
context("Testing get_query_types")

	desc = "Check output works fine",

	code = {
		model <- make_model('X -> M -> Y; X->Y')
		query <- '(Y[X=0] > Y[X=1])'
		expect_error(get_query_types(model, query, map=LETTERS[1]))
		expect_identical(map_query_to_causal_type(model, query),
		                 get_query_types(model, query, map="causal_type"))
		expect_identical(map_query_to_nodal_type(model, query),
		                 get_query_types(model, query, map="nodal_type"))
		expect_identical(map_query_to_causal_type(model, query),
		                 get_query_types(model, query))


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CausalQueries documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m.