
Defines functions getLanguageAssigns getAssigns identifyLocalFunctions getInputs.language Unique is.native isFile asVarName

Documented in asVarName

asVarName =
  if(is.call(x)) {
    x = asVarName(x[[2]])


isFile =
function(val, basedir = ".")
  file.exists(val) || file.exists(paste(basedir, val, sep = .Platform$file.sep))  

is.native = function(x) inherits(x, "NativeSymbol")


BuiltinFunctions =
  c("[", "[[", "$") 

inputCollector =
  #  Want to be able to collect file names being source()'d and so on.
  #  Would like them to be relative to the  location of the script.
  #  Need to call isFile() with basedir correctly
    function(..., functionHandlers = list(...), inclPrevOutput = FALSE,
             checkLibrarySymbols = FALSE,
             funcsAsInputs = checkLibrarySymbols)
    cust = names(functionHandlers)
    functionHandlers = c(functionHandlers,
                         defaultFuncHandlers[! names(defaultFuncHandlers) %in% cust])
    libraries = character()
        libSymbols = corePkgSyms
        libSymbols = character()
    files = character()
    strings = character()
    ## What about collecting numbers, or all literals.
    ## this is the inputs  
    vars = character()
    ## this is the outputs
    set = character()
    functions = character()
    removes = character()
    updates = character()
    sideEffects = character()
    nsevalVars = character()
    code = NULL
    ## this one doesn't get blown away by reset, "libraries" still does 
    ## we need this to handle dplyr, etc based code in a script, because
    ## the script getInput methods lapplys getInputs with reset=TRUE, so
    ## we lose package info outside of the individual expression.
    ## FIXME we need a better solution to design mismatch generally, I think . ~G
    allpackages = libraries
    Set = function(name) {
            set <<- c(set, name)

    Vars =  function(name, input) {
                vars <<- c(vars, name[ !( name %in% c(BuiltinFunctions, libSymbols) ) ] ) #BuiltinFunctions ) ])  # || name %in% set
                ##Variables can't be an input if they are already an output ~GB
                vars <<- c(vars, name[ !( name %in% c(BuiltinFunctions, set, libSymbols) ) ] )             
    reset = function(full = FALSE) {
        libraries <<- character()
        if(full) {
                libSymbols <<- corePkgSyms
                libSymbols <<- character()
            allpackages <<- character()
        files <<- character()
        strings <<- character()
        vars <<- character()
        set <<- character()
        functions <<- character()
        removes <<- character()
        updates <<- character()
        nsevalVars <<- character()
        sideEffects <<- character()
        code <<- NULL
  list(library = function(name)
           #what about dependencies? do we want c(libraries, getDeps(name), name)?
           libraries <<- c(libraries, name)
               libSymbols <<- c(libSymbols, librarySymbols(name))
           allpackages <<- c(allpackages, libraries)
       addInfo = function(funcNames = character(), modelVars = character()) {
           nsevalVars <<- c(nsevalVars,  modelVars)
           functions <<- c(functions, funcNames)
       string = function(name, basedir = NA, filep = isFile(name, basedir))
                    files <<- c(files, name)
                    strings <<- c(strings, name),
#       string = function(name) strings <<- c(strings, name),       
       update = function(name) {
                   updates <<- c(updates, name)
       vars = Vars,
       set = Set,
       calls = function(name) {
           functions <<- c(functions, name)
           if(funcsAsInputs) {
               Vars(name, TRUE)
       removes = function(name) removes <<- c(removes, name),
       sideEffects = function(name) sideEffects <<- c(sideEffects, name),       
       functionHandlers = functionHandlers,
       reset = reset,
       code = function(name) code <<- name,
       nsevals = function(name) nsevalVars <<- c(nsevalVars, name),
       pkgLoadHistory = function() allpackages, 
#       addInfo = addInfo,
       results = function(resetState = FALSE) {
                      funcs = unique(functions)
                      ans = new("ScriptNodeInfo",
                                 libraries = unique(libraries),
                                 files = unique(files),
                                 strings = unique(strings),         
                                 inputs = unique(vars),
                                 outputs = Unique(set),
                                 updates = unique(updates),
                                 removes = removes,
                                 nsevalVars = nsevalVars,
                                 functions = structure(rep(NA, length(funcs)), names = funcs),
                                 sideEffects = unique(sideEffects),
                                code = code)
  collectorSettings = function() {
      list(functionHandlers = functionHandlers,
           inclPrevOutputs = inclPrevOutput,
           checkLibrarySymbols = checkLibrarySymbols,
           funcsAsInputs = funcsAsInputs)

Unique =

           function(e, collector = inputCollector(), basedir = ".",
                    reset = FALSE, formulaInputs = FALSE, ...) {

getInputs.language =          
    function(e, collector = inputCollector(), basedir = ".",
             reset = FALSE, formulaInputs = FALSE, input = TRUE,  ...,
             pipe = FALSE, update = FALSE, nseval=FALSE)
    ## scoping state hackery
    if(is.null(dynGet("getinputstoplevel", ifnotfound = NULL))) {
        getinputstoplevel = TRUE

  ans = character()

  if(inherits(e, "expression")) {

     ans = lapply(e, getInputs, collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
         formulaInputs = formulaInputs, pipe = pipe, nseval = nseval, ...)

  } else if(is.function(e)) {

     ans = codetools::findGlobals(e, FALSE)
     collector$vars(ans$variables, input = TRUE)

  } else if(is.call(e)) {
      if(is.symbol(e[[1]]) && nseval) {
          collector$addInfo( funcNames= as.character(e[[1]]))
          lapply(e[-1], getInputs, collector = collector, basedir =basedir,
                 formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ..., update = FALSE,
                 input = input, pipe = pipe, nseval=TRUE)
      } else {

          findSideEffects(e, collector)
          ## put the customized handler check first so that it can override  default behaviors ~GB
          ## all the built in special cases are now factored out as default handlers. See
          ## functionHandlers.R ~GB
          if(is.symbol(e[[1]]) && as.character(e[[1]]) %in% names(collector$functionHandlers)) {
              collector$functionHandlers[[ as.character(e[[1]]) ]](e, collector,
                                                                   basedir = basedir,
                                                                   formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                                                   update = update,
                                                                   input = input,
                                                                   pipe = pipe,
                                                                   nseval = nseval)
          } else {
              collector$functionHandlers[["_default_"]](e, collector,
                                                       basedir = basedir,
                                                       formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                                       update = update,
                                                       input = input,
                                                       pipe = pipe,
                                                       nseval = nseval)
 } else if(isAssignment(e)) {
     collector$functionHandlers[["_assignment_"]](e, collector, input = input, basedir = basedir,
                                                 formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                                 update = update, pipe = pipe,
                                                 nseval = nseval)
 } else if(is.name(e) || is.symbol(e)) {

     if(as.character(e) != "") {
         else if (nseval)
             collector$addInfo(modelVars = as.character(e))
             collector$vars(as.character(e), input)

  } else if(is.integer(e) || is.logical(e) || is.numeric(e) || is.complex(e)) {
      # literal so ignore.
  }  else if(is.character(e)) {
     collector$string(e, basedir = basedir)
#    if(file.exists(e) || file.exists(paste(basedir, e, sep = .Platform$file.sep)))
#      collector$file(e)
#    else
#      collector$string(e)

   } else if(is.pairlist(e)) {

     lapply(e, getInputs, collector = collector, basedir = basedir, input = input,
            formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ..., update = update, pipe = pipe,
            nseval = nseval)
   } else if(is.native(e)) {
       collector$functionHandlers[["_InlineNativeSymbol_"]](e, collector,
           input = input, basedir = basedir,
           formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
           update = update, pipe = pipe,
           nseval = nseval) 
   } else {

     stop("don't know about ", class(e))

 collector$results(resetState = reset)

#setMethod("getInputs", "expression", getInputs.language)
#setMethod("getInputs", "call", getInputs.language)
#setMethod("getInputs", "{", getInputs.language)
#setMethod("getInputs", "=", getInputs.language)
setMethod("getInputs", "ANY", getInputs.language)

setMethod("getInputs", "Script",
function(e, collector = inputCollector(), basedir = ".", reset = FALSE, formulaInputs = FALSE, ...)
  ans = lapply(e, getInputs, collector = collector,  basedir = basedir, reset = TRUE, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ...)
  new("ScriptInfo", identifyLocalFunctions(ans))

setMethod("getInputs", "ScriptNode",
function(e, collector = inputCollector(), basedir = ".", reset = FALSE, formulaInputs = FALSE, ...)
    nodes = getInputs(e@code, collector, basedir, reset = reset, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ...)
    ## Now determine if the functions are locally defined or not, i.e. within earlier tasks in this script.
  ## We don't have the whole script here, only a single node, can't (??) do the
  ## described above. ~GB
  ## identifyLocalFunctions(nodes)

identifyLocalFunctions =
  defs = character()
  for(i in seq(along = nodes)) {
     tmp = nodes[[i]]
     if(length(tmp@functions) && any(w <- is.na(tmp@functions))) {
        tmp@functions[w] = names(tmp@functions[w]) %in% defs
        nodes[[i]] = tmp
     defs = c(defs, tmp@outputs)

setMethod("getInputs", "ScriptNodeInfo",
function(e, collector = inputCollector(), basedir = ".", reset = FALSE, formulaInputs = FALSE, ...)

setMethod("getInputs", "function",
            function(e, collector = inputCollector(), basedir = ".", reset = FALSE, formulaInputs = FALSE, ...) {
    ## create dummy node which declares the formal arguments so they
    ## don't show up as globals later. the call itself "outputs" these
    ## "variables"
    vars = new("ScriptNodeInfo", outputs = names(formals(e)))
    exprs = as.list(body(e))
    ## do we really want to keep the "{" around? Currently a test fails
    ## if we remove it (length of output) but the test could be changed...
    if(is.name(exprs[[1]]) && as.character(exprs[[1]]) == "{") {
        scr = readScript(txt = exprs)
    } else {
        scr = body(e)

    new("ScriptInfo", c(vars, getInputs(scr, collector = collector, basedir = basedir, reset = reset, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ...)))


getDependCode =
  # Determines which preceding blocks are used to determine
  # the inputs to the specified block. In other words, if we
  # have a 10 blocks and we call
  #   getDependCode(5, "x", 
  # Have to worry about when a variable is redefined.
  # This is garbage!
function(block, depends, codeBlocks)  
  if(is(block, "numeric")) {
     codeBlocks = codeBlocks[seq(1, length = block)]
     depends = depends[seq(1, length = block)]     
     block =  depends[[block]]

  vars = block$inputs

  ans = integer() 
  sapply(depends, function(x) vars %in% x$inputs) #???



# Old

getAssigns =
function(e, globalsOnly = FALSE)
 if(inherits(e, "expression"))
   return(unique(unlist(lapply(e, getLanguageAssigns))))
 else if(is.function(e)) {
   return(getAssigns(body(e), globalsOnly = TRUE))

 stop("don't know what to do")

getLanguageAssigns =
  ans = character()
  if(is.call(e) &&  as.character(e[[1]]) %in% c("=", "<-", "<<-")) {
     ans = c(ans, asVarName(e[[2]]))
  if(length(ans) > 2)
    ans = unlist(c(ans, lapply(e[- c(1, 2)], getLanguageAssigns)))

if(FALSE) {
  doc = xmlParse("read.xml")
  xpathApply(doc, "//r:function", function(x) eval(parse(text = xmlValue(x)), globalenv()))
  code = xpathApply(doc, "//r:code|//r:plot", function(x) parse(text = xmlValue(x)))

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CodeDepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:51 a.m.