
#' Generate HTML page with productions list and summary chart
#' This function generates an HTML page with productions list and summary chart.
#' Use chart.type = "plotly" for an interactive plot, and "ggplot2"
#' for a static one. Option "rCharts" is currently disabled, until the rCharts
#' package ([https://github.com/ramnathv/rCharts](https://github.com/ramnathv/rCharts))
#' becomes available on CRAN.
#' @param lattes.list a Lattes list object created using [lattes_to_list()]
#' @param chart.type package to use for generating the summary chart. "plotly" and
#' "rCharts" output interactive charts, "ggplot2" outputs a static one.
#' @param chart.width plot width (for "plotly" and "rCharts")
#' @param chart.height plot height (for "plotly")
#' @param h1.title H1 title for the page
#' @param h2.title H2 subtitle for the page
#' @param language Language to use in section headers
#' @param which.fields Character vector indicating which fields to include in
#'                     the productions page.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load example data and convert it to a lattes list
#' CV.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="ChocoLattes")
#' # Define the aliases of authors "Felipe Campelo" and "Lucas S. Batista":
#' # (all aliases will be converted to the first name provided for each author)
#' my.aliases <- list(c("Felipe Campelo",
#'                      "Felipe Campelo Franca Pinto",
#'                      "Felipe Campelo F. Pinto",
#'                      "F.C.F. Pinto"),
#'                    c("Lucas S. Batista",
#'                      "Lucas Batista",
#'                      "Lucas de Souza Batista",
#'                      "Lucas Souza Batista"))
#' lattes.list <- lattes_to_list(CV.dir         = CV.dir,
#'                               author.aliases = my.aliases)
#' # Build productions page:
#' make_productions_page(lattes.list,
#'                       chart.type     = "ggplot2",
#'                       h1.title       = "ORCS Lab",
#'                       h2.title       = "UFMG, Brazil",
#'                       language       = "EN")

make_productions_page <- function(lattes.list,
                                  chart.type   = c("ggplot2", "plotly", "rCharts"),
                                  chart.width  = 960,
                                  chart.height = 480,
                                  h1.title     = "My Laboratory<br/>My Department<br/>My University",
                                  h2.title     = "Academic Productions",
                                  language     = c("EN", "PT"),
                                  which.fields = c("journal.accepted",

  # Match arguments
  chart.type <- match.arg(chart.type[1], c("ggplot2", "plotly", "rCharts"))
  language   <- match.arg(language, c("EN", "PT"))

  # Check which.fields
  which.fields <- unique(tolower(which.fields))

  # Save lattes.list as temporary file
  saveRDS(object = lattes.list, file = "./lattes_list.tmp")

  # Open md file for creating page
  md.file <- file("prod_page.Rmd",
                  open = "wt", encoding = "UTF-8")

  # =============== Write to md file =============== #
  writeLines("---\n    output: html_document\n---\n", con = md.file)
  writeLines(paste0("<h1>", h1.title, "</h1>"), con = md.file)
  writeLines(paste0("<h2>", h2.title, "</h2>\n<hr>\n\n"), con = md.file)

  writeLines("```{r setup, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE}", con = md.file)
  writeLines("lattes.list <- readRDS('./lattes_list.tmp')", con = md.file)
  writeLines("Prod.Years <- lapply(lattes.list, FUN = function(x){unique(x$Year)})", con = md.file)
  writeLines("years <- sort(unique(unlist(Prod.Years)), decreasing = TRUE)", con = md.file)
  writeLines(paste0("language <- '", language, "'"), con = md.file)
  writeLines("```", con = md.file)

  writeLines("```{r, results='asis', echo=FALSE, comment=NA, tidy=FALSE, fig.align='center', fig.width=9}", con = md.file)
  writeLines("cat('<a name=\"pagetop\"></a>\\n\\n<p align=\"center\">', sep = \"\")", con = md.file)
  writeLines("for(i in 1:(length(years) - 1)){\ncat(\"[\", years[i], \"](#\",\nyears[i], \") | \",\nsep = \"\")\n}", con = md.file)
  writeLines("cat(\"[\", years[length(years)], \"](#\", years[length(years)], \")\\n\\n\", sep = \"\")", con = md.file)

  writeLines(paste0("plot_chart(lattes.list, chart.type = '", chart.type,
                    "', width = ", chart.width,
                    ", height = ", chart.height,
                    ", language = language",
                    ", which.fields = c('",
                    paste(which.fields, collapse = "','"), "'))"),
             con = md.file)
  writeLines("cat(\"</p>\")", con = md.file)

  writeLines("for (year in years){", con = md.file)
  writeLines("tmplist <- lapply(lattes.list, function(x,year){x[x$Year == year, ]}, year = year)", con = md.file)
  writeLines("cat('<a name=\"', year, '\"></a>\\n\\n', '## ', year, '\\n', sep = \"\")", con = md.file)
  for (field in which.fields){
    if (field == "books") writeLines("print_books(tmplist$Books, language = language)", con = md.file)
    if (field == "journal.accepted") writeLines("print_accepted(tmplist$`Accepted for Publication`, language = language)", con = md.file)
    if (field == "journal.published") writeLines("print_journal_papers(tmplist$`Journal Papers`, language = language)", con = md.file)
    if (field == "conference.international") writeLines("print_conferences(tmplist$`Conference Papers`, isIntl = TRUE, language = language)", con = md.file)
    if (field == "conference.national") writeLines("print_conferences(tmplist$`Conference Papers`, isIntl = FALSE, language = language)", con = md.file)
    if (field == "book.chapters") writeLines("print_book_chapters(tmplist$`Book Chapters`, language = language)", con = md.file)
    if (field == "phd.theses") writeLines("print_phd_theses(tmplist$`PhD Theses`, language = language)", con = md.file)
    if (field == "msc.theses") writeLines("print_msc_theses(tmplist$`MSc Dissertations`, language = language)", con = md.file)

  writeLines("cat('<p align=\"right\">[Back to top](#pagetop)</p>')\n}\n```\n\n", con = md.file)

  writeLines("<div style=\"background-color:#eeeeee; width:600px\">", con = md.file)
  writeLines("Last updated: `r date()`<br/>", con = md.file)
  writeLines('Created with [ChocoLattes](https://github.com/fcampelo/ChocoLattes) by <a href = "mailto: fcampelo@ufmg.br">Felipe Campelo</a><br/>', con = md.file)
  writeLines("[ORCS Lab](http://orcslab.ppgee.ufmg.br) - Operational Research and Complex Systems Laboratory<br/>", con = md.file)
  writeLines("Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo horizonte MG, Brazil\n</div>", con = md.file)


  # Render page
  rmarkdown::render(input = "./prod_page.Rmd")

  # remove temp files
  success <- all(file.remove(c("./lattes_list.tmp", "./prod_page.Rmd")))


Try the ChocoLattes package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ChocoLattes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:24 a.m.