cv.lm <-
function (data = DAAG::houseprices, form.lm = formula(sale.price ~
area), m = 3, dots = FALSE, seed = 29, plotit = c("Observed",
"Residual"), col.folds = NULL, main = "Small symbols show cross-validation predicted values",
legend.pos = "topleft", printit = TRUE, ...)
gphtype <- ""
if (is.logical(plotit)) {
if (plotit)
gphtype <- "Observed"
else if (is.character(plotit)) {
if (!(plotit[1] %in% c("Observed", "Residual", "")))
stop(paste("Illegal argument plotit =", plotit[1]))
gphtype <- plotit[1]
if (plotit[1] %in% c("Observed", "Residual"))
plotit <- TRUE
else stop("Argument plotit must be logical or character")
if (inherits(form.lm, "formula"))
form <- form.lm
else if (class(form.lm) %in% c("call", "lm"))
form <- formula(form.lm)
else stop("form.lm must be formula or call or lm object")
formtxt <- deparse(form)
mf <- model.frame(form, data = data)
ynam <- attr(mf, "names")[attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response")]
data.lm <- lm(mf)
tm <- terms(mf)
xcolumns <- labels(tm)
n <- nrow(data)
if (length(xcolumns) == 1) {
stline <- TRUE
xnam <- xcolumns
else {
stline <- FALSE
xnam <- "Predicted"
data[, ynam] <- model.response(mf)
data[, "Predicted"] <- predict(data.lm)
data[, "cvpred"] <- numeric(n)
yval <- mf[, ynam]
if (gphtype == "Residual")
yval <- yval - data[, "Predicted"]
if (!is.null(seed))
n <- dim(data)[1]
rand <- sample(n)%%m + 1
foldnum <- sort(unique(rand))
for (i in foldnum) { <- rand != i
rows.out <- rand == i
subs.lm <- lm(form, data = data[, ])
data[rows.out, "cvpred"] <- predict(subs.lm, newdata = data[rows.out,
data[, "fold"] <- rand
if (plotit) {
oldpar <- par(lwd = 2)
ylim <- range(yval)
if (gphtype == "Residual")
ylim <- range(c(ylim, data[, "cvpred"] - data[, "Predicted"]))
else ylim <- range(c(ylim, data[rows.out, "cvpred"]))
if (is.null(col.folds)) {
col.folds <- palette()[c(2, 3, 6, 1, 4:5, 7)]
if (m > 7)
col.folds <- c(col.folds, rainbow(m - 7))
halfcolor <- adjustcolor(col.folds, alpha.f = 0.75)
ltypes <- 1:m
ptypes <- 2:(m + 1)
if (stline)
xlab <- xnam
else {
xlab <- "Predicted (fit to all data)"
warning(paste("\n\n As there is >1 explanatory variable, cross-validation\n",
"predicted values for a fold are not a linear function\n",
"of corresponding overall predicted values. Lines that\n",
"are shown for the different folds are approximate\n"))
ylab <- ynam
if (gphtype == "Residual")
ylab <- paste(ynam, " (offset from predicted using all data)")
plot(as.formula(paste("yval ~", xnam)), data = data,
ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, type = "p", pch = ptypes[rand],
col = col.folds[rand], cex = 1.25, xlab = xlab)
title(main = main, cex = 1.05)
if (dots) {
with(data, points(as.formula(paste("yval ~", xnam)),
data = data, type = "p", pch = 16, col = col.folds[rand],
cex = 1))
sumss <- 0
sumdf <- 0
for (i in foldnum) { <- rand != i
rows.out <- rand == i
n.out <- sum(rows.out)
resid <- data[rows.out, ynam] - data[rows.out, "cvpred"]
ss <- sum(resid^2)
sumss <- sumss + ss
if (printit) {
fold_data <- t(cbind(data[rows.out, c(xnam, "cvpred",
ynam)], resid))
rownames(fold_data) = c(xnam, "cvpred", ynam, "CV residual")
cat("\nfold", i, "\n")
cat("Observations in test set:", n.out, "\n")
print(fold_data, collab = rep("", n.out))
cat("\nSum of squares =", round(ss, 2), " Mean square =",
round(ss/n.out, 2), " n =", n.out, "\n")
if (plotit) {
xval <- data[rows.out, xnam]
nminmax <- c(which.min(xval), which.max(xval))
cvpred <- data[rows.out, "cvpred"]
if (gphtype == "Residual")
cvpred <- cvpred - data[rows.out, "Predicted"]
points(xval, cvpred, col = halfcolor[i], pch = ptypes[i],
cex = 0.8, lwd = 1)
n1 <- which.min(xval)
n2 <- which.max(xval)
fold.lm <- lm(cvpred ~ xval)
fold.b <- coef(fold.lm)
lines(xval[c(n1, n2)], fold.b[1] + fold.b[2] * xval[c(n1,
n2)], col = col.folds[i], lty = ltypes[i])
midtop <- c(mean(par()$usr[1:2]), par()$usr[4] +
1.75 * par()$cxy[2])
par(lwd = 1, xpd = TRUE)
legend(x = legend.pos, legend = paste("Fold", 1:m,
" "), pch = ptypes, text.width = 150, lty = ltypes,
col = col.folds, cex = 0.75, ...)
sumdf <- sum(![, "Predicted"]))
if (printit) {
cat("\nOverall", "(Sum over all", n.out, "folds)", "\n")
print(c(ms = sumss/sumdf))
attr(data, "ms") <- sumss/sumdf
attr(data, "df") <- sumdf
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