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## usethis::use_data(dat_r2_mac)
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# rmarkdown::render('./vignettes_PDF/COAPsimu.Rmd', output_format=c('pdf_document'), clean = F)
#' Generate simulated data
#' @description Generate simulated data from covariate-augmented Poisson factor models
#' @param seed a postive integer, the random seed for reproducibility of data generation process.
#' @param n a postive integer, specify the sample size.
#' @param p a postive integer, specify the dimension of count variables.
#' @param d a postive integer, specify the dimension of covariate matrix.
#' @param q a postive integer, specify the number of factors.
#' @param rank0 a postive integer, specify the rank of the coefficient matrix.
#' @param rho a numeric vector with length 2 and positive elements, specify the signal strength of loading matrix and regression coefficient, respectively.
#' @param sigma2_eps a positive real, the variance of overdispersion error.
#' @param seed.beta a postive integer, the random seed for reproducibility of data generation process by fixing the regression coefficient matrix beta.
#' @return return a list including the following components: (1) X, the high-dimensional count matrix; (2) Z, the high-dimensional covriate matrix; (3) bbeta0, the low-rank large coefficient matrix; (4) B0, the loading matrix; (5) H0, the factor matrix; (6) rank: the true rank of bbeta0; (7) q: the true number of factors.
#' @details None
#' @seealso \code{\link{RR_COAP}}
#' @references None
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom stats cov lm residuals rnorm rpois
#' @examples
#' n <- 300; p <- 100
#' d <- 20; q <- 6; r <- 3
#' datlist <- gendata_simu(n=n, p=p, d=20, q=q, rank0=r)
#' str(datlist)
gendata_simu <-function (seed = 1, n = 300, p = 50, d=20, q = 6, rank0=3,
rho = c(1.5, 1), sigma2_eps=0.1, seed.beta=1){
if(rank0<=1) stop("rank0 must be greater than 1!")
cor.mat<-function (p, rho, type = "toeplitz") {
if (p == 1)
return(matrix(1, 1, 1))
mat <- diag(p)
if (type == "toeplitz") {
for (i in 2:p) {
for (j in 1:i) {
mat[i, j] <- mat[j, i] <- rho^(abs(i - j))
if (type == "identity") {
mat[mat == 0] <- rho
Diag<-function (vec){
q <- length(vec)
if (q > 1) {
y <- diag(vec)
else {
y <- matrix(vec, 1, 1)
if(length(rho)<2) stop("rho must be a numeric vector of length 2!")
factor_term <- rho[1]
factor_term_z <- rho[2]
set.seed(seed.beta) # Fixed bbeta0
#bbeta0 <- matrix(rnorm(p*d), p, d)
rank_true <- rank0 - 1
bbeta0 <- t(matrix(rnorm(d*rank_true), d, rank_true) %*% matrix(rnorm(rank_true* p), rank_true, p)) / p *4 * factor_term_z
Ztmp <- matrix(rnorm(p * q), p, q)
B <- qr(Ztmp)
eigvs <- sqrt(sort(eigen(t(Ztmp) %*% Ztmp)$values, decreasing = T))
B1 <- qr.Q(B) %*% Diag(sqrt(eigvs))
B0 <- B1 %*% Diag(sign(B1[1, ])) ## Fixed B0 and mu0 for each repeat.
# mu0 <- rnorm(p) * factor_term
# Bm0 <- cbind(mu0, B0)
if(d<2) stop("d must be greater than 1!")
Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu=rep(0, d-1), Sigma = cor.mat(d-1, rho=0.5))
Z <- cbind(1, Z)
epsi <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu=rep(0, p), Sigma = diag(rep(p,1))* sigma2_eps)
H <- mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, q), cor.mat(q, 0.5))
H <- residuals(lm(H~Z))
svdH <- svd(cov(H))
H0 <- scale(H, scale = F) %*% svdH$u %*% Diag(1/sqrt(svdH$d)) %*%
g1 <- 1:p
B0[g1, ] <- B0[g1, ]/max(B0[g1, ]) * factor_term ## scale
mu <- exp(Z %*% t(bbeta0) + H0 %*% t(B0) + epsi) # + matrix(mu0, n, p, byrow = T)
X <- matrix(rpois(n * p, lambda = mu), n, p)
return(list(X = X, Z=Z, bbeta0=bbeta0, B0 = B0, H0 = H0, rank=rank0, q=q))
# gendata_simu <-function (seed = 1, n = 300, p = 50, d=20,
# q = 6, rank0=3, rho = c(1.5, 1), sigma2_eps=0.1){
# # require(MASS)
# if(rank0<=1) stop("rank0 must be greater than 1!")
# cor.mat<-function (p, rho, type = "toeplitz") {
# if (p == 1)
# return(matrix(1, 1, 1))
# mat <- diag(p)
# if (type == "toeplitz") {
# for (i in 2:p) {
# for (j in 1:i) {
# mat[i, j] <- mat[j, i] <- rho^(abs(i - j))
# }
# }
# }
# if (type == "identity") {
# mat[mat == 0] <- rho
# }
# return(mat)
# }
# Diag<-function (vec){
# q <- length(vec)
# if (q > 1) {
# y <- diag(vec)
# }
# else {
# y <- matrix(vec, 1, 1)
# }
# return(y)
# }
# if(length(rho)<2) stop("rho must be a numeric vector of length 2!")
# factor_term <- rho[1]
# factor_term_z <- rho[2]
# set.seed(1) # Fixed bbeta0
# #bbeta0 <- matrix(rnorm(p*d), p, d)
# rank_true <- rank0 - 1
# bbeta0 <- t(matrix(rnorm(d*rank_true), d, rank_true) %*% matrix(rnorm(rank_true* p), rank_true, p)) / p *4 * factor_term_z
# Ztmp <- matrix(rnorm(p * q), p, q)
# B <- qr(Ztmp)
# eigvs <- sqrt(sort(eigen(t(Ztmp) %*% Ztmp)$values, decreasing = T))
# B1 <- qr.Q(B) %*% Diag(sqrt(eigvs))
# B0 <- B1 %*% Diag(sign(B1[1, ])) ##
# set.seed(seed)
# if(d<2) stop("d must be greater than 1!")
# cov_S <- cor.mat(d-1, rho=0.5)
# zeroMat <- matrix(0, d-1, q)
# cov_all <- rbind(cbind(cov_S, zeroMat), cbind(t(zeroMat), Diag(rep(1, q)) ) )
# Z_all <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu=rep(0, q+d-1), Sigma = cov_all)
# Z <- cbind(1, Z_all[,1:(d-1)])
# epsi <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu=rep(0, p), Sigma = diag(rep(p,1))* sigma2_eps)
# # H <- mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, q), cor.mat(q, 0.5))
# # H <- residuals(lm(H~Z))
# # svdH <- svd(cov(H))
# # H0 <- scale(H, scale = F) %*% svdH$u %*% Diag(1/sqrt(svdH$d)) %*%svdH$v
# H0 <- Z_all[, d: (q+d-1)]
# # H0 <- scale(H0, scale=F)
# g1 <- 1:p
# B0[g1, ] <- B0[g1, ]/max(B0[g1, ]) * factor_term ## scale
# mu <- exp(Z %*% t(bbeta0) + H0 %*% t(B0) + epsi) # + matrix(mu0, n, p, byrow = T)
# X <- matrix(rpois(n * p, lambda = mu), n, p)
# return(list(X = X, Z=Z, bbeta0=bbeta0, B0 = B0, H0 = H0, rank=rank0, q=q))
# }
Diag <- function (vec) {
q <- length(vec)
if (q > 1) {
y <- diag(vec)
else {
y <- matrix(vec, 1, 1)
add_identifiability <- function(H, B){
q <- ncol(H); n <- nrow(H)
svdHB <- svd(H %*% t(B), nu=q, nv = q)
signB1 <- sign(svdHB$v[1,])
H <- sqrt(n) * svdHB$u %*% Diag(signB1)
B <- svdHB$v %*% Diag(svdHB$d[1:q]*signB1) / sqrt(n)
return(list(H=H, B=B))
#' Fit the COAP model
#' @description Fit the covariate-augmented overdispersed Poisson factor model
#' @param X_count a count matrix, the observed count matrix.
#' @param multiFac an optional vector, the normalization factor for each unit; default as full-one vector.
#' @param Z an optional matrix, the covariate matrix; default as a full-one column vector if there is no additional covariates.
#' @param rank_use an optional integer, specify the rank of the regression coefficient matrix; default as 5.
#' @param q an optional string, specify the number of factors; default as 15.
#' @param epsELBO an optional positive vlaue, tolerance of relative variation rate of the envidence lower bound value, defualt as '1e-5'.
#' @param maxIter the maximum iteration of the VEM algorithm. The default is 30.
#' @param verbose a logical value, whether output the information in iteration.
#' @param joint_opt_beta a logical value, whether use the joint optimization method to update bbeta. The default is \code{FALSE}, which means using the separate optimization method.
#' @param fast_svd a logical value, whether use the fast SVD algorithm in the update of bbeta; default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return return a list including the following components: (1) H, the predicted factor matrix; (2) B, the estimated loading matrix; (3) bbeta, the estimated low-rank large coefficient matrix; (4) invLambda, the inverse of the estimated variances of error; (5) H0, the factor matrix; (6) ELBO: the ELBO value when algorithm stops; (7) ELBO_seq: the sequence of ELBO values.
#' @details None
#' @seealso None
#' @references Liu, W. and Q. Zhong (2024). High-dimensional covariate-augmented overdispersed poisson factor model. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.15071.
#' @export
#' @useDynLib COAP, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom irlba irlba
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @examples
#' n <- 300; p <- 100
#' d <- 20; q <- 6; r <- 3
#' datlist <- gendata_simu(n=n, p=p, d=20, q=q, rank0=r)
#' str(datlist)
#' fitlist <- RR_COAP(X_count=datlist$X, Z = datlist$Z, q=6, rank_use=3)
#' str(fitlist)
RR_COAP <- function(X_count, multiFac=rep(1, nrow(X_count)), Z=matrix(1, nrow(X_count),1),
rank_use=5, q=15, epsELBO=1e-5,
maxIter=30, verbose=TRUE,
joint_opt_beta=FALSE, fast_svd=TRUE){
# Z=NULL; q=15; epsELBO=1e-6; maxIter=10; verbose=TRUE
get_initials <- function(X, q){
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
mu <- colMeans(X)
X <- X - matrix(mu, nrow=n, ncol=p, byrow=TRUE)
svdX <- irlba(A =X, nv = q)
PCs <- sqrt(n) * svdX$u
loadings <- svdX$v %*% Diag(svdX$d[1:q]) / sqrt(n)
dX <- PCs %*% t(loadings) - X
Lam_vec <- colSums(dX^2)/n
return(list(hH = PCs, hB = loadings, hmu=mu,sigma2vec = Lam_vec))
message("Calculate initial values...")
n <- nrow(X_count); p <- ncol(X_count);
if(any(Z[,1]!=1)) warning("The first column of covariates Z is not a full-one column vector, so it will fit a model without intercept!")
Mu_y_int = log(1+ X_count)#matrix(1, n, p);
S_y_int = matrix(1, n, p);
a <- multiFac
fit_approxPCA <- get_initials(Mu_y_int, q=q)
B_int <- fit_approxPCA$hB
Mu_h_int <- fit_approxPCA$hH
invLambda_int = rep(1, p);
d <- ncol(Z)
rank_use <- min(rank_use, d)
bbeta_int <- matrix(0, p, d)
bbeta_int[,1] <- colMeans(Mu_y_int)
reslist <- Reduced_Rank_COAP(X_count, a, Z, rank_use, Mu_y_int, S_y_int, invLambda_int, B_int,
bbeta_int, Mu_h_int, epsELBO=epsELBO,
maxIter=maxIter, verbose=verbose,
sep_opt_beta=!joint_opt_beta, fast_svd=fast_svd)
reslist$ELBO_seq <- reslist$ELBO_seq[-1]
#' Select the parameters in COAP models
#' @description Select the number of factors and the rank of coefficient matrix in the covariate-augmented overdispersed Poisson factor model
#' @param X_count a count matrix, the observed count matrix.
#' @param multiFac an optional vector, the normalization factor for each unit; default as full-one vector.
#' @param Z an optional matrix, the covariate matrix; default as a full-one column vector if there is no additional covariates.
#' @param q_max an optional string, specify the upper bound for the number of factors; default as 15.
#' @param r_max an optional integer, specify the upper bound for the rank of the regression coefficient matrix; default as 24.
#' @param threshold an optional 2-dimensional positive vector, specify the the thresholds that filters the singular values of beta and B, respectively.
#' @param verbose a logical value, whether output the information in iteration.
#' @param ..., other arguments passed to the function \code{\link{RR_COAP}}.
#' @return return a named vector with names `hr` and `hq`, the estimated rank and number of factors.
#' @details The threshold is to filter the singular values with low signal, to assist the identification of underlying model structure.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RR_COAP}}
#' @references None
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- 300; p <- 200
#' d <- 20; q <- 6; r <- 3
#' datlist <- gendata_simu(n=n, p=p, d=20, q=q, rank0=r, rho=c(1,4))
#' str(datlist)
#' set.seed(1)
#' para_vec <- selectParams(X_count=datlist$X, Z = datlist$Z)
#' print(para_vec)
selectParams <- function(X_count, Z, multiFac=rep(1, nrow(X_count)),
q_max=15, r_max=24,
threshold=c(1e-1, 1e-2),verbose=TRUE, ...){
reslist <- RR_COAP(X_count, Z = Z,multiFac=multiFac, rank_use = r_max, q= q_max,
thre1 <- threshold[1]
beta_svalues <- svd(reslist$bbeta)$d
beta_svalues <- beta_svalues[beta_svalues>thre1]
ratio1 <- beta_svalues[-length(beta_svalues)] / beta_svalues[-1]
hr <- which.max(ratio1[-length(ratio1)])
thre2 <- threshold[2]
B_svalues <- svd(reslist$B)$d
B_svalues <- B_svalues[B_svalues>thre2]
ratio_fac <- B_svalues[-length(B_svalues)] / B_svalues[-1]
hq <- which.max(ratio_fac)
return(c(hr=hr, hq=hq))
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