Defines functions Sim_CICA

Documented in Sim_CICA

#' Simulate CICA data
#' @param Nr number of subjects per cluster
#' @param Q number of components
#' @param R number of clusters
#' @param voxels number of voxels
#' @param timepoints number of time points
#' @param E proportion of independent gaussian noise
#' @param overlap amount of overlap between S across clusters. Smaller value means more overlap
#' @param externalscore add simulated external score (default is FALSE)
#' @return a list with simulated CICA data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Use set.seed(1) to obtain the dataset used in the article "Clusterwise
#' #Independent Component Analysis (CICA): an R package for clustering subjects
#' #based on ICA patterns underlying three-way (brain) data"
#' Xe <- Sim_CICA(Nr = 15, Q = 5, R = 4, voxels = 100, timepoints = 10,
#' E = 0.4, overlap = .25, externalscore = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export

Sim_CICA <- function(Nr, Q, R, voxels, timepoints, E, overlap=NULL, externalscore = FALSE){
    Sbase <- replicate(n = Q, runif(n = voxels, min = -1, max = 1))
    S <- lapply(1:R, function(x)
      replicate(n = Q, runif(n = voxels, min = -overlap, max = overlap)))

    Sr <- lapply(seq_along(S), function(x) Sbase + S[[x]])

    RVs <- computeRVmat(DataList = Sr, dist = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

    Sr <- lapply(1:R, function(x)
      replicate(n = Q, icasamp(dname = 'b', nsamp = voxels,query = 'rnd')))

  Air <- lapply(1:R, FUN = function(x) lapply(1:Nr, function(x)
    replicate(n = Q, runif(timepoints, min = -2, max = 2))))

  Xs <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(Air)){
    Xs[[i]] <- lapply(1:length(Air[[i]]), function(x) Sr[[i]] %*% t(Air[[i]][[x]]))

  X <- do.call(c, Xs)

  SSequal <- function(m1,m2){(m1/sqrt(sum(m1^2)) * sqrt(sum(m2^2)))}
  addError <- function(datablock, err){
    res<-datablock + (errorM * sqrt(errorlevel))

  Xe <- lapply(X, addError, err = E)

  P <- rep(1:R, each = Nr)
  out <- list()
  out$P <- P
  out$X <- Xe
  out$Sr <- Sr
  out$Air <- unlist(Air, recursive = FALSE)

    out$RVs <- RVs

  if(externalscore == TRUE){
    score <- list()
    for(i in 1:R){
      if((i %% 2) == 0){
        score[[i]] <- rnorm(Nr, mean = 25 + runif(1, max=3))
        score[[i]] <- rnorm(Nr, mean = 12 + runif(1, min=-2, max = 2))

    score <- do.call(c, score)
    out$externalscore <- score


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CICA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:12 a.m.