
Defines functions Adjust_raw

Documented in Adjust_raw

#'	Adjusting raw p-values of a CTP
#'	Function that adjusts the raw p-values of the elementary hypotheses of a closed testing procedure.
#'	The raw p-values are adjusted according to the closure principle.
#'	The adjusted p-value is calculated as the maximum of the raw p-value from the current hypothesis in question and the raw p-values from
#'	all subsequent hypotheses that contain the current hypothesis.
#' @param ctp.struc
#'		Object generated by \code{\link{IntersectHypotheses}}
#' @param p.value Vector of raw p-values in the order of the hypotheses created by \code{\link{summary.ctp.str}}
#' @param dataset.name
#'		Character string naming the analysis dataset (optional - only for documentation purposes).
#' @param factor.name
#'		Character string naming the factor whose levels are compared (optional - only for documentation purposes).
#' @param factor.levels
#'		Vector of type "character" containing the levels of the treatment factor
#'		      (optional - only for documentation purposes).
#' @param model
#'		Model used in the analysis (optional - only for documentation purposes).
#' @param test.name
#'		Character string naming the statistical test applied.
#' @return
#'	An object of \code{oldClass = "ctp"} to be used for summarizing and plotting the results.
#' @seealso
#'	\code{\link{IntersectHypotheses}}, \code{\link{AnalyseCTP}}, \code{\link{Display}},
#'	\code{\link{summary.ctp}}
#' @examples
#'	Pairwise <- IntersectHypotheses(list(c(1,2), c(1,3), c(1,4), c(2,3), c(2,4), c(3,4)))
#'	Display(Pairwise)
#'	summary(Pairwise)
#'	# the vector of p-values calculated by another software
#'	  p.val <- c(
#'             0.4374,
#'             0.6485,
#'             0.4103,
#'             0.2203,
#'             0.1302,
#'             0.6725,
#'             0.4704,
#'             0.3173,
#'             0.6762,
#'             0.7112,
#'             0.2866,
#'             0.3362,
#'             0.2871,
#'             0.4633)
#'	 result <- Adjust_raw(ctp.struc=Pairwise, p.value=p.val)
#'	 ## details may be documented
#'	 result <- Adjust_raw(Pairwise, p.value=p.val
#'	          ,dataset.name="my Data", factor.name="Factor"
#'	          ,factor.levels=c("A","B","C","D"), model=y~Factor
#'	          ,test.name="my Test")
#'	 summary(result)
#'	 Display(result)
#' @export
Adjust_raw <- function(ctp.struc, p.value, dataset.name = NULL, factor.name = NULL
                       ,factor.levels = NULL, model = NULL, test.name = NULL)
  hyplist       <- ctp.struc$hypothesis
  hypnames      <- ctp.struc$hypnames
  connections   <- ctp.struc$connections

	len <- dim(hypnames)[1]
		stop("vector of p-values must be numeric")
	if(sum(is.na(p.value)) > 0)
		stop("Some p-values are missing (NA's)")
	if(length(p.value) != len)
		stop("Number of p-values must be equal to number of hypotheses")
	hypnames$pvalue <- p.value
	test.name <- paste("ctp",test.name,sep=".")
  pvadj     <- Adjust_p(ctp.struc = ctp.struc, ctp.pval = hypnames)

	CTPparms <- list(hyplist=hyplist,hypnames=hypnames,connections=connections

	ctp.res  <- list(CTPparms=CTPparms, pvalues = pvadj, info = NULL)

	oldClass(ctp.res) <- "ctp"

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CTP documentation built on April 27, 2021, 5:07 p.m.