
Defines functions stcs

Documented in stcs

#' SpatioTemporal Correlation Structure
#' Provides a parametric function that describes the values of the linear
#' spatiotemporal autocorrelation up to desired lags.
#' For more details on the parametric spatiotemporal correlation structures see
#' section 2.3 and 2.4 in Papalexiou and Serinaldi (2020).
#' @param id spatiotemporal correlation structure ID
#' @param ... additional arguments (t as time lag, s as spatial lag (distance),  and stcs parameters)
#' @name stcs
#' @import plot3D
#' @export
#' @references Papalexiou, S.M., Serinaldi, F. (2020). Random Fields Simplified:
#' Preserving Marginal Distributions, Correlations, and Intermittency,
#' With Applications From Rainfall to Humidity. Water Resources Research, 56(2),
#' e2019WR026331, \doi{10.1029/2019WR026331}
#' @references Papalexiou, S.M., Serinaldi, F., Porcu, E. (2021). Advancing
#' Space-Time Simulation of Random Fields: From Storms to Cyclones and Beyond.
#' Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029466, \doi{10.1029/2020WR029466}
#' @examples
#' library(plot3D)
#' ## specify grid of spatial and temporal lags
#' d <- 31
#' st <- expand.grid(0:(d-1),
#'                   0:(d-1))
#' ## get the STCS
#' wc <- stcs("clayton",
#'            t = st[, 1],
#'            s = st[, 2],
#'            scfid = 'weibull',
#'            tcfid = 'weibull',
#'            copulaarg = 2,
#'            scfarg = list(scale = 20,
#'                          shape = 0.7),
#'            tcfarg = list(scale = 1.1,
#'                          shape = 0.8))
#' g14 <- stcs("gneiting14",
#'             t = st[, 1],
#'             s = st[, 2],
#'             a = 1/50,
#'             c = 1/10,
#'             alpha = 1,
#'             beta = 1,
#'             gamma = 0.5,
#'             tau = 1)
#' g16 <- stcs("gneiting16",
#'             t = st[, 1],
#'             s = st[, 2],
#'             a = 1/50,
#'             c = 1/10,
#'             alpha = 1,
#'             beta = 1,
#'             nu = 0.5,
#'             tau = 1)
#' ## note: for nu = 0.5 stcfgneiting16 is equivalent to
#' ## stcfgneiting14 with gamma = 0.5
#' ## visualize the STCS
#' wc.m <- matrix(wc,
#'                nrow = d)
#' persp3D(z = wc.m, x = 1: nrow(wc.m), y = 1:ncol(wc.m),
#'         expand = 1, main = "", scale = TRUE, facets = TRUE,
#'         xlab="Time lag", ylab = "Distance", zlab = "STCF",
#'         colkey = list(side = 4, length = 0.5), phi = 20, theta = 120,
#'         resfac = 5,  col= gg2.col(100))
#' g14.m <- matrix(g14,
#'                 nrow = d)
#' persp3D(z = g14.m, x = 1: nrow(wc.m), y = 1:ncol(wc.m),
#'         expand = 1, main = "", scale = TRUE, facets = TRUE,
#'         xlab="Time lag", ylab = "Distance", zlab = "STCF",
#'         colkey = list(side = 4, length = 0.5), phi = 20, theta = 120,
#'         resfac = 5,  col= gg2.col(100))
stcs <- function(id, ...) {

    .args <- list(...)
    do.call(paste0("stcf", id), args = .args)

#' SpatioTemporal Correlation Structure
#' Provides a parametric function that describes the values of the linear
#' spatiotemporal autocorrelation up to desired lags.
#' For more details on the parametric spatiotemporal correlation structures see
#' section 2.3 and 2.4 in Papalexiou and Serinaldi (2020).
#' @param id spatiotemporal correlation structure ID
#' @param arglist list of additional arguments (t as time lag, s as spatial lag (distance),  and stcs parameters)
#' @references Papalexiou, S.M., Serinaldi, F. (2020). Random Fields Simplified:
#' Preserving Marginal Distributions, Correlations, and Intermittency,
#' With Applications From Rainfall to Humidity. Water Resources Research, 56(2),
#' e2019WR026331, \doi{10.1029/2019WR026331}
#' @references Papalexiou, S.M., Serinaldi, F., Porcu, E. (2021). Advancing
#' Space-Time Simulation of Random Fields: From Storms to Cyclones and Beyond.
#' Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029466, \doi{10.1029/2020WR029466}
#' @keywords internal
stcs2 <- function (id, arglist) {

    do.call(paste0("stcf", id), args = arglist)

#' Clayton SpatioTemporal Correlation Structure
#' Provides spatiotemporal correlation structure function based on Clayton copula.
#' For more details on the parametric spatiotemporal correlation structures
#' see section 2.3 and 2.4 in Papalexiou and Serinaldi (2020).
#' @param t time lag
#' @param s spatial lag (distance)
#' @param scfid ID of the spatial (marginal) correlation structure (e.g. weibull)
#' @param tcfid ID of the temporal (marginal) correlation structure (e.g. weibull)
#' @param copulaarg parameter of the Clayton copula linking the marginal correlation structures
#' @param scfarg parameters of spatial (marginal) correlation structure
#' @param tcfarg parameters of temporal (marginal) correlation structure
#' @name stcfclayton
#' @import plot3D
#' @export
#' @references Papalexiou, S.M., Serinaldi, F. (2020). Random Fields Simplified:
#' Preserving Marginal Distributions, Correlations, and Intermittency,
#' With Applications From Rainfall to Humidity. Water Resources Research, 56(2),
#' e2019WR026331, \doi{10.1029/2019WR026331}
#' @references Papalexiou, S.M., Serinaldi, F., Porcu, E. (2021). Advancing
#' Space-Time Simulation of Random Fields: From Storms to Cyclones and Beyond.
#' Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029466, \doi{10.1029/2020WR029466}
#' @examples
#' library(plot3D)
#' ## specify grid of spatial and temporal lags
#' d <- 31
#' st <- expand.grid(0:(d - 1),
#'                   0:(d - 1))
#' ## get the STCS
#' wc <- stcfclayton(t = st[, 1],
#'                   s = st[, 2],
#'                   scfid = 'weibull',
#'                   tcfid = 'weibull',
#'                   copulaarg = 2,
#'                   scfarg = list(scale = 20,
#'                                 shape = 0.7),
#'                   tcfarg = list(scale = 1.1,
#'                                 shape = 0.8))
#' ## visualize the STCS
#' wc.m <- matrix(wc,
#'                nrow = d)
#' persp3D(z = wc.m, x = 1: nrow(wc.m), y = 1:ncol(wc.m),
#'         expand = 1, main = "", scale = TRUE, facets = TRUE,
#'         xlab="Time lag", ylab = "Distance", zlab = "STCF",
#'         colkey = list(side = 4, length = 0.5), phi = 20, theta = 120,
#'         resfac = 5,  col= gg2.col(100))
stcfclayton <- function (t, s, scfid, tcfid, copulaarg, scfarg, tcfarg) {

    if (copulaarg < 0) {
    else {
        scfarg$t <- s
        tcfarg$t <- t
        scf <- do.call(paste0("acf", scfid), args = scfarg)
        tcf <- do.call(paste0("acf", tcfid), args = tcfarg)
        if(copulaarg > 0) stcf <- (tcf^(-copulaarg) + scf^(-copulaarg) - 1 )^(-1/copulaarg)
        if(copulaarg == 0) stcf <- tcf * scf

#' Gneiting-14 SpatioTemporal Correlation Structure
#' Provides spatiotemporal correlation structure function proposed by
#' Gneiting (2002; Eq.14 at p. 593).
#' @param t time lag
#' @param s spatial lag (distance)
#' @param a nonnegative scaling parameter of time
#' @param c nonnegative scaling parameter of space
#' @param alpha smoothness parameter of time. Valid range: \eqn{(0,1]}
#' @param gamma smoothness parameter of space. Valid range: \eqn{(0,1]}
#' @param beta space-time interaction parameter. Valid range: \eqn{[0,1]}
#' @param tau space-time interaction parameter. Valid range: \eqn{\ge 1} (for 2-dimensional fields)
#' @name stcfgneiting14
#' @import plot3D
#' @export
#' @references Gneiting, T. (2002). Nonseparable, Stationary Covariance Functions
#' for Space-Time Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
#' 97:458, 590-600, \doi{10.1198/016214502760047113}
#' @examples
#' library(plot3D)
#' ## specify grid of spatial and temporal lags
#' d <- 31
#' st <- expand.grid(0:(d - 1),
#'                   0:(d - 1))
#' ## get the STCS
#' g14 <- stcfgneiting14(t = st[, 1],
#'                       s = st[, 2],
#'                       a = 1/50,
#'                       c = 1/10,
#'                       alpha = 1,
#'                       beta = 1,
#'                       gamma = 0.5,
#'                       tau = 1)
#' ## visualize the STCS
#' g14.m <- matrix(g14,
#'                 nrow = d)
#' persp3D(z = g14.m, x = 1: nrow(g14.m), y = 1:ncol(g14.m),
#'         expand = 1, main = "", scale = TRUE, facets = TRUE,
#'         xlab="Time lag", ylab = "Distance", zlab = "STCF",
#'         colkey = list(side = 4, length = 0.5), phi = 20, theta = 120,
#'         resfac = 5,  col= gg2.col(100))
stcfgneiting14 <- function (t, s, a, c, alpha, beta, gamma, tau) {

    if((a < 0) | (c < 0) | (alpha <= 0) | (alpha > 1) |
       (beta < 0) | (beta > 1) | (gamma <= 0) | (gamma > 1) |
       (tau < 1)) {

    } else {

        stcf <- 1 / ((a * abs(t)^(2 * alpha) + 1)^tau) *
            exp( - (c * abs(s)^(2 * gamma)) / ((a * abs(t)^(2 * alpha) + 1)^(beta * gamma)) )


#' Gneiting-16 SpatioTemporal Correlation Structure
#' Provides spatiotemporal correlation structure function proposed by
#' Gneiting (2002; Eq.16 at p. 594).
#' @param t time lag
#' @param s spatial lag (distance)
#' @param a nonnegative scaling parameter of time
#' @param c nonnegative scaling parameter of space
#' @param alpha smoothness parameter of time. Valid range: \eqn{(0,1]}
#' @param nu smoothness parameter of space. Valid range: \eqn{>0}
#' @param beta space-time interaction parameter. Valid range: \eqn{[0,1]}
#' @param tau space-time interaction parameter. Valid range: \eqn{\ge 1} (for 2-dimensional fields)
#' @name stcfgneiting16
#' @import plot3D
#' @export
#' @references Gneiting, T. (2002). Nonseparable, Stationary Covariance Functions
#' for Space-Time Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
#' 97:458, 590-600, \doi{10.1198/016214502760047113}
#' @examples
#' library(plot3D)
#' ## specify grid of spatial and temporal lags
#' d <- 31
#' st <- expand.grid(0:(d - 1),
#'                   0:(d - 1))
#' ## get the STCS
#' g16 <- stcfgneiting16(t = st[, 1],
#'                       s = st[, 2],
#'                       a = 1/50,
#'                       c = 1/10,
#'                       alpha = 1,
#'                       beta = 1,
#'                       nu = 0.5, tau = 1)
#' ## visualize the STCS
#' g16.m <- matrix(g16,
#'                 nrow = d)
#' persp3D(z = g16.m, x = 1: nrow(g16.m), y = 1:ncol(g16.m),
#'         expand = 1, main = "", scale = TRUE, facets = TRUE,
#'         xlab="Time lag", ylab = "Distance", zlab = "STCF",
#'         colkey = list(side = 4, length = 0.5), phi = 20, theta = 120,
#'         resfac = 5,  col= gg2.col(100))
stcfgneiting16 <- function (t, s, a, c, alpha, beta, nu, tau) {

    if((a < 0) | (c < 0) | (alpha <= 0) | (alpha > 1) |
       (beta < 0) | (beta > 1) | (nu <= 0) | (tau < 1)) {
    else {
        stcf <- 1 / (2^(nu - 1)  * gamma(nu) * (a * abs(t)^(2 * alpha) + 1)^tau) *
            ((c * abs(s)) / ((a * abs(t)^(2 * alpha) + 1)^(beta / 2) ))^nu *
            besselK((c * abs(s)) / ((a * abs(t)^(2 * alpha) + 1)^(beta / 2) ), nu)

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