
Defines functions plot_word3D

Documented in plot_word3D

#' Plot the 3D fractal containing the chosen word
#' @description The function allows to enter a word of at least two letters based on which an Iterated Function System with Probabilities (IFSP) is constructed.
#' This IFSP is then used to generate a two-dimensional fractal containing the chosen word infinitely often, which is then projected onto several three-dimensional surfaces.
#' Optionally, the projection is transformed into another fractal with uniform marginals.
#' @param word Word which the fractal should contain infinitely often.
#' @param R Number of runs of the chaos game.
#' @param plot.rgl If \code{plot.rgl = TRUE} a rgl-plot is generated. Otherwise a scatter-plot with plot3D is produced.
#' @param copula logical. If TRUE the sample is (approximately) probability-integral-transformed.
#' @param portion Portion based on which the empirical distribution functions are calculated, if \code{copula = TRUE}.
#' @param color.rgl.plot Plotting color/color-range for the rgl-plot. One can choose between \code{"gray"}, \code{"blue2green"}, \code{"green2red"}, \code{"blue2yellow"}, \code{"ygobb"},  \code{"magenta2green"} and \code{"green2magenta"}.
#' @param plot.surface Three-dimensional surface on which the two-dimensional fractal is projected. Options are \code{"Sphere"}, \code{"Helix"}, \code{"Torus"}, \code{"EnneperMinimalSurface"} and \code{"CatalanSurface"}.
#' @param histogram It is an option available only under the rgl-plot option (i.e if \code{plot.rgl = TRUE}). If \code{histogram = TRUE}, two-dimensional and one-dimensional marginal histograms are plotted in the rgl-plot.
#' @param shift Distance between letters.
#' @param orbit Number of steps in each run of the chaos game.
#' @param cex.label Font size, for exporting as a pdf or png file (see examples).
#' @param size.lines Line width, for exporting as a pdf or png file (see examples).
#' @param Theta Angles defining the viewing direction. \code{Theta} gives the azimuthal direction and \code{Phi} the colatitude in the scatter-plot (see Package plot3D). Can be chosen only under the scatter-plot option (i.e if \code{plot.rgl = FALSE}).
#' @param Phi Angles defining the viewing direction. \code{Theta} gives the azimuthal direction and \code{Phi} the colatitude in the scatter-plot (see Package plot3D). Can be chosen only under the scatter-plot option (i.e if \code{plot.rgl = FALSE}).
#' @param Box If \code{TRUE}, axis, two-dimensional projections (if \code{projection = TRUE}) and marginal histograms are plotted.
#' @param projection An option available only if \code{Box = TRUE}. If \code{projection = TRUE}, the two-dimensional projections are plotted together with axis and marginal histograms.
#' @param letter_type integer, which indicates the type of the letters. Options are 1 (default) or 2 (round letters).
#' @examples
#' # function with a word as input, runs the chaos game,
#' # calculates the copula transformation and projects the result on a sphere:
#' # for nice results use, for example, R = 20 and orbit = 3000
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", copula = FALSE, R = 50, orbit = 100)
#' # further examples:
#' # projection of the fractal on the Enneper Minimal Surface:
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 75, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE,
#' #                  plot.surface = "EnneperMinimalSurface", histogram = FALSE)
#' # same example as before, now with histogram = TRUE
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE,
#' #                  plot.surface = "EnneperMinimalSurface")
#' # same example as before (approximately) probability-integral-transformed  (i.e. copula = TRUE)
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = TRUE,
#' #                   plot.surface = "EnneperMinimalSurface")
#' # projection of the fractal on a Catalan Surface
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE,
#' #                  color.rgl.plot = "blue2green", plot.surface = "CatalanSurface")
#' # projection of the fractal on a Helix
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE,
#' #                  color.rgl.plot = "green2red", plot.surface = "Helix")
#' # projection of the fractal on a Torus
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE,
#' #                  color.rgl.plot = "blue2yellow", plot.surface = "Torus")
#' # projection of the fractal on a Sphere
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE,
#' #                  color.rgl.plot = "ygobb", plot.surface = "Sphere")
#' # Sphere (approximately) probability-integral-transformed (i.e. copula = TRUE)
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = TRUE,
#' #                  color.rgl.plot = "ygobb", plot.surface = "Sphere")
#' # scatter-plot with plot3D (i.e. plot.rgl = FALSE) for exporting as a pdf file
#' # pdf(file = "Sphere.pdf", width = 30, height = 25)
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE, plot.rgl = FALSE,
#' #                  plot.surface = "Sphere", cex.label = 1.8, size.lines = 0.001)
#' # dev.off()
#' #' # scatter-plot with plot3D (i.e. plot.rgl = FALSE) for exporting as a png file
#' # png(file = "Sphere.png", width = 5000, height = 4000)
#' # A <- plot_word3D(word = "copula", R = 100, orbit = 300, copula = FALSE, plot.rgl = FALSE,
#' #                  plot.surface = "Sphere", cex.label = 5, size.lines = 2)
#' # dev.off()

plot_word3D <-
function(word = "copula", R = 20, plot.rgl = TRUE, copula = TRUE, portion = 0.2, color.rgl.plot = "green2magenta",
         plot.surface = "Sphere", histogram = TRUE, shift = 1.2, orbit = 3000, cex.label = 0.7, size.lines = 0.1,
         Theta = 40, Phi = 30, Box = TRUE, projection = TRUE, letter_type = 1){

  A <- .chaos_game_word(word = word, R = R, shift = shift, orbit = orbit, letter_type = letter_type)

  if(plot.surface == "Sphere"){surface <- .plot_ball(A)}
  if(plot.surface == "Helix"){surface <-  .plot_Helix(A)}
  if(plot.surface == "Torus"){surface <- .plot_Torus(A)}
  if(plot.surface == "EnneperMinimalSurface"){surface <- .plot_EnneperMinimalSurface(A)}
  if(plot.surface == "CatalanSurface"){surface <- .plot_CatalanSurface(A)}

  if(copula == TRUE){

    trafox<-ecdf(surface$x[sample(seq(1:length(surface$z)), perc, replace = FALSE)])
    trafoy<-ecdf(surface$y[sample(seq(1:length(surface$z)), perc, replace = FALSE)])
    trafoz<-ecdf(surface$z[sample(seq(1:length(surface$z)), perc, replace = FALSE)])


    x <- (surface$x-min(surface$x))/(max(surface$x)-min(surface$x))
    y <- (surface$y-min(surface$y))/(max(surface$y)-min(surface$y))
    z <- (surface$z-min(surface$z))/(max(surface$z)-min(surface$z))


  hx <- hist(surface[,2], plot=FALSE)
  hxs <- hx$density
  hy <- hist(surface[,1], plot=FALSE)
  hys <- hy$density
  hz <- hist(surface[,3], plot=FALSE)
  hzs <- hz$density

  hxs_max <- 1
  hys_max <- 1
  hzs_max <- 1

  if(copula == FALSE){

    hxs_max <- max(hx$density)
    hys_max <- max(hy$density)
    hzs_max <- max(hz$density)

    hxs <- hx$density/hxs_max
    hys <- hy$density/hys_max
    hzs <- hz$density/hzs_max


  ## no overlap in the adjoining corner
  xmax <- tail(hx$breaks, n=1) + diff(tail(hx$breaks, n=2))
  ymax <- tail(hy$breaks, n=1) + diff(tail(hy$breaks, n=2))
  zmax <- tail(hz$breaks, n=1) + diff(tail(hz$breaks, n=2))

  #dd <- 0.75
  dd <- 1
  col_lines <- "gray5"

  # rgl plot or scatter3D


    col_hist <- "gray90"

    #df_sph_coord<-car2sph(surface$x[od], surface$y[od], surface$z[od], deg = FALSE)
    deg = 15
    surface <- surface[order(surface$z),]
    points3d(surface$x, surface$y, surface$z, size = 0.1, col = .colorfunction(length(surface$z), col = color.rgl.plot))
    #rgl.sphpoints(df_sph_coord, deg=FALSE, col=ChaosGame:::.colorfunction(length(surface$z), col = color.rgl.plot), size=0.1)


        # Box Histogramm x y and z:

        ## manually create each histogram
        for (ii in seq_along(hx$counts)) {
          x <- (hx$breaks[ii]*c(.9,.9,.1,.1) + hx$breaks[ii+1]*c(.1,.1,.9,.9))*dd+(1-dd)/2
          y <- -hxs[ii]*c(0,0.5,0.5,0)-0.15
          z <- rep(ymax, 4)-1.1
          quads3d(x,y,z, color=col_hist, alpha=.6)

        for (ii in seq_along(hy$counts)) {
          x <- hys[ii]*c(0,0.5,0.5,0)+1.15
          y <- (hy$breaks[ii]*c(.9,.9,.1,.1) + hy$breaks[ii+1]*c(.1,.1,.9,.9))*dd+(1-dd)/2
          z <- rep(xmax, 4)-1.1
          quads3d(x,y,z, color=col_hist, alpha=.6)

        for (ii in seq_along(hz$counts)) {
          x <- rep(ymax, 4)-1.1
          y <- -hzs[ii]*c(0,0.5,0.5,0)-0.15
          z <- (hz$breaks[ii]*c(.9,.9,.1,.1) + hz$breaks[ii+1]*c(.1,.1,.9,.9))*dd+(1-dd)/2
          quads3d(x,y,z, color=col_hist, alpha=.6)

      # Box:

      # Label:
      text3d(c(0,0.5,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,c(1.05,1.05,1.05),c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c("0","0.5","1"),cex=0.7,col=col_lines) # x Achse
      text3d(c(-0.05,-0.05,-0.05),c(0,0.5,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c("0","0.5","1"),cex=0.7,col=col_lines) # y Achse
      text3d(c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c(0,0.5,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,c("0","0.5","1"),cex=0.7,col=col_lines) # z Achse
      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(1.05,1.07),y=c(1.05,1.07),z=c(0,0)*dd+(1-dd)/2),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # z Achse
      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(1.05,1.07),y=c(1.05,1.07),z=c(0.5,0.5)*dd+(1-dd)/2),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # z Achse
      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(1.05,1.07),y=c(1.05,1.07),z=c(1,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # z Achse

      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(0.5,0.5)*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=c(1.05,1.05),z=c(1.05,1.07)),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # x Achse
      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(0,0)*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=c(1.05,1.05),z=c(1.05,1.07)),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # x Achse
      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(1,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=c(1.05,1.05),z=c(1.05,1.07)),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # x Achse

      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(-0.05,-0.05),y=c(0.5,0.5)*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=c(1.05,1.07)),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # y Achse
      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(-0.05,-0.05),y=c(0,0)*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=c(1.05,1.07)),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # y Achse
      plot3d(data.frame(x=c(-0.05,-0.05),y=c(1,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=c(1.05,1.07)),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l")  # y Achse

        plot3d(data.frame(x=surface$x*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=surface$y*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=rep(-0.05,length(surface$y))),col='grey85',add=T,type='p', size = 0.001)
        plot3d(data.frame(x=surface$x*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=rep(1.05,length(surface$y)),z=surface$z*dd+(1-dd)/2),col='grey85',add=T,type='p', size = 0.001)
        plot3d(data.frame(x=rep(-0.05,length(surface$y)),y=surface$y*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=surface$z*dd+(1-dd)/2),col='grey85',add=T,type='p', size = 0.001)


    color <- ramp.col(c("chartreuse","green","darkolivegreen","magenta","deeppink4","darkmagenta"))
    #color <- "gray95"
    #color <- ramp.col(c("darkmagenta","deeppink4","magenta","darkolivegreen","green","chartreuse"))
    col_hist <- "darkslategray3"
    col_lines <- "gray5"


      # Box:
      scatter3D(x=c(0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0)*1.1-0.05,y=c(0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0)*1.1-0.05,z=c(0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1)*1.1-0.05,col=col_lines,type='l', xlim=c(0,1.3), ylim=c(-0.3,1), zlim=c(-0.3,1.1),
                pch = 19, cex = 0.1, xlab = "", ylab = "",
                zlab = "", clab = c("",""),
                main = "", ticktype = "detailed", box = FALSE,
                theta = Theta, d = 2, phi = Phi,   #  theta gives the azimuthal direction and phi the colatitude
                colkey = FALSE,lwd=size.lines)


      # Box Histogramm x y und z:


      # Label:
      text3D(c(0,0.5,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,c(1.05,1.05,1.05),c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c("0","0.5","1"),cex=cex.label,col=col_lines,add=T) # x Achse
      text3D(c(-0.05,-0.05,-0.05),c(0,0.5,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c("0","0.5","1"),cex=cex.label,col=col_lines,add=T) # y Achse
      text3D(c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c(1.12,1.12,1.12),c(0,0.5,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,c("0","0.5","1"),cex=cex.label,col=col_lines,add=T) # z Achse
      scatter3D(x=c(1.05,1.07),y=c(1.05,1.07),z=c(0,0)*dd+(1-dd)/2,col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # z Achse
      scatter3D(x=c(1.05,1.07),y=c(1.05,1.07),z=c(0.5,0.5)*dd+(1-dd)/2,col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # z Achse
      scatter3D(x=c(1.05,1.07),y=c(1.05,1.07),z=c(1,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # z Achse

      scatter3D(x=c(0.5,0.5)*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=c(1.05,1.05),z=c(1.05,1.07),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # x Achse
      scatter3D(x=c(0,0)*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=c(1.05,1.05),z=c(1.05,1.07),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # x Achse
      scatter3D(x=c(1,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,y=c(1.05,1.05),z=c(1.05,1.07),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # x Achse

      scatter3D(x=c(-0.05,-0.05),y=c(0.5,0.5)*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=c(1.05,1.07),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # y Achse
      scatter3D(x=c(-0.05,-0.05),y=c(0,0)*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=c(1.05,1.07),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # y Achse
      scatter3D(x=c(-0.05,-0.05),y=c(1,1)*dd+(1-dd)/2,z=c(1.05,1.07),col=col_lines,add=T,type="l",lwd=size.lines)  # y Achse

      ## manually create each histogram
      for (ii in seq_along(hx$counts)) {
        x <- (hx$breaks[ii]*c(.9,.9,.1,.1) + hx$breaks[ii+1]*c(.1,.1,.9,.9))*dd+(1-dd)/2
        y <- -hxs[ii]*c(0,0.5,0.5,0)-0.15
        z <- rep(ymax, 4)-1.1
        polygon3D(x,y,z, color=col_hist, alpha=.6,add=T)

      for (ii in seq_along(hy$counts)) {
        x <- hys[ii]*c(0,0.5,0.5,0)+1.15
        y <- (hy$breaks[ii]*c(.9,.9,.1,.1) + hy$breaks[ii+1]*c(.1,.1,.9,.9))*dd+(1-dd)/2
        z <- rep(xmax, 4)-1.1
        polygon3D(x,y,z, color=col_hist, alpha=.6,add=T)

      for (ii in seq_along(hz$counts)) {
        x <- rep(ymax, 4)-1.1
        y <- -hzs[ii]*c(0,0.5,0.5,0)-0.15
        z <- (hz$breaks[ii]*c(.9,.9,.1,.1) + hz$breaks[ii+1]*c(.1,.1,.9,.9))*dd+(1-dd)/2
        polygon3D(x,y,z, color=col_hist, alpha=.6,add=T)

              scatter3D(x=c(rep(-0.05,length(surface$y)),surface$x*dd+(1-dd)/2,surface$x*dd+(1-dd)/2), y=c(surface$y*dd+(1-dd)/2,rep(1.05,length(surface$y)),surface$y*dd+(1-dd)/2), z=c(surface$z*dd+(1-dd)/2,surface$z*dd+(1-dd)/2,rep(-0.05,length(surface$y))), add = TRUE, col = 'grey85',
                pch = 19, cex = 0.1, ticktype = "detailed")

      scatter3D(x = surface$x*dd+(1-dd)/2, y = surface$y*dd+(1-dd)/2, z = surface$z*dd+(1-dd)/2, xlim=c(0,1.3), ylim=c(-0.3,1), zlim=c(-0.3,1), col = color,
                pch = 19, cex = 0.1, xlab = "", ylab = "", add = TRUE,
                zlab = "", clab = c("",""),
                main = "", ticktype = "detailed", box = FALSE,
                theta = Theta, d = 2, phi = Phi,
                colkey = FALSE)


      scatter3D(x = surface$x*dd+(1-dd)/2, y = surface$y*dd+(1-dd)/2, z = surface$z*dd+(1-dd)/2, xlim=c(0.15,0.85), ylim=c(0.15,0.85), zlim=c(0.15,0.85), col = color,
                pch = 19, cex = 0.1, xlab = "", ylab = "",
                zlab = "", clab = c("",""),
                main = "", ticktype = "detailed", box = FALSE,
                theta = 40, d = 2, phi = Phi,
                colkey = FALSE)




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