
Defines functions cpAlgorithm

Documented in cpAlgorithm

#' Clique Percolation Community Detection
#' Function for clique percolation community detection algorithms for weighted
#' and unweighted networks.
#' @param W A qgraph object or a symmetric matrix; see also \link[qgraph]{qgraph}
#' @param k Clique size (number of nodes that should form a clique)
#' @param method A string indicating the method to use 
#'   (\code{"unweighted"}, \code{"weighted"}, or \code{"weighted.CFinder"}); see Details 
#' @param I Intensity threshold for weighted networks
#' @return
#'   A list object with the following elements:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{list.of.communities.numbers}{list of communities with numbers as identifiers 
#'         of nodes}
#'   \item{list.of.communities.labels}{list of communities with labels from qgraph object 
#'         or row or column names of matrix as identifiers of nodes}
#'   \item{shared.nodes.numbers}{vector with all nodes that belong to multiple communities 
#'         with numbers as identifiers of nodes}
#'   \item{shared.nodes.labels}{vector with all nodes that belong to multiple communities 
#'         with labels from qgraph object or row or column names of matrix  as identifiers
#'         of nodes}
#'   \item{isolated.nodes.numbers}{vector with all nodes that belong to no community 
#'         with numbers as identifiers of nodes}
#'   \item{isolated.nodes.labels}{vector with all nodes that belong to no community 
#'         with labels from qgraph object or row or column names of matrix as identifiers
#'         of nodes}
#'   \item{k}{user-specified \code{k}}
#'   \item{method}{user-specified method}
#'   \item{I}{user-specified \code{I} (if method was \code{"weighted"} 
#'         or \code{"weighted.CFinder"})}
#' }
#' @details
#'   \code{method = "unweighted"} conducts clique percolation for unweighted networks as
#'   described in Palla et al. (2005). \code{method = "weighted"} conducts clique percolation
#'   for weighted graphs with inclusion of cliques if their Intensity is higher than the
#'   specified Intensity (\code{I}), which is the method described in Farkas et al. (2007).
#'   \code{method = "weighted.CFinder"} conducts clique percolation as in the CFinder program.
#'   The Intensity (\code{I}) threshold is applied twice, namely first to the Intensity of the
#'   cliques (as before) and then also to their \code{k-1} overlap with other cliques
#'   (e.g., in the case of \code{k = 3}, it is applied to the edge that two cliques share).
#'   For weighted networks, the absolute value of the edge weights is taken.
#'   Therefore, negative edges are treated like positive edges just like in the CFinder program.
#'   Thus, the Intensity threshold \code{I} can only be positive.
#'   cpAlgorithm produces a solution for all networks, even if there are no communities 
#'   or communities have no overlap. The respective output is empty in such cases.
#' @examples
#' ## Example for unweighted networks
#' # create qgraph object
#' W <- matrix(c(0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
#'               0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), nrow = 8, ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE)
#' W <- Matrix::forceSymmetric(W)
#' W <- qgraph::qgraph(W)
#' # run clique percolation for unweighted networks
#' results <- cpAlgorithm(W = W, k = 3, method = "unweighted")
#' # print results overview
#' results
#' # extract more information about communities
#' summary(results)
#' ## Example for weighted networks
#' # create qgraph object
#' W <- matrix(c(0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
#'               0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,
#'               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), nrow = 8, ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE)
#' set.seed(4186)
#' rand_w <- stats::rnorm(length(which(W == 1)), mean = 0.3, sd = 0.1)
#' W[which(W == 1)] <- rand_w
#' W <- Matrix::forceSymmetric(W)
#' W <- qgraph::qgraph(W)
#' # run clique percolation for weighted networks
#' results <- cpAlgorithm(W = W, k = 3, method = "weighted", I = 0.1)
#' # print results overview
#' results
#' # extract more information about communities
#' summary(results)
#' ## Example with Obama data set (see ?Obama)
#' # get data
#' data(Obama)
#' # estimate network
#' net <- qgraph::EBICglasso(qgraph::cor_auto(Obama), n = nrow(Obama))
#' # run clique percolation algorithm with specific k and I
#' cpk3I.16 <- cpAlgorithm(net, k = 3, I = 0.16, method = "weighted")
#' # print results overview
#' cpk3I.16
#' # extract more information about communities
#' summary(cpk3I.16)
#' @references
#' Farkas, I., Abel, D., Palla, G., & Vicsek, T. (2007). Weighted network modules.
#' \emph{New Journal of Physics, 9}, 180-180. http://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/9/6/180
#' Palla, G., Derenyi, I., Farkas, I., & Vicsek, T. (2005). Uncovering the overlapping community 
#' structure of complex networks in nature and society. \emph{Nature, 435}, 
#' 814-818. http://doi.org/10.1038/nature03607
#' @author Jens Lange, \email{lange.jens@@outlook.com}
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export cpAlgorithm

cpAlgorithm <- function(W, k, method = c("unweighted","weighted","weighted.CFinder"), I){
  ###check whether W is a qgraph object
  ###if not check whether matrix is symmetric and convert to qgraph object
  if (!isTRUE(methods::is(W, "qgraph"))) {
    #error if W is a matrix but not symmetric
    if (isSymmetric(W) == FALSE) {
      stop("If W is a matrix, it must be symmetric.")
    #converts matrix to qgraph if input is not a qgraph object
    W <- qgraph::qgraph(W, DoNotPlot = TRUE)
    #### OLD ERROR BEGIN ####
    #stop("W (network object) must be a qgraph object.")
    #### OLD ERROR END ####
  ###error message if k is not larger than 2
  if (k < 3) {
    stop("k must be larger than 2, because this is the first reasonable clique size.")
  ###error message if method is not "unweighted", "weighted", or "weighted.CFinder"
  if (method != "unweighted" & method != "weighted" & method != "weighted.CFinder") {
    stop("method must be 'unweighted', 'weighted', or 'weighted.CFinder' (depending on the network).")
  ###function to determine list of cliques for unweighted networks
  unweighted <- function(W_unweighted){
    #transform to igraph object to use specific functions
    W_i_unweighted <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(W_unweighted,
                                                          mode = "undirected", weighted = NULL)
    #extract cliques
    cliques_unweighted <- igraph::cliques(W_i_unweighted, min = k, max = k) %>% lapply(as.vector)
    #return cliques
  ###function to determine list of cliques for weighted networks
  weighted <- function(W_weighted){
    #take absolute Value of weights matrix
    #deals with negative edges such that they are simply considered like positive edges
    W_weighted <- abs(W_weighted)
    #transform to igraph object to use specific functions
    W_i_weighted <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(W_weighted,
                                                        mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE)
    #extract cliques
    cliques_weighted <- igraph::cliques(W_i_weighted, min = k, max = k) %>% lapply(as.vector)
    #if there are cliques...(if there are no cliques, nothing needs to be done because cliques_weighted is empty)
    #check whether cliques exceed Intensity
    #first step is to create a list of intensity with each vector being the intensity of corresponding clique
    #this is achieved by extracting the weights for every pair of nodes in each clique from weights matrix
    #the vector with the weights is then used to calculate the intensity of the respective clique
    #second step is to create a list that has TRUE at corresponding position if clique intensity exceeds set Intensity
    #finally, select only cliques that should be included
    intensity_weighted <- list()
    if (length(cliques_weighted) > 0) {
      for (i in 1:length(cliques_weighted)) {
        weights <- c()
        m <- 1
        for (j in 1:(length(cliques_weighted[[i]]) - 1)) {
          for (k in (j+1):length(cliques_weighted[[i]])) {
            weights[m] <- W_weighted[cliques_weighted[[i]][j],cliques_weighted[[i]][k]]
            m <- m + 1
        exponent <- 2/(length(cliques_weighted[[i]]) * (length(cliques_weighted[[i]]) - 1))
        intensity_weighted[[i]] <- prod(weights)^exponent
      cliques_include_weighted <- lapply(intensity_weighted, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)) > I)
      cliques_weighted <- cliques_weighted[which(cliques_include_weighted == TRUE)]
    #return cliques
  #function to derive communities, shared nodes, and isolated nodes
  results_cp <- function(W, cliques, labels){
    #loop to compare all cliques with each other
    #if cliques share k-1 nodes, a vector is created stating their indices
    #if there are not at least two cliques, there can be no edge; thus, the edge list is empty
    if (length(cliques) > 1) {
      edges <- list()
      for (i in 1:(length(cliques) - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):length(cliques)) {
          if (length(Reduce(intersect, list(cliques[[i]],cliques[[j]]))) == (k - 1)) {
            edges[[length(edges) + 1]] <- c(i,j)
    } else {edges <- list()}
    #CFinder applies the Intensity threshold twice, once for the cliques and once for the overlap of cliques
    #this is not stated in the paper, but to increase comparability, this is also implemented here for method = weighted.CFinder
    #each k-1 set of nodes coded by an edge is taken and this subnetwork is again tested against I
    #each subnetwork coded by an edge is excluded, when it does not exceed I
    #this is done only when there are edges
    if (method == "weighted.CFinder" & length(edges) > 0) {
      intensity_weighted_edge_net <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(edges)) {
        edge_net_nodes <- Reduce(intersect, list(cliques[[edges[[i]][1]]],cliques[[edges[[i]][2]]]))
        edge_net_W <- abs(W)[edge_net_nodes,edge_net_nodes]
        weights_edge_net <- c(edge_net_W[upper.tri(edge_net_W)])
        exponent_edge_net <- 2/(length(edge_net_nodes) * (length(edge_net_nodes) - 1))
        intensity_weighted_edge_net[[i]] <- prod(weights_edge_net)^exponent_edge_net
      edges_include_weighted <- lapply(intensity_weighted_edge_net, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)) > I)
      edges <- edges[which(edges_include_weighted == TRUE)]
    #if there is more than one clique and at least one edge...
    #create list of vectors with each vector being a community; this has a number of steps
    #a weights matrix is created with cliques as nodes and existence of k-adjacency between them as edge
    #then, components (connected subgraphs) of this graph are extracted from igraph object
    #components are therefore the communities
    #each clique is then put into its respective community and the nodes of each community are extracted
    if (length(cliques) > 1 & length(edges) > 0) {
      W_comm <- matrix(c(0), nrow = length(cliques), ncol = length(cliques),
                       byrow = TRUE)
      for (i in 1:length(edges)) {
        W_comm[edges[[i]][1],edges[[i]][2]] <- 1
      W_i_comm <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(W_comm, mode = "upper")
      members <- igraph::components(W_i_comm)$membership
      split <- split(cliques, members)
      communities <- lapply(split, function(x) sort(unique(unlist(x))))
    #if there is at least one clique but no edge...
    #communities are the existing cliques
    if (length(cliques) > 0 & length(edges) == 0) {
      communities <- cliques
    #if there are no cliques (and therefore also no edges)...
    #communities list is empty
    if (length(cliques) == 0) {
      communities <- list() 
    #create vector of nodes that do not belong to a community
    #if there are no isolated nodes, create empty variable
    isolated <- subset(1:nrow(W),
                       subset = !(1:nrow(W)%in%unique(unlist(communities))))
    if (length(isolated) == 0) {isolated <-  c()}
    #if there is more than one community...
    #get shared nodes
    #if there are no shared nodes, create empty variable
    if (length(communities) > 1) {
      shared <- list()
      count <- 1
      for (i in 1:(length(communities) - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):length(communities)) {
          shared[[count]] <- Reduce(intersect, list(communities[[i]],communities[[j]]))
          count <- count + 1
      shared <- sort(unique(unlist(shared)))
      if (length(shared) == 0) {shared <- c()}
    #if there are communities...
    #create list of communities with labels from qgraph object instead of node numbers
    if (length(communities) > 0) {
      communities_labels <- list()
      for (i in 1:length(communities)) {
        communities_labels[[i]] <- labels[communities[[i]]]
    #if there are no communities...
    if (length(communities) == 0) {
      communities_labels <- list()
    #create vector of isolated nodes with labels from qgraph object instead of node numbers
    #if there are no isolated nodes, create empty variable
    isolated_labels <- labels[isolated]
    if (length(isolated_labels) == 0) {isolated_labels <- c()}
    #if there is more than one community...
    #create vector with shared nodes with labels from qgraph object instead of node numbers
    if (length(communities) > 1) {
      shared_labels <- labels[shared]
    #if there is less than two communities
    if (length(communities) < 2) {
      shared <- c()
      shared_labels <- c()
    #if there are no shared nodes, create empty variable
    if (length(shared_labels) == 0) {shared_labels <- c()}
    #return community lists, shared nodes vectors, and isolated nodes vectors
  #extract weights matrix
  Wmat <- qgraph::getWmat(W)
  labels <- as.vector(W$graphAttributes$Nodes$labels)
  #run corresponding functions for respective method
  if (method == "unweighted") {
    cliques_unweighted <- unweighted(Wmat)
    results_unweighted <- results_cp(Wmat, cliques_unweighted, labels)
    names(results_unweighted) <- c("list.of.communities.numbers","list.of.communities.labels",
    returned_object <- c(results_unweighted,list(k = k, method = method))
  if (method == "weighted" | method == "weighted.CFinder") {
    ###error message if I is not larger than zero
    if (I <= 0) {
      stop("Intensity (I) must be larger than zero.\nThis is because all edges are considered positive.\nComparing intensities of cliques or their overlap to zero or negative value therefore makes no sense.")
    cliques_weighted <- weighted(Wmat)
    results_weighted <- results_cp(Wmat, cliques_weighted, labels)
    names(results_weighted) <- c("list.of.communities.numbers","list.of.communities.labels",
    returned_object <- c(results_weighted,list(k = k, method = method, I = I))
  class(returned_object) <- "cpAlgorithm"

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