
testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: initialize function checks parameter type", {

  testthat::expect_error(ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = NULL, models = list()),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Voting Schemes not executed. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)
  voting.schemes <- list("a")
  names(voting.schemes) <- "wrong"
  testthat::expect_error(ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes, models = list()),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Voting Schemes must inherit from 'SimpleVoting' or 'CombinedVoting' classes. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)
  voting.schemes <- c(SingleVoting$new(voting.schemes = c(ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7)),
                      metrics = c("MCC")))
  names(voting.schemes) <- "SingleVoting"
  testthat::expect_error(ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                  models = NULL),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Models parameter must be defined as 'list' type. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: getMetrics function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  testthat::expect_equal(classificationOutput$getMetrics(), c("MCC", "PPV"))

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: getPositiveClass function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  testthat::expect_equal(classificationOutput$getPositiveClass(), 1)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: getModelInfo function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Metrics are not defined or invalid. Asuming all metrics of clasification.output (MCC,PPV)",
                           fixed = TRUE)


testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: getPerformances function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  file.path <-  file.path("resourceFiles",

  data <- Dataset$new(filepath = file.path,
                      header = TRUE,
                      sep = ",",
                      skip = 1,
                      normalize.names = TRUE,
                      string.as.factor = FALSE,
                      ignore.columns = NULL)

  data$createPartitions(num.folds = 4, class.balance = "Class")

  test.set <- data$createSubset(num.folds = 3,
                                class.index = "Class",
                                positive.class = "1")
  measures <- c(PPV$new(), MCC$new())

  testthat::expect_is(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = test.set,
                                                           measures = measures,
                                                           voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                           metric.names = "MCC",
                                                           cutoff.values = 0.7),

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: getPerformances function checks parameter type", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  measures <- c(PPV$new(), MCC$new())

  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = NULL,
                                                              measures = measures,
                                                              voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                              metric.names = "MCC",
                                                              cutoff.values = 0.7),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Testset parameter must be defined as 'Subset' type. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)

  subset <- Subset$new(dataset = data.frame(c(2, 1), c(2, 1)),
                       class.index = 1,
                       class.values = as.factor(c(2, 1)),
                       positive.class = 1)

  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = subset,
                                                              measures = measures,
                                                              voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                              metric.names = "MCC",
                                                              cutoff.values = 0.7),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Predicted values and Real values missmatch. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = NULL,
                                                              measures = measures,
                                                              voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                              metric.names = "MCC",
                                                              cutoff.values = 0.7),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Testset parameter must be defined as 'Subset' type. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)
  file.path <-  file.path("resourceFiles",

  data <- Dataset$new(filepath = file.path,
                      header = TRUE,
                      sep = ",",
                      skip = 1,
                      normalize.names = TRUE,
                      string.as.factor = FALSE,
                      ignore.columns = NULL)

  data$createPartitions(num.folds = 4, class.balance = "Class")

  test.set <- data$createSubset(num.folds = 3,
                                class.index = "Class",
                                positive.class = "1")

  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = test.set,
                                                              measures = NULL,
                                                              voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                              metric.names = "MCC",
                                                              cutoff.values = 0.7),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Measures should be a list comprised of 'MeasureFunction' objects. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = test.set,
                                                                measures = measures,
                                                                voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                                metric.names = "MCC",
                                                                cutoff.values = 0),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined cutoffs are not available. Using all cutoffs",
                         fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = test.set,
                                                                measures = measures,
                                                                voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                                metric.names = "a",
                                                                cutoff.values = 0.7),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined metrics are not available. Using all metrics",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = test.set,
                                                                measures = measures,
                                                                voting.names = "a",
                                                                metric.names = "MCC",
                                                                cutoff.values = 0.7),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined votings are not available. Using all votings",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  file.path <-  file.path("resourceFiles",

  data <- Dataset$new(filepath = file.path,
                      header = TRUE,
                      sep = ",",
                      skip = 1,
                      normalize.names = TRUE,
                      string.as.factor = FALSE,
                      ignore.columns = NULL)

  data$createPartitions(num.folds = 4, class.balance = "Class")

  test.set <- data$createSubset(num.folds = 3,
                                class.index = "Class",
                                positive.class = "1")
  test.set$.__enclos_env__$private$positive.class <- "0"
  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$getPerformances(test.set = test.set,
                                                              measures = measures,
                                                              voting.names = "a",
                                                              metric.names = "MCC",
                                                              cutoff.values = 0.7),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Positive class values missmatch. ['0' vs '1'] used in classification and test respectively. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: savePerformances function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  dir.path <- normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                            winslash = "/",
                            mustWork = FALSE)
  file.path <-  file.path("resourceFiles",

  data <- Dataset$new(filepath = file.path,
                      header = TRUE,
                      sep = ",",
                      skip = 1,
                      normalize.names = TRUE,
                      string.as.factor = FALSE,
                      ignore.columns = NULL)

  data$createPartitions(num.folds = 4, class.balance = "Class")

  test.set <- data$createSubset(num.folds = 3,
                                class.index = "Class",
                                positive.class = "1")
  measures <- c(MCC$new())
  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$savePerformances(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                 test.set = test.set,
                                                                 measures = measures),
                          "\\[ClassificationOutput\\]\\[INFO\\] Classification performance saved at: [A-Za-z\\\\/_.]+")
  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$savePerformances(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                 test.set = test.set,
                                                                 measures = measures),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][INFO] Folder already exists",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                               winslash = "/",
                               mustWork = FALSE))) {
    unlink(x = normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                             winslash = "/",
                             mustWork = FALSE),
           recursive = TRUE,
           force = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: savePerformances function checks parameter type", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  dir.path <- normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                            winslash = "/",
                            mustWork = FALSE)
  file.path <-  file.path("resourceFiles",

  data <- Dataset$new(filepath = file.path,
                      header = TRUE,
                      sep = ",",
                      skip = 1,
                      normalize.names = TRUE,
                      string.as.factor = FALSE,
                      ignore.columns = NULL)

  data$createPartitions(num.folds = 4, class.balance = "Class")

  test.set <- data$createSubset(num.folds = 3,
                                class.index = "Class",
                                positive.class = "1")
  measures <- c(MCC$new())
  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$savePerformances(dir.path = NULL,
                                                               test.set = test.set,
                                                               measures = measures),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Save folder not set. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                               winslash = "/",
                               mustWork = FALSE))) {
    unlink(x = normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                             winslash = "/",
                             mustWork = FALSE),
           recursive = TRUE,
           force = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: plotPerformances function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  dir.path <- normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                            winslash = "/",
                            mustWork = FALSE)
  file.path <-  file.path("resourceFiles",

  data <- Dataset$new(filepath = file.path,
                      header = TRUE,
                      sep = ",",
                      skip = 1,
                      normalize.names = TRUE,
                      string.as.factor = FALSE,
                      ignore.columns = NULL)

  data$createPartitions(num.folds = 4, class.balance = "Class")

  test.set <- data$createSubset(num.folds = 3,
                                class.index = "Class",
                                positive.class = "1")
  measures <- c(MCC$new())
  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$plotPerformances(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                 test.set = test.set,
                                                                 measures = measures),
                           "\\[ClassificationOutput\\]\\[INFO\\] Plot has been succesfully saved at: [A-Za-z\\\\/_.]+")

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$plotPerformances(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                 test.set = test.set,
                                                                 measures = measures),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][INFO] Folder already exists",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                               winslash = "/",
                               mustWork = FALSE))) {
    unlink(x = normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                             winslash = "/",
                             mustWork = FALSE),
           recursive = TRUE,
           force = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: plotPerformances function checks parameter type", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  dir.path <- normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                            winslash = "/",
                            mustWork = FALSE)
  file.path <-  file.path("resourceFiles",

  data <- Dataset$new(filepath = file.path,
                      header = TRUE,
                      sep = ",",
                      skip = 1,
                      normalize.names = TRUE,
                      string.as.factor = FALSE,
                      ignore.columns = NULL)

  data$createPartitions(num.folds = 4, class.balance = "Class")

  test.set <- data$createSubset(num.folds = 3,
                                class.index = "Class",
                                positive.class = "1")
  measures <- c(MCC$new())
  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$plotPerformances(dir.path = NULL,
                                                               test.set = test.set,
                                                               measures = measures),
                         "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Path not defined. Aborting...",
                         fixed = TRUE)

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                               winslash = "/",
                               mustWork = FALSE))) {
    unlink(x = normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                             winslash = "/",
                             mustWork = FALSE),
           recursive = TRUE,
           force = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: getPredictions function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  voting.names <- NULL
  metric.names <- NULL
  cutoff.values <- NULL
  type <- NULL
  target <- NULL
  filter <- FALSE

  testthat::expect_is(classificationOutput$getPredictions(voting.names = voting.names,
                                                          metric.names = metric.names,
                                                          cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                          type = type,
                                                          target = target,
                                                          filter = filter),

  testthat::expect_is(classificationOutput$getPredictions(voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                                          metric.names = "MCC",
                                                          cutoff.values = 0.7,
                                                          type = type,
                                                          target = target,
                                                          filter = filter),

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPredictions(voting.names = voting.names,
                                                               metric.names = metric.names,
                                                               cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                               type = "prob",
                                                               target = NULL,
                                                               filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Target value does not match with actual target values: '1, 0'. Assuming '1' as default value",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPredictions(voting.names = voting.names,
                                                               metric.names = metric.names,
                                                               cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                               type = type,
                                                               target = target,
                                                               filter = NULL),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Filter parameter must be defined as 'logical' type. Assuming 'FALSE' as default value",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPredictions(voting.names = voting.names,
                                                               metric.names = metric.names,
                                                               cutoff.values = 0.2,
                                                               type = type,
                                                               target = target,
                                                               filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined Cutoffs are not available. Using all available cutoffs",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPredictions(voting.names = voting.names,
                                                               metric.names = "wrong",
                                                               cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                               type = type,
                                                               target = target,
                                                               filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined Metrics are not available. Using all available metrics",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$getPredictions(voting.names = "wrong",
                                                               metric.names = metric.names,
                                                               cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                               type = type,
                                                               target = target,
                                                               filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined Votings are not available. Using all available votings",
                           fixed = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: savePredictions function works", {

  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  dir.path <- normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                            winslash = "/",
                            mustWork = FALSE)
  voting.names <- NULL
  metric.names <- NULL
  cutoff.values <- NULL
  type <- NULL
  target <- NULL
  filter <- FALSE

  classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                       voting.names = voting.names,
                                       metric.names = metric.names,
                                       cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                       type = type,
                                       target = target,
                                       filter = filter)


  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                voting.names = voting.names,
                                                                metric.names = metric.names,
                                                                cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                                type = type,
                                                                target = target,
                                                                filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][INFO] Folder already exists",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                       voting.names = voting.names,
                                       metric.names = metric.names,
                                       cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                       type = type,
                                       target = "0",
                                       filter = filter)


  classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                       voting.names = voting.names,
                                       metric.names = metric.names,
                                       cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                       type = "raw",
                                       target = target,
                                       filter = filter)


  classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                       voting.names = voting.names,
                                       metric.names = metric.names,
                                       cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                       type = "raw",
                                       target = "0",
                                       filter = filter)


  classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                       voting.names = "ClassWeightedVoting",
                                       metric.names = "MCC",
                                       cutoff.values = 0.7,
                                       type = type,
                                       target = target,
                                       filter = filter)


  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                voting.names = voting.names,
                                                                metric.names = metric.names,
                                                                cutoff.values = 0.2,
                                                                type = type,
                                                                target = target,
                                                                filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined cutoffs are not available. Using all cutoffs",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                voting.names = voting.names,
                                                                metric.names = "wrong",
                                                                cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                                type = type,
                                                                target = target,
                                                                filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined metrics are not available. Using all metrics",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  testthat::expect_message(classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = dir.path,
                                                                voting.names = "wrong",
                                                                metric.names = metric.names,
                                                                cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                                type = type,
                                                                target = target,
                                                                filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][WARNING] Defined votings are not available. Using all votings",
                           fixed = TRUE)

  if (dir.exists(normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                               winslash = "/",
                               mustWork = FALSE))) {
    unlink(x = normalizePath(path = file.path(tempdir(),
                             winslash = "/",
                             mustWork = FALSE),
           recursive = TRUE,
           force = TRUE)

testthat::test_that("ClassificationOutput: savePredictions function checks parameter type", {
  classWeightedVotingProb <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classWeightedVotingRaw <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  final.pred <- D2MCS:::FinalPred$new()
  final.pred$set(prob = classWeightedVotingProb,
                 raw = classWeightedVotingRaw,
                 class.values = c(1, 0),
                 positive.class = 1)

  classWeightedVoting <- ClassWeightedVoting$new(cutoff = 0.7,
                                                 weights = c(0.549, 0.382, 0.385))

  classWeightedVoting$.__enclos_env__$private$final.pred <- final.pred

  voting.schemes <- list("SingleVoting" =
                           list("MCC" =
                                  list("0.7" =
                                         list(ClassWeightedVoting = classWeightedVoting))))

  trained.models <- readRDS(file.path("resourceFiles",

  classificationOutput <- ClassificationOutput$new(voting.schemes = voting.schemes,
                                                   models = trained.models)

  voting.names <- NULL
  metric.names <- NULL
  cutoff.values <- NULL
  type <- NULL
  target <- NULL
  filter <- FALSE

  testthat::expect_error(classificationOutput$savePredictions(dir.path = NULL,
                                                              voting.names = voting.names,
                                                              metric.names = metric.names,
                                                              cutoff.values = cutoff.values,
                                                              type = type,
                                                              target = target,
                                                              filter = filter),
                           "[ClassificationOutput][FATAL] Save folder not set. Aborting...",
                           fixed = TRUE)

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D2MCS documentation built on Aug. 23, 2022, 5:07 p.m.