status of ionization calculations"
expect_message(a <- affinity(iprotein = 1), "affinity: ionizing proteins ...", info = info)
thermo("opt$ionize.aa" = FALSE)
expect_message(a <- affinity(iprotein = 1), "affinity: NOT ionizing proteins because thermo()$opt$ionize.aa is FALSE", fixed = TRUE, info = info)

# Reference

# Dick, J. M., LaRowe, D. E. and Helgeson, H. C. (2006) 
#   Temperature, pressure, and electrochemical constraints on protein speciation: 
#   Group additivity calculation of the standard molal thermodynamic properties of ionized unfolded proteins. 
#   Biogeosciences 3, 311--336.

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