
Defines functions add_wildcard list_non_parents nodes_in_statement

Documented in add_wildcard list_non_parents nodes_in_statement

#' Identify nodes in a statement
#'@param nodes A vector of characters. It should contain quoted names of
#'  the nodes in \code{model}
#'@param statement A character. A quoted causal statement.
#'@return Returns name of nodes present in a statement
#'@keywords internal
#'@importFrom stringr boundary str_split

nodes_in_statement <- function(nodes, statement) {
    nodes[nodes %in% str_split(statement, boundary("word"))[[1]]]

#' Returns a list with the nodes that are not directly pointing into a node
#'@inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#'@return Returns a list with the nodes that are not directly
#'  pointing into a node
#'@keywords internal

list_non_parents <- function(model, node) {
    node_parents <- get_parents(model)[[node]]
    not_parents <- !model$nodes %in% c(node_parents, node)
#' Adds a wildcard for every missing parent
#'@inheritParams CausalQueries_internal_inherit_params
#'@param parents A vector of characters. The \code{node}'s parents
#'@param missing_parents A vector of characters.  The \code{node}'s
#'  missing parents
#'@return A causal query expression with all parents nodes set to
#'  either 0, 1 or wildcard '.'
#'@keywords internal

add_wildcard <- function(node,
                         missing_parents) {
    if (all(parents %in% missing_parents)) {
        q <- paste0(node,
                    paste0(missing_parents, " = . ", collapse = ", "),
    } else if (length(missing_parents) > 0) {
        q <- gsub("\\]",
                  paste0(", ",
                         paste0(missing_parents, " = . ", collapse = ", "),

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CausalQueries documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:50 p.m.