
#'Bland & Altman plot
#'Function to display a Bland & Altman plot in order to visually assess the agreement between CytOpt estimation
#'of the class proportions and the estimate of the class proportions provided through manual gating. 
#'Requires that either \code{theta_true} or \code{Lab_target} was provided when running \code{\link{CytOpT}()}.
#'@param proportions \code{data.frame} of true and estimated proportion returned from \code{\link{CytOpT}()}.
#'@param additional_info_shape vector of additional information to be used for shape in the plot. Not implemented yet.
#'#'@return a \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} object
#'@importFrom stats sd relevel
#'@importFrom reshape2 melt
#'@import ggplot2
#'@seealso \code{\link{CytOpT}}
#'gold_standard_manual_prop <- c(table(HIPC_Stanford_1369_1A_labels) /
#'  length(HIPC_Stanford_1369_1A_labels))
#'res <- CytOpT(X_s = HIPC_Stanford_1228_1A, X_t = HIPC_Stanford_1369_1A, 
#'              Lab_source = HIPC_Stanford_1228_1A_labels,
#'              theta_true = gold_standard_manual_prop,
#'              eps = 0.0001, lbd = 0.0001, n_iter = 10000, n_stoc=10,
#'              step_grad = 10, step = 5, power = 0.99, 
#'              method='both')

Bland_Altman <- function (proportions, additional_info_shape = NULL){
    stop("Bland-Altman is only available if a gold standard was available when ",
         "running CytOpt. It seems this was not the case...")
  proportions$Population <- rownames(proportions)
  data2plot <- reshape2::melt(proportions, id.vars=c("Gold_standard", "Population"), 
                              value.name = "Estimate", variable.name = "Method")
  data2plot$diff <- data2plot$Estimate -data2plot$Gold_standard
  data2plot$avg <- (data2plot$Estimate + data2plot$Gold_standard)/2
  data2plot$Method <- gsub("MinMax", "MinMax swapping", 
                           gsub("Descent_ascent", "Descent-Ascent", data2plot$Method))
    data2plot$Population <- factor(data2plot$Population, 
                                   levels = sort(as.numeric(unique(data2plot$Population))))
    data2plot$Population <- factor(data2plot$Population,
                                      levels = unique(data2plot$Population))
  stats2plot <- data.frame()
  for (m in unique(data2plot$Method)){
    temp_diff <- data2plot$diff[data2plot$Method == m]
    stats2plot <- rbind.data.frame(stats2plot, 
                                   cbind.data.frame("Method" = m,
                                                    "Mean" = mean(temp_diff),
                                                    "Up" = mean(temp_diff) + 1.96*sd(temp_diff),
                                                    "Down" = mean(temp_diff) - 1.96*sd(temp_diff)
  p <- ggplot(data2plot, aes_string(x="avg", y="diff")) +
    #geom_smooth(formula='y~1', method = lm, aes(linetype="Mean")) +
    geom_hline(data = stats2plot, aes(yintercept = !!sym("Mean"), linetype="Mean bias")) +
    geom_hline(data = stats2plot, aes(yintercept = !!sym("Up"), linetype="+/- 1.96*sd")) +
    geom_hline(data = stats2plot, aes(yintercept = !!sym("Down"), linetype="+/- 1.96*sd")) +
    geom_point(aes_string(color = "Population")) +
    scale_linetype_manual("", values = c(1, 2), breaks = c("Mean bias", "+/- 1.96*sd")) +
    facet_wrap("Method") +
    ylab(expression((hat(p[i])-p[i]))) +
    xlab(expression((hat(p[i])+p[i])/2)) +
    ggtitle("Bland-Altman concordance plot") +
    # Not implemented yet
    #p <- p +

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CytOpT documentation built on Feb. 10, 2022, 1:07 a.m.