
Defines functions CoxICPen.XZ

Documented in CoxICPen.XZ

#' @name CoxICPen.XZ
#' @title CoxICPen with two sets of covariates
#' @description Perform variable selection for Cox regression model with two sets of covariates by using the method in Wu et al. (2020). Variable selection is performed on the possibly high-dimensional covariates x with linear effects. Covariates z with possibly nonlinear effects are always kept in the model.
#' @usage CoxICPen.XZ(LR = LR,
#'             x = x,
#'             z = z,
#'             lamb = log(nrow(x))/2-2,
#'             beta.initial = rep(0,ncol(x)),
#'             pen = "BAR",
#'             nfold = 5,
#'             BernD = 3,
#'             subj.wt = rep(1,nrow(x)))
#' @param LR An n by 2 matrix that contains interval-censored failure times (L, R]. Please set time point R to "Inf" if a subject is right-censored.
#' @param x An n by p covariate matrix. Variable selection will be performed on x. Linear covariates effects are assumed. Both p>n and p<n are allowed.
#' @param z An n by q covariate matrix. Variable selection will NOT be performed on z. Non-linear covariates effects are assumed. Only q<n is allowed.
#' @param lamb The value of the tuning parameter of the penalty term. Can either be a single value or a vector. Cross-validation will be employed to select the optimal lambda if a vector is provided. Default is log(n)/2-2.
#' @param beta.initial The initial values for the regression coefficients in the Cox's model. Default is 0.
#' @param pen The penalty function. Choices include "RIDGE", "BAR", "LASSO", "ALASSO", "SCAD", "MCP", "SICA", "SELO". Default is "BAR".
#' @param nfold Number of folds for cross-validation. Will be ignored if a single lambda value is provided. Default is 5.
#' @param BernD The degree of Bernstein polynomials for both cumulative baseline hazard and covariate effects of z. Default is 3.
#' @param subj.wt Weight for each subject in the likelihood function. Can be used to incorporate case-cohort design. Default is 1 for each subject.
#' @return beta: Penalized estimates of the regression coefficients in the Cox's model.
#' @return phi: Estimates of the coefficients in Bernstein Polynomials.
#' @return logL: Log likelihood function based on current parameter estimates and lambda value.
#' @return Lamb0: Estimate of the cumulative baseline hazard function at each observation time point.
#' @return cv.out: Cross-validation outcome for each lambda. Will be NULL if cross-validation is not performed.
#' @return f.est.all: A matrix that contains the values of covariates z and the corresponding estimated effects.
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @importFrom foreach %do%
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate an example data
#' require(foreach)
#' n <- 300  # Sample size
#' p <- 20   # Number of covariates
#' bet0 <- c(1, -1, 1, -1, rep(0,p-4))  # True values of regression coefficients
#' f1 <- function(z) sin(2*pi*z)  # True effects of z1
#' f2 <- function(z) cos(2*pi*z)  # True effects of z2
#' set.seed(1)
#' x.example <- matrix(rnorm(n*p,0,1),n,p)  # Generate x covariates matrix
#' z.example <- cbind(runif(n,0,1),runif(n,0,1))  # Generate z covariates matrix
#' T.example <- c()
#' for (i in 1:n){
#'   T.example[i] <- rexp(1,exp(x.example%*%bet0+
#'     f1(z.example[,1])+f2(z.example[,2]))[i])  # Generate true failure times
#' }
#' timep <- seq(0,3,,10)
#' LR.example <- c()
#' for (i in 1:n){
#'   obsT <- timep*rbinom(10,1,0.5)
#'   if (max(obsT) < T.example[i]) {LR.example <- rbind(LR.example,c(max(obsT), Inf))} else {
#'     LR.example <- rbind(LR.example,c(max(obsT[obsT<T.example[i]]), min(obsT[obsT>=T.example[i]])))
#'   }
#' }  # Generate interval-censored failure times
#' # Fit Cox's model with penalized estimation
#' model1 <- CoxICPen.XZ(LR = LR.example, x = x.example, z = z.example, lamb = 100, pen = "RIDGE")
#' beta.initial <- model1$beta
#' model2 <- CoxICPen.XZ(LR = LR.example, x = x.example, z = z.example, 
#'                       beta.initial = beta.initial, pen = "BAR")
#' model2$beta
#' # Plots of covariate effects of z
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plot(model2$f.est.all$z1, model2$f.est.all$f1, type="l", ylim=c(-1,2),
#'      xlab="z1", ylab="f1")
#' lines(model2$f.est.all$z1, f1(model2$f.est.all$z1), col="blue")
#' legend("topright", col=c("black","blue"), lty=rep(1,2), c("Estimate", "True"))
#' plot(model2$f.est.all$z2, model2$f.est.all$f2, type="l", ylim=c(-1,2),
#'      xlab="z2", ylab="f2")
#' lines(model2$f.est.all$z2, f2(model2$f.est.all$z2), col="blue")
#' legend("topright", col=c("black","blue"), lty=rep(1,2), c("Estimate", "True"))
#' @references Wu, Q., Zhao, H., Zhu, L., Sun, J. (2020). Variable Selection for High-dimensional Partly Linear Additive Cox Model with Application to Alzheimer's disease. Statistics in Medicines.39(23):3120-3134.


# Core function

CoxICPen.XZ <- function(LR = LR, x = x, z = z, lamb = log(nrow(x))/2-2,
                        beta.initial = rep(0,ncol(x)),
                        pen = "BAR", nfold = 5, BernD = 3, subj.wt = rep(1,nrow(x))) {
  LR <- LR
  x <- x
  z <- z
  m <- BernD
  p <- ncol(x)
  n <- nrow(x)
  q <- ncol(z)
  tau <- max(LR[LR[,2]!=Inf,])
  if (length(subj.wt)!=nrow(x)) {
    warning("Number of weights does not match the sample size. Used weight of 1 for each subject instead.")
    subj.wt <- rep(1,nrow(x))
  ln_phi <- function(phi) {
    LN <- function(t) {
      u <- ifelse(max(LR[,2])==Inf,tau,max(LR[,2]))
      c <- min(LR[,1])
      tt <- ifelse(t>tau,tau,t)
      phi_s <- cumsum(exp(phi))
      B <- c()
      for (i in 1:(m+1)) B <- cbind(B, matrix(choose(m,(i-1))*((tt-c)/(u-c))^(i-1)*(1-(tt-c)/(u-c))^(m-i+1),ncol=1))
      return (B%*%matrix(phi_s,ncol=1))
    expL <- ifelse(LR[,2]==0 , 1, exp(-LN(LR[,1])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)))
    expR <- ifelse(LR[,2]==Inf,0, exp(-LN(LR[,2])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)))
    return( sum( subj.wt*log(ifelse(expL-expR==0,1e-250,expL-expR)) ) )
  LambNull <- function(t) {
    u <- ifelse(max(LR[,2])==Inf,tau,max(LR[,2]))
    c <- min(LR[,1])
    tt <- ifelse(t>tau,tau,t)
    phi_s <- cumsum(exp(phi))
    B <- c()
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) B <- cbind(B, matrix(choose(m,(i-1))*((tt-c)/(u-c))^(i-1)*(1-(tt-c)/(u-c))^(m-i+1),ncol=1))
    return (B%*%matrix(phi_s,ncol=1))
  dln_phi <- function(phi) {
    LambL <- LambNull(LR[,1])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    LambR <- LambNull(LR[,2])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    SL <- exp(-LambL)
    SR <- ifelse(LR[,2]==Inf,0,exp(-LambR))
    tt <- ifelse(t>tau,tau,t)
    u <- ifelse(max(LR[,2])==Inf,tau,max(LR[,2]))
    c <- min(LR[,1])
    Bern <- function(t) {
      B <- c()
      for (i in 1:(m+1)) B <- cbind(B, matrix(choose(m,(i-1))*((tt-c)/(u-c))^(i-1)*(1-(tt-c)/(u-c))^(m-i+1),ncol=1))
    dln <- numeric(m+1)
    for (i in 1:(m+1)) {
      dln[i] <- sum( subj.wt*exp(phi[i]+x%*%bet)*(SR*apply(as.matrix(Bern(LR[,2])[,i:(m+1)]),1,sum)-SL*apply(as.matrix(Bern(LR[,1])[,i:(m+1)]),1,sum))/
                       ifelse(abs(SL-SR) < 1e-150,1e-149,SL-SR) )
  dg_beta <- function(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd) {
    LambL <- LambNull(LR[,1])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    LambR <- LambNull(LR[,2])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    SL <- ifelse(LR[,1]==0 ,1,exp(-LambL))
    SR <- ifelse(LR[,2]==Inf,0,exp(-LambR))
    result <- sum(subj.wt*x[,dd]*(SR*LambR-SL*LambL)/ifelse(abs(SL-SR) < 1e-150,1e-149,SL-SR))
  ddg_beta <- function(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd) {
    LambL <- LambNull(LR[,1])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    LambR <- LambNull(LR[,2])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    SL <- ifelse(LR[,1]==0 ,1,exp(-LambL))
    SR <- ifelse(LR[,2]==Inf,0,exp(-LambR))
    result <- sum( subj.wt*x[,dd]^2*( (SR*LambR-SL*LambL)/ifelse(abs(SL-SR) < 1e-150,1e-149,SL-SR) - SR*SL*(LambL-LambR)^2/(ifelse(abs(SL-SR) < 1e-150,1e-149,SL-SR))^2 ) )
  BernBase <- function(z) {
    BB.all <- c()
    for (j in 1:ncol(z)){
      B.temp <- c()
      for (i in 1:(m+1)) B.temp <- cbind(B.temp, 
      BB.all <- cbind(BB.all, B.temp)
  dg_alpha <- function(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd) {
    LambL <- LambNull(LR[,1])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    LambR <- LambNull(LR[,2])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    SL <- ifelse(LR[,1]==0 ,1,exp(-LambL))
    SR <- ifelse(LR[,2]==Inf,0,exp(-LambR))
    result <- sum(subj.wt*BBase[,dd]*(SR*LambR-SL*LambL)/ifelse(abs(SL-SR) < 1e-150,1e-149,SL-SR))
  ddg_alpha <- function(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd) {
    LambL <- LambNull(LR[,1])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    LambR <- LambNull(LR[,2])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)
    SL <- ifelse(LR[,1]==0 ,1,exp(-LambL))
    SR <- ifelse(LR[,2]==Inf,0,exp(-LambR))
    result <- sum( subj.wt*BBase[,dd]^2*( (SR*LambR-SL*LambL)/ifelse(abs(SL-SR) < 1e-150,1e-149,SL-SR) - SR*SL*(LambL-LambR)^2/(ifelse(abs(SL-SR) < 1e-150,1e-149,SL-SR))^2 ) )
  logL <- function(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR) {
    expL <- ifelse(LR[,2]==0 ,1,exp(-LambNull(LR[,1])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)))
    expR <- ifelse(LR[,2]==Inf,0,exp(-LambNull(LR[,2])*exp(x%*%bet+BBase%*%alpha)))
    return( sum( subj.wt*log(ifelse(expL-expR==0,1e-250,expL-expR)) ) )
  dALASSO <- function(z, wt) lamb/wt
  dSCAD <- function(z,alph) (z<=lamb)+ifelse(alph*lamb-z>0,alph*lamb-z,0)/(lamb*(alph-1))*(z>lamb)
  dMCP <- function(z,tau2) (z<=tau2*lamb)*(lamb-z/tau2)
  dSICA <- function(z,tau3) lamb*tau3*(tau3+1)/(z+tau3)^2
  dSELO <- function(z,gam2) lamb*gam2/(log(2)*(2*z+gam2)*(z+gam2))
  eps <- 1e-200
  eps0 <- 1e-6
  BBase <- BernBase(z)
  if (pen=="ALASSO") { # Calculating the weights of ALASSO
    if (length(beta.initial)!=ncol(x)) {
      bet.all <- bet <- rep(0,ncol(x))
      warning("The number of elements in the initial beta vector is different from the number of columns in x. Used 0's as initial values instead.")
    } else {bet.all <- bet <- beta.initial}
    alpha.all <- alpha <- rep(0,(m+1)*q)
    phi.all <- phi <- rep(0,m+1)
    for (NN in 1:30) {
      phi <- optim(phi,ln_phi,dln_phi,control=c(fnscale=-1, maxit=20))$par
      phi.all <- rbind(phi.all,c(phi))
      foreach::foreach(dd=1:((m+1)*q), .combine='c') %do% {
        alpha[dd] <- alpha[dd] - dg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)/ddg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)
      alpha.all <- rbind(alpha.all,c(alpha))
      foreach::foreach(dd=1:p, .combine='c') %do% {
        bet[dd] <- bet[dd] - dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)/ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)
      bet.all <- rbind(bet.all,c(bet))
      if (mean(abs(bet.all[NN,]-bet)) < 1e-4 &&
          mean(abs(phi.all[NN,]-phi)) < 1e-2) break
    bet.weight <- abs(bet)
  if (pen=="ALASSO" & n <= p){
    warning("It is not recommended to use ALASSO in the high-dimensional case, becase the weights which depend on least square estimates are not unique.")
  if (length(lamb)==1) {
    if (length(beta.initial)!=ncol(x)) {
      bet.all <- bet <- rep(0,ncol(x))
    } else {bet.all <- bet <- beta.initial}
    alpha.all <- alpha <- rep(0,(m+1)*q)
    phi.all <- phi <- rep(0,m+1)
    act.set <- c(1:p)
    for (NN in 1:50) {
      phi <- optim(phi,ln_phi,dln_phi,control=c(fnscale=-1, maxit=20))$par
      phi.all <- rbind(phi.all,c(phi))
      foreach::foreach(dd=1:((m+1)*q), .combine='c') %do% {
        alpha[dd] <- alpha[dd] - dg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)/ddg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)
      alpha.all <- rbind(alpha.all,c(alpha))
      if (pen=="SCAD") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSCAD(abs(bet[dd]),3.7)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="LASSO") {
        bet.weight <- rep(1, p)
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dALASSO(abs(bet[dd]), bet.weight[dd])/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="ALASSO") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dALASSO(abs(bet[dd]), bet.weight[dd])/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="RIDGE") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- bet[dd] - (dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb*bet[dd])/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb)
      else if (pen=="BAR") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- bet[dd] - (dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb*bet[dd]/(bet[dd]^2+eps))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb/(bet[dd]^2+eps))
      else if (pen=="MCP") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dMCP(abs(bet[dd]),1.1)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="SICA") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSICA(abs(bet[dd]),0.01)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="SELO") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSELO(abs(bet[dd]),0.01)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      act.set <- which(abs(bet) > eps0)
      bet[abs(bet) < eps0] <- 0
      bet.all <- rbind(bet.all,c(bet))
      if (mean(abs(bet.all[NN,]-bet)) < 1e-4 &&
          mean(abs(phi.all[NN,]-phi)) < 1e-2 &&
          mean(abs(alpha.all[NN,]-alpha)) < 1e-2) break
    cv.out <- NULL
  } else {
    print(paste("Performing ", nfold, "-fold cross-validation to select the optimal lambda.", sep=""))
    cv.ind <- sample(1:nfold, n, replace=TRUE)
    LR.all <- LR
    x.all <- x
    z.all <- z
    BBase.all <- BBase
    subj.wt.all <- subj.wt
    lambda.seq <- lamb
    cv.results <- rep(NA,length(lambda.seq))
    for (LL in 1:length(lambda.seq)) {
      lamb <- lambda.seq[LL]
      cv.all <- c()
      for (cv in 1:nfold) {
        x <- x.all[cv.ind!=cv,]
        LR <- LR.all[cv.ind!=cv,]
        z <- z.all[cv.ind!=cv,]
        BBase <- BBase.all[cv.ind!=cv,]
        subj.wt <- subj.wt.all[cv.ind!=cv]
        if (length(beta.initial)!=ncol(x)) {
          bet.all <- bet <- rep(0,ncol(x))
        } else {bet.all <- bet <- beta.initial}
        alpha.all <- alpha <- rep(0,(m+1)*q)
        phi.all <- phi <- rep(0,m+1)
        act.set <- c(1:p)
        for (NN in 1:50) {
          phi <- optim(phi,ln_phi,dln_phi,control=c(fnscale=-1, maxit=20))$par
          phi.all <- rbind(phi.all,c(phi))
          foreach::foreach(dd=1:((m+1)*q), .combine='c') %do% {
            alpha[dd] <- alpha[dd] - dg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)/ddg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)
          alpha.all <- rbind(alpha.all,c(alpha))
          if (pen=="SCAD") {
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSCAD(abs(bet[dd]),3.7)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
          else if (pen=="LASSO") {
            bet.weight <- rep(1, p)
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dALASSO(abs(bet[dd]), bet.weight[dd])/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
          else if (pen=="ALASSO") {
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dALASSO(abs(bet[dd]), bet.weight[dd])/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
          else if (pen=="RIDGE") {
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- bet[dd] - (dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb*bet[dd])/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb)
          else if (pen=="BAR") {
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- bet[dd] - (dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb*bet[dd]/(bet[dd]^2+eps))/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb/(bet[dd]^2+eps))
          else if (pen=="MCP") {
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dMCP(abs(bet[dd]),1.1)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
          else if (pen=="SICA") {
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSICA(abs(bet[dd]),0.01)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
          else if (pen=="SELO") {
            foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
              bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
                (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSELO(abs(bet[dd]),0.01)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
          act.set <- which(abs(bet) > eps0)
          bet[abs(bet) < eps0] <- 0
          bet.all <- rbind(bet.all,c(bet))
          if (mean(abs(bet.all[NN,]-bet)) < 1e-4 &&
              mean(abs(phi.all[NN,]-phi)) < 1e-2 &&
              mean(abs(alpha.all[NN,]-alpha)) < 1e-2) break
        x <- x.all[cv.ind==cv,]
        LR <- LR.all[cv.ind==cv,]
        z <- z.all[cv.ind==cv,]
        BBase <- BBase.all[cv.ind==cv,]
        subj.wt <- subj.wt.all[cv.ind==cv]
        cv.all[cv] <- logL(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR)
      cv.results[LL] <- sum(cv.all)
      print(paste(LL, " out of ", length(lambda.seq), " lambdas completed.", sep=""))
    cv.out <- data.frame(lambda.seq, cv.results)
    locator <- which(cv.results==max(cv.results))[1]
    lamb <- lambda.seq[locator]
    x <- x.all
    LR <- LR.all
    z <- z.all
    BBase <- BBase.all
    subj.wt <- subj.wt.all
    if (length(beta.initial)!=ncol(x)) {
      bet.all <- bet <- rep(0,ncol(x))
    } else {bet.all <- bet <- beta.initial}
    alpha.all <- alpha <- rep(0,(m+1)*q)
    phi.all <- phi <- rep(0,m+1)
    act.set <- c(1:p)
    for (NN in 1:50) {
      phi <- optim(phi,ln_phi,dln_phi,control=c(fnscale=-1, maxit=20))$par
      phi.all <- rbind(phi.all,c(phi))
      foreach::foreach(dd=1:((m+1)*q), .combine='c') %do% {
        alpha[dd] <- alpha[dd] - dg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)/ddg_alpha(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)
      alpha.all <- rbind(alpha.all,c(alpha))
      if (pen=="SCAD") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSCAD(abs(bet[dd]),3.7)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="LASSO") {
        bet.weight <- rep(1, p)
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dALASSO(abs(bet[dd]), bet.weight[dd])/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="ALASSO") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dALASSO(abs(bet[dd]), bet.weight[dd])/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="RIDGE") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- bet[dd] - (dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb*bet[dd])/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb)
      else if (pen=="BAR") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- bet[dd] - (dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb*bet[dd]/(bet[dd]^2+eps))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-2*lamb/(bet[dd]^2+eps))
      else if (pen=="MCP") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dMCP(abs(bet[dd]),1.1)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="SICA") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSICA(abs(bet[dd]),0.01)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      else if (pen=="SELO") {
        foreach::foreach(dd=act.set, .combine='c') %do% {
          bet[dd] <- (bet[dd]*ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-dg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd))/
            (ddg_beta(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR, dd)-n*dSELO(abs(bet[dd]),0.01)/(abs(bet[dd])+eps))
      act.set <- which(abs(bet) > eps0)
      bet[abs(bet) < eps0] <- 0
      bet.all <- rbind(bet.all,c(bet))
      if (mean(abs(bet.all[NN,]-bet)) < 1e-4 &&
          mean(abs(phi.all[NN,]-phi)) < 1e-2 &&
          mean(abs(alpha.all[NN,]-alpha)) < 1e-2) break
  time.points <- unique(sort(LR[LR[,2]!=Inf,]))
  Lamb0 <- LambNull(time.points)
  f.est.all <- c()
  for (i in 1:q) {
    z.f <- data.frame(z[,i], BBase[,(i*(m+1)-m):(i*(m+1))]%*%alpha[(i*(m+1)-m):(i*(m+1))])
    z.f <- z.f[order(z.f[,1]),]
    z.f[,2] <- z.f[,2] - mean(z.f[,2])
    names(z.f) <- c(paste("z",i,sep=""),paste("f",i,sep=""))
    if (i==1) {f.est.all <- z.f} else {f.est.all <- cbind(f.est.all, z.f)}
  out <- NULL
  out$beta <- bet
  out$alpha <- alpha
  out$phi <- phi
  out$logL <- logL(bet, alpha, x, BBase, LR)
  out$Lamb0 <- data.frame(time.points, Lamb0)
  out$cv.out <- cv.out
  out$f.est.all <- f.est.all

globalVariables("dd", package="CoxICPen")

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CoxICPen documentation built on Feb. 23, 2021, 5:12 p.m.