
Defines functions ML.Alpha

Documented in ML.Alpha

#' Maximum likelihood estimate and intervals of alpha, null expectation and p-value of a 2x2 table
#' This function calculates the maximum likelihood estimate and other quantities computed in AlphInts(),
#' for the log-odds parameter alpha in the Extended Hypergeometric distribution with fixed margins (mA,mB) and
#' table-total N, which is the "log-affinity" index of co-occurrence championed in a paper by Mainali et al. (2022) as an index of co-occurrence-based similarity.
#' @details   This function calculates the maximum likelihood estimate of the log-odds paramater alpha within the Extended Hypergeometric distribition (Harkness 1965)
#' based on the count x and fixed table margins (mA,mB) and total N, which is the "affinity" index of co-occurrence championed in the paper of Mainali et al. (2022)
#' as an index of cooccurrence-based similarity, along with the intervals computed in AlphInts, called CI.CP, CI.Balker, CI.midQ and CI.midP.
#' The boolean "bound" parameter is an option to prevent the intervals containing alpha-estimates to extend to plus or minus infinity, based on a Bayesian argument. T
#' he bound substituted for the Infinite endpoints is provably larger than the largest value the MLE can take whenever x avoids the enpoints max(mA+mB-N,0) and min(mA,mB)
#' of its logical range. The recommended confidence interval for alpha is CI.Blaker if a reliably conservative (over-large) coverage probability is desired, and CI.midP otherwise.
#' @param x integer co-occurrence count that should properly fall within the closed interval \[max(0,mA+mB-N), min(mA,mB)\]
#' @param marg a 3-entry integer vector (mA,mB,N) consisting of the first row and column totals and the table total for a 2x2 contingency table
#' @param bound a boolean parameter which when TRUE replaces the MLE of "+/-Infinity", applicable when x is respectively at the upper extreme min(mA,mB)
#' or the lower extreme max(mA+mB-N,0) of its possible range, by a finite value with absolute value upper-bounding the value of
#' MLEs attainable for values of x not equal to its extremes
#' @param scal an integer parameter (default 2*N^2, capped at 10 within the function) that should be 2 or greater
#' @param lev a confidence level, generally somewhere from 0.8 to 0.95  (default 0.95)
#' @param pvalType a character string telling what kind of p-value to calculate. ‘Blaker’ or “midP’.
#' If ‘pvalType=Blaker” (the default value), the p-value is calculated according to "Acceptability" function of Blaker (2000).
#' If ‘pvalType=midP’, the p-value is calculated using the same idea as the midP confidence interval.
#' @return This function returns maximum likelihood estimate of alpha, the interval-endpoints of alpha values for which x is a median,
#' and four confidence intervals for alpha, described in detail under documentation for AlphInts().
#' In addition there are two output list-components for the null-distribution expected co-occurrence count and the p-value
#' for the test of the null hypothesis alpha=0, calculated as in AlphInts.
#' @author Eric Slud
#' @references
#' Fog, A. (2015), BiasedUrn: Biased Urn Model Distributions. R package version 1.07.
#' Harkness, W. (1965), “Properties of the extended hypergeometric distribution“, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 36, 938-945.
#' Mainali, K., Slud, E., Singer, M. and Fagan, W. (2022), "A better index for analysis of co-occurrence and similarity", Science Advances, to appear.

#' @example
#' inst/examples/ML.Alpha_example.R
#' @export

ML.Alpha <-
  function(x, marg, bound=TRUE, scal=log(2*marg[3]^2), lev=0.95, pvalType="Blaker") {
    ## output now includes intervals, MLE, Null expectation and p-value
    # require(BiasedUrn)
    mA = marg[1]; mB = marg[2]; N = marg[3]
    if(x<0 | x< mA+mB-N | x > min(mA,mB)) return("Impossible x!")
    if(length(intersect(c(mA,mB), c(0,N)))){
      warning(paste0("If the mA or mB value is equal to 0 or N,","\n",
                     "then the corresponding co-occurrence distribution is degenerate at min(mA,mB).", "\n",
                     "This means that the co-occurrence count X will always be min(mA,mB) regardless of alpha.", "\n",
                     "In this case alpha is undefined, and no computations are done."),
              call. = TRUE, immediate. = TRUE)
      return("Degenerate co-occurrence distribution!")}
    ## cap scal at 10 to avoid pFNCHypergeo error
    scal = min(scal,10)
    upbd = if(bound) scal else Inf
    ModInts = AlphInts(x, marg, lev=lev, scal=scal, pvalType=pvalType)
    for(k in 1:3) ModInts[[k]] = pmax(-upbd, pmin(upbd, ModInts[[k]]))
    tmp = optimize( function(t) log(BiasedUrn::dFNCHypergeo(x,mA,N-mA,mB,exp(t))),
                    ModInts[[1]]+c(-1,1), maximum=T)
    ### Outputs are: likelihood maximizing alpha, maximized logLik, and
    ###    flag=T if MLE falls within interval AlphInt Int1,
    ###    and two ConfInts (Int2, Int3 from AlphInts)
    list(est = max(-upbd,min(upbd,tmp$max)), LLK = -tmp$obj,
         Flag = (ModInts[[1]][1] <= tmp$max & ModInts[[1]][2] >= tmp$max),
         MedianIntrvl = ModInts[[1]],
         lev = lev, CI.CP = ModInts[[2]], CI.Blaker = ModInts[[3]],
         CI.midQ = ModInts[[4]], CI.midP = ModInts[[5]],
         Null.Exp = as.numeric(mA*mB/N), pval = ModInts$pval) }

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