
Defines functions .rmNullObs .isNullOb .KnownMemberNames .KnownStartDateNames .KnownForecastTimeNames .KnownTimeNames .KnownLatNames .KnownLonNames GradientCatsColorBar .area.weight .selbox .standardize .printv .aperm2

# Function to permute arrays of non-atomic elements (e.g. POSIXct)
.aperm2 <- function(x, new_order) {
  old_dims <- dim(x)
  attr_bk <- attributes(x)
  if ('dim' %in% names(attr_bk)) {
    attr_bk[['dim']] <- NULL
  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- aperm(x, new_order)
  } else {
    y <- array(1:length(x), dim = dim(x))
    y <- aperm(y, new_order)
    x <- x[as.vector(y)]
  dim(x) <- old_dims[new_order]
  attributes(x) <- c(attributes(x), attr_bk)

# verbose-only printing function
.printv <- function(value, verbosity = TRUE) {
  if (verbosity) {

# normalize a time series
.standardize <- function(timeseries) {
  out <- (timeseries - mean(timeseries, na.rm = T)) / sd(timeseries, na.rm = T)

.selbox <- function(lon, lat, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(xlim)) {
    # This transforms c(-20, -10) to c(340, 350) but c(-20, 10) is unchanged
    # Bring them all to the same units in the 0:360 range
    xlim1 <- xlim[1] %% 360
    xlim2 <- xlim[2] %% 360
    lonm <- lon %% 360
    if (lonm[1] > tail(lonm, 1)) {
      lonm <- lon
    if (xlim1 > xlim2) {
      # If box crosses 0
      ilonsel <- (lonm >= xlim1) | (lonm <= xlim2)
    } else {
      ilonsel <- (lonm >= xlim1) & (lonm <= xlim2)
    if (!any(ilonsel)) {
      stop("No intersection between longitude bounds and data domain.")
  } else {
    ilonsel <- 1:length(lon)
  if (!is.null(ylim)) {
    ilatsel <- (lat >= ylim[1]) & (lat <= ylim[2])
  } else {
    ilatsel <- 1:length(lat)
  return(list(ilon = ilonsel, ilat = ilatsel))

# produce a 2d matrix of area weights
.area.weight <- function(ics, ipsilon, root = T) {
  field <- array(NA, dim = c(length(ics), length(ipsilon)))
  if (root == T) {
    for (j in 1:length(ipsilon)) {
      field[, j] <- sqrt(cos(pi / 180 * ipsilon[j]))

  if (root == F) {
    for (j in 1:length(ipsilon)) {
      field[, j] <- cos(pi / 180 * ipsilon[j])


#Draws Color Bars for Categories
#A wrapper of s2dv::ColorBar to generate multiple color bars for different 
#categories, and each category has different color set.
GradientCatsColorBar <- function(nmap, brks = NULL, cols = NULL, vertical = TRUE, subsampleg = NULL,
                                 bar_limits, var_limits = NULL,
                                 triangle_ends = NULL, col_inf = NULL, col_sup = NULL, plot = TRUE,
                                 draw_separators = FALSE,
                                 bar_titles = NULL, title_scale = 1, label_scale = 1, extra_margin = rep(0, 4),
                                 ...) {

  # bar_limits: a vector of 2 or a list 
  if (!is.list(bar_limits)) {
    if (!is.numeric(bar_limits) || length(bar_limits) != 2) {
      stop("Parameter 'bar_limits' must be a numeric vector of length 2 or a list containing that.")
    # turn into list
    bar_limits <- rep(list(bar_limits), nmap)
  } else {
    if (any(!sapply(bar_limits, is.numeric)) || any(sapply(bar_limits, length) != 2)) {
      stop("Parameter 'bar_limits' must be a numeric vector of length 2 or a list containing that.")
    if (length(bar_limits) != nmap) {
      stop("Parameter 'bar_limits' must have the length of 'nmap'.")
  # Check brks
  if (!is.list(brks)) {
    if (is.null(brks)) {
      brks <- 5
    } else if (!is.numeric(brks)) {
      stop("Parameter 'brks' must be a numeric vector.")
    # Turn it into list
    brks <- rep(list(brks), nmap)
  } else {
    if (length(brks) != nmap) {
      stop("Parameter 'brks' must have the length of 'nmap'.")
  for (i_map in 1:nmap) {
    if (length(brks[[i_map]]) == 1) {
      brks[[i_map]] <- seq(from = bar_limits[[i_map]][1], to = bar_limits[[i_map]][2], length.out = brks[[i_map]])

  # Check cols
  col_sets <- list(c("#A1D99B", "#74C476", "#41AB5D", "#238B45"),
                   c("#6BAED6FF", "#4292C6FF", "#2171B5FF", "#08519CFF"),
                   c("#FFEDA0FF", "#FED976FF", "#FEB24CFF", "#FD8D3CFF"),
                   c("#FC4E2AFF", "#E31A1CFF", "#BD0026FF", "#800026FF"),
                   c("#FCC5C0", "#FA9FB5", "#F768A1", "#DD3497"))
  if (is.null(cols)) {
    if (length(col_sets) >= nmap) {
      chosen_sets <- 1:nmap
      chosen_sets <- chosen_sets + floor((length(col_sets) - length(chosen_sets)) / 2)
    } else {
      chosen_sets <- array(1:length(col_sets), nmap)
    cols <- col_sets[chosen_sets]

    # Set triangle_ends, col_sup, col_inf
    #NOTE: The "col" input of ColorBar() later is not NULL (since we determine it here)
    #      so ColorBar() cannot decide these parameters for us.
    #NOTE: Here, col_inf and col_sup are prior to triangle_ends, which is consistent with ColorBar().
    #TODO: Make triangle_ends a list
    if (is.null(triangle_ends)) {
      if (!is.null(var_limits)) {
        triangle_ends <- c(FALSE, FALSE)
        #TODO: bar_limits is a list
        if (bar_limits[1] >= var_limits[1] | !is.null(col_inf)) {
          triangle_ends[1] <- TRUE
          if (is.null(col_inf)) {
            col_inf <-  lapply(cols, head, 1)
            cols <-  lapply(cols, '[', -1)
        if (bar_limits[2] < var_limits[2] | !is.null(col_sup)) {
          triangle_ends[2] <- TRUE
          if (is.null(col_sup)) {
            col_sup <- lapply(cols, tail, 1)
            cols <- lapply(cols, '[', -length(cols[[1]]))
      } else {
        triangle_ends <- c(!is.null(col_inf), !is.null(col_sup))
    } else {  # triangle_ends has values
      if (triangle_ends[1] & is.null(col_inf)) {
        col_inf <-  lapply(cols, head, 1)
        cols <-  lapply(cols, '[', -1)
      if (triangle_ends[2] & is.null(col_sup)) {
        col_sup <- lapply(cols, tail, 1)
        cols <- lapply(cols, '[', -length(cols[[1]]))

  } else {
    if (!is.list(cols)) {
      stop("Parameter 'cols' must be a list of character vectors.")
    if (!all(sapply(cols, is.character))) {
      stop("Parameter 'cols' must be a list of character vectors.")
    if (length(cols) != nmap) {
     stop("Parameter 'cols' must be a list of the same length as 'nmap'.")
  for (i_map in 1:length(cols)) {
    if (length(cols[[i_map]]) != (length(brks[[i_map]]) - 1)) {
      cols[[i_map]] <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(cols[[i_map]])(length(brks[[i_map]]) - 1)

  # Check bar_titles
  if (is.null(bar_titles)) {
    if (nmap == 3) {
      bar_titles <- c("Below normal (%)", "Normal (%)", "Above normal (%)")
    } else if (nmap == 5) {
      bar_titles <- c("Low (%)", "Below normal (%)",
                         "Normal (%)", "Above normal (%)", "High (%)")
    } else {
      bar_titles <- paste0("Cat. ", 1:nmap, " (%)")

  if (plot) {
    for (k in 1:nmap) {
#TODO: Add s2dv:: 
      ColorBar(brks = brks[[k]], cols = cols[[k]], vertical = FALSE, subsampleg = subsampleg,
                     bar_limits = bar_limits[[k]], #var_limits = var_limits,
                     triangle_ends = triangle_ends, col_inf = col_inf[[k]], col_sup = col_sup[[k]], plot = TRUE,
                     draw_separators = draw_separators,
                     title = bar_titles[[k]], title_scale = title_scale,
                     label_scale = label_scale, extra_margin = extra_margin)
  } else {
    return(list(brks = brks, cols = cols, col_inf = col_inf, col_sup = col_sup))


.KnownLonNames <- function() {
  known_lon_names <- c('lon', 'lons', 'longitude', 'x', 'i', 'nav_lon')

.KnownLatNames <- function() {
  known_lat_names <- c('lat', 'lats', 'latitude', 'y', 'j', 'nav_lat')

.KnownTimeNames <- function() {
  known_time_names <- c('time', 'ftime', 'sdate', 'sdates', 'syear', 'sweek', 'sday', 'leadtimes')

.KnownForecastTimeNames <- function() {
  known_time_names <- c('time', 'ftime', 'ltime', 'leadtimes')

.KnownStartDateNames <- function() {
  known_time_names <- c('sdate', 'sdates', 'syear', 'sweek', 'sday')

.KnownMemberNames <- function() {
  known_time_names <- c('memb', 'member', 'members', 'ensemble', 'ensembles')

.isNullOb <- function(x) is.null(x) | all(sapply(x, is.null))

.rmNullObs <- function(x) {
   x <- base::Filter(Negate(.isNullOb), x)
   lapply(x, function(x) if (is.list(x)) .rmNullObs(x) else x)

# Definition of a global variable to store the warning message used in Calibration
warning_shown <- FALSE

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