
Defines functions fit.CLMM.2 fit.CLMM.simple.2data fit.CLMM.simple.start.2 fit.CLMM.simple.EM.2 compute.Ehats.CLMM.simple.2 compute.theta.hat.CLMM.simple.2 compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.2 compute.V.inv.simple.2 compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.2 compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.2 compute.b2.hat.CLMM.simple.2 compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.2 compute.e2.hat.CLMM.simple.2 compute.u.hat.CLMM.simple.2 all.ceiling.2 mvn.dnorm.log.2 compute.llh.CLMM.2 fit.CLMM.simple.2data.NA fit.CLMM.simple.start.NA.2 fit.CLMM.simple.EM.NA.2 compute.Ehats.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.theta.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.V.simple.NA.2 compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.b2.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.e2.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 compute.u.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 all.ceiling.NA.2 mvn.dnorm.log.NA.2 compute.llh.CLMM.NA.2

Documented in fit.CLMM.2

#wrapper function
fit.CLMM.2 <- function(data.y1, data.x1, data.z1, data.y2, data.x2, data.z2, n.clst, n.run=1){
			stop("All NAs are found in a pair of observations. Please recheck your input.");
				for(i in 1:nrow(index.NA1)){
				for(i in 1:nrow(index.NA2)){
#####							      				#####
###									  			  ###
#	      fit a CLMM model with ONE common clustering	  	    	    #
#	       	  and SAMPLE-specific covariates x_i	  	  	    #
#								  	    			    #
#								  	    			    #
#	    UPDATE: 1. compute "u.hat" slightly differently	  	          #
#		    2. D can ONLY be "Diagonal"	  	    		    	    #
###									  			  ###
#####							      	        		#####

##### INPUT
##	data.y - matrix of observations,
##		  data.y[j, i, l] for sample i, gene j, and measurement l;
## 	data.x - design matrix for fixed effects (common for all genes),
##		  data.x[i, l, p] for sample i, measurement l, and covariate p,
##	data.z - design matrix for random effects (common for all genes),	
##		  data.z[i, l, q] for sample i, measurement l, and covariate p,
##	n.clst - number of clusters for the beta associated with data.x;
##	var.type - type of the variance matrix for random effects; 
##		    either "D" for "Diagonal" or "G" for "General"
##	n.run - fit the CLMM "n.run" times, each with a different staring value
##### OUTPUT (a list of)
##	theta.hat - regression parameters estimated via EM algorithm;
##	data.u - clustering associated with data.x

fit.CLMM.simple.2data 	<- function(data.y1, data.x1, data.z1, data.y2, data.x2, data.z2, n.clst, n.run=1){
   ### this will be repeatedly used by M-step
   data.x.x.sum 	<- compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.2(data.x1, data.x1) + compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.2(data.x2, data.x2)	

   ### try different starting values
   llh 			<- -9999999999
   for(s in 1:n.run){
	### get "start values"
	theta.hat 		<-  fit.CLMM.simple.start.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, n.clst, start=s)

	### iterate btw E- and M- steps
	est.hat.new 	<- fit.CLMM.simple.EM.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1,data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, data.x.x.sum, theta.hat)

	if(est.hat.new$theta.hat$llh > llh){
	   est.hat 		<- est.hat.new
	   llh 		<- est.hat.new$theta.hat$llh

### find a starting value for "zeta" in CLMM
fit.CLMM.simple.start.2 <- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, n.clst, start=1){
   # number of genes and covariates
   J 	<- dim(data.y1)[1]
   m1 <- dim(data.x1)[1]
   m2 <- dim(data.x2)[1]
   P 	<- dim(data.x1)[3]
   Q 	<- dim(data.z1)[3]

   # get beta.hat for each gene-specific model
   beta.hat 		<- matrix(0, nrow=J, ncol=P)
   temp.x 			<- data.x1[1,,]
   if(m1>1){for(i in 2:m1){
	temp.x 		<- rbind(temp.x, data.x1[i,,])
   if(m2>0){for(i in 1:m2){
	temp.x 		<- rbind(temp.x, data.x2[i,,])
   temp <- solve(t(temp.x) %*% temp.x) %*% t(temp.x)
   for(j in 1:J){
	beta.hat[j,] 	<- temp %*% c(as.vector(t(data.y1[j,,])),as.vector(t(data.y2[j,,])))

   # pick group centers randomly if "start>1"
   if(start>1) {
	temp 			<- sample(J, n.clst)
	zeta.hat 		<- beta.hat[temp,]

   # group gene-specific beta.hat's by PAM if "start<=1"
   if(start<=1) {
	temp 			<- pam(beta.hat, n.clst)
	# assign group centers to zeta.hat (a KxP matrix)
	zeta.hat 		<- temp$medoids

   # covariance matrix for random effects
   D.hat 			<- rep(1, n.clst) 

   # measurement error
   sigma2.hat 		<- rep(1, n.clst)

   # frequency of each cluster
   pi.hat 			<- rep(1/n.clst, n.clst)

   return(list(zeta.hat=zeta.hat, D.hat=D.hat, sigma2.hat=sigma2.hat, pi.hat=pi.hat))

### EM algorithm to fit the CLMM
## data.x[i,l,p]
## data.y[j,i,l]
## data.z[i,l,q]
## zeta.hat, D.hat, sigma2.hat, and pi.hat are the starting values for the parameters

fit.CLMM.simple.EM.2 	<- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, data.x.x.sum, theta.hat){
   # number of genes, samples, covariates, and clusters
   J 	<- dim(data.y1)[1]
   m1 <- dim(data.y1)[2]
   L1 <- dim(data.y1)[3]
   m2 <- dim(data.y2)[2]
   L2 <- dim(data.y2)[3]
   P 	<- dim(data.x1)[3]
   Q 	<- dim(data.z1)[3]
   K 	<- length(theta.hat$pi.hat)

   # "log likelihood"
   llh.old 			<- -9999999999
   llh 			<- -9999999990

   ### iterate btw E- and M- steps
	# E-step
	hats 			<- compute.Ehats.CLMM.simple.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, 
						theta.hat, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, Q)

	# M-step
	temp 			<- compute.theta.hat.CLMM.simple.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2,
						data.x.x.sum, hats, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, P, Q)

	# update only when llh increases; when some cluster disappears, llh decreases
	llh.old 		<- llh
	if(!is.na(temp$llh) & temp$llh > llh){
	   theta.hat 	<- temp
	   llh 		<- temp$llh
   return(list(u.hat=hats$u.hat, b.hat.1=hats$b.hat.1, b.hat.2=hats$b.hat.2, theta.hat=theta.hat))

### compute "u.hat" - the expected clustering indicator
compute.Ehats.CLMM.simple.2 <- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, 
					theta.hat, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, Q){
   # delist "theta.hat"
   zeta.hat 		<- theta.hat$zeta.hat
   D.hat 			<- theta.hat$D.hat
   sigma2.hat 		<- theta.hat$sigma2.hat
   pi.hat 			<- theta.hat$pi.hat

   # compute the inverse of V
   V.inv.1 			<- compute.V.inv.simple.2(data.z1, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m1, L1)
   V.inv.2 			<- compute.V.inv.simple.2(data.z2, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m2, L2)

   # compute the partial residuals "gene by gene" - pResid[j, i, k, l]
   pResid.1 		<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.2(data.x1, data.y1, zeta.hat, J, m1, L1, K)
   pResid.2 		<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.2(data.x2, data.y2, zeta.hat, J, m2, L2, K)

   # compute "u.hat"
   u.hat 			<- compute.u.hat.CLMM.simple.2(pResid.1, V.inv.1, pResid.2, V.inv.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K)

   # compute "b.hat", bhat[j, i, k, q]
   b.hat.1 			<- compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.2(data.z1, pResid.1, D.hat, V.inv.1, J, m1, Q, K)
   b.hat.2 			<- compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.2(data.z2, pResid.2, D.hat, V.inv.2, J, m2, Q, K)

   # compute "b2.hat", b2.hat[j, k, q, q]
   b2.hat 			<- compute.b2.hat.CLMM.simple.2(data.z1, data.z2, u.hat, b.hat.1, b.hat.2, D.hat, 
						V.inv.1, V.inv.2, J, m1, m2, Q, K)

   # compute "e.hat", e.hat[j, i, k, l]
   e.hat.1 			<- compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.2(data.z1, b.hat.1, pResid.1, J, m1, L1, K)
   e.hat.2 			<- compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.2(data.z2, b.hat.2, pResid.2, J, m2, L2, K)

   # compute "b2.hat", b2.hat[j, k]
   e2.hat 			<- compute.e2.hat.CLMM.simple.2(data.z1, e.hat.1, data.z2, e.hat.2, 
						D.hat, V.inv.1, V.inv.2, sigma2.hat, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K)

   return(list(u.hat=u.hat, b.hat.1=b.hat.1, b.hat.2=b.hat.2, b2.hat=b2.hat, e2.hat=e2.hat))

### M-step for fitting CLMM
#   data.x.x[j,,] = t(data.x[j,,])%*%(data.x[j,,])
#   data.x.y[j,] = t(data.x[j,,])%*%(data.y[j,])
#   u.hat is a J*K matrix of cluster membership probabilities
compute.theta.hat.CLMM.simple.2 <- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2,
						data.x.x.sum, hats, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, P, Q){
   # delist "hats"
   u.hat 		<- hats$u.hat
   b.hat.1		<- hats$b.hat.1
   b.hat.2		<- hats$b.hat.2
   b2.hat 		<- hats$b2.hat
   e2.hat 		<- hats$e2.hat

   # frequency of each cluster
   pi.hat 		<- apply(u.hat, FUN=sum, MARGIN=2)/J

   # cluster-specific regression parameters
   zeta.hat 		<- matrix(0, nrow=K, ncol=P)
   D.hat		<- rep(0, K)
   sigma2.hat	<- rep(0, K)
   for(k in 1:K){
	zeta.num 	<- 0
	for(j in 1:J){
	   for(i in 1:m1){
		zeta.num<- zeta.num + u.hat[j,k]*t(data.x1[i,,])%*%(data.y1[j,i,]-as.matrix(data.z1[i,,])%*%b.hat.1[j,i,,k])
	   for(i in 1:m2){
		zeta.num<- zeta.num + u.hat[j,k]*t(data.x2[i,,])%*%(data.y2[j,i,]-as.matrix(data.z2[i,,])%*%b.hat.2[j,i,,k])
	zeta.den 		<- sum(u.hat[,k])*data.x.x.sum
	zeta.hat[k,] 	<- solve(zeta.den) %*% zeta.num

	D.hat[k]		<- sum(u.hat[,k]*b2.hat[,k])/((m1+m2)*Q*sum(u.hat[,k]))

	sigma2.hat[k] 	<- sum(u.hat[,k]*e2.hat[,k])/((m1*L1+m2*L2)*sum(u.hat[,k]))

   # compute the inverse of V
   V.inv.1 			<- compute.V.inv.simple.2(data.z1, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m1, L1)
   V.inv.2 			<- compute.V.inv.simple.2(data.z2, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m2, L2)

   # compute the "log likelihood" given this MLE
   pResid.1 		<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.2(data.x1, data.y1, zeta.hat, J, m1, L1, K)
   pResid.2 		<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.2(data.x2, data.y2, zeta.hat, J, m2, L2, K)
   llh 			<- compute.llh.CLMM.2(pResid.1, V.inv.1, pResid.2, V.inv.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K)

   return(list(zeta.hat=zeta.hat, pi.hat=pi.hat, D.hat=D.hat, sigma2.hat=sigma2.hat, llh=llh))

### data.x[i,l,p], data.z[i,l,q]
compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.2 <- function(data.x, data.z){
   m 	<- dim(data.x)[1]
   P 	<- dim(data.x)[3]
   Q 	<- dim(data.z)[3]

   data.x.z.sum 		<- matrix(0, nrow=P, ncol=Q)
   for(i in 1:m){
	data.x.z.sum 	<- data.x.z.sum + t(data.x[i,,]) %*% data.z[i,,]

### compute the inverse of V.inv[j, i, l, l, k]
compute.V.inv.simple.2 	<- function(data.z, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m, L){
   K				<- length(sigma2.hat)
   V.inv 			<- array(0, dim=c(J, m, L, L, K))
   for(k in 1:K){
	temp1			<- diag(sigma2.hat[k], L)
	for(i in 1:m){
	   temp2 		<- data.z[i,,]
	   for(j in 1:J){
	   	temp 		<- temp1 + D.hat[k]*(temp2%*%t(temp2))
	   	V.inv[j,i,,,k] 	<- solve(temp, tol=1e-50)

### compute the partial residuals "gene by gene" - pResid[j,i,l,k]
compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.2 	<- function(data.x, data.y, zeta.hat, J, m, L, K){
   pResid 				<- array(0, dim=c(J, m, L, K))
   for(k in 1:K){
	for(i in 1:m){
	   y.hat 			<- data.x[i,,] %*% zeta.hat[k,] 	# L x 1
	   pResid[,i,,k]		<- t(t(data.y[,i,]) - as.vector(y.hat))	# J x L

### compute "b.hat", bhat[j, i, q, k]
compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.2 	<- function(data.z, pResid, D.hat, V.inv, J, m, Q, K){
   b.hat 				<- array(0, dim=c(J, m, Q, K))
   for(j in 1:J)
	for(i in 1:m)
	   for(k in 1:K)
	   	b.hat[j,i,,k] 	<- D.hat[k]*t(data.z[i,,])%*%V.inv[j,i,,,k]%*%pResid[j,i,,k]


### compute "b2.hat", b2.hat[j, k]
### if the variance matrix is a Diagonal matrix
compute.b2.hat.CLMM.simple.2	<- function(data.z1, data.z2, u.hat, b.hat.1, b.hat.2, D.hat, V.inv.1, V.inv.2, 
						J, m1, m2, Q, K){
	b2.hat 			<- array(0, dim=c(J, K))
	for(j in 1:J){
	   for(k in 1:K){
		temp1 		<- 0
	   	temp2 		<- 0
		tau2		<- D.hat[k]
	   	for(i in 1:m1){
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(b.hat.1[j,i,,k]^2)
		   temp2 		<- temp2 + sum(diag(t(data.z1[i,,])%*%V.inv.1[j,i,,,k]%*%data.z1[i,,]))
	   	for(i in 1:m2){
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(b.hat.2[j,i,,k]^2)
		   temp2 		<- temp2 + sum(diag(t(data.z2[i,,])%*%V.inv.2[j,i,,,k]%*%data.z2[i,,]))
	   	b2.hat[j,k]		<- temp1 + tau2*Q*(m1+m2) - tau2^2*temp2

### compute "e.hat", e.hat[j, i, l, k]
compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.2 	<- function(data.z, b.hat, pResid, J, m, L, K){
   e.hat 				<- array(0, dim=c(J,m,L,K))
   for(i in 1:m)
	for(j in 1:J){
	   e.hat[j,i,,] 		<- pResid[j,i,,] - as.matrix(data.z[i,,])%*%b.hat[j,i,,]

### compute "e2.hat", e2.hat[j, k]
compute.e2.hat.CLMM.simple.2 	<- function(data.z1, e.hat.1, data.z2, e.hat.2, 
					D.hat, V.inv.1, V.inv.2, sigma2.hat, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K){
	e2.hat 			<- array(0, dim=c(J, K))
	for(j in 1:J){
	   for(k in 1:K){
		temp1 		<- 0
	   	temp2 		<- 0
	   	for(i in 1:m1){
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(e.hat.1[j,i,,k]^2)
		   temp2 		<- temp2 + sum(diag(V.inv.1[j,i,,,k]))
	   	for(i in 1:m2){
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(e.hat.2[j,i,,k]^2)
		   temp2 		<- temp2 + sum(diag(V.inv.2[j,i,,,k]))
	   	e2.hat[j,k]		<- temp1 + sigma2.hat[k]*(L1*m1+L2*m2) - (sigma2.hat[k])^2*temp2

### compute the log-transformed numerator for "u.hat"
compute.u.hat.CLMM.simple.2	<- function(pResid.1, V.inv.1, pResid.2, V.inv.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K){
   # compute log(u.hat.numerator)
   log.u.hat.num 			<- matrix(0, nrow=J, ncol=K)
   for(k in 1:K){
	for(j in 1:J){
	   temp 			<- 0
	   for(i in 1:m1){
		temp 			<- temp + mvn.dnorm.log.2(pResid.1[j,i,,k], V.inv.1[j,i,,,k])
	   for(i in 1:m2){
		temp 			<- temp + mvn.dnorm.log.2(pResid.2[j,i,,k], V.inv.2[j,i,,,k])
	   log.u.hat.num[j,k] 	<- log(pi.hat[k]) + temp
   u.hat.num 			<- exp(t(apply(log.u.hat.num, MARGIN=1, FUN=all.ceiling.2)))
   u.hat.den 			<- apply(u.hat.num, FUN=sum, MARGIN=1)
   u.hat 				<- u.hat.num/u.hat.den


### substract a constant from a vector to make its max = cutoff
all.ceiling.2 	<- function(aVector, cutoff=600){
    xx 		<- max(aVector)
    aVector 	<- aVector - xx + cutoff

### compute the density of a vector according to a MVN distribution
mvn.dnorm.log.2 	<- function(aVector, var.inv){
   L 			<- length(aVector)
   y 			<- matrix(aVector, nrow=L)
   # dens 		<- (abs(det(var.inv))^(1/2)) * ((2*pi)^(-L/2)) * exp(-(1/2) * t(y) %*% var.inv %*% y)

   log.dens 	<- log(abs(det(var.inv)))/2 + (log(2*pi)*(-L/2)) + ((-1/2) * t(y) %*% var.inv %*% y)


### compute the "log likelihood" given this MLE
compute.llh.CLMM.2 		<- function(pResid.1, V.inv.1, pResid.2, V.inv.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K){
   llh 			<- 0
   for(j in 1:J){
	temp.log 		<- rep(0, K)
	for(k in 1:K){
	   temp.ind 	<- 0
	   for(i in 1:m1){
	       temp.ind 	<- temp.ind + mvn.dnorm.log.2(pResid.1[j,i,,k], V.inv.1[j,i,,,k])
	   for(i in 1:m2){
	       temp.ind 	<- temp.ind + mvn.dnorm.log.2(pResid.2[j,i,,k], V.inv.2[j,i,,,k])
	   temp.log[k] 	<- temp.ind  # exp(temp.ind) = "inf" if temp.ind < -700
	temp.log.max 	<- max(temp.log)
	temp 			<-  exp(temp.log - temp.log.max) %*% pi.hat
	llh 			<- llh + log(temp) + temp.log.max

############			the end 			##############

#####							      				#####
###									  			  ###
#	      fit a CLMM model with ONE common clustering	  	    	    #
#	       	  and SAMPLE-specific covariates x_i	  	  	    #
#								  	    			    #
#								  	    			    #
#	    UPDATE: 1. compute "u.hat" slightly differently	  	    	    #
#		    2. D can ONLY be "Diagonal"	  	    		    	    #
###									  			  ###
#####							      	        		#####

##### INPUT
##	data.y - matrix of observations,
##		  data.y[j, i, l] for sample i, gene j, and measurement l;
## 	data.x - design matrix for fixed effects (common for all genes),
##		  data.x[i, l, p] for sample i, measurement l, and covariate p,
##	data.z - design matrix for random effects (common for all genes),	
##		  data.z[i, l, q] for sample i, measurement l, and covariate p,
##	n.clst - number of clusters for the beta associated with data.x;
##	var.type - type of the variance matrix for random effects; 
##		    either "D" for "Diagonal" or "G" for "General"
##	n.run - fit the CLMM "n.run" times, each with a different staring value
##### OUTPUT (a list of)
##	theta.hat - regression parameters estimated via EM algorithm;
##	data.u - clustering associated with data.x

fit.CLMM.simple.2data.NA <- function(data.y1,data.x1,data.z1,data.y2,data.x2,data.z2,na.flag1,na.flag2,n.clst,n.run=1){
   ### this will be repeatedly used by M-step
   data.x.x.sum 		<- compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x=data.x1, data.z=data.x1, na.flag=na.flag1)+compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x=data.x2,data.z=data.x2, na.flag=na.flag2)	

   ### try different starting values
   llh 			<- -9999999999
   for(s in 1:n.run){
	### get "start values"
	theta.hat 		<-  fit.CLMM.simple.start.NA.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, n.clst, start=s)

	### iterate btw E- and M- steps
	est.hat.new 	<- fit.CLMM.simple.EM.NA.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1,data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, na.flag1, na.flag2, data.x.x.sum, theta.hat)

	if(est.hat.new$theta.hat$llh > llh){
	   est.hat 		<- est.hat.new
	   llh 		<- est.hat.new$theta.hat$llh

### find a starting value for "zeta" in CLMM
fit.CLMM.simple.start.NA.2 	<- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, n.clst, start=1){
   # number of genes and covariates
   J 	<- dim(data.y1)[1]
   m1 <- dim(data.x1)[1]
   m2 <- dim(data.x2)[1]
   P 	<- dim(data.x1)[3]
   Q 	<- dim(data.z1)[3]

   # get beta.hat for each gene-specific model
   beta.hat 		<- matrix(0, nrow=J, ncol=P)
   temp.x 			<- data.x1[1,,]
   if(m1>1){for(i in 2:m1){
	temp.x 		<- rbind(temp.x, data.x1[i,,])
   if(m2>0){for(i in 1:m2){
	temp.x 		<- rbind(temp.x, data.x2[i,,])
   temp <- solve(t(temp.x) %*% temp.x) %*% t(temp.x)
   for(j in 1:J){
	beta.hat[j,] 	<- temp %*% c(as.vector(t(data.y1[j,,])),as.vector(t(data.y2[j,,])))

   # pick group centers randomly if "start>1"
   if(start>1) {
	temp 			<- sample(J, n.clst)
	zeta.hat 		<- beta.hat[temp,]

   # group gene-specific beta.hat's by PAM if "start<=1"
   if(start<=1) {
	temp 			<- pam(beta.hat, n.clst)
	# assign group centers to zeta.hat (a KxP matrix)
	zeta.hat 		<- temp$medoids

   # covariance matrix for random effects
   D.hat 		<- rep(1, n.clst) 

   # measurement error
   sigma2.hat 		<- rep(1, n.clst)

   # frequency of each cluster
   pi.hat 			<- rep(1/n.clst, n.clst)

   return(list(zeta.hat=zeta.hat, D.hat=D.hat, sigma2.hat=sigma2.hat, pi.hat=pi.hat))

### EM algorithm to fit the CLMM
## data.x[i,l,p]
## data.y[j,i,l]
## data.z[i,l,q]
## zeta.hat, D.hat, sigma2.hat, and pi.hat are the starting values for the parameters

fit.CLMM.simple.EM.NA.2 	<- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, 
						na.flag1, na.flag2, data.x.x.sum, theta.hat){
   # number of genes, samples, covariates, and clusters
   J 	<- dim(data.y1)[1]
   m1 <- dim(data.y1)[2]
   L1 <- dim(data.y1)[3]
   m2 <- dim(data.y2)[2]
   L2 <- dim(data.y2)[3]
   P 	<- dim(data.x1)[3]
   Q 	<- dim(data.z1)[3]
   K 	<- length(theta.hat$pi.hat)

   # "log likelihood"
   llh.old 			<- -9999999999
   llh 			<- -9999999990

   ### iterate btw E- and M- steps
	# E-step
	hats <- compute.Ehats.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, na.flag1, na.flag2, 
						theta.hat, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, Q)

	# M-step
	temp <- compute.theta.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, na.flag1, na.flag2,
						data.x.x.sum, hats, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, P, Q)

	# update only when llh increases; when some cluster disappears, llh decreases
	llh.old 		<- llh
	if(!is.na(temp$llh) & temp$llh > llh){
	   theta.hat 	<- temp
	   llh 		<- temp$llh
   return(list(u.hat=hats$u.hat, b.hat.1=hats$b.hat.1, b.hat.2=hats$b.hat.2, theta.hat=theta.hat))

### compute "u.hat" - the expected clustering indicator
compute.Ehats.CLMM.simple.NA.2 <- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, na.flag1, na.flag2, 
					theta.hat, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, Q){
   # delist "theta.hat"
   zeta.hat 	<- theta.hat$zeta.hat
   D.hat 		<- theta.hat$D.hat
   sigma2.hat 	<- theta.hat$sigma2.hat
   pi.hat 		<- theta.hat$pi.hat

   # compute the inverse of V
   V.1 		<- compute.V.simple.NA.2(data.z1, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m1, L1)
   V.2 		<- compute.V.simple.NA.2(data.z2, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m2, L2)

   # compute the partial residuals "gene by gene" - pResid[j, i, k, l]
   pResid.1 	<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x1, data.y1, zeta.hat, J, m1, L1, K)
   pResid.2 	<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x2, data.y2, zeta.hat, J, m2, L2, K)

   # compute "u.hat"
   u.hat 		<- compute.u.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(pResid.1, V.1, pResid.2, V.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K, na.flag1, na.flag2)

   # compute "b.hat", bhat[j, i, k, q]
   b.hat.1 		<- compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.z1, pResid.1, D.hat, V.1, J, m1, Q, K, na.flag1)
   b.hat.2 		<- compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.z2, pResid.2, D.hat, V.2, J, m2, Q, K, na.flag2)

   # compute "b2.hat", b2.hat[j, k, q, q]
   b2.hat 		<- compute.b2.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.z1, data.z2, u.hat, b.hat.1, b.hat.2, D.hat, V.1, V.2, 
					J, m1, m2, Q, K, na.flag1, na.flag2)

   # compute "e.hat", e.hat[j, i, k, l]
   e.hat.1 		<- compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.z1, b.hat.1, pResid.1, J, m1, L1, K)
   e.hat.2 		<- compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.z2, b.hat.2, pResid.2, J, m2, L2, K)

   # compute "b2.hat", b2.hat[j, k]
   e2.hat 		<- compute.e2.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.z1, e.hat.1, data.z2, e.hat.2, 
					D.hat, V.1, V.2, sigma2.hat, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, na.flag1, na.flag2)

   return(list(u.hat=u.hat, b.hat.1=b.hat.1, b.hat.2=b.hat.2, b2.hat=b2.hat, e2.hat=e2.hat))

### M-step for fitting CLMM
#   data.x.x[j,,] = t(data.x[j,,])%*%(data.x[j,,])
#   data.x.y[j,] = t(data.x[j,,])%*%(data.y[j,])
#   u.hat is a J*K matrix of cluster membership probabilities
compute.theta.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 <- function(data.x1, data.y1, data.z1, data.x2, data.y2, data.z2, na.flag1, na.flag2,
						data.x.x.sum, hats, J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, P, Q){
   # delist "hats"
   u.hat 			<- hats$u.hat
   b.hat.1			<- hats$b.hat.1
   b.hat.2			<- hats$b.hat.2
   b2.hat 			<- hats$b2.hat
   e2.hat 			<- hats$e2.hat

   # frequency of each cluster
   pi.hat 			<- apply(u.hat, FUN=sum, MARGIN=2)/J

   # cluster-specific regression parameters
   zeta.hat 		<- matrix(0, nrow=K, ncol=P)
   D.hat			<- rep(0, K)
   sigma2.hat		<- rep(0, K)
   for(k in 1:K){
	zeta.num 		<- 0
	zeta.den		<- 0
	for(j in 1:J){
	   for(i in 1:m1){
		temp1		<- !(na.flag1[j,i,])
		temp2		<- t(data.x1[i,temp1,])%*%(data.y1[j,i,temp1]-as.matrix(data.z1[i,temp1,])%*%b.hat.1[j,i,,k])
		zeta.num	<- zeta.num + u.hat[j,k]*temp2
	   for(i in 1:m2){
		temp1		<- !(na.flag2[j,i,])
		temp2		<- t(data.x2[i,temp1,])%*%(data.y2[j,i,temp1]-as.matrix(data.z2[i,temp1,])%*%b.hat.2[j,i,,k])
		zeta.num	<- zeta.num + u.hat[j,k]*temp2
	   zeta.den 	<- zeta.den + u.hat[j,k]*data.x.x.sum[j,,]

	zeta.hat[k,] 	<- solve(zeta.den, tol=1e-50) %*% zeta.num

	D.hat[k]		<- sum(u.hat[,k]*b2.hat[,k])/((m1+m2)*Q*sum(u.hat[,k]))

	sigma2.hat[k] 	<- sum(u.hat[,k]*e2.hat[,k])/((m1*L1+m2*L2)*sum(u.hat[,k]))

   # compute the inverse of V
   V.1 			<- compute.V.simple.NA.2(data.z1, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m1, L1)
   V.2 			<- compute.V.simple.NA.2(data.z2, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m2, L2)

   # compute the "log likelihood" given this MLE
   pResid.1 		<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x1, data.y1, zeta.hat, J, m1, L1, K)
   pResid.2 		<- compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.NA.2(data.x2, data.y2, zeta.hat, J, m2, L2, K)
   llh 			<- compute.llh.CLMM.NA.2(pResid.1, V.1, pResid.2, V.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K, na.flag1, na.flag2)

   return(list(zeta.hat=zeta.hat, pi.hat=pi.hat, D.hat=D.hat, sigma2.hat=sigma2.hat, llh=llh))

### data.x[i,l,p], data.z[i,l,q]
compute.x.z.sum.CLMM.simple.NA.2 	<- function(data.x, data.z, na.flag){
   m <- dim(data.x)[1]
   P <- dim(data.x)[3]
   Q <- dim(data.z)[3]
   J <- dim(na.flag)[1]

   data.x.z.sum 			<- array(0, dim=c(J,P,Q))
   for(j in 1:J){
	for(i in 1:m){
	   temp			<- !(na.flag[j,i,])
	   data.x.z.sum[j,,] 	<- data.x.z.sum[j,,] + t(data.x[i,temp,]) %*% data.z[i,temp,]

### compute V[j, i, l, l, k]
compute.V.simple.NA.2 		<- function(data.z, D.hat, sigma2.hat, J, m, L){
   K				<- length(sigma2.hat)
   V 				<- array(0, dim=c(J, m, L, L, K))
   for(k in 1:K){
	temp1			<- diag(sigma2.hat[k], L)
	for(i in 1:m){
	   temp2 		<- data.z[i,,]
	   for(j in 1:J){
	   	V[j,i,,,k] 	<- temp1 + D.hat[k]*(temp2%*%t(temp2))

### compute the partial residuals "gene by gene" - pResid[j,i,l,k]
compute.pResid.CLMM.simple.NA.2 	<- function(data.x, data.y, zeta.hat, J, m, L, K){
   pResid 				<- array(0, dim=c(J, m, L, K))
   for(k in 1:K){
	for(i in 1:m){
	   y.hat 			<- data.x[i,,] %*% zeta.hat[k,] 	# L x 1
	   pResid[,i,,k]		<- t(t(data.y[,i,]) - as.vector(y.hat))	# J x L

### compute "b.hat", bhat[j, i, q, k]
compute.b.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 	<- function(data.z, pResid, D.hat, V, J, m, Q, K, na.flag){
   b.hat 				<- array(0, dim=c(J, m, Q, K))
   for(j in 1:J){
	for(i in 1:m){
	   temp			<- !(na.flag[j,i,])
	   for(k in 1:K){
	   	b.hat[j,i,,k] 	<- D.hat[k]*t(data.z[i,temp,])%*%solve(V[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50)%*%pResid[j,i,temp,k]

### compute "b2.hat", b2.hat[j, k]
### if the variance matrix is a Diagonal matrix
compute.b2.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2	<- function(data.z1, data.z2, u.hat, b.hat.1, b.hat.2, D.hat, V.1, V.2, 
						J, m1, m2, Q, K, na.flag1, na.flag2){
	b2.hat 			<- array(0, dim=c(J, K))
	for(j in 1:J){
	   for(k in 1:K){
		temp1 		<- 0
	   	temp2 		<- 0
		tau2		<- D.hat[k]
	   	for(i in 1:m1){
		   temp		<- !(na.flag1[j,i,])
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(b.hat.1[j,i,,k]^2)
		   temp2 <- temp2 + sum(diag(t(data.z1[i,temp,])%*%solve(V.1[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50)%*%data.z1[i,temp,]))
	   	for(i in 1:m2){
		   temp		<- !(na.flag2[j,i,])
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(b.hat.2[j,i,,k]^2)
		   temp2 <- temp2 + sum(diag(t(data.z2[i,temp,])%*%solve(V.2[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50)%*%data.z2[i,temp,]))
	   	b2.hat[j,k]		<- temp1 + tau2*Q*(m1+m2) - tau2^2*temp2

### compute "e.hat", e.hat[j, i, l, k]
compute.e.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 	<- function(data.z, b.hat, pResid, J, m, L, K){
   e.hat 				<- array(0, dim=c(J,m,L,K))
   for(i in 1:m)
	for(j in 1:J){
	   e.hat[j,i,,] 		<- pResid[j,i,,] - as.matrix(data.z[i,,])%*%b.hat[j,i,,]

### compute "e2.hat", e2.hat[j, k]
compute.e2.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2 	<- function(data.z1, e.hat.1, data.z2, e.hat.2, D.hat, V.1, V.2, sigma2.hat, 
							J, m1, L1, m2, L2, K, na.flag1, na.flag2){
	e2.hat 			<- array(0, dim=c(J, K))
	for(j in 1:J){
	   for(k in 1:K){
		temp1 		<- 0
	   	temp2 		<- 0
	   	for(i in 1:m1){
		   temp		<- !(na.flag1[j,i,])
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(e.hat.1[j,i,temp,k]^2)
		   temp2 		<- temp2 + sum(diag(solve(V.1[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50)))
	   	for(i in 1:m2){
		   temp		<- !(na.flag2[j,i,])
		   temp1 		<- temp1 + sum(e.hat.2[j,i,temp,k]^2)
		   temp2 		<- temp2 + sum(diag(solve(V.2[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50)))
	   	e2.hat[j,k]		<- temp1 + sigma2.hat[k]*(L1*m1+L2*m2) - (sigma2.hat[k])^2*temp2

### compute the log-transformed numerator for "u.hat"
compute.u.hat.CLMM.simple.NA.2	<- function(pResid.1, V.1, pResid.2, V.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K, na.flag1, na.flag2){
   # compute log(u.hat.numerator)
   log.u.hat.num 			<- matrix(0, nrow=J, ncol=K)
   for(k in 1:K){
	for(j in 1:J){
	   temp1 			<- 0
	   for(i in 1:m1){
		temp			<- !(na.flag1[j,i,])
		temp1			<- temp1 + mvn.dnorm.log.NA.2(pResid.1[j,i,temp,k], solve(V.1[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50))
	   for(i in 1:m2){
		temp			<- !(na.flag2[j,i,])
		temp1			<- temp1 + mvn.dnorm.log.NA.2(pResid.2[j,i,temp,k], solve(V.2[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50))
	   log.u.hat.num[j,k] 	<- log(pi.hat[k]) + temp1
   u.hat.num 			<- exp(t(apply(log.u.hat.num, MARGIN=1, FUN=all.ceiling.NA.2)))
   u.hat.den 			<- apply(u.hat.num, FUN=sum, MARGIN=1)
   u.hat 				<- u.hat.num/u.hat.den


### substract a constant from a vector to make its max = cutoff
all.ceiling.NA.2 	<- function(aVector, cutoff=600){
    xx 		<- max(aVector)
    aVector 	<- aVector - xx + cutoff

### compute the density of a vector according to a MVN distribution
mvn.dnorm.log.NA.2 	<- function(aVector, var.inv){
   L 			<- length(aVector)
   y 			<- matrix(aVector, nrow=L)

   # dens 		<- (abs(det(var.inv))^(1/2)) * ((2*pi)^(-L/2)) * exp(-(1/2) * t(y) %*% var.inv %*% y)
   log.dens 	<- log(abs(det(var.inv)))/2 + (log(2*pi)*(-L/2)) + ((-1/2) * t(y) %*% var.inv %*% y)


### compute the "log likelihood" given this MLE
compute.llh.CLMM.NA.2 		<- function(pResid.1, V.1, pResid.2, V.2, pi.hat, J, m1, m2, K, na.flag1, na.flag2){
   llh 			<- 0
   for(j in 1:J){
	temp.log 		<- rep(0, K)
	for(k in 1:K){
	   temp.ind 	<- 0
	   for(i in 1:m1){
		temp		<- !(na.flag1[j,i,])
		temp.ind	<- temp.ind + mvn.dnorm.log.NA.2(pResid.1[j,i,temp,k], solve(V.1[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50))
	   for(i in 1:m2){
		temp		<- !(na.flag2[j,i,])
		temp.ind	<- temp.ind + mvn.dnorm.log.NA.2(pResid.2[j,i,temp,k], solve(V.2[j,i,temp,temp,k],tol=1e-50))
	   temp.log[k] 	<- temp.ind  # exp(temp.ind) = "inf" if temp.ind < -700
	temp.log.max 	<- max(temp.log)
	temp 			<- exp(temp.log - temp.log.max) %*% pi.hat
	llh 			<- llh + log(temp) + temp.log.max

############			the end 			##############

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