
Defines functions query_to_expression expand_nodal_expression add_dots print.summary.nodal_types summary.nodal_types print.nodal_types map_query_to_nodal_type

Documented in add_dots expand_nodal_expression query_to_expression

#' Find which nodal types satisfy a query
#' @inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_detect
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @return A \code{list} containing the types and the evaluated expression. `manipulated_outcomes` are the nodes on the left of a [] expression.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' model <- make_model('X->Y')
#' CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, '(Y[X=0] > Y[X=1])')
#' CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, '(Y[X=0] >= Y[X=1])')
#' model <- make_model('X -> M -> Y; X->Y')
#' query <- '(Y[X=0] > Y[X=1])'
#' x <- CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, query)
#' query <- '(Y[X=0, M = .] > Y[X=1, M = 0])'
#' x <- CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, query)
#' query <- '(Y[] == 1)'
#' x <- CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, query)
#' x <- CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, query, join_by = '&')
#' # Root nodes specified with []
#' CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, '(X[] == 1)')
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, 'X == 1')
#' }
#' query <- '(M[X=1] == M[X=0])'
#' x <- CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, query)
#' # Complements
#' model <- make_model('M->Y; X->Y')
#' query <- complements('X', 'M', 'Y')
#' CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, query)
#' # Complex queries
#' model <- make_model('X->Y')
#' CausalQueries:::map_query_to_nodal_type(model, te("X", "Y"))

map_query_to_nodal_type <-  function(model, query, join_by = "|") {

    # check if query has been properly specified
    query <- check_query(query)
    # Get outcome var (preceding square brackets)
    node <- unique(st_within(query))
    if(is.null(node[[1]])) stop("No outcome variable specified. If required, specify roots as X[]==1 not X==1.")
    if(length(node)>1) stop(paste0("Can't lookup types for nodes ", paste0(node, collapse = ", "),
                                   " simultaneously. Please write expression as separate queries"))
    # Xs: possible values of parents (no restrictions)
    pa <- get_parents(model)[node][[1]]
    Xs <- perm(rep(1,length(pa)))
    names(Xs) <- pa

    expanded_query <- expand_nodal_expression(model, query, node, join_by = join_by)
    Q <- query_to_expression(expanded_query)

    # Y: potential outcomes: possible nodal types (restrictions respected)
    # dataset assigned to "node"
    assign(node, get_nodal_types(model, collapse = FALSE)[[node]]  %>% t)

    # Magic: evaluate the query expression on potential outcomes
    # This is a hard line; we use different values of Xs to pick out columns of Y potential outcomes (node)
    types <- with(Xs, eval(parse(text = Q)))

    # Add name for singletons
    if(length(types)==1 && is.null(names(types))) names(types) <- model$nodal_types[node]

    # Output
    return_list <- list(types = types,
                        query = query,
                        expanded_query = expanded_query,
                        evaluated_nodes = t(eval(parse(text = node))),
                        node = node)

    class(return_list) <- "nodal_types"


#' @export
print.nodal_types <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
summary.nodal_types <- function(object, ...) {
    structure(object, class = c("summary.nodal_types", "data.frame"))


#' @export
print.summary.nodal_types <- function(x, ...) {

  if(length(unique(x$types)) > 2)
    cat("\n\n Caution: This appears to be a complex query reporting coefficients on types and not simply identifying types\n\n")

    output_type <- class(x$types)

    types_labels <- names(x$types)[x$types != 0]
    nt <- length(types_labels)
    cat(paste("\nNodal types adding weight to query"))

    if (x$query != x$expanded_query)
        cat(paste("\n\n query : ", x$expanded_query, "\n\n")) else cat(paste("\n\n query : ", x$query, "\n\n"))

    if (length(types_labels)%%2 != 0) {
        types_labels[length(types_labels) + 1] <- ""
    counter <- 2
    while (counter <= length(types_labels)) {
        cat(paste0(" ", types_labels[(counter - 1):counter], collapse = "  "))
        counter <- counter + 2

    cat(paste("\n\n Number of nodal types that add weight to query =", nt))
    cat(paste("\n Total number of nodal types related to", x$node, "=", length(x$types)))


#' Helper to fill in missing do operators in causal expression
#' @inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#' @param q A character string. Causal query with at least one parent node missing their do operator.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A causal query expression with all parents nodes set to either 0, 1 or wildcard '.'.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' model <- make_model('X -> Y <- M')
#' CausalQueries:::add_dots('Y[X=1]', model)
#' CausalQueries:::add_dots('Y[]', model)

add_dots <- function(q, model) {

    # Skip numeric strings------------------------------- 'query = `Y[] == 1` would be splitted as
    # c(`Y[]`, 1) and 1 doesn't need to be processed '
    if (!grepl("\\D", q))

    var <- st_within(q)
    if (!all(var %in% model$nodes))
        stop(paste0("Outcome node "), var, " not in model")

    # Only allow specification of var's parents

    # Identify parents not specified in query and paste them as 'parent = .'
    v_parents <- get_parents(model)[[var]]
    parents_in_q <- nodes_in_statement(v_parents, q)
    not_parents <- list_non_parents(model, var)
    not_parents_q <- nodes_in_statement(not_parents, q)
    missing_parents <- v_parents[!v_parents %in% parents_in_q]

    if (length(not_parents_q) > 0) {
        conjugation <- ifelse(length(not_parents_q) > 1, "are not parents of", "is not a parent of")
        subjects <- paste0(not_parents_q, collapse = ", ")
        stop(paste(subjects, conjugation, var))

    node <- var

    # Add wildcard if needed
    if (length(v_parents) != length(parents_in_q))
        q <- add_wildcard(node, statement = q, parents = v_parents, missing_parents)



#' Helper to expand nodal expression
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A nodal expression with no missing parents
#' @inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params

expand_nodal_expression <- function(model, query, node, join_by = "|")	{

    operators <- "\\==|\\+|\\-|>=|<=|>|<|!=|\\&|\\|"
    query <- gsub(" ", "", query)

    # Add dots to query parts
    w_query <- gsub("\\(|\\)", "", query) %>%
        stringr::str_split(operators) %>%
        unlist() %>%
        sapply(function(x) trimws(x)) %>%
        sapply(add_dots, model = model)
    w_query <- gsub(" ", "", w_query)

    # Rejoin to complete query
    for (i in 1:length(w_query)) {
        string_i <- gsub(paste0("\\[|\\]|", node), "", names(w_query)[[i]])
        string_i <- paste0(node, "\\[", string_i, "\\]")
        string_i <- gsub(" ", "", string_i)
        query <- gsub(string_i, w_query[i], query)

    # Expand
    if(grepl("\\.", query)) {
      query <- expand_wildcard(query, join_by = join_by, verbose = FALSE)

    # Return

#' Helper to turn query into a data expression
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A cleaned query expression
#' @inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
query_to_expression <- function(query, node){

    query <- gsub("=","==", query)
    query <- gsub("====","==", query)
    query <- gsub(">==",">=", query)
    query <- gsub("<==","<=", query)
    query <- gsub("!==","!=", query)
    query <- gsub("~==","~=", query)
    query <- gsub(","," & ", query)
    query <- gsub("\\]", ", \\]", query)

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CausalQueries documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 1:06 a.m.