Defines functions SAEMSCL

Documented in SAEMSCL


SAEMSCL= function(cc, y, cens.type="left", trend="cte", LI=NULL, LS=NULL, x=NULL, coords, kappa=0, M = 20, perc = 0.25, MaxIter = 300, pc = 0.2,
                  cov.model="exponential", fix.nugget = TRUE, nugget, inits.sigmae, inits.phi,
                  search = FALSE, lower, upper)

  m = length(y)
  if (trend!='cte'& trend!='1st' & trend!="2nd" & trend!="other") stop('trend must be cte, 1st,2nd or other')

  if(trend=="cte" | trend=="1st" | trend=="2nd"){

    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("y must be a numeric vector")
    # if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
    #if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
    #if (!is.matrix(x)) x=as.matrix(x)
    if (!is.numeric(coords) & !is.data.frame(coords)) stop("2D coordinates must be a numeric matrix or data.frame")
    if (!is.matrix(coords)) coords=as.matrix(coords)
    #if (det(t(x)%*%x)==0) stop("the columns of x must be linearly independent")
    ## Verify error at parameters specification

    if (cens.type!='left'& cens.type!='right' & cens.type!="both") stop('cens.type must be left, right or both')

    if(cov.model!="matern" & cov.model!="exponential" & cov.model!="gaussian" &cov.model!="spherical" &
       cov.model!="circular" & cov.model!="cubic" & cov.model!="wave" & cov.model!="linear" &
       cov.model!="power" &cov.model!="powered.exponential" &cov.model!="stable" & cov.model!="cauchy" &
       cov.model!="gencauchy" &cov.model!="gneiting" &cov.model!="gneiting.matern" &cov.model!="pure.nugget") {
      stop('cov.model should be one of matern, exponential, gaussian, spherical,
circular,cubic, wave, linear, power, powered.exponential, stable, cauchy, gencauchy,
gneiting, gneiting.matern, pure.nugget')

    #No data
    if( (length(y) == 0) | (length(cc) == 0)|(length(coords) == 0) ) stop("All parameters must be provided.")

    #Validating if exists NA's

    if (sum(cc%in%c(0,1))< length(cc)) stop("The elements of the vector cc must be 0 or 1")

    if(sum(is.na(y)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in y")
    if(sum(is.na(coords)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in coords")
    #if(sum(is.na(x)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in x")
    if (sum(is.na(cc)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in cc")

    #Validating dims data set
    if (ncol(as.matrix(y)) > 1) stop("y must have just one column")
    if (ncol(coords) !=2) stop("2D coordinates must be specified")
    if (ncol(as.matrix(cc)) > 1) stop("cc must have just one column")
    #if( length(y) != nrow(as.matrix(x)) ) stop("x does not have the same number of lines than y")
    if( length(y) != nrow(coords) ) stop("2D coordinates does not have the same number of lines than y")
    if( length(y) != length(cc) ) stop("cc does not have the same length than y")
    if(!is.numeric(MaxIter)) stop("MaxIter must be a positive integer value")
    if(MaxIter <= 0 |MaxIter%%1!=0) stop("MaxIter must be a positive integer value")
    if(!is.numeric(M)) stop("M must be a positive integer value")
    if(M <= 1 |M%%1!=0) stop("M must be a positive integer value (greater than 1)")
    if(!is.numeric(pc)) stop("pc must be a real number in [0,1]")
    if(pc > 1 | pc < 0) stop("pc must be a real number in [0,1]")
    if(!is.numeric(perc)) stop("perc must be a real number in [0,1)")
    if(perc >= 1 | perc < 0) stop("perc must be a real number in [0,1)")
    if(!is.numeric(inits.phi)) stop("Initial phi must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(inits.phi<0)            stop("Initial phi must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(!is.numeric(nugget)) stop("nugget must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(nugget<0) stop("nugget must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(!is.numeric(kappa)) stop("kappa must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(kappa<0) stop("kappa must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(!is.numeric(inits.sigmae)) stop("Initial sigma2 must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(inits.sigmae<0) stop("Initial sigmae must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(!is.logical(fix.nugget)) stop("fix.nugget must be TRUE or FALSE.")
    if(!is.logical(search)) stop("fix.nugget must be TRUE or FALSE.")

      if(!is.null(LI)|!is.null(LS)){ stop("The censure limits was specified by the indicator variable cc (not necessary to use this arguments when cens.type is left or right)")

      out <-suppressWarnings(SAEM_Spatial(cc=cc,y=y,cens.type=cens.type,trend=trend,coords=coords,kappa=kappa,M=M,perc=perc,MaxIter=MaxIter,pc=pc,type.S=cov.model,

      if(is.null(LI) | is.null(LS)) stop ("LI and LS must be specified when cens.type= both")
      if (!is.numeric(LI)) stop("LI must be a numeric vector")
      if (!is.numeric(LS)) stop("LS must be a numeric matrix")
      if( (length(LI) == 0) | (length(LS) == 0)) stop("LI and LS parameters must be provided in the presence of both types of censure.")
      if(sum(is.na(LS)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in LI")
      if(sum(is.na(LI)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in LS")
      if( length(y) != length(LI) ) stop("LI does not have the same number of lines than y")
      if( length(y) != length(LS) ) stop("LS does not have the same number of lines than y")

      out <-suppressWarnings(SAEM_Spatial(cc=cc,y=y,cens.type=cens.type,trend=trend,LI=LI,LS=LS,coords=coords,kappa=kappa,M=M,perc=perc,MaxIter=MaxIter,pc=pc,type.S=cov.model,


    if(is.null(x)) stop("the trend matrix x must be specified")
    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("y must be a numeric vector")
    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x=as.matrix(x)
    if (!is.numeric(coords) & !is.data.frame(coords)) stop("2D coordinates must be a numeric matrix or data.frame")
    if (!is.matrix(coords)) coords=as.matrix(coords)
    if (det(t(x)%*%x)==0) stop("the columns of x must be linearly independent")
    ## Verify error at parameters specification

    if (cens.type!='left'& cens.type!='right' & cens.type!="both") stop('cens.type must be left, right or both')
    if (trend!='cte'& trend!='1st' & trend!="2nd" & trend!="other") stop('trend must be cte, 1st or 2nd or other')

    if(cov.model!="matern" & cov.model!="exponential" & cov.model!="gaussian" &cov.model!="spherical" &
       cov.model!="circular" & cov.model!="cubic" & cov.model!="wave" & cov.model!="linear" &
       cov.model!="power" &cov.model!="powered.exponential" &cov.model!="stable" & cov.model!="cauchy" &
       cov.model!="gencauchy" &cov.model!="gneiting" &cov.model!="gneiting.matern" &cov.model!="pure.nugget") {
      stop('cov.model should be one of matern, exponential, gaussian, spherical,
circular,cubic, wave, linear, power, powered.exponential, stable, cauchy, gencauchy,
           gneiting, gneiting.matern, pure.nugget')
    #Validating LI and LS
      if (!is.numeric(LI)) stop("LI must be a numeric vector")
      if (!is.numeric(LS)) stop("LS must be a numeric matrix")
      if( (length(LI) == 0) | (length(LS) == 0)) stop("LI and LS parameters must be provided in the presence of both types of censure.")
      if(sum(is.na(LS)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in LI")
      if(sum(is.na(LI)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in LS")
      if( length(y) != length(LI) ) stop("LI does not have the same number of lines than y")
      if( length(y) != length(LS) ) stop("LS does not have the same number of lines than y")

    #No data
    if( (length(x) == 0) | (length(y) == 0) | (length(cc) == 0)|(length(coords) == 0) ) stop("All parameters must be provided.")

    #Validating if exists NA's

    if (sum(cc%in%c(0,1))< length(cc)) stop("The elements of the vector cc must be 0 or 1")

    if(sum(is.na(y)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in y")
    if(sum(is.na(coords)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in coords")
    if(sum(is.na(x)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in x")
    if (sum(is.na(cc)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in cc")

    #Validating dims data set
    if (ncol(as.matrix(y)) > 1) stop("y must have just one column")
    if (ncol(coords) !=2) stop("2D coordinates must be specified")
    if (ncol(as.matrix(cc)) > 1) stop("cc must have just one column")
    if( length(y) != nrow(as.matrix(x)) ) stop("x does not have the same number of lines than y")
    if( length(y) != length(cc) ) stop("cc does not have the same length than y")
    if( length(y) != nrow(coords) ) stop("2D coordinates does not have the same number of lines than y")
    if(!is.numeric(MaxIter)) stop("MaxIter must be a positive integer value")
    if(MaxIter <= 0 |MaxIter%%1!=0) stop("MaxIter must be a positive integer value")
    if(!is.numeric(M)) stop("M must be a positive integer value")
    if(M <= 1 |M%%1!=0) stop("M must be a positive integer value (greater than 1)")
    if(!is.numeric(pc)) stop("pc must be a real number in [0,1]")
    if(pc > 1 | pc < 0) stop("pc must be a real number in [0,1]")
    if(!is.numeric(perc)) stop("perc must be a real number in [0,1)")
    if(perc >= 1 | perc < 0) stop("perc must be a real number in [0,1)")
    if(!is.numeric(inits.phi)) stop("Initial phi must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(inits.phi<0)            stop("Initial phi must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(!is.numeric(nugget)) stop("nugget must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(nugget<0) stop("nugget must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(kappa<0) stop("kappa must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(!is.numeric(inits.sigmae)) stop("Initial sigma2 must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(inits.sigmae<0) stop("Initial sigmae must be a real number in [0,Inf)")
    if(!is.logical(fix.nugget)) stop("fix.nugget must be TRUE or FALSE.")
    if(!is.logical(search)) stop("search must be TRUE or FALSE.")

      if(!is.null(LI)|!is.null(LS)) stop("The censure limits was specified by the indicator variable cc (not necessary to use this arguments when cens.type is left or right)")
      out <-suppressWarnings(SAEM_Spatial(cc=cc,y=y,cens.type=cens.type,trend=trend,x=x,coords=coords,kappa=kappa,M=M,perc=perc,MaxIter=MaxIter,pc=pc,type.S=cov.model,

      if (!is.numeric(LI)) stop("LI must be a numeric vector")
      if (!is.numeric(LS)) stop("LS must be a numeric matrix")
      if( (length(LI) == 0) | (length(LS) == 0)) stop("LI and LS parameters must be provided in the presence of both types of censure.")
      if(sum(is.na(LS)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in LI")
      if(sum(is.na(LI)) > 0) stop("There are some NA values in LS")
      if( length(y) != length(LI) ) stop("LI does not have the same number of lines than y")
      if( length(y) != length(LS) ) stop("LS does not have the same number of lines than y")

      out <-suppressWarnings(SAEM_Spatial(cc=cc,y=y,cens.type=cens.type,trend=trend,LI=LI,LS=LS,x=x,coords=coords,kappa=kappa,M=M,perc=perc,MaxIter=MaxIter,pc=pc,type.S=cov.model,


    if(is.null(lower) | is.null(upper)) stop("lower and upper search limits must be specified")

      if(length(lower)!=1 | length(upper)!=1) stop("specify a correct interval for phi in the real line")

      if(length(lower)!=2 | length(upper)!=2) stop("specify correct upper and lower limits for phi and tau2")

    trend1="Constant trend"
    trend1="Linear function of its coordinates,

mu = beta0 + beta1*CoordX + beta2*CoordY"
    trend1="Linear function of its coordinates,

mu = beta0 + beta1*CoordX + beta2*CoordY + beta3*(CoordX)^2 +
   + beta4*(CoordY)^2 + beta5*(CoordX*CoordY)"

    trend1= "Linear trend,

mu = X*beta"

  obj.out <- list(beta = out$beta1, sigma2 = out$sigmae, phi = out$phi, nugget = out$tau2, Theta=out$Theta, loglik=out$loglik,
                  AIC=out$AIC, BIC=out$BIC, AICcorr=out$AICcorr,X=out$X, Psi=out$Psi,trend=out$trend,
                  theta = out$theta, uyy = out$yy,uy=out$uy,cc=out$cc,type=out$type,kappa=out$kappa,coords=out$coords,iterations=out$iter,timex=out$timex,fitted=out$fitted)

  class(obj.out) <- "SAEMSpatialCens"



#est2= SAEMSCL(cc,y,cens.type="left",trend="other",x=xobs,coords=coords,kappa=0.3,M=15,perc=0.25,MaxIter=4,pc=0.2,cov.model="spherical",
#                   fix.nugget=T,nugget=0,inits.sigmae=cov.ini[2],inits.phi=cov.ini[1],search=T,lower=0.00001,upper=50)

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CensSpatial documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 6:15 p.m.