
Defines functions isAssignment noophandler funshandler .funhandler summarize_handlerfactory applyhandlerfactory datahandler ifforcomp forhandler spreadhandler colonshandler counthandler groupbyhandler defhandler pipehandler filterhandler nseonlyhandlerfactory nsehandlerfactory nseafterfirst fullnsehandler assignfunhandler formulahandler funchandler assignhandler isbrack dollarhandler rmhandler libreqhandler isNSVar

Documented in applyhandlerfactory assignfunhandler assignhandler colonshandler counthandler datahandler defhandler dollarhandler filterhandler forhandler formulahandler fullnsehandler funchandler funshandler groupbyhandler libreqhandler noophandler nseafterfirst nsehandlerfactory nseonlyhandlerfactory pipehandler rmhandler spreadhandler summarize_handlerfactory

## NB, most handlers, other than the pipe hander, should (optionally)
## look at the incoming pipe value and act on it, but then should
## set it to FALSE when recursing down.

isNSVar = function(e) is.call(e) && asVarName(e[[1]]) %in% c("::", ":::")

libreqhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                         update, pipe = FALSE,  ...) {
rmhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                     update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    ## this will be null if there are no named arguments
    argnames = names(e[-1])
        collector$removes(sapply(e[-1], as.character))
    else if (identical(argnames, "list")) { ## the other args are too complicated for now
        listargexp = e[-1][["list"]]
        newcollector = inputCollector(functionHandlers = collector$collectorSettings()$functionHandlers,
                                      funcsAsInputs = FALSE, checkLibrarySymbols = FALSE)
        listinout = getInputs(listargexp, collector = newcollector)
        if(length(listinout@inputs) > 0) {
            warning(paste("unable to track dynamically specified removes in expression ", e))
        } else {
    } else { ## deals with environments other than the default
        ## TODO: something here maybe, someday
        message("Note: CodeDepends ignoring rm call which specifies non-default environment")

dollarhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                         update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {

    ##need to handle cases like a$b$c, which translate to `$`(a$b, c), correctly.
    ## Only a is a real variable here! Identified based on MathiasHinz
    ## https://github.com/duncantl/CodeDepends/issues/4
    ## make sure that @ or $ is listed in the called functions
    if(is(e[[1]], "name"))
    if(is(e[[2]], "name"))
        collector$vars(as.character(e[[2]]), input = input)
        getInputs(e[[2]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                  input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update = update, pipe = pipe, nseval = nseval, ...)

isbrack = function(x) asVarName(x) %in% c("[", "[[")

assignhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                         update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {

    ## Need to handle updates, e.g.
    ##   foo(x) = 1
    ##   x[["y"]] = 2
    ##   x [ x > 0 ] = 2 * y
    ##   x = x + 5

    ## Do the left hand side first.

    ## I dont' think we CAN do the LHS first. We need to know if variable is an
    ## input to the expression so we know if it's an output or an update!! ~GB
    ##if it is a simple name, then it is an output,
    ## but otherwise it is a call and may have more inputs.

    ## asVarName returns, e.g., "x" for x[!y], and bar from foo(bar) so it's
    ## always the right thing...
    lhs = e[[2]]
    outvar = asVarName(lhs)
    if(!is.name(e[[2]])) {
        fname = asVarName(lhs[[1]])
        ## if this is a x$foo <- val or x[["foo"]] = val or x[i, j] <- val
        ## make certain to add the variable being updated as an input.
        ## It will also be an output. 

        ## anything that is being updated must be an input!  This
        ## is a behavior change but it seems necessary for the
        ## dependency stuff to function correctly.
        collector$vars(outvar, input = TRUE)
        ## this pattern holds for both x[foo] = 5 and foo(x) = 5. x is
        ## e[[2]][[2]] in both cases.

        ##   collector$update(outvar)

        if(fname == "$")
            numtoskip = 3
            numtoskip = 2
        if(length(lhs) > numtoskip) {
                   function(i, ...) getInputs(lhs[[i]], ...),
                   collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                   input = TRUE, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ...,
                   pipe = FALSE, nseval = nseval, update=FALSE)
        collector$calls(paste(fname, "<-", sep = ""))
        ## needs to modify getInputs state. a bit of a sharp edge for the refactor ~GB
        update = TRUE
    } else {
        ## collector$set(asVarName(e[[2]]))

    ## Do the right hand side
    lapply(3:length(e), function(i, ...) getInputs(e[[i]], ...),
           collector, basedir = basedir, input = TRUE,
           formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = FALSE, pipe = FALSE,
           nseval = nseval)

    ## if(is.name(e[[2]])) collector$set(asVarName(e[[2]])) else {
    ##     if(is.call(e[[2]])) { ##XXX will get foo in foo(x)
    ##     if(!update) collector$set(asVarName(e[[2]][[2]]))
    ##     if(as.character(e[[2]][[1]]) != "$")
    ##     lapply(e[[2]][-c(1,2)], getInputs, collector, basedir =
    ##     basedir, input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ...,
    ##     update = update, pipe = pipe, nseval = nseval) } else {
    ##     collector$set(asVarName(e[[2]][[2]])) } }
    if(outvar %in% collector$results()@inputs)
        update = TRUE


funchandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                       update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...){
    tmp = eval(e)
    ans = codetools::findGlobals(tmp, FALSE)
    collector$vars(ans$variables, input = TRUE)

formulahandler =  function(e, collector, basedir, input,
                           formulaInputs, update, pipe = FALSE,
                           nseval = FALSE, ...){
    ## a formula, eg a~b
    ## whether we count variables that appear in
    ## formulas as inputs for the expression is controlled by the
    ## formulaInputs paramter eventually we want to be able to handle
    ## the situation where we are calling lm(y~x + z, data=dat) where
    ## y and x are in dat but z is not, but that is HARD to detect so
    ## for now we allow users to specify whether CodeDepends counts
    ## all variables used by formulas (assuming they come from the
    ## global environment/current scope) or none (assuming the fomula
    ## will be used only within the scope of, eg, a data.frame). I
    ## think the second one is the most common use-case in practice...

    ## XXX port this over to the new way of dealing with nseval? ~GB
           lapply(e[-1], getInputs, collector, basedir = basedir,
                  input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ...,
                  update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = nseval)
       else {
                                        # collect the variables and functions in the 
           col = inputCollector()
         lapply(e[-1], getInputs, col, basedir = basedir, input = input,
                formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ..., update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                nseval = nseval)
         vals = col$results()
         ## format of vals@functions is named vector of NA with functions as the names
         ## logical value in return appears to indicate local or not.
         collector$addInfo(modelVars = vals@inputs, funcNames = names(vals@functions))

assignfunhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input,
                            formulaInputs, update, pipe = FALSE,
                            nseval = FALSE, ...){
    if(is.symbol(e[[2]])) {
        warning("assign() used with symbol as first argument. Unable to statically resolve what name the value will be assigned to")
    } else { ## character containing the name to assign to
           collector$set(e[[2]]) ##variable
           collector$set(structure(as.character(NA), names = deparse(e[[2]])))
        getInputs(e[[3]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir, input = TRUE,
                  formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                  nseval = nseval, ... )


fullnsehandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                          update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    lapply(as.list(e[-1]), getInputs, collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
            input = TRUE, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update,
            pipe = FALSE, nseval = TRUE)

nseafterfirst = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs, update,
    pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
     if(!pipe && length(e) > 1) {
         ## first argument
         getInputs(e[[2]],  collector = collector, basedir = basedir, input = TRUE,
                   formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                   nseval = FALSE, ...)
         nseseq = seq(along = e)[-c(1:2)]
     } else {
         nseseq = seq(along = e)[-1]
     lapply(e[nseseq], getInputs, collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
            input = TRUE, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update,
            pipe = FALSE, nseval = TRUE)

## except is for the case of function(sevar, sevar, ..., sevar, sevar)
## where the ... is nse. Have to be specified as a full list of argument names
nsehandlerfactory = function(secount, except = character()) {
    if(secount == 0 && length(except) == 0)
    function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs, update,
             pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
        if(secount > 0) {
            seargs = 2:(1+secount)
                seargs = head(seargs, -1) # pipe uses up one so we really ahve 1 less
        } else {
            seargs = numeric()
        if(length(except) > 0) {
            argnames = names(e)[-1] # the -1 is becuase the function is e[[1]]
            ## the 1 + here is to undo the [-1] above, get back to e indexing space
            seargs = c(seargs, 1 + which(nzchar(argnames) & argnames %in% except))
        lapply(seargs, function(i) getInputs(e[[i]], collector = collector,
                                             basedir = basedir, input = input,
                                             formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                             update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                                             nseval = FALSE, ...))
        inds = seq(2:length(e))
        lapply(e[-c(1, seargs)], getInputs, collector = collector,
               basedir = basedir, input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
               update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = TRUE, ...)

nseonlyhandlerfactory = function(nsevars = character(), nsepos = numeric()) {
    if(!length(nsevars) && !length(nsepos))

    function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs, update,
             pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
        ## 1 is the function name
        stopifnot(length(e) > 1)
        allinds = 2: length(e)
        seargs = allinds[-unique(c(nsepos - 1 , which(names(e)[-1] %in% nsevars)))]
        lapply(seargs, function(i) getInputs(e[[i]], collector = collector,
                                             basedir = basedir, input = input,
                                             formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                             update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                                             nseval = FALSE, ...))
        nseargs = allinds[unique(c(nsepos - 1, which(names(e)[-1] %in% nsevars)))]
        lapply(nseargs, function(i) getInputs(e[[i]], collector = collector,
                                             basedir = basedir, input = input,
                                             formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                             update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                                             nseval = TRUE, ...))


filterhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                         update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    ##  if("dplyr" %in% collector$results()@libraries)
    if(any(c("dplyr", "tidyverse") %in% collector$pkgLoadHistory())) {
        if(pipe ) {
            fullnsehandler(e, collector, basedir = basedir, input = input,
                           formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update,
                           pipe = FALSE, nseval = nseval, ...)
        } else {
            nseafterfirst(e, collector, basedir = basedir, input = input,
                          formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update,
                          pipe = FALSE, nseval = nseval, ...)
    } else {
        lapply(e[-1], getInputs, collector, basedir = basedir,
               input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ...,
               update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE)

pipehandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs, update,
    pipe = FALSE, nseval=FALSE, ...) {
    ## right-hand operand of %>%, always a function symbol or function call
        getInputs(e[[3]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                  input = TRUE, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update = update, pipe = TRUE, nseval = nseval)
    ## left hand side. leaf only if we're to the start of the expr,
    ## which won't be a function
        collector$vars(as.character(e[[2]]), input=TRUE)
        ## pipe=false because if this is a call, nothing is being passed to it
        ## via the pipe, because this is the start
        getInputs(e[[2]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                  input = TRUE, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = nseval)


defhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                      update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    if(is.symbol(e[[1]])) {
        lapply(e[-1], getInputs, collector=collector, basedir = basedir,
               formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ..., update = update,
               input = input, pipe = FALSE, nseval = nseval)

    } else if(isNSVar(e[[1]])) { ## case of :: or :::, etc
          ## call the handler
              collector = collector, basedir = basedir, input = input,
              formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update, pipe = FALSE,
              nseval = nseval, ...,
              ## XXX special arg just for colonshandler, thats why we had
              ## to call handler directly. not great!
              ## TODO: look into better way!
              iscall = TRUE)
          ## colons handler takes care of the call, so this isn't actually what
          ## we want anymore ...
          ## e2 = e e2[[1]] = e2[[1]][[3]] # in :: and ::: calls, 1 is
          ## the colons, 2 is lib, 3 is fun getInputs(e2, collector =
          ## collector, basedir = basedir, input = input,
          ## formulaInputs= formulaInputs, update = update, pipe =
          ## pipe, nseval = nseval, ...)
          if(length(e) > 1)
              lapply(2:length(e), function(i) getInputs(e[[i]],
                                                        collector = collector,
                                                        basedir = basedir,
                                                        input = input,
                                                        formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                                        update = update,
                                                        pipe = FALSE,
                                                        nseval = nseval,
      } else {
          lapply(e, getInputs, collector=collector, basedir = basedir,
                 formulaInputs = formulaInputs, ..., update = update,
                 input = input, pipe = FALSE, nseval = nseval)

groupbyhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                          update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    nms = names(e)
    add = which(nms=="add")
    if(length(add)) {
        getInputs(e[[add]], collector = collector,
                  basedir = basedir, input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update = update, pipe = pipe, nseval = nseval, ...)
        e = e[-add]

    nseafterfirst(e, collector = collector, basedir = basedir, input = input,
                  formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update,
                  pipe = pipe, nseval = nseval, ...)


counthandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                        update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    nms = names(e)
    srt = which(nms == "sort")
    if(length(srt)) {
        getInputs(e[[srt]], collector = collector,
                  basedir = basedir, input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update = update, pipe = pipe, nseval = nseval, ...)
        e = e[-srt]
    nseafterfirst(e, collector = collector, basedir = basedir, input = input,
                  formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update,
                  pipe = pipe, nseval = nseval, ...)


colonshandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                         update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...,
                         iscall = FALSE) {
    collector$library( asVarName(e[[2]]))

    nameToUse = asVarName(e[[3]]) ## replace with deparse(e) to use pkg::nm
        collector$vars(nameToUse, input = input)

spreadhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                         update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    ## second and third args are nseval, rest are not.
        getInputs(e[[2]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                  input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...)

    lapply(e[3:4], getInputs, collector = collector,
           basedir = basedir, input = input,
           formulaInputs = formulaInputs,  update = update,
           pipe = FALSE, nseval = TRUE, ...)
    if(length(e) >=5)
        lapply(e[5:length(e)], getInputs, collector = collector,
               basedir = basedir, input = input,
               formulaInputs = formulaInputs, update = update,
               pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...)

forhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                      update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    collector$vars(as.character(e[[2]]), input=FALSE)
    getInputs(e[[3]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
              input=TRUE, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
              update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval=FALSE, ...)
    getInputs(e[[4]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
              input=input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
              update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval=FALSE, ...)

ifforcomp = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                     update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    getInputs(e[[2]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
              input = input,  formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
              update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval=FALSE, ...)
    fhands = collector$functionHandlers
    innerres = getInputs(e[[3]],
                         inputCollector(functionHandlers = fhands),
                         basedir = basedir,
                         formulaInputs = formulaInputs)
    collector$vars(innerres@inputs, input=TRUE)
    collector$string(innerres@strings, basedir = basedir, filep = FALSE)
    collector$string(innerres@files, basedir = basedir, filep = TRUE)

dataformals = names(formals(data))[-1] # first formal is ..., those are nsevaluated

## XXX This grabs the symbols for the datasets being laoded, and counts them as
## nseval. I'm not sure this is valuable to do and may be actively misleading.
## Could easily make it not do that, but I'll leave it as is for now.

## XXX how do we deal with datasets that are in packages. The code below fails
## in the case of, e.g.
## library(ggplot2)
## data(diamonds)
## data(diamonds, package="ggplot2") DOES work, however.
datahandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                       update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...) {
    for(i in 2:length(e)) {
        getInputs(e[[i]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                  input = TRUE,  formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update = update, pipe = pipe,
                  ## it's nseval IFF it's eaten by the dots, ie not in dataformals
                  nseval = !(is.null(names(e)) || names(e)[i] %in% dataformals),

    ## protect against data(package="bla") case wehre nothing is actually loaded
    if(!all(names(e)[-1] %in% dataformals)) {
        ## do the datacall in a temp environment so we can grab what it loads
        myenv = new.env()
        e2 = e
        e2$envir = myenv
        ## returns value all specified datasets, even ones that don't exist!!!
        res = suppressWarnings(eval(e2))
        ## we check in the envir to see which ones were actually real.
        collector$vars(ls(myenv), input= FALSE)

applyhandlerfactory = function(funpos, funargname = "FUN", inmap = FALSE) {
    applyhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input,
                            formulaInputs, update, pipe = FALSE,
                            nseval=FALSE, ...) {
            funpos = funpos - 1
        ## this is the *apply/map* function, NOT the function being applied
        hasnamedfun = funargname %in% names(e)
        ## protect against hadley's weird formula anonymous function thing
        ## XXX There are corner cases where this is probably going to
        ## get it wrong.
            formulaInputs = FALSE
        lapply(2:length(e), function(i) {
            if((hasnamedfun && names(e)[i] == funargname) ||
               (!hasnamedfun && i == funpos)) {
                } else if(isNSVar(e[[i]])) {
                    handle = collector$functionHandlers[[as.character(e[[i]][[1]])]]
                    handle(e[[i]], collector = collector,
                           basedir = basedir, input = input,
                           update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                           nseval = FALSE, ..., iscall = TRUE)
                } else {
                    ## this isn't going to count lst$fun() as a call, but
                    ## I'm not sure it should, depends on what we decide
                    ## "functions called" means
                    getInputs(e[[i]], collector = collector,
                              basedir = basedir,
                              formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                              update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                              nseval = nseval, ...)
            } else {
                getInputs(e[[i]], collector = collector,
                          basedir = basedir,
                          formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                          update = update, pipe = FALSE,
                          nseval = nseval, ...)

  #          collector

summarize_handlerfactory = function(funspos = 3) {

    ## we're going to allow funspos to be a vector but assume it is
    ## contiguous, ie of the form n:m with m>n

    ret = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                   update, pipe = FALSE, nseval=FALSE, ...) {
        newcol = do.call(inputCollector, collector$collectorSettings())
        if(pipe)  {
            funspos = funspos-1
        inds = funspos:length(e)
        getInputs(e[[2]], collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                  input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                  update =update,  pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE)
        if( min(funspos) > 3){
            beffunspos = 3:(min(funspos)-1)
            lapply(as.list(e[beffunspos]), getInputs,
                   collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                   input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                   update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...)
        lapply(funspos, function (i) .funhandler(e[[i]],
                                                 collector = collector,
                                                 basedir = basedir,
                                                 input = input,
                                                 formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                                 update = FALSE,
                                                 pipe = FALSE,
                                                 nseval = FALSE, ...,
        if(length(e) > max(funspos))
            lapply(as.list(e[(max(funspos)+1):length(e)]), getInputs,
                   collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                   input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                   update = FALSE, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE, ...,

## ## ugh, dplyr just keeps making this harder and harder
## ## funs(mean, "mean", mean(., blahblabla))
.funhandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                       update, pipe, nseval, ..., iscalled = TRUE) {
    if(is.call(e) && asVarName(e[[1]]) == "funs") {
        if(length(e) > 1) {
                   function(i, ...) .funhandler(e[[i]], ...),
                   collector = collector, basedir = basedir,
                   input = input, formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                   update = update, pipe = FALSE, nseval = FALSE,
                   iscalled = iscalled)
    if(is.name(e) || is.character(e)) {
            collector$vars(asVarName(e), input=TRUE)
    }else {
        inres = getInputs(e,
                          collector = do.call(inputCollector,
                          basedir = basedir, input = input,
                          formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                          update = update, pipe = pipe,
                          nseval = nseval)
        collector$vars(setdiff(inres@inputs, "."), input=TRUE)
        collector$string(inres@strings, filep=FALSE)
        collector$string(inres@files, filep= TRUE)

funshandler = function(e, collector, basedir, input, formulaInputs,
                       update, pipe = FALSE, nseval=FALSE, ...) {
    if(length(e) > 2) {
        lapply(2:length(e), function(i) .funhandler(e[[i]],
                                                    collector = collector,
                                                    basedir = basedir,
                                                    input = input,
                                                    formulaInputs = formulaInputs,
                                                    update = update,
                                                    pipe = FALSE,
                                                    nseval = nseval,

noophandler = function(e, ...) invisible(NULL)

## Add test case to inst/samples/funchandlers.R whenever ANY new entries are
## added to defaultFuncHandlers, even if they reuse an existing handler (they
## may not always).

defaultFuncHandlers = list(
    library = libreqhandler,
    require = libreqhandler,
    requireNamespace = libreqhandler,
    rm = rmhandler,
    "$" = dollarhandler,
    "@" = dollarhandler,
    "=" = assignhandler,
    "<-" = assignhandler,
    "<<-" = assignhandler,
    "function" = funchandler,
    "~" = formulahandler,
    "assign" = assignfunhandler,
    aes = fullnsehandler,
    vars = fullnsehandler,
    subset = nseafterfirst,
    transform = nseafterfirst, 
    filter = filterhandler,
    mutate = nseafterfirst,
    mutate_each = nsehandlerfactory(2),
    transmute = nseafterfirst,
    rename = nseafterfirst,
    slice =  nseafterfirst,
    summarise =  nseafterfirst,
    summarize =  nseafterfirst,
    summarise_each = nsehandlerfactory(2),
    summarize_each = nsehandlerfactory(2),
    arrange =  nseafterfirst,
    select =  nseafterfirst,
    group_by = groupbyhandler,
    group_indices =  nseafterfirst,
    data_frame = fullnsehandler,
    distinct =  nseafterfirst,
    do = nseafterfirst,
    gather = nsehandlerfactory(3, except = c("na.rm", "convert", "factor_key")),
    separate = nseonlyhandlerfactory(nsepos = 2),
    ##   funs = funshandler, #fullnsehandler,
    count = counthandler,
    tally = counthandler,
    arrange = nseafterfirst,
    spread = spreadhandler,
    unnest = nseafterfirst,
    with = nseafterfirst,
    "::" = colonshandler,
    ":::" = colonshandler,
    "%>%" = pipehandler,
    "for" = forhandler,
    data = datahandler,
    apply = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4), #apply, x, MARGIN, FUN
    lapply = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3), #lapply, x, FUN
    sapply = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3), #sapply, x, FUN
    mapply = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 2), #mapply, FUN, ...
    tapply = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4), #tapply, x, INDEX, FUN
    ## I should really probably allow dynamic/pattern-based matching
    ## ... but I don't right now
    map = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map_dbl = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map_chr = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map_int = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map_lgl = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map_df = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map2_dbl = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map2_chr = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map2_int = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map2_lgl = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map2_df = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map_if = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    map_at = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 4, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    pmap = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    pmap_dbl = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    pmap_chr = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    pmap_int = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    pmap_lgl = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    pmap_df = applyhandlerfactory(funpos = 3, funargname = ".f", inmap = TRUE),
    summarize_all = summarize_handlerfactory(3), #summarize_all, .tbl, .funs
    mutate_all = summarize_handlerfactory(3), #mutate_all, .tbl, .funs
    summarize_at = summarize_handlerfactory(4), #summarize_at, .tbl, .cols, .funs
    mutate_at = summarize_handlerfactory(4), #mutate_at, .tbl, .cols, .funs
    summarize_if = summarize_handlerfactory(3:4), #summarize_if, tbl, .predicate, .funs
    mutate_if = summarize_handlerfactory(3:4), #mutate_if, tbl, .predicate, .funs 
    vars = fullnsehandler, 
    "_assignment_" = assignhandler,
    "_InlineNativeSymbol_" = noophandler,
    "_default_" = defhandler

isAssignment = function(e) {
    (inherits(e, "=") || inherits(e, "<-")) ||
        (is.call(e) && is.symbol(e[[1]]) && as.character(e[[1]]) == "<<-")

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CodeDepends documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:51 a.m.