
Defines functions remove_elements

Documented in remove_elements


#' Check the effect of removing indicators or aggregates
#' This is an analysis function for seeing what happens when elements of the composite indicator are removed. This can help with "what if"
#' experiments and acts as different measure of the influence of each indicator or aggregate.
#' One way of looking at indicator "importance" in a composite indicator is via correlations. A different way is to see what happens if we
#' remove the indicator completely from the framework. If removing an indicator or a whole aggregation of indicators results in very little
#' rank change, it is one indication that perhaps it is not necessary to include it. Emphasis on *one*: there may be many other things to take
#' into account.
#' This function works by successively setting the weight of each indicator or aggregate to zero. If the analysis is performed at the indicator
#' level, it creates a copy of the coin, sets the weight of the first indicator to zero, regenerates the results, and compares to the nominal
#' results (results when no weights are set to zero). It repeats this for each indicator in turn, such that each time one indicator is set to
#' zero weights, and the others retain their original weights. The output is a series of tables comparing scores and ranks (see Value).
#' Note that "removing the indicator" here means more precisely "setting its weight to zero". In most cases the first implies the second,
#' but check that the aggregation method that you are using satisfies this relationship. For example, if the aggregation method does not
#' use any weights, then setting the weight to zero will have no effect.
#' This function replaces the now-defunct `removeElements()` from COINr < v1.0.
#' @param coin A coin class object, which must be constructed up to and including the aggregation step, i.e. using [Aggregate()].
#' @param Level The level at which to remove elements. For example, `Level = 1` would check the effect of removing each indicator, one at
#' a time. `Level = 2` would check the effect of removing each of the aggregation groups above the indicator level, one at a time.
#' @param iCode A character string indicating the indicator or aggregate code to extract from each iteration. I.e. normally this would be set to
#' the index code to compare the ranks of the index upon removing each indicator or aggregate. But it can be any code that is present in
#' `.$Data[[dset]]`.
#' @param quietly Logical: if `FALSE` (default) will output to the console an indication of progress. Might be useful when iterating over many
#' indicators. Otherwise set to `TRUE` to shut this up.
#' @param dset The name of the data set to take `iCode` from. Most likely this should be name of the aggregated data set, typically `"Aggregated"`.
#' @examples
#' # build example coin
#' coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)
#' # run function removing elements in level 2
#' l_res <- remove_elements(coin, Level = 3, dset = "Aggregated", iCode = "Index")
#' # get summary of rank changes
#' l_res$MeanAbsDiff
#' @return A list with elements as follows:
#' * `.$Scores`: a data frame where each column is the scores for each unit, with indicator/aggregate corresponding to the column name removed.
#' E.g. `.$Scores$Ind1` gives the scores resulting from removing "Ind1".
#' * `.$Ranks`: as above but ranks
#' * `.$RankDiffs`: as above but difference between nominal rank and rank on removing each indicator/aggregate
#' * `.$RankAbsDiffs`: as above but absolute rank differences
#' * `.$MeanAbsDiffs`: as above, but the mean of each column. So it is the mean (over units) absolute rank change resulting from removing each
#' indicator or aggregate.
#' @export
remove_elements <- function(coin, Level, dset, iCode, quietly = FALSE){

  ##----- Checks and Preps ----

  # check input first

  # number of levels
  nlev <- coin$Meta$maxlev

  if(Level %nin% 1:(nlev -1)){
    stop("Level must be between 1 (indicator level) and the number of levels minus one.")

  # get scores of nominal and create table
  Scores <- get_data(coin, dset = dset, iCodes = iCode)
  colnames(Scores)[colnames(Scores) == iCode] <- "Nominal"

  ##----- Get weights ----

  # this function uses setting weights to zero to remove things. In order to do this, we need the weights that were used to aggregate
  # Find which weights were used
  w_used <- coin$Log$Aggregate$w

  # now get the weights, and run some checks
    # if this is NULL, then it means that the original weights were used
      stop("No 'Original' weights found in .$Meta$Weights. This is required to use this function.")
    } else {
      # get original weights
      wts <- coin$Meta$Weights$Original
  } else if (is.character(w_used)) {
    # agweights specified by a character string
    wts <- coin$Meta$Weights[[w_used]]

    # check this now exists
      stop("Cannot find specified weight set in .$Meta$Weights...")
    # check is df
      stop("Specified set of weights is not a data frame. Please check.")

  } else if (is.data.frame(w_used)){
    wts <- w_used
  } else {
    stop("Argument 'w' to Aggregate() is not in the correct format. Should be NULL, a character string or data frame.")

  ##----- Loop over inds or aggs ----

  # Now we start with the removing process. First get codes of the elements to remove
  # we get them from the weights df
  icodes <- wts$iCode[wts$Level == Level]

  # now we have to loop through these and set the weight of each to 0
  # Yes i am using a for loop because it is easier than forcing a map or apply. Deal with it! :)
  for (ii in 1:length(icodes)){

      message(paste0("Iteration ", ii, " of ", length(icodes)))

    # copy the coin and weights
    COIN2 <- coin
    wtsii <- wts

    # modify the weights. Set element to zero
    wtsii$Weight[wtsii$iCode == icodes[ii]] <- 0

    # add a new set of weights - copy of the existing weights used
    COIN2$Meta$Weights$Removed1 <- wtsii

    # point method
    COIN2$Log$Aggregate$w <- "Removed1"

    # regenerate
    COIN2 <- Regen(COIN2, quietly = TRUE)

    # Extract the output of interest and add to Scores df
    newscores <- get_data(COIN2, dset = dset, iCodes = iCode)
    Scores <- merge(Scores, newscores, by = "uCode")
    colnames(Scores)[ncol(Scores)] <- icodes[ii]


  # now we generate tables as the output
  # ranks
  ranktab <- rank_df(Scores)
  # rank changes
  rankchg <- ranktab
  rankchg[-1] <- as.data.frame(apply(rankchg[-1], 2, function(x) rankchg[2] - x))
  colnames(rankchg) <- colnames(ranktab)
  # absolute rank changes
  rankchgabs <- rankchg
  rankchgabs[-1] <- apply(rankchgabs[-1], 2, abs)
  # mean absolute rank changes
  MeanAbsDiff <- colMeans(rankchgabs[-1], na.rm = TRUE)

  # Output
  list(Scores = Scores,
       Ranks = ranktab,
       RankDiffs = rankchg,
       RankAbsDiffs = rankchgabs,
       MeanAbsDiff = MeanAbsDiff)


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COINr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:18 a.m.