
#' A test for testing the null hypothesis of random
#' agreement (i.e., adjusted Rand Index equal to 0) between two partitions.
#' @param ground_truth [int] A vector of the actual membership of elements
#'        in clusters
#' @param partition The partition coming from a clustering algorithm
#' @return A list with six elements:
#'   \item{Rand}{the Rand Index}
#'   \item{ExpectedRand}{expected value of  Rand Index}
#'   \item{AdjustedRand}{Adjusted Rand Index}
#'   \item{varARI}{variance of Rand Index}
#'   \item{NARI}{NARI}
#'   \item{p-value}{the p-value of the test}
#' @examples
#' library(CrossClustering)
#' clusters <- iris[-5] %>%
#'   dist %>%
#'   hclust(method = 'ward.D') %>%
#'   cutree(k = 3)
#' ground_truth <- iris[[5]] %>% as.numeric()
#' CrossClustering:::cc_test_ari(ground_truth, clusters)
#' @author
#' Paola Tellaroli, <paola [dot] tellaroli [at] unipd [dot] it>;
#' Philippe Courcoux, <philippe [dot] courcoux [at] oniris-nantes [dot] fr>
#' @references
#' E_M. Qannari, P. Courcoux and Faye P. (2014) Significance test of the
#' adjusted Rand index. Application to the free sorting task, Food Quality
#' and Preference, (32)93-97
#' L. Hubert and P. Arabie (1985) Comparing partitions, Journal of
#' Classification, 2, 193-218.

cc_test_ari <- function(ground_truth, partition) {

  assertive::assert_are_same_length(ground_truth, partition)

  nitem <- length(ground_truth)

  Table <- table(ground_truth, partition)
  nt    <- rowSums(Table)
  pt    <- colSums(Table)

  t <- nitem * (nitem - 1) / 2
  P <- sum(nt^2) - nitem
  Q <- sum(pt^2) - nitem

  Pprime <- sum(nt * (nt - 1) * (nt - 2))
  Qprime <- sum(pt * (pt - 1) * (pt - 2))
  Q - sum(pt^2) - nitem

  a <- sum(nt * (nt - 1) / 2)
  b <- sum(pt * (pt - 1) / 2)

  n <- sum(Table * (Table - 1) / 2)

  varB   <- (1 / t) + (
              4 * Pprime * Qprime /
              (nitem * (nitem - 1) * (nitem-2) * P * Q)
            ) + (
              (P - 2 - 4 * (Pprime / P)) *
              (Q - 2 - 4 * (Qprime / Q)) /
              (nitem * (nitem - 1) * (nitem - 2) * (nitem - 3))
            ) - (
              P * Q / (nitem^2 * (nitem - 1)^2)

  varRI  <- 4 * P * Q * varB / (nitem^2 * (nitem - 1)^2)

  expR   <- 1 - ((P + Q) / (2 * t)) + ((P * Q) / (2 * t^2))

  varARI <- varRI * (1 / ((1 - expR)^2))
  T      <- sum(Table^2) - nitem

  R      <- (T - (P / 2) - (Q / 2) + t) / t

  RandAdjusted <- (R - expR) / (1 - expR)

  NARI      <- RandAdjusted / sqrt(varARI)
  p_valNARI <- 1 - pnorm(q = NARI)

    Rand         = R,
    ExpectedRand = expR,
    AdjustedRand = RandAdjusted,
    varARI       = varARI,
    NARI         = NARI,
    p_value      = p_valNARI

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