#' Run CLUster Evaluation
#' Takes in a time-course matrix and test for enrichment of the clustering using cmeans or kmeans clustering algorithm with a reference annotation.
#' @param Tc a numeric matrix to be clustered. The columns correspond to the time-course and the rows correspond to phosphorylation sites.
#' @param annotation a list with names correspond to kinases and elements correspond to substrates belong to each kinase.
#' @param rep number of times the clustering is to be applied. This is to account for variability in the clustering algorithm. Default is 5.
#' @param kRange the range of k to be tested for clustering. Default is 2:10
#' @param clustAlg the clustering algorithm to be used. The default is cmeans clustering.
#' @param effectiveSize the size of annotation groups to be considered for calculating enrichment. Groups that are too small
#' or too large will be removed from calculating overall enrichment of the clustering.
#' @param pvalueCutoff a pvalue cutoff for determining which kinase-substrate groups to be included in calculating overall enrichment of the clustering.
#' @param alpha a regularisation factor for penalizing large number of clusters.
#' @param standardise whether to z-score standardise the input matrix.
#' @param universe the universe of genes/proteins/phosphosites etc. that the enrichment is calculated against. The default are the row names of the dataset.
#' @return a clue output that contains the input parameters used for evaluation and the evaluation results. Use ls(x) to see details of output. 'x' be the output here.
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Example 1. Running CLUE with a simulated phosphoproteomics data
#' ## simulate a time-series phosphoproteomics data with 4 clusters and
#' ## each cluster with a size of 100 phosphosites
#' simuData <- temporalSimu(seed=1, groupSize=100, sdd=1, numGroups=4)
#' ## create an artificial annotation database. Specifically, Generate 50
#' ## kinase-substrate groups each comprising 20 substrates assigned to a kinase.
#' ## Among them, create 5 groups each contains phosphosites defined
#' ## to have the same temporal profile.
#' kinaseAnno <- list()
#' groupSize <- 100
#' for (i in 1:5) {
#' kinaseAnno[[i]] <- paste("p", (groupSize*(i-1)+1):(groupSize*(i-1)+20), sep="_")
#' }
#' for (i in 6:50) {
#' set.seed(i)
#' kinaseAnno[[i]] <- paste("p",, size = 20), sep="_")
#' }
#' names(kinaseAnno) <- paste("KS", 1:50, sep="_")
#' ## run CLUE with a repeat of 3 times and a range from 2 to 8
#' set.seed(1)
#' cl <- runClue(Tc=simuData, annotation=kinaseAnno, rep=3, kRange=2:8,
#' standardise = TRUE, universe = NULL)
#' ## visualize the evaluation outcome
#' boxplot(cl$evlMat, col=rainbow(8), las=2, xlab="# cluster", ylab="Enrichment", main="CLUE")
#' ## generate optimal clustering results using the optimal k determined by CLUE
#' best <- clustOptimal(cl, rep=3, mfrow=c(2, 3))
#' ## list enriched clusters
#' best$enrichList
#' ## obtain the optimal clustering object
#' \donttest{best$clustObj}
#' ## Example 2. Running CLUE with a phosphoproteomics dataset, discover optimal number of clusters,
#' ## clustering data accordingly, and identify key kinases involved in each cluster.
#' ## load the human ES phosphoprotoemics data (Rigbolt et al. Sci Signal. 4(164):rs3, 2011)
#' data(hES)
#' # load the PhosphoSitePlus annotations (Hornbeck et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 40:D261-70, 2012)
#' # note that one can instead use PhosphoELM database by typing "data(PhosphoELM)".
#' data(PhosphoSite)
#' ## run CLUE with a repeat of 5 times and a range from 2 to 15
#' \donttest{set.seed(1)
#' cl <- runClue(Tc=hES, annotation=PhosphoSite.human, rep=5, kRange=2:15,
#' standardise = TRUE, universe = NULL)
#' boxplot(cl$evlMat, col=rainbow(15), las=2, xlab="# cluster", ylab="Enrichment", main="CLUE")
#' best <- clustOptimal(cl, rep=3, mfrow=c(4, 4))
#' best$enrichList}
#' ## Example 3. Running CLUE with a gene expression dataset, discover optimal number of clusters,
#' ## clustering data accordingly, and identify key pathway involved in each cluster.
#' ## load mouse adipocyte gene expression data
#' # (Ma et al. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2014, 34(19):3607-17)
#' data(adipocyte)
#' ## load the KEGG annotations
#' ## note that one can instead use reactome, GOBP, biocarta database
#' data(Pathways)
#' ## select genes that are differentially expressed during adipocyte differentiation
#' adipocyte.selected <- adipocyte[adipocyte[,"DE"] == 1,]
#' ## run CLUE with a repeat of 5 times and a range from 10 to 22
#' \donttest{
#' set.seed(3)
#' cl <- runClue(Tc=adipocyte.selected, annotation=Pathways.KEGG, rep=3, kRange=10:20,
#' standardise = TRUE, universe = NULL)
#' xl <- "Number of clusters"
#' yl <- "Enrichment score"
#' boxplot(cl$evlMat, col=rainbow(ncol(cl$evlMat)), las=2, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, main="CLUE")}
runClue <- function(Tc, annotation, rep=5, kRange=2:10, clustAlg="cmeans", effectiveSize=c(5, 100), pvalueCutoff=0.05, alpha=0.5, standardise=TRUE, universe=NULL) {
# standardize the matrix by row
if(isTRUE(standardise)) {
means <- apply(Tc, 1, mean)
stds <- apply(Tc, 1, stats::sd)
tmp <- sweep(Tc, 1, means, FUN="-")
Tc <- sweep(tmp, 1, stds, FUN="/")
## filter the annotation groups that has no entry from the Tc
annotation.intersect <- lapply(annotation, intersect, rownames(Tc))
annotation.filtered <- annotation.intersect[lapply(annotation.intersect, length) > 0]
# apply CLUE
repeat.list <- parallel::mclapply(1:rep, function(rp){
cat("repeat", rp, "\n");
enrichment <- c()
for (k in kRange) {
clustered <- c()
if (clustAlg == "cmeans") {
clustered <- e1071::cmeans(Tc, centers=k, iter.max=50, m=1.25)
} else if (clustAlg == "kmeans"){
clustered <- stats::kmeans(Tc, centers=k, iter.max=50)
} else {
print("Unknown clustering algorithm specified. Using cmeans clustering instead")
clustered <- e1071::cmeans(Tc, centers=k, iter.max=50, m=1.25)
# compute fisher's p-value for each cluster
evaluate <- clustEnrichment(clustered, annotation.filtered, effectiveSize, pvalueCutoff, universe)
fisher.pvalue <- evaluate$fisher.pvalue
# compute clustering enrichment (this is regularised by the number of clusters)
escore <- c()
if (fisher.pvalue == 0) {
escore <- -log10(.Machine$double.xmin) - alpha * nrow(clustered$centers)
} else {
escore <- -log10(fisher.pvalue) - alpha * nrow(clustered$centers)
enrichment <- c(enrichment, escore)
# combine the multiple testing results
x <-, repeat.list)
# transform the pvalue
#x.transform <- -log10(x)
# scale the values into [0, 1]
x.normalize <- (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x))
rownames(x.normalize) <- paste("repeat", 1:rep, sep="")
colnames(x.normalize) <- paste("k", kRange, sep="=")
# identify the k that maximize the enrichment
maxK <- which.max(apply(x.normalize, 2, median)) + (kRange[1] - 1)
# return the evaluation results
result <- list()
# input parameters
result$Tc <- Tc
result$annotation <- annotation.filtered
result$clustAlg <- clustAlg
result$effectiveSize <- effectiveSize
result$pvalueCutoff <- pvalueCutoff
# clue parameters
result$evlMat <- x.normalize
result$maxK <- maxK
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